This is the Best Place to Visit in France! (French Fairytale Towns)

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so I know when you think of fairy tales here in France you're probably thinking of Disneyland here in Paris but what if I told you you could come and see the villages that inspired those fairy tales so welcome to comar here in France and as you can see this is the place that inspired the villagers in beauty of the Beast if this find France isn't on your bucket list yet you need to add it to it hey everyone what's and little Hunter an Australian family who just arrived in their final country on our epic European getaway from eating too much pasta in Italy to boarding the world's largest cruise ship hiking Mountain cliffs in Switzerland to catching ferries in Scotland before picking up a van in England but now we are in France and ready to tackle this adventure before saying our goodbyes to Europe for the summer just woken up opened up our window what a perfect fairy tale view from our Airbnb not even in like the most pretty part yet and still amazed by just the street that we are staying in but a lot of people I would say when coming out to the alzace region which is where we are in France stay in Strasbourg because it's a much bigger city but we decided we want to stay in the small cities because a lot of people day trip to come out to Colmar but it means we can wake up in the morning and have this tiny petite town all to ourselves tell me it doesn't feel like that we've just stepped off the pages of a real-life fairy tale book so something that makes the alzas region so unique is that because it borders Germany there's a lot of French and German influence hence why we get these beautiful half-timbered fairy tale houses and that influence doesn't just apply to the architecture when we're going to lunch we're not getting a pretzel we're getting a pretzel can we first take a moment to appreciate how beautiful that Bakery is behind me but we found ourselves some pretzels and then we were Googling because we thought britzel was like a special word here in France but um a pretzel is a pretzel this is the German way of saying pretzel so we got some pretzels we got some pretzels so I'm guessing they're going to taste like the ones that we had in Germany but hey we're in France they're selling pretzels we may as well try some so we've got a cheese one and a plain one which one do you want let's do the cheese one okay what do you think the cheese is good that is a good cheese pretzel pretzel mm-hmm they're not all hard and stale probably because it's fresh it is Fresh So this morning we've headed out to a little place called Little Venice and I can see why the streets are lined with canals and we have the most Picture Perfect houses here I just could not believe places like this are real there is a Love Lock Bridge here with that background and a swan coming past what a romantic spot to have a Love Lock Bridge did you find a heart yeah the mama had no how very aren't hot oh Hunter mom and dad and I've got the key it's open and now you put the heart on here [Music] just hopped on a boat we're gonna go take it down Little Venice and little Hunters got herself a little crate for breakfast what do you think your first crepe very French aren't you or do you want to do a big bite like this oh she's ready can you say we crazy oh no oh what's your hair it's one of those towns that every corner you turn you think you've seen the most beautiful part and it just keeps getting more starting this folk ride I have to recommend it because going through here you're just settling down it's stunning that's an Airbnb isn't it oh my goodness they're so big what a beautiful Airbnb yeah I want to see that wow and just like that we have bruised outside of the town of Komar into almost a fairy tale Forestdale Birds chairs [Music] is what the restaurants look like a try we were just walking along and I saw a little biscuit shop was wasn't even going to look in there but then I could smell all the biscuits they got us with the free sample although that's the thing I could smell the biscuits went up free sample and I've walked out with a bag of biscuits they are delicious cheers Hunter foreign good choice Bubba now should we go on a choo-choo train you ready okay daddy's coming Daddy close the door dad here we go oh hello green trains so usually when we get to a city we like to go on a walking tour get a little bit of information to find out what we're seeing course we've got a little one it's the same thing oh no not choo choo train kill two birds with one stone she's happy we get to learn about the town one of Hunter's many talents yeah yeah so it's interesting the city it's been ping-ponging back between owned by France owned by Germany 1919 after the first world war it went back to France and then in World War II we went back to Germany and Tiller came back to France so that's why you see this mixture of the two cultures oh yeah Hunter do you want to give the ticket to the man if you guys want a hint we're going to be making three videos here in France and I guarantee you the connection between all three of the videos it's gonna be a merry-go-round so take your guesses on where we're gonna go back to one fairy tale town here in front where are we going we're going rainbow so this morning we've decided to go and see some of the other towns in the elzace region and we're heading to Stroudsburg so just jumped on a train Hunter I'm sure we'll find a place you can [Music] again Strasbourg is definitely a lot bigger than Colmar where we're staying I mean you can fly from the UK in here but it doesn't mean that because it's a bigger city that you're gonna miss out on the cute little fairy tale houses the buildings are still just as beautiful there are half timbered houses everywhere but our first stop here is to go and see the cathedral it's a Gothic cathedral built from like the 1100s to the 1400s so it took a while but it looks very unique so gonna walk it in how unique does this look it's really cool because the street we're walking down you've got the half timbered houses on either side and then the cathedral right in front of us just realize what makes this Cathedral so unique because as we were walking up it almost looks like it's missing meat on it like it looks like a skeleton Cathedral so as you're walking in it just I don't know that's what I thought but it's also humongous it is so stunning in here and it makes me and sad at the same time I'm so happy that a beautiful cathedral like this has survived the War I mean the intricacies that