This Is The Deadliest Country on Earth

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hey 42 here in 1883 living on the islands between Java and Sumatra wasn't the best idea and to be honest living anywhere within 100 miles of them wasn't a great idea Eva why because that's where the island of Krakatoa was and little did everyone know but Krakatoa was about to become the deadliest place on earth in May a German warship told of enormous clouds of ash rising from the peak of Krakatoa the captain had declared them to be six miles high and during the moms after continued sightings of ash clouds were reported alongside flashing illuminated clouds and ominous thunderous noises you'd be forgiven for thinking that Godzilla was on his way the inhabitants of nearby island soon gathered near the coasts and held festivals in the honor of this unbelievable natural spectacle and they all innocently looked on at mighty Krakatoa and its awesome performance but what they didn't know was that this performance was actually a countdown at 12:53 p.m. August 27th the island of Krakatoa exploded with one of the most devastating shows of force the world has ever seen eruptions of ash trees 24 kilometers into the sky explosions could be heard nearly 2,800 miles away in Perth Australia the detonation itself had an explosive force of two hundred megatons of TNT ten times more powerful than the Mount st. Helens eruption and a nuclear bomb that detonated over Hashima this was one of history's mother nature's been hitting the gym again moments people were almost immediately consumed and killed by boiling volcanic rock fragments and searing volcanic gases but then something much more horrifying took the lives of thousands more an enormous tsunami created by the force of the eruption swept a wall of water almost 120 feet high across the coastlines of Western Java and Sumatra that's an almost 12 story wall crushing liquid death a rare instance when a tsunami actually resembled how it's usually depicted in films entire islands and 165 coastal towns vanished beneath the waves completely destroyed a steamship was carried one mile inland and all 28 crew members were killed under Nova turning in time to position itself to surmount the crest of the wave looked back to see that the town Navy nanka dot had been erased from the face of the earth Mother Nature had hit the reset button there were 36 thousand 417 deaths in total by far one of the deadliest and most destructive volcanic eruptions in history noise of the explosion even meatwad week as nearly 300 miles away a wave of pressure shot from the volcano at 1086 km/h 90% of the speed of South rupturing the eardrums of sailors 40 miles away in the Sundra Strait in fact the wave was so powerful it rounded the entire world three and a half times when all was said and done less than 30 percent of the original island remained adios hasta LaVista never coming back the lesson here there are some shockingly deadly places on earth and if you can help it you really should avoid them but look I hear you saying that's 1883 where would it be wise to avoid today and I understand there's going to come a time when kovat finally pisses off and we're all going to be released into the wild excited to explore once more but getting it wrong could cost you more than your plane ticket it might cost you your life because there are some countries that have dangerous places or geological features such as notorious prisons sinkholes or certain dangerous neighborhoods but then there are other countries so uniquely dangerous as a whole that your life is just flat-out more likely to end by pinkfoot within its borders el salvador for instance is one place on earth that you are far more likely than anywhere else to be murdered by another human being it has a murder rate of 61.8% people to give you some context the USA is roughly four per 100,000 that's over 15 times higher with interpersonal violence being one of the leading causes of premature death for some more context in the UK that role is filled by cancer and murder is significantly lower on the list last year there were only 650 homicides in total El Salvador's homicide rate has actually fallen since the 90s but there are still two to three thousand each year but there's more to this story and it's actually much worse than the statistics suggest you see in El Salvador you aren't just stabbed or shot you'll ever be found brutally slaughtered with like your leg sticking out of your mouth and your eyeballs jammed into your wallet or you'll never be found at all this is perhaps one of the more disturbing facets of El Salvador's violent reputation because disappearances are not included in homicide statistics after all if no dead body is discovered where is a homicide but at the same time disappearances are unsettlingly common meaning the rate of murder is probably much much higher than the one I just mentioned in fact an article from The Guardian cited three thousand three hundred and eighty-two people reported missing that year at the time of the articles publication November 2019 the Attorney General listed 2018 figure as three thousand four hundred and thirty seven more than the number of homicides reported those two years you know I said the homicide rate is dropping well when you consider that the disappearance rate is simultaneously increasing it suddenly raises a huge red flag most horrifying of all though those disappearance numbers were widely