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okay so everyone in this video we're going to talk about the occ or oil catch cam i've already received quite a number of questions about this as to whether installing an occ is a good or bad idea so i believe in order for us to answer this question better it is imperative that we need to understand first how this thing works in conjunction with how the crankcase ventilation system works considering the last video i made was about the pcb this is default and overall about the crankcase ventilation system i strongly suggest that you watch this video too okay now i will tell you out front as far as i'm concerned i do not recommend installing one you see i have two vehicles here both diesel engines 2.5 liter and neither of them have an occ and i will explain why okay briefly like i've already explained in this video we need to put a crank case vent on our engine in order to get rid of blow by gases and not only do we want it to vent out we also want it to be drawn or sucked out of the crankcase as quickly as possible remember that phrase okay as quickly as possible because like i've already said in this video blow by gases is made up of hot air exhaust fumes unburned fuel and hot oil vapors if you allow that to linger inside your clam case that is going to make your engine oil hotter it will mix with your engine oil and that will ruin the proper viscosity of the oil and your engine will lose its proper lubrication hence your engine wears out sooner so that is the reason why our crankcase vent is connected to the intake in order for the blow by gases to be drawn out of the crankcase as quickly as possible but the downside of that is your intake will end up looking like this and not only that it also has the tendency to accumulate on your valves causing a carbon build up and if that carbon build up becomes excessive that might interfere with the opening and closing of the valve so this is the reason why some people install an occ now how does this thing work so you have your inlet port here and you have your filter material here like this one and this is your outlet port so your inlet port is connected to your crankcase vent and this outlet port is connected to the intake manifold so blow by gases is going to pass from here gets through this filter and as it does it separates the oil and so before the blow by gases enters the intake it is mainly just pure air preventing this from happening now a lot of people think that this is what separates the oil or that this filters out the oil and that is not correct what it does is it slows down the flow from here to here and as the flow slows down it gives the blow-by gases time to cool down and expand and as it cools down condensation happens so the moisture content that is present in the blow-by gases like unburned fuel and hot oil vapors condenses and turns into liquid and falls and accumulates here that is why they call this an oil catch can the way this thing works is similar to this actually not similar but exactly the same working principle this for an air compressor it goes by the name of water separator or air dryer now if you ever own an air compressor you know that every so often you need to drain the sounds of water and the reason why your air compressor accumulates water is because air has moisture in it and that is precisely why we have this term called humidity and that refers to the moisture content that is present in the air so as your air compressor sucks in that air it will also suck in that moisture with it and that is the reason why we sometimes need to install a water separator so that we won't have that water come out from our hose so just like your occ this tool does not filter out that water okay what it does is it slows down the flow from here to here let me show you okay so we have 90 psi first let me release the air without this connected as you see the flow is constant because the flow is unconstructed so let's bring the pressure to 90 psi again and this time with the air dry connected the regulator is all the way open 90 psi okay now watch the gauge see that it went up abruptly and then it went down i'll do that again see same thing and that is because the flow from here to this end is obstructed now watch what happens if i will release the hose from this end okay the pressure inside the hose will be released almost immediately see by contrast if i will disconnect it here the flow is included see so like i've said this thing slows down the flow of air from here to here and as it does it gives the air time to cool down and expand and as it cools down condensation happens turning the moisture content in the air into liquid that is why you would see the water collected here so this does not filter the water and magically separates it from the air but it slows down the flow condensing the moisture into liquid so it's the same with the occ so why is this important like i've said in the beginning you want blow by gases out of the crankcase as quickly as possible okay as quickly as possible that is why you just have a short holes from here to here but if you install an occ you will need a much longer hose say you have the occ here a much longer hose okay and another longer hose towards the intake and that will impede or slow down the flow of blow by gases from your crankcase the result is like i've said if you allow blow by gases to linger inside your plant case that will make your engine oil hotter it will mix with your engine oil that will ruin the proper viscosity of the oil and your engine will lose its proper lubrication hence your engine works out much sooner so you may have prevented this from happening to your intake by installing an occ but in so doing your engine worse out sooner let me show you okay we have the global gases being sucked into the intake let's just take a look at the tube let me just put a paper cone just so we can see it better okay as you can see we don't see any oil being pushed out there even if i left the engine see let's try to install this okay like i've said this works just like an occ and it will slow down the flow from here to here so with that installed let's take a look at the dipstick again as you can see the oil is being pushed out of there and that is because the flow blow by gases is impeded hence the blow by lingers and it is building up inside the crumb case that is why the oil is being pushed out from there so let me remove this and let's put on a new hose there that is just ordinary garden hose okay so let's put a new paper cone on there and as you can see there is no oil being pushed out from there because the glow by gasses is not impeded now that is the reason why i don't have an occ because as far as i'm concerned the disadvantage far outweighs the benefit because it's a far more easier job to clean this intake or perhaps remove the cylinder head and clean the valves than to bring down the entire engine and perform an engine overhaul now i have seen a lot of posts or videos on facebook groups they say they installed an occ then two or three months down the road they noticed their engine spewing smoke from the dipstick tube or the brittle holes now like i've said the disadvantage of having an occ far outweighs the benefit now i'm not here to debate with you okay if you want to install an occ if you believe it's better it's up to you it's your engine but as far as i'm concerned with the explanation that i just told you that is why i don't have an occ or catch cam installed so anyway i do believe i will end it here i hope you found this helpful and informative if you believe that having an occ is more beneficial i would like to know more about that too let me know in the comments below like share subscribe if you want to only if you want to and as always thank you for watching
Channel: Mr. DIYer
Views: 145,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hDx09voTlbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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