This is what 'The Cheapest' Song sounds like (Fiverr Experiment)

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please take my song and try to imagine that you're a 35 year old legend that is still in high school because you got held back a lot of times [Music] yeah so i've been watching a lot of youtube lately and everybody's doing these fiverr videos and if you don't know what fiverr is by now then at some point you know you just need to grow up fiverr is basically just an online website where you go and you pay for these different types of internet services from strangers and no not those types of services but yeah man these youtubers they spend a lot of money on this website i'm talking thousands of dollars thousands of dollars and for what content now i personally love these types of videos so i figured you know i'm i'm kind of considered a youtuber now why not dip my toes in that and that hot steamy wet pool of content waiting to be created just ease into it like an old man eases into a bathtub but then i remembered your boy is broke and with that being said we have a sponsor for today's video that sponsor is me buy my hoodies please please my merch store is in the description box down below and every single cent goes towards making this channel better it's like investing in your own entertainment all right let's get into the video so like i said before you know i can't just be out here spending hundreds of dollars on fiverr so what we're going to do is hire the cheapest musicians on fiverr to make my naked drum track into a full song i want a bassist i'm talking about a guitar player a singer i want them to make this track come to life and i'm genuinely curious to see what musicians who are working at such a cheap price are willing to produce but there's a twist rather than hiring let's say one guitar player we're gonna hire three and we're gonna choose which one is the best and when i say best i don't mean who has the most chops i mean the one who fits the song the best the one that that inserts himself inside the music for the greater good of of the song so first thing we need is obviously a drum track and i don't mean just some normal standard groove and waiting for somebody to solo over it no i want this song to have structure meaning purpose intensity make it have like a form you know maybe aaba or aba i don't know yet i haven't recorded it yet maybe even change the groove around for different sections of the tune all right so let's let's just hop on the drum set welcome back to my drum set [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we are back on my fab top and i'm scrolling through the website for a bass player right and obviously we gotta have a bass player first because you know drums bass balls of the band and it looks like to me that five dollars is the cheapest price which would make sense because you know five or five dollars that's just now making sense to me what if we find three different bass players and when i say different i mean one for like metal or rock one for jazz and one for maybe slap and fun just to mix things up a little bit you know you got to spice things up in the bedroom video all right so it looks like i found our first guy top quality but cheap and look at that five dollars song tempo i definitely think it was 115 bpm any other details you want me to know about hi hello how are you now that he knows that we are civil and respectful people from the looks of your profile picture i can see that you're a good looking guy congrats on that bro i wish i was dealt the same handsome card when i was born my brothers were though i feel like i spent most of my life just playing catch up to their good looks and dangerous charm so much to where i almost feel like i missed out on the smaller but greater things life has to offer for example riding a bike with no hands or playing a game at kickball with the homies you see i was too scared to go outside because i was afraid of what others would think about my big mop ball of a haircut or my chubby cheeks so i just resulted in me staying inside and playing drums all day long fast forward to recently i've realized that i do in fact have something to offer that's something you ask it's called love i'm not a hippie or anything i just realize that love is what makes the world go round and round not good looks or how much money you have anyways for the song just make something groovy let's start the order and that's five dollars right out of my bank account please like the video so you can help me get it back now we're just gonna send the same thing to two more bass players and hope that they don't report me lee mark123 i watch his videos he's definitely a slapper so that'll be cool bam and for our third and final bass player we found an upright basis perfect for like jazz bam all right now all we got to do is wait and um all right i'll see you next week probably i don't know um i'll miss you a lot huh all right bye yo what's up it's your boy penny skinis we all obviously know that as drummers finding a new bass player is like finding a new girlfriend you want to make each other grow together and and be better hi baby girl so our first basis is the rock slash metal guy let's check it out also i just want to mention that i have not heard any of these yet so it should be interesting all right [Music] yeah dan [Music] oh i forgot