This Is The PERFECT Swim Jig!!! New Core Tackle Product!!!

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel  thanks for tuning in for another episode   we uh are heading out on the water to do a little  testing we've got our production mold jig heads   of the core tackle swim jig this thing has been  fantastic we had one tiny tweak we wanted to make   to the last prototype and these right here guys  are the uh this is the production mold core tackle   swim jig head now the the skirt on here I had Hank  make I said hey Hank I gotta go out uh and try the   swim jig out a little bit can you make me a couple  skirts before he headed to school this morning so   this is what he made I said I wanted chartreuse in  it so he made this guy I slapped that on he made   this one for me too so we might throw that one a  little bit uh so I gotta put a trailer on it I'll   probably be starting with a reaction Innovation  skinny Dipper I'll probably cut the head off   and put that on there but this thing has been  absolutely amazing you guys know how much I   love swim jigs I think it was just a natural  progression to come out with a swim jig that is   built off of the tush so if you're familiar with  our tush swim bait head it's very very similar to   this now the whole key is by transferring all the  weight down the shank of the hook you get a lot   more belly roll and I think you noticed this with  the swim jig it will actually look almost like a   ChatterBait is on your uh is on your line because  you'll get that much vibration out of it you'll   see the skirt just fluttering real good I'll show  you that here on the water in a little bit uh the   other really cool thing with it is that you also  have this bait keeper that runs all the way down   your shank so it locks your bait in very well so  you're not going through a bunch of trailers as   well as all the additional benefits of the the  weight being closer to the point of penetration   in the fish's mouth which means you get less lost  fish they have a harder time throwing your hook   tons of benefits here we also went with a wire  weed guard which in our opinion allows the bait   to have a lot more motion it also allows you  to have a much more realistic appearance in   the water and I think you get better hookups  with it so I want to go out I'm going to put   this thing to work just a little bit I don't  have much time uh the Hugo case 1052 right now   you don't have a Hugo guys you should get one  protect your phone protect your valuables in it   it floats if it falls overboard that's the biggest  thing for me so it's 10 52 I don't even have two   hours before I gotta go pick up Duke from school  uh so yeah we're gonna just wing it around I want   to make sure everything is functioning properly  for it by the time you guys see this we might   actually be probably releasing it I'm not sure if  I'll show this to you ahead of time not sure when   the release is going to be we're hoping for some  time this year it's the fall of 2023 so let's go   make sure functions how we want it to function  catch a few fish on it make sure everything is   just perfect because we don't want to release  anything that we don't feel a hundred percent   confident in I want this thing to be ready to  go for my BBT season next year there's a lot of   lakes I know I'll be able to use it so let's get  to the first spot see if we can catch a few fish oh come here oh this thing I love this thing come on nice I don't know 14 14 half inch  Smallmouth nothing moved trailers   still in place this thing I can't I can't  say enough good things about this guys   um you know I've been making my own swim jigs for  years I've probably had more tournament success   on a swim jig over the years than any other bait  I've ever thrown uh you know in Wisconsin here   the swim jig is a major major player and it's a  bait that it's just it's just a staple because   you in Wisconsin we have tons of fishing like this  a little bit of everything grass pads uh lay downs   you name it and it just is a very very versatile  bait so I started off I mean I started off just   buying a lot of the locally made swim jigs here  and had a lot of success and then got to the point   where because there are so many custom makers  that uh I just kind of fell into that line so I   started pouring my own heads and tying all my own  skirts and making everything you know exactly how   I wanted and really feel like I've refined this  technique quite a bit and you know this has always   been a thought in my head I guess is to made make  a swim jig that had a rear weighted bait I just   never knew how to do it and then when we create a  core tackle we came up with the the tush swim bait   and we've had such good luck with that and such  good success and we've seen how well that's that   uh hook and transformed swim baits that we really  felt like it would be a very natural progression   to do that same design with a oh  dang to use that same design with a   a swim jig so we got working on that and have  just