you can see on the carvings the statues the stained glass windows they also have an astronomical clock here as well which is so worth to check it out it goes like 2 three stories up in the sky but it's also sad at the same time because you just know how many beautiful places like this were destroyed but very thankful that Cathedral as beautiful as this is still around today we can walk around and enjoy we just wanted to say a massive thank you to Wilde for partnering up with us on this video and keeping us smelling fresh on the road so we first came across wild when we're cycling through Germany and Austria I always loved how we could get a travel deodorant that was natural compact refillable and good for the environment so a couple of things we definitely love is that one they're personalized tins I got my Steven tin just her suggestion and because there's refillable you can pretty much try a new scent every time you go through one so I'm currently loving the fresh cotton and sea salt scent and Jess is currently using the Jasmine and Mandarin scent at the moment it's great because it's vegan cruelty free aluminum free and made with all natural ingredients and whilst had a fantastic impact on our planet planting over a hundred thousand trees last year and saved over 61 tons of plastic waste so we've been absolutely loving using wild for travel and they've been kind enough to give you guys a discount code I'll link it just up here on the screen and I'll put it in the description below so you can get 20 off your first purchase of a wild deodorant and they're just going to deliver it straight to your home and they have a subscription option as well now let's head back to the video [Music] so we found a restaurant serving traditional Alsatian food and we've been really wanting to try this one it's called tarte flambe and it's kind of like a French version of a pizza normally they serve it with cream onion and bacon but here they replace the bacon with veggies and look at this thing it's like really flat but really big it's going to tuck into that soon and we also went for an Alsatian onion pie looks really tasty kind of almost looks like a quiche should we dig in what do we do first it's funny because like the pie is super fat and this is so thin so thin all right let's dig into the pizza first pizza the tarthon bay Steve that is so good it's almost like I would say it's like a really thin pizza it's like it almost feels like it's been made on a wrap and then there's cream on top and then a bunch of veggies and yes Hunter is having some chippies but if she's having french fries is that still come soon as we're in France it's yummy isn't it cream base rather than green base is really good yum and they've like stacked those veggies on there and then we've gone for a traditional pie which is known in the region and it matches the fairy tale gingerbread house that we are currently sitting in front of like look at that crust like that's a grandma bake this for you and it is so homemade it looks so homemade and then look how layers of onion super oniony but I wouldn't say it's like overpowering it that you feel like you're just eating layers of onions but both really good starts to our little trip yeah okay you know thinking about it I feel like I've only had had like one creme brulee my whole life and I can't really remember it so what we do I think is you hit it and crack it oh she's into it wait you got this yeah don't they do it on the they crack it first French creme brulee Steve I'm excited yeah oh custard and then the top is like crunchy hard sugar tasty so I literally do not like creme brulee I think it's because I'm not a huge fan of caramel and the top is usually because it's flamed it turns the sugar into caramel but my one rule is if we're in a place where it's from even if I don't like it I give it a try this is why I never get to order it because you don't like it it's good try it it's yum at 50 like it I like the custard underneath but I don't like the top steam she loves bread and doesn't like the top of creme brulee she is a little Stevie [Music] I think my favorite thing about the half timid houses is how imperfectly perfect they are like look at this there's no straight lines going there it's either over time maybe the architect built it correctly and then it's just kind of sagged down a bit but it has character it looks imperfect it looks great should we get her oh we've never gotten like a squishy one yeah one she's so cute let's get her okay I really want to come back here for Christmas I was just about the same in there they have their cutest little like pots and plates that all have little gingerbread on it for Christmas oh I feel like this area at Christmas time would just be magical welcome to Petite France I cannot think of a more adorable name for this area we've just been walking along the canals and they've just opened up to these Picture Perfect houses with restaurants and little cafes lining the water absolutely beautiful so you can come for a little walk along the river of course you can catch a boat as well because we did in Colmar we decided to go for a walk I'm gonna say it don't tell me that is straight out of the fairy tale right there if this fine France isn't on your bucket list yet you need to add it to it I can't tell you what the food is like can't even tell you what they serve there but if you guys want a restaurant go to this one here Oak Point Saint Martin look at it is like this little thing on the Water behind the houses that would be a beautiful romantic spot for dinner for the boat to get into Petite France it's in a canal and they need to raise the water up that's so cool oh no wait the doors are about to open this little trip is reminding me so much of a few years ago we actually went and did a kind of fairy tale inspired road trip through Germany and it kind of feels like we're doing that again except this time you just hear everyone speak in French the cobblestones just put her to sleep and I cannot believe this pram is lasting thank you
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 188,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, france travel guide, france travel, travel france, france tourism, best places to visit in france, colmar france, alsace france, top places to visit in france, france places to visit, where to visit in france, top 10 france, visit france, travel guide, best towns to visit in france, french riviera, french towns, south of france travel guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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