This is why German Shepherds are the FUNNIEST DOGS 🐶

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[Music] welcome water quality is not up to your requirements [Music] do you guys want uh do you maybe want to go could you make me want to go get a cookie [Music] German Shepherds are handsome but not easy about that [Music] don't pop it off oh you broke it surprises are indispensable when you've got German Shepherds such as having an end Christmas early [Music] what excuse me [Music] foreign [Music] stop whinging your soft day no no on your bed [Music] you stayed up late to watch movies and you'll be like doing what your legs can strike at any moment if your daddy's princess [Music] eight nine ten everyone's born with a special talent like this detective Talent [Music] laughs [Music] which of these two types of people are you oh boy look at his twerk s [Music] everything can wait but not passion look at this [Music] German Shepherds are the most prestigious purveyor of childhood tickets [Music] bestie is the strongest spiritual support when failing in love foreign [Music] [Music] so I'm trying to get Hagen in this kennel watch this let's go ahead come on [Music] dad I want to help [Music] trusting German Shepherds will give you a lot of things especially lessons nope nope those are my cookies no no there's a way no chocolate chips are bad for you Balto [Music] Balto what are you doing mum it's not time for introverts to communicate yet bye okay goodbye brother now the house will belong to me alone [Music] how to keep your boyfriend from being robbed [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] the only person who can keep your secrets absolutely awesome [Music] extrovert when no one to make friends foreign [Music] you trade your courage for a handsome face [Music] [Music] [Music] how to apply for this boy's position [Music] you know water can be sold for money thank you give up if you want this war to end [Music] excuse me what are you doing there's nothing better than finding a new private territory what are you doing up there I left you in here for a couple minutes what are you doing [Music] fourth time in a day bestie's sad because of her huge red flag [Music] what if 70 of German Shepherds is bigotry Bella come here [Music] Bella come here what about your German Shepherds many interesting videos are waiting for you foreign
Channel: Ginger Cat
Views: 2,880,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: husky, husky the drama queen, cute animals, funny husky, funny video, funny animals, cats, dogs, funny dogs, funny, cute funny dog videos, funny cat videos, best of 2023, funny animal videos, Best Funny Animal Videos 2023, German Shepherds, German Shepherds dog, GSD dog, get a gsd dog
Id: pwNqOkkdry4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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