had unbelievable success like I had I have   this bait is going to be such a versatile  bait for me in tournaments I've got so much   confidence in this thing right now and it's  it's for all the reasons that you know the   tush is so good I mean it really comes down to  the fact that uh it's it's well here let's show   you let's show you the movement on it hopefully  you can see it the side to side movement on this   is just ridiculous for a swim jig it it actually  feels almost like a crankbait's thumping back to   the boat so you get way more belly roll out of it  the ability to skip this thing because the weight   is spread throughout is better than any other  swim jig it's just as weedless it's got a much   narrower head profile because the weight is all  moved down so it's got a tiny head this is a 3 8   ounce that I'm throwing uh and it just because  the weight is moved into the back you don't lose   nearly as many fish we got a super Stout strong  hook in here you know the wire weed guard we feel   like really just gives us a better ability  to create movement in the bait I mean this   thing is just coming all the way back and  you don't get that out of other swim jigs golly it's a good one oh light colored for the river  here nice long fish River fish everything's holding up perfect [Music]   another decent one get up in here oh this is my favorite way to fish swim jig  small mouth heavy cover gosh so much fun   I got like ripped it out of my hands oh  it's a visual bite too so many times still   the tail is in good position has not moved I  got to move the weed guard over a little bit ah it's so good there's something about this  bait so let's see if you can see the the motion it is just this great side to side motion I know  it's a little dark we'll get some underwater   footage for you but that bait is just rolling side  to side it's almost like it has a belly movement   too unlike any other swim jig that I'm familiar  with uh we've worked really hard on this one guys   this is a bait that uh you know as near and dear  to my heart I've probably there's another one like   a good one holy cow that's a big one guys this is  a really big Smallmouth for this Lake holy smokes that is a really nice one right on cue oh dang this is the biggest smallmouth I've caught on the  river all year oh my God got you look at that one   on our swim jig guys that is a big old Wisconsin  River Smallmouth dang long and mean what a beautiful fish okay let's get that back all right well as I was saying tail still in  great position weed guard give a little Bend back   uh that was a good one we don't the river I live  on like three Pounders are the good or the right   caliber fish so that was that was a really big  fish for this river that fish was probably four   and a half but we're still not we're still on  like summer summer levels anyways what I'm saying   is we worked really hard on this bait um the swim  jig is probably the bait of one more money on than   anything else I it's probably the bait that  really actually set up my professional career   you know it's the bait that I had the most  confidence in that really I just feel like I   learned how to use and it was really natural for  us to go to a swim jig uh one because I love them   but two because when we figured out how to make  the tush for swim baits we quickly realized the   value of that type of hook and it's this extremely  natural progression into uh making a swim jig   so you know all we did really was just mold  a little bit of a head to get a keeper and   to create a skirt collar uh you know add a add  a little bit of lead to it you know just to be   able to give us function but not really to have  it still be head heavy is all other swim jigs are   and it didn't take as long to refine it  we've gone through several prototypes but   the the amount of action that this bait  has unlike any other swim jig I've used   um you know I I love throwing boot Tails as  trailers it works absolutely phenomenal with that   the boot tail is really what gives it a lot of  that motion but because the weight is transferred   throughout the bait it allows the bait to move  most other swim jigs that are all head heavy   um create an anchor and you just can't you just  can't do it so it's something that's extremely   unique you have all the same function of a normal  swim jig it's extremely weedless comes through   grass grate comes through wood grate it's just  one of those baits that is uh a great technique if   you just need something to pick up and chunk and  wind at the bank everything that you can come in   contact with whether it's you know uh a log grass  pads docks that's what swim jigs are made for   and in this case I not to toot our own horn but I  really feel like we've made something here that is   just better like I that's just  how I feel we've been using it now   uh the second half of this year and  bolt Johnny and I have been just   really really impressed and it's almost like to  the point we're dumbfounded by how much action   you have