THIS is what Pro Drifting looks like...

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Bulls we are doing an empty event winner will get this much money go into the pits area everybody we are now officially starting professional formula Dorito event oh oh God damn God damn son look at that cake ladies and gentlemen the first pair is Alexander and faded faded with a BMW and Alexander is over here with a Mustang when I enable the line we go the right dude is the leader left dude is the Chaser and the lights are on and that's the start oh that's beautiful the lights actually work okay we got faded and Alexander approaching the corner of Doom which the first Corner Hot Corner both of them survived faded with a fat angle Mustang struggling to match angle over there takes it inside to catch John F is quick with the BMW must goes too wide over there on the grass no Gra losing Point points right now because he's not on the door FedEd looking really strong there is last Corner left over here and the finish line is over here faded is looking really good right now Alexander is going to lead now and Faded is going to be chasing M against BMW and we are going we are going that's the start right there Mustang is leading okay let's see that first Corner this is this is the tricky Corner over there fed with almost no angle I guess the chainer has less angle to begin with to just kind of match the speed of the leader yeah faded not a lot of angle as a chaser but he the proximity is looking better for faded Mustang's lead is not too bad actually it's pretty decent lead but faded with just better angle Mustang is going off the road a little bit there was contact over there I guess the Chan should have like uh kept his distance more to let the lead the transition fainted with the BMW E46 is going into round number two Alexander I'm sorry spy and Dove line up next dove with a Corvette and spy with the s13 dove is leading spot Jason the race is on okay here we go that whipping it oh that's that's deep that went deep there little tiny wall T by double good going through all the zones SP is traveling to match up the angle and speed he catching up slowly beautiful okay nice proximity by spy there do going through all the Zones look at that rare tires in the zone all the time very good lines by do to the zone and last Corner over here takes the inside I mean that was beautiful spy is now going to lead and do is going to be chasing all right here we go here we boys this going to be good this going to be good and here we go spy is leading D Jason and we are off into the first Corner Spot not the best entry over there missed half the Zone D did not get it completely as well if I remember correctly but it was better okay let's see spine going too wide there Dro two tires soed Dove basically over there but not as bad and last Zone over here the inside over the Finish Line I mean I don't know it kind of smells like omt because uh they both kind of made mistakes I guess okay it is omt so they're going to do it again I guess spawn is going to chase and do is going to lead so we got Dove omt do is leading spawn is chasing going to click the button right now and we are off all right here we go yeah you got to wait for the green light oh Dove clip the cones though do did clip the cones not the end of the world over there Spa gave a little La T to do over there so I guess like two minor mistakes for both of them so far but these are two really good players these are really good players right there rest of it is looking like it's smooth sailing spy keeping it inside to not lose the proximity we have gone through all the zones last corner Corner inside nice proximity good lead right now looking 50/50 uh anything could change uh spawn is going to lead D is going to change two really good players let's check it out lights are on on the green we got to go all right here we go here we go dude the lights are so awesome by the way the lights are awesome okay here we go first go to spy with a nice lead entry right there that was the best lead entry so far at least D is keeping up that lead is looking good for spy right now really smooth lead by spy God damn okay okay did drop one tire uh lost a little speed over there spy but rest of it is looking okay it was close battle it was a close battle apparently do is getting the win over here so do is going to round number two because after the omt do dropped less tires Souls andila are next by the way fun fact about solsten solsten has won these events many times before so he is one of the strongest competitors over there Solon is going to lead and cila is going to be chasing here we go three two 1 light are enabled and we are off CA and Solon approaching the first Corner over here Solon looking good CA with little tiny Corrections little wall tap as well over there yeah Sol pretty much a Flawless lead over there ton is at least kind of kind of keeping up not not on the door but he's trying to replicate the line and this is the last Corner over here takes the inside and over the finish line so Solan is going to be chasing now and CA is going to lead okay we're going to start right now going to enable the lights and we are off we are off yeah on the green you get to go cila is on the lead first Corner the corner of Doom over here oh God CA tapped the wall which unsettled his car and there was contact because of the wall tap over there so we can't really blame suon over here CA going too wide over there misses the