Strasbourg: The Don'ts of Visiting Strasbourg, France

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with walters world and today we're here in strasbourg france one of the prettiest cities you can come to in france i know i say that a lot but i cannot stress enough how gorgeous this city is and it's a unesco world heritage site city as well and even the city that has gorgeous use like this you want to definitely go do and see there's some don'ts you have as well and so today we have for you are the don'ts for tourists when they come here to strausberg and i gotta say the first donut i have for you is don't forget to stretch out your neck before you come here because you're going to see so much gorgeous architecture when you're here whether you're you're glancing up to see the the facade of the cathedral or some of the other great churches that are here going to see the astronomical clock going to see petite florence walk around the grand e that you're when you're here there's so much to see and do just in the historic center part you're just going to be going and looking and looking to look at oh more beautiful architecture more beautiful things to see oh look at the stonework there oh look at the the markers there there's just so much to see when you are here that really is it's always looking around because you feel like you're going to miss something i'm here with some friends of mine here on this visit and we were by the cathedral and enjoying everything there you know right by the royal palace and things like that and they're like oh this is all to see i'm like no no come with me we have to go visit pt falls so we have to visit more of the grand eel and go to the covered bridge and see all those things and go walk across the dam on the top i'm like wait there's more to see i'm like oh yes there is much more to see so just make sure you're all stretched out before you come because you'll see some fantastic houses and fantastic buildings and fantastic churches and fantastic museums when you are here now the second don't i have for you is don't worry if you're not sure if you're in germany or france because when you come here you will definitely notice that it's not quite as french as you remember other parts of france being because stroudsburg is going between france and germany a few times over the years and you really do see that influence in the architecture and the drinks and especially in the food when you have the bakulhun which is like three different kinds of meats and a casserole with some potatoes on top it's really really good if you have schpezo the noodles that are here oh my goodness the sausages and the sauerkraut the traditional dishes of here make you feel like wait am i still in germany i thought i was in france you do have a different vibe here that also means the drinks as well like beer is a very popular thing here like half the beer in france is brewed in this region so you can have some good drinks and fun when you are here but it does give you that like am i in germany kind of feel for example if you go to the meson commercial which you'll see right outside the cathedral commercial that does not sound like it's french no it sounds like it's german and you will see that around there you go to the venge tube like the pubs and bars and kind of restaurants things here it definitely has a german vibe and you will hear as a tourist you'll hear french and you also hear a lot of german as well around and they'll have a lot of stuff that's in french and in german so that's one of the things you should know so don't worry you're not in germany you're technically in france but you will definitely feel a lot of german influence especially if you go to the neustadt the new part of the city where the architecture there you will definitely feel the imperial german kind of flair of architecture in that part of town and when you're walking around my next dome for you is when you're taking in all these gorgeous signs don't forget to stop and have a drink remember i told you beer is really good here well the beer you want to have is you won't have any of the north local beers but have it at picon where they put a shot of pico in your beer it makes it a little bit sweeter but it is fantastic something you should definitely have here and if you're looking for the wines like jocelyn she's more of a wine person i'm a beer person the white wines in this region are fantastic but the thing is what i like about sitting and chilling out and having a drink here in strasbourg is that there are a lot of little squares and places you can go to sit and relax and just hang out i mean you can walk on the river you don't have to have a drink there but you can sit along the river and take in great architecture like this and just relax which is really a fantastic thing about here but i always prefer having it with a picon just letting you know now my next stone for you is don't pass up going inside the cathedral when you come here the strausberger theater or the notre dame cathedral when you're here i mean you're going to see a lot of really gorgeous churches here in strasbourg and maybe you'll get a little burned out of the churches but this one you really have to go into the stained glass windows are fantastic the rose window's fantastic the astronomical clock inside i mean it's the forerunner of a computer it is phenomenal to see and when you go inside you're going to just fall in love but if you don't get inside looking at the stonework on the outside of it you'll be just amazed the amazing work and masonry and artists that worked and built this fantastic cathedral over like 400 years is definitely a must-see when you are here so don't skip it okay now my next dome for you actually has to deal with that astronomical clock inside don't think that it's going to work for you any time of the day it only goes off at 12 30 and you have to buy tickets to go see it now if you have the strausberg pass you can go in the doors to go in to watch the astronomical clock go off they open at 11 30 so you can buy your tickets in the cathedral before that but you can also wait and get it then just depends how busy it is i would say if you already booked your tickets you don't need to be there when the doors open at 11 30 you can wait until 12 because at 12 they show a really good movie actually that explains how it was made and you start to understand wow they factored in the slight ellipse of the orbit of the earth around the sun to make this thing work it's fantastic to see and understand how important that astronomical clock is and then at 12 30 it goes off and you'll see the rooster crowing and you'll see the apostles going around and jesus blesses them and things like that it is really an impressive feat of engineering and art all at the same time but i'll tell you like if you want to go to the cathedral okay it's open in the morning till about 11 00 11 15 then it closes and then they have that time for the people that pay to go the astronomical clock and then after the astronomical clock and then like one o'clock 12 45 it opens up again for tourists because you can go in for free to visit the church but if you want to see the astronomical thing you have to go at that special time the tickets weren't that bad they're like three euros for an adult so it's nothing too bad i will say though it does not go off on sundays and it does not go off on holidays so if you're going to be coming for a weekend make sure you do it on saturday to see it go now my next stone for you is something that's really going to kind