seen an undercount but why the hell are all these people being killed or disappearing you're most likely both what is the cause well in many ways El Salvador is a country ruled by gangs of their 6.5 million population 10% is seriously involved in the criminal underworld gangs like la 18 ms-13 and Mara's have a powerful influence on the country and their citizens controlling 242 activists 267 municipalities and wildly outnumbering the police on top of this the gang members are hunted by the vigilante death squad Sombra negra who slaughter any gang member they can get their hands on the result is a country where death is rampant with almost 11 killings every day this is where the disappearance is common when there is nobody there is no evidence meaning killers wanting to stay hidden or police wishing to hide illegal executions which happen by the way are motivated to hide their bodies it's also probably part of the government's strategy to reflect a safer El Salvador and to do that violence needed to become invisible when the country is two top gangs formed the government-backed truce the inter gang violence and resulting homicide rate seems to decrease but the disappearances increased leading many analysts who suggest that El Salvador isn't just a country most likely to see you murdered it's also one where your body will probably be hidden to keep the murder rate down now you may think that's it and a video that I'm likely to get murdered got it well not quite because there's another country where you're likely to get eaten alive torn to pieces injected with venom or simply crushed to death by animals you might think with its snakes stonefish spiders emus and dingoes Australia would be the worst country on Earth for animal related slaughters but you'd be wrong there are only 241 animal related deaths between 2000 and 2010 India blows that figure out of the water it annihilates it if Australia is the talented welterweight of animal violence India is a heavyweight champion of the world between April 2014 and May 2017 over 1,100 people have been killed by animals for perspective that's around 8 months to hit what Australia managed in 10 years in India there are massive 5000 kilogram Indian elephants that go on rampages flip and crush cars and turn people into human gel underneath their enormous feet killing over 250 people during 2016 to 17 and that's just a start of it India is also home to the spawn of Satan itself snakes Indian Cobras Russell's Vipers saw-scaled Vipers and Krait are all varieties of death-dealing snakes you can come across in India the saw scaled Viper kills 5000 people every year the common Krait 10,000 the Indian Cobra 15,000 the Russell's Viper 25,000 people every year total snakebite fatalities are close to 50,000 per year from 2.8 million snake bites leading the w-h-o to refer to it as a neglected tropical disease and global health priority if we do some maths on that about 7,000 671 bites and 136 deaths every day eat your heart out El Salvador those gangs or to start getting Indian snakes on their payroll with some elephants to back them up as muscle the Russell's Viper the most likely assailant against you and whose name in Hindi means the lurker produces one of the most excruciating bites in the known universe causing internal bleeding severe swelling necrosis bleeding gums and genitals blistering vomiting numbness and of course death if he or his venomous brothers and sisters don't get you a big reticulated python can also wrap itself around you and squeeze to last gasps breaths of oxygen from your lungs before you're inevitably swallowed whole like Jon Voight in the film anaconda and if you figure well you'll just stay away from the fields jungles villages and cities and stick to the safe beaches there's even a stake in the sea that can kill you there's nowhere that's safe cry so Pelle or Nutter can even fly gliding through the air as it directs its murderous fangs to what your jugular I've heard of some scary creatures in my time but a god damn flying snake takes some beating but don't sweat I'm sure the Taj Mahal is lovely to top it off there are spiders leopards sloth bears and lastly gigantic money zing Tigers one of which the Champa wat tiger killed over 435 people yes that was one individual tiger she makes Jeffrey Dahmer look like a children's entertainer and during 2016 to 1727 individuals were stalked and killed by man-eaters what's in most countries humans and the animal kingdom pose a limited threat to your existence as the story of Krakatoa eruption in 1883 demonstrates the environment is the real danger the pleasant Pacific Islands look pretty good right picture-perfect beaches crystal-clear waters near year-round perfect sunshine and more fresh coconuts than you know what to do with but in the case of Vanuatu there's a fairly decent chance your holiday plans would be interrupted by almost certain Death Vanuatu is home to cyclones tsunamis earthquakes and active volcanoes they're just awaiting a meteor strike to complete the roster not only is Vanuatu home to such a staggering array of disasters but it also according to the UN you EHS has a 36 percent risk of a natural disaster occurring every year the most of any nation in the world on top of this 64 percent in Vanuatu citizens are exposed to natural disasters each year one year it was hit by an earthquake then a volcanic eruption then the largest cyclones you ever hit the South Pacific one after the