Zone completely I think Solan is looking strong over here right now based on these two runs cila dropped the tire as well last Corner over here Solon is going into round number two next pair is urban and funs over here Urban is over here with a BRZ funs is over here also with a BRZ okay this is going to be the best battle ever same car so it's only going to come down to skill over here Urban is leading f is jsing I'm going to enable the Lance right now here we go and they're off two brz's okay that first corner is important let's check that out Urban with a big sand beautiful dro the tire I think goes to the Zone over here does it take the inside yes it does f is keeping up love the proximity over here Urban is making Corrections dropped at least one tire over there as well not looking the best to be fair yeah Fun's really good chance no contact with the duty front all the way till the end yeah funs incredible chase by the way incredible uh fun is going to be leading now and noan is going to be chasing I think there was a slight lead for fun lights off and here we go check it out yeah that entry is scary okay there we go oh there was the scary entry F just ruined his full run over here if that was real FD he would be done like that would be it that would be it one mistake he did recover because it's a video game but that's that's that that's a zero yeah Urban is getting an automatic win over here Urban is going into round number two uh Joseph I'm going to switch okay for context Joseph is going to be put over here against janify because they need some time to prepare and treq is going to go against SNS SN is leading trinu is Jason all right here we go okay green you may go now beautiful all right SN is going Coler blind SN is in the lead approaching the first Corner what is that reverse entry by Tre Q that's horrible snogs is looking a lot better than treq right now treq also need to catch up takes the inside beautiful still struggling to catch up actually SN is going to the Zone stre Q two inside there as well SNS through all the zone so far last Corner takes the inside as well over the finish line so Tre Q is now going to lead and snogs is going to chase here we go here we go lights on and we're going threeq in the lead SN Jason approaching the first going let check it out two good player Sno where's the angle over here Tri you missing the zone as well I guess can't really blame the chain that we not able will replicate the leadest line if the line is really bad so Sno I think is in a slight lead sno's lead was good when he was leading by the way pre lead is not looking as strong over here he's going to the zones now while struggling in the first half of the map over here and last Corner takes the inside so treq and SN the winner is SN so SN is going into round number two congratulations next pair is going to be k and William Kai is over here with an RX7 he's always using an RX7 for some reason in these events and William also with the RX7 with the same libery even okay boys both using RX7 is the Battle of rx7s we got Kai we got William Kai is leading William is chasing I'm going to enable the lights right now and on the green we go beautiful K got a pretty good start over there he's taking off William needs to catch up leaps in there little tap to Kai unsettles the leader car over there but Kai is also not looking too strong like he's messing up his lines big time the lead is really weird so is the chase I don't know what is happening over here they're both struggling maybe the RX7 is not the best car after all for drafton okay last Corner over here takes the takes the Zone crashes right after the finish line that was not a really good run to be fair can Jason William is leading okay here we go oh goodness okay Chas kind of prematurely leaped in there and that that that leap kind of caused him the chase over here I think William did drop I think two two tires over there if I'm not mistaken okay William is lagging horribly right now William did you not p P your downloads you're like suddenly lagging not on the first half but on the second half William is lagging Kai is struggling to replicate the the lead line over here I think even Kai is lagging I don't know what is happening over here and the winner is Kai so Kai is going into round number two Seth and Alex are next did Seth just dip out Seth isn't coming okay well the opponent did not appear so Alex is getting an automatic win s is getting a dnf Joseph and Johnny are next so Joseph and Johnny Johnny is with a GTR Jason Joseph is coming with a BMW e92 I believe e92 BMW is going to be leading against the GTR and we're going Joseph is leading Jenny Jason first Corner over here Joseph going fast almost the reverse entry over there okay Johnny is keep not replicating the lead this line beautiful Joseph going through the zones didn't go fully through the first Zone but that's all right here let's see this one rare tires have to be in the zone all the way beautiful Joseph beautiful and Jif as well really nice Chase as well and last cor dude that was amazing actually that was actually amazing so Jif is now going to lead and Joseph is now going to chase Joseph and janify on the green we go beautiful okay hopefully this is as good as the last run Jif goes really wide over there drops a tire Joseph did give a little laugh tap to Jif over here Jif is taking all the zones from now on T was struggling in the last Corner straightened out right there that was pretty bad for Johnny