depending on the trailer you put on it  it's almost like it's almost like fishing a uh   a vibrating jig I mean your Rod tips like you can  feel it you can feel all that extra motion and   generally that's not what swim jigs allow  you to do swim jigs a lot of times you got   to impart motion you know if you're one of the  guys that like to do the Alabama shake you know   you're creating that movement but I'll tell you  for the Alabama Shake if you like that this thing   is awesome too because with having your weight  transferred out the you know it wants to glide   on the fall just like a the hover rig or the tush  but it allows you to keep your bait up higher as   well so for the Alabama Shake it's perfect you  know because otherwise you have all your mass   right at the head and that wants to pull your  bait down faster the more you can spread your   weight out the easier it is to uh keep your bait  higher up in the column if you're twitching it   like that so it works great for the Alabama Shake  as well but it's just one of those baits it just   imparts so much more action than a normal swim jig  because it it allows the bait to move freely it   just has that great side to side motion and uh you  know along with all the other benefits that we've   talked about with the tush swim bait head you  get you get less lost fish because the weight is   closer to the hook penetration point which means  you just the fish don't get the leverage on it   um a cast better this is the best skipping bait  I've ever seen because it's a little bit more   compact the weight being in the bait you see me  today just skipping up all over the place and it   comes through just as good as any other bait if  not better because it's got a smaller head on it so guys I'm telling you all I can say is try it  I expect that when we launch this video we'll   probably have the baits out you know it's probably  going to be a couple months after I film this but   this is the Prototype version we're gonna have the  painted heads we'll have better skirts like I said   this is one of Hank skirts uh the head will be  painted and this is just one straw the mold for me   to make sure is right and this is right you know  pretty much the last couple changes have been more   cosmetic to it but we wanted to make sure it was  right angle of the weed guard all that stuff and   I think we've done a really good job I think  you've seen what it can do I've been out for   maybe an hour I've got four legals including one  really nice one um we do have some rain coming in   so I might not even fish that much longer I might  just call it right here guys and say you know what   go check them out they'll be on our website and  Tackle Warehouse probably first and then from   there uh all other retailers that want want  them we'll be glad to send them out to you just a good a good one another  good one we're really loving this   all right guys I'm gonna end it right there I  think I'll fish for a few more minutes if I catch   one maybe I'll throw it in the video for you but  um I just wanted to come out and make sure it was   good so I can get back call up the production  company and say guys okay put the order in   I probably should do that as well before I pick  the boys up all right guys anyways check it out   core tackle the swim jig uh I maybe we'll have  an actual more official name I think we're just   calling the swim jig but uh thanks for watching  you gotta try one of these that's all I can say   I we're not putting anything out there's  another one that we don't feel good about another nice long river fish as you can  see the hookup percentage is really good   another I don't know 14 incher probably close to  it um as you can see it catches them I don't we   might have to come out with this as a special Hank  color skirt too because I'm digging this thing   all right guys and as you can see the trailer is  still perfectly good we've got a five five fish   a little over an hour uh I haven't touched  the trailer you can see how chewed up it is   red teeth marks right where you want to see them  all up top there still holding great okay oh I   ended there now thanks guys I appreciate you go  check them out get yourself one or ten or 25.   carry them in your tackle shop help us get core  tackle out to the world all right thanks guys
Channel: Matt Stefan Fishing
Views: 7,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jigfishing, bassfishing, bassmaster, mlffishing, topwater, crankbait, swimbait, spottedbass, fishing, fishingtip, fishingtips, bassfishingtip, bassfishingtips, largemouthbass, largemouth, smallmouthbass, smallmouth, bassmasters, texasbassfishing, fishingtournament, fishingvideo, chatterbait, spinnerbait, buzzbait, wormfishing, dropshot, jigskipping, swimbaitfishing, crankbaitfishing, bass fishing, squarebill, stump fishing, hover rig, core tackle, hover strolling, retrieve video, swim jig, swimjig, jig fishing, jigs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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