i even played that group [Music] wow [Music] all right [Music] okay dan i love the groove i love the fill i just wish you hit the hits with me man you kind of just left me hanging on the hits man nope that's okay though because you only charge me five dollars next bass player we got lee mark the funk slap guy let's let's give it a listen [Music] okay hitting all the hits don't do that to me [Music] oh yes [Music] okay five dollars are you kidding me that was easily way more than five dollars worth he hit all the hits with me the dude was funky as hell so far he's our top guy in and wow wow next oh that's right this is the upright basis right so let's check it out [Music] um [Music] okay [Music] man that was also way more than five dollars worth okay i really like the simplicity i love that little base fill he did during the four bar instrumental i love how locked in he was with the bass drum he also caught all the hits which was amazing but and this is gonna break my heart because upright bass is home for me lee mark just had that you know he literally made me want to dance so even though i love this take we got to go with our boy lee all right now i'm going to send the least part to three guitarists and we're gonna you know find which one's the best i guess i'll see you soon again i miss you already yeah all right guys we are back once again and i'm not gonna lie to you i'm pretty impressed by these guitar players because every single one of them got their tracks back to me like two days later seriously so we got my boy mick bright who does jazz blues or funk guitar for your project fingerstyle and acoustic guitar and my boy takis school i'm not going to try to pronounce that so we'll just call him taki all right don't be tripping just like last time i have not heard these yet so this should be interesting once again okay [Music] okay got some lead in there [Music] interesting note choice but you know it's all good it's all good in the hood [Music] baby [Music] cool i really like the rhythm that count there was one questionable note but everything else was like you know it flowed really nicely i enjoyed that thank you and it was only and it was only five dollars so i'm very happy about that man thank you next acoustic guitar i'm expecting like some oasis type of thing cause maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me yeah where are you you know [Music] so [Music] next we got my boy taking [Music] so [Music] turkey [Music] yeah yeah i think we can all agree that that one is obviously the one we're gonna use not only did he add to the music but he also complimented the bass player by doubling some of his lines and then going off and doing his own thing but still making it sound like everybody else is thinking overall it was just beautiful man like if i had a gig tomorrow and we had to play some songs that we've never heard before i would call this guy because i already trust him to do what's right for the music you know not just all over the song you know beautiful stuff man now we're going to take his track my track the bass players track i'm going to send it off to a singer and see what we can come up with [Music] i'm pretty nervous about this part because the song already sounds it sounds pretty decent but i'm nervous because the song can easily go from here to here if the vocals ain't slapping so i'm i'm please please first one let's check it out [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] take it down at first i was a little worried but then he started coming in with that and i was like okay it's kind of emo it's like an emo bop and then he came in with that and i was like nice okay okay it's super obvious that the style of music that i sent him doesn't really correlate with the style of music he's probably used to playing or hearing but man next oh my man oh he even left me a little review let's go i didn't know people could review me oh god i don't want to know what my stars look like quick little backstory on this guy he asked me some very specific instructions on what kind of song to sing about what kind of story what's what's the setting i said hello please take my song and try to imagine that you're a 35 year old virgin that is still in high school because you got held back a lot of times i get it [Music] i wanna be [Music] oh [Music] all right this is the last one [Music] that you know [Music] [Music] too bad [Music] i won't be settling for less to me that one fit the song stylistically the most that's pretty cool yeah yeah yeah all right so now that we both learned what the cheapest possible prize can get you on fiverr why not give it a shot yourself look i know it's hard out there finding musicians or friends and who knows maybe someday i'll do this video again but this time making the most expensive fiverr song if you're new here please consider subscribing if you like what i do on the channel if you're not new here then you know you need to grow up thank you so much for sitting through the whole entire video i know it was a long one so just for you stick around for about six more seconds and i'm gonna give you a little surprise at the end of the video okay you ready you ready
Channel: ZackGrooves
Views: 567,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R-batToGlbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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