B dropped the tire as well well over here Jen's lead is not looking too good I feel like Joseph is looking better Joseph looks more stable in terms of like the lead and Chase just more stable and the winner is Joseph Joseph is going to go into round number two uh round number two faded and Dove first pair line up do has a Corvette and Faded with a bmwe 46 do is going to be chasing faded is going to lead lights are enabled on the Green we go right there round number two boys we're getting closer to giving away the 100 USD faded with a nice lead right there rare tires tued in the zone takes this Zone as well close to the barrier do did a little wall TR over there on sale this car faded nice angle oh Dove crashed into faded there a little oopsy D is not looking too good right now faded in the zone again d little tap again Do's corette seems to have too much grip it seems maybe I'm not sure fed is going to chance and D is going to lead and here we go boys here we go L are enabled let's check it out D faded two good drivers all right first Corner come on do show us what you got oh that was so clean dude I can't how did do not tap the barrier he could not have been any close to the barrier that initiation was Bonkers by do over there do did barely missed the inside Zone there sadly faded nice proximity though on the door really good chase by faded but D that lead was good it was a good lead f is going into the semi-final now four dude in the semifinal guys can we get some ggs for dove incredible driver next pair is going to be oh that's going to be good we got urban urban and suon Sultan leading Urban chasing lights are on and we are off it's going to be good boys it's going to be good okay Solon let's see that perfect lead over there beautiful oh my God Urban chain is so nice little La tap over there not a big deal Sol takes the zones over there inside another inside Zone over here as well yeah beautiful I mean look at this the chains the lead these guys are absolutely Bonkers s all the way over here I think he dropped a tire maybe but there was a little contact as well so can't really say anything bad about solon's lead because there was Tiny contact Solon chaning Urban is leading lights are enabled on the green we go it's green Urban leading Sultan Jon let's check it out okay another perfect entry over here this time by Urban suon also G it a little tap to the leader over there in the first corner all good Urban going through all the zones over here what am I watching right now okay Urban takes the inside as well okay outside over here ooh Solon kind of almost straightened out there but proximity is looking good I mean I don't know last Corner over here and over the Finish Line Urban and Solon I mean God damn they're good both messed up here and there so it is omt sulan I think is now going to lead and urban is going to chase okay omt here we go so LS are on and this is the green light Solon is leading Urban and Chason here we go approaching the first Corner let's see does Solon crashed into the barrier oh no that's a zero no that's a zero by Solon are you kidding me right now Solon are you kidding me yeah Urban is just going to finish his run over here we are swapping positions uh Solon is going to chase Urban is going to lead anything could change Urban could also get a zero not looking too good for Solon Solon is Jon Urban is leading and here we go if Urban gets the zero as well it will be omt though Urban is taking it careful Urban is not even going through all the zones perfectly because you know he has the upper hand over here yeah all he has to do is do like a really mediocre run over here and urban knows that Solon is giving a good Chas though but unless Urban goes off the track with like all fours I think it's GG yeah over this Zone and last corner right there oh SED saled you even eliminated the leader right there at the very end Urban is going into the semi-final Solon is is a watch down steam dor apparently SN and Kai line up next SN over here with the BMW and Kai with the RX7 right Kai is leading SN is chasing and on the green We Go Kai by the way the leader is playing in VR he's drifting in VR for Corner looking pretty good for Kai SNS with a with a big correction there but not a big deal yeah K is looking good snog is looking off to be honest SN dropping tires K is L is looking nice Kai I think yeah Kai dropped a tire as well to be fair and last corner right now okay to be fair K of did drop a tire so I don't know i' I still feel like Kai is leading right now because sn's usually a really good player kind of play poorly over here I guess maybe the map is hard I'm not sure but Kai is going to be chasing and Sno over here is going to be leading and we are going to enable the lights lights are off and here we go k chasing s leading first Corner let's check it out okay Kai is missing most of the Zone over here as a leader K need to kind jump though going to going to see a better proximity by okay there we go takes the inside that's pretty pretty okay okay s nice and talked in in this corner at least takes the takes the outside over there going to take the inside yep I think SNS at the very end dropped a tire as well K is going into the semifinal last pair in the round number two is Alex against Joseph Alex with the S15 with a big wing Joseph is coming with a BMW e92 I believe yeah BMW e92 is going to be chasing last pair in round number two lights are enabl Joseph is chasing Alex is leading let's check it out first