of come up when you're walking around the cathedral and that is don't get frustrated with all the tour groups that come through i mean think about it we're on the german france border right german french border so you get a lot of french tour groups that come through and you get a lot of german tour groups that come through and straussburg is famous so you got a lot of international groups coming through so you're going to have lots and lots of tour groups and they'll run you over because those tour guides they don't care about you they only care about their group so make sure you're you're ready for that so don't let them kind of push you out of the way stand your ground and realize like look you're just as important as that tour group here in strasbourg okay because you're probably spending the night and those people are going to go get on a boat and leave so do realize that that might happen and it might get a bit frustrating now i realize i've talked a lot about the churches here the cathedral and just the architecture in general it's gorgeous another don't i have to is don't skip out on the museums okay you can go to the royal palace there's three museums that are there you can check out you can go to the art museum that's here there's a lot of museums around but for me it's the alsace museum the regional folk museum here in stroudsburg is gorgeous it was actually started by three guys back in the day and they started to save our state's culture because it kept switching between germany and france and germany and france and they wanted to keep it and when you go inside you get a great history lesson about the area about strasbourg and honestly it's one of the best folk museums you can come see in europe so don't skip out on that now my next stone for you is don't be anti-christmas look strasburg is the christmas capital of france the christmas markets here are impressive you're going to come here and you're going to enjoy the christmas spirit even before christmas season comes you can get that christmas spirit here because it is such a christmas town now i will tell you though don't forget to book way way early if you want to stay here on a weekend during during christmas season because everything books out so you might stay like in fryeburg and take the trains to come here the hour and a half away to do that and stay here like for the day and then head out because it does get super pricey it gets super pricey actually during the christmas season especially on the weekends and i guess that's another donut i should have for you is don't think coming to strausberg is going to be cheap this is an expensive place to stay okay it's a special place to eat it's expensive place to go out so you're going to be spending quite a bit of money when you're here because you've got students you've got the european union people you've got all the tourism that's here so it really drives up the prices and that gets really really frustrating which also is another don't i have for you is don't wait to get accommodation any time of the year because it is tough to find stuff because of the university because the european union parliament that's here because of all the tourism in general the hotels the accommodation the airbnbs all those things book up relatively quickly and the affordable ones even faster so make sure you do not wait like if you decide you're coming to france you want to visit strasbourg book the hotel and then get your train tickets to come here because you want to actually make sure you have a place to stay when you are here because this city is fantastic to visit now when you're here in strasbourg you can really go around on foot and see a lot of the sights that way and it's really really cool but my don't for you is don't worry if you don't want to walk there are tons of bike lanes and bike things you can do here and ride around or you can actually take a boat tour i'm sure i'm surprised the boat hasn't come by already because there's boat tours that'll come by and give you a nice overview of the city and honestly that's the only way i really recommend to actually go see the european union parliament and stuff like i have it don't for you don't waste your time going to the european parliament it's not worth it take the boat tour that goes out there you visit it for like five minutes then take off because there's really nothing for a tourist to actually do when you do go to the european parliament so save your time sit down at one of the bars or one of the cafes have a peak home or a white line and enjoy that way more than dealing with going out to the european parliament okay and my last stone for you is don't feel that you're too far away from other things aside from stroudsburg when you are here hour and a half i can get to know see another great beautiful city here in france i can go over to germany and fryeburg in about an hour and a half i can get down to basel i want to go see mood house i can do that here in france two and a half two hours and 15 minutes to get to paris you have a lot of transportation options from here like you get up to luxembourg you go down to marseille you've got a lot of stuff here we took a direct train from bordeaux to here you have a lot of great connections but the thing is there's a lot of great things to see right outside of strasbourg as well so you can use it as a base if you find that good accommodation and kind of go out from there and vice versa it could be a day trip from some of these other places nearby to come see here if you can't get that accommodation okay and my last don't for you is don't pass up your chance to meet some locals when you're here i was filming earlier this morning a local came up started chatting with me i got to meet him i got to meet his son i got to hear about the history of the city what he does all kinds of stuff we really had a great conversation all morning long wouldn't have coffee i mean i might chuckle up because i don't drink coffee but he had his we just had a really great time and i've come to strasbourg a number of times that people have always impressed me with how open they are with all the people that come here because there's multiple cultures that are here kind of stirring around in strasbourg and so they're kind of like look we got multiple cultures here let's bring more in let's get to know them help them enjoy this great city so don't forget your bonjour when you walk into a store or when you meet somebody because the people here are really great so i hope this helps you know a little bit more about what you don't do or i say i guess it's more to do or don't skip out on doing when you do come here to strausberg i've really loved it that's why we come back quite often to visit this place and i do recommend it for you as well anyway i'm gonna go have some more german s french food or french s german food for my lunch today and i wish you all the best so don't pass up have any your back offer you're gonna have some great monster cheese the hot mustard cheese when you're here or have your sauerkraut when you're here with tons of sausages on it you'll have a good time a very filling experience here in strasbourg and the thing is it's filling for here in your tummy here in your heart and here in your mind when you're here so do enjoy it and i'll say oh vlad from here in strasbourg
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 247,294
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: VJJajsp25hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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