other all in the very same year and we complain about 2020 all of this means if you go to Vanuatu you've got a good chance you're going to get caught in the middle of a natural disaster that will pulverize you into oblivion but there's another country that knocks Vanuatu out of its crystal clear water for total deaths from natural disasters China according to the UN new EHS metric China only has an annual natural disaster risk of 6 to 7 percent but it has something else going forward of the 10 deadliest natural disasters since 1900 excluding epidemics and famines China holds five out of the ten places including first for the 1931 China floods which were estimated to have killed as many as 4 million people potentially as much as all the other disasters combined so if you spend the year in Vanuatu disaster is probably going to hit you what's in China if it does you're almost definitely going to die take your pick so there we have it those are the countries where you'll be murdered by other people killed by animals or obliterated by the weather but there is one of our method of death which I haven't mentioned so far and it's perhaps the most insidious of all and that's the country way you're most likely to be killed but the very thing that is intended to protect you your own government I know the US has gotten a lot of bad press recently surrounding police violence but there's another place where the issue actually is systemic and it puts all that hysteria into perspective that country is Venezuela if we take one of the most basic metrics for measuring a governmental level of violence toward its own people the number of deaths caused by law enforcement officials than Venezuela rocks in at a whopping rate of 1830 point 2 per 10 million people the worst on earth by a country mile El Salvador that old country of sunshine rainbows and gang warfare swings into second place with 954 point five for ten million that's just scraping half the USA just forty six point six need I say anymore a UN report stated that the extrajudicial killings by security forces in particular the special forces had been alarmingly high in 2018 there were over 5,200 killings in Venezuela marked as resistance to Authority and between January and May of 2019 more than fifteen hundred and sixty people were killed but given these figures are the government's own the two number may be much higher the report also explains how seven hundred and thirty nine people had been randomly deprived of their freedom and almost two dozen wielders of political immunity had watched as it was casually stripped from them without any mercy in short the government does whatever the hell it wants and has no problem killing you a lot of this is down to the fact that Venezuela is batshit insane right now and in many ways the most deadly country on besides the fact that Venezuela is filled with deadly animals has its own problems with criminal gangs has the second highest murder rate worldwide rates of kidnapping that's increased year on year and is dangerously close to a global hurricane hotspot Venezuela is also a country that is struggling not to fall apart the state continually violates its obligation to support access to food in healthcare leaving large portions of the population starving suffering from malnutrition and desperate hospitals are understaffed with little supplies or even the electricity to keep it running on between 2018 and nineteen over fifteen hundred and fifty people died because of a lack of medicine and equipment and politically the country is a shambles how did this occur well to borrow the parlance of reddits the TLDR of the situation is hyperinflation sending the price of everything way up corrupt politicians power cuts starvation and just about everything you could want to make a population and it's oppressive government as desperate and dangerous as possible the whole thing is basically an exercise in how to destroy a country 101 there have even been insane instances of political opposition leaders having to break into Parliament's to be sworn in using entire mobs of their supporters to help them smash past your fora terian guards yeah I know crazy but hey that's what socialism will do for you so even though I sincerely wish them well and wish the people good fortune and a brighter future I have to say with a vicious oppressive and ostensibly murderous government little healthcare little food a staggering crime rate dangerous rain forests and swirling nearby storms Venezuela is definitely the most dangerous place on earth so perhaps go to one of Earth's safest countries instead but I'll save that one for another video thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video then please consider supporting me you can do that by joining the 42 club here on YouTube or you can head on over to patreon links for both are in the description thank you you can also get your hands on our first edition signed copy of my new book sticker flagging it by heading on over to unbound publishing and pre-ordering your copy today the links in a description thank you
Channel: Thoughty2
Views: 893,173
Rating: 4.873167 out of 5
Keywords: most dangerous, most deadly, country, countries, list, top 10, in the world, dangerous, top 10 list, facts, most, interesting facts, el salvador, venezuela, amazing facts, the most, 10 most
Id: ls9D9g3peQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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