Corner the most difficult part over here Joseph to the reverse entry and took out the leader and dropped tires as well that's a zero isn't it that's a zero goes back into the pits tail between his legs Alex is going to be chasing now Joseph is leading and three two 1 lights around it's green Joseph leading Alex Jason here we go Joseph needs to pull the rabbit out of the ass because he had a zero he did kind of straighten out there wait Alex is also straightening out right now okay there we go there sideways this is a really scared run over here okay second half hopefully looking better over here Joseph going through the whole Zone over here that was perfect goes through this Zone as well and the last inside corner I mean I don't even know Alex's Chase wasn't that good as well over here but to be fair Joseph did get a zero so even if Alex did a horrible run it was not a zero Joseph unfortunately is out and Alex automatically goes into the semifinal over here and that's that we are now moving on into the semifinal we have three battles I believe so faded and urban line up faded and urban faded is lining up with a BMW 46 and urban is coming with a BRZ the first battle of the semi-final on the green we go right now faded leading into the first Corner urbanist Jason oh goodness looking a little rough in the for Corner yeah you got to give it enough space for the leader if you are a chance ped a lot of angle a lot I love the angle from Pon really good angle looking like a decent lead so far rare turnus tucked in there does he go through the Zone over here yes he does last Corner over here Urban takes out the leader Urban what are you doing Urban no before the Finish Line took out the leader oh goodness so FedEd is now going to chance and urban is now going to lead Urban is not looking too strong right now anything could change but FedEd is chasing right here we go Urban leading FedEd Chasing Lights activated and this is the green lights let's check it out okay Urban has to pull the rabbit out of the ass as well over here really good entry by Urban by the way really good lead faded incredible Chase so so far got to give credit what credit is do yeah they're both looking really good right now on this specific run both lead and Chase is good I can't see anything bad about any of those participants over here okay both take this Zone and last corner I mean that was just that was like both like just 10 out of 10 H it comes down to the first run faded is going into the actual final he is so close to grabbing that prize pool so close and next pair is going to be Kai and Alex one of them will go into the semifinal one of them will go home with nothing that's the start the Leader by the way has VR why is my light in the middle of the road there that's kind of weird anyway we're going to ignore that Kai struggling a little bit with the initiation uh okay I mean he looking a little SL from both Alex's proximity is good at least the straighten up the straighten up exactly what a complimented him so both are struggling over here I guess maybe the nerves have gotten to them again straightened out Alex straightened out randomly maybe he has too much grip I'm not sure but Alex who was chasing is now going to lead and Kai is going to chase over here and here we go lights are enabled on the Green here we go one of them will go into the final none of them look that good on the previous run Alex pretty decent lead K needs to catch up a little bit there we go that's pretty good proximity Kai messed up big time all four tires off the road Kai oh no the dude in VR the VR Sim Drifter went off with all four four tires and that means that Alex is getting an automatic win into the final oh no okay guys get let's get some FS for Kai and Now ladies and gentlemen we have the final the winner is going to be getting 116 USD so faded and Alex line up Alex over here is going to be chasing f is going to be leading it seems resetting the lights this is the final right now here we go that's the green beta taking off a lot of speed a lot of speed don't overshoot it okay there we go both looking good so far both are looking absolutely incredible loving the proximity as well yeah faded with a lot of angle faded should get like bonus points for angle I think he has the most angle of of of like any participants wait what was that fed is looking in a better position right now than Alex right Alex is going to lead fed is going to chase the final here we go this is it boys this is it come on don't don't don't trow it Alex don't throw it okay initiation good first going good faded nice proximity I mean to be fair if faded takes out the leader as well it will be omt I think F knows that keeps keeps like a save for X imity doesn't want to be straight on the door doesn't want to be doesn't want to make the same mistake as Alex did Alex did drop two turnes over there but again like there was like slight contact over there can't say too much about that over the finish line but I think we know who the winner is boys I think we know who the winner is the winner is faded boys let's get some GG's for faded right there for winning 116 USD Alex close second wins absolutely nothing except respect so uh thank you Alex for joining GG's uh the winner right there 116 USD boys if you enjoyed the video like And subscribe and as always stay sideways peace
Channel: Goosiest
Views: 272,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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