This Is The Best Naked Buzzbait Trailer!

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel thanks  for tuning in for another episode I have been   playing around quite a bit with buzzbaits  a buzzbait's one of my favorite top water   baits because of how effective they can be they  work in heavy cover they work in Open Water they   truly are a top water bait that's kind of like  your all-wheel drive vehicle and because of that   I love them and they work great from down south  all the way to up North for largemouth Smallmouth   spotted bass northern pike you mix them in  and you're going to catch a bunch of fish on   a buzzbait now I will tell you and if you watch  my channel on a regular basis you probably know   that I'm not a huge fan of a skirted buzzbait I  really prefer to fish without a skirt and fish   plastic baits and traditionally I've always thrown  a toad style bait this is a zoom horny toad in the   ghost color one of my favorite colors that's out  there this is generally what I've thrown for the   last several years but this year specifically I  started experimenting with a lot of other plastic   baits to use on what I refer to as a naked  buzzbait a buzzbait like this one right here   with no skirt where you just slide the plastic  bait on instead of using the skirt material   and I think I've found the absolute perfect  trailer this is something that I threw quite   a bit in my Potomac River Event in practice caught  a bunch of fish but really it's a technique uh or   a bait that just seems to be working perfectly for  a buzzbait now I will say I do have some honorable   mentions as well in terms of baits to put on the  back of the buzzbait uh and it really comes down   to the circumstances and the type of cover you're  fishing for example if I'm fishing open water and   I'm fishing around schooling fish or I'm fishing  banks that are more 45 degree banks that the fish   are pushing bait onto I really do like throwing  just a boot tail swim bait like this kitec   specifically the 3.8 size and they fit really well  on a naked buzzbait and they give you an extremely   natural presentation so for Clear Water as well  you get the best of both worlds where you have a   very natural lifelike minnow looking bait paired  up with a little bit of sound and squeak from the   Buzzbee creating commotion on the surface and it  creates a really good presentation so I do really   like throwing boot tails the other nice thing  with a boot tail is it allows you to slow up your   presentation so you get a lot of drag from your  from your boot which creates a drag in the water   and allows you to keep your bait up on the surface  at slower speeds so I do really like throwing a   boot tail swimbait another one that I've really  come to like quite a bit and this was brought   to me by a viewer who mentioned I should try this  and that's a Berkeley Pit Boss a Berkeley Pit Boss   not only works really well as a buzzbait trailer  but you can fish these as a toad as well if you   rig it weightless or with a very very lightweight  and fish it as a toad like your zoom horny toads   it comes over the grass it comes through the pads  extremely well and your little flapper legs create   a nice buzzing commotion and so I've had a lot of  luck fishing this just as a straight toad style   bait and because of that I wanted to try it on  the buzzbait because the individual that referred   it to me said not only is it good weightless as  a toad try it on a buzzbait so I've done that I   do want to recommend when you rig it you want to  rig it so that the bait is flat to the surface   of the water and what that does this wider fatter  bodies it really brings the bait up to the surface   it keeps it up there you've got some legs creating  some flapping motion that also allows the bait to   slow down stay high up in the water column and it  just generally is a very good uh bait for this you   can also use a lot of your cross style baits like  a [ __ ] craw you'd be amazed at how good you get   some flapping motion that buzzes on the surface as  well as a flatter body that keeps the bait high up   in the water column so I've really experimented  a lot with your cross style and creature style   baits and been very very impressed with it so  much so that I'm really not as big on the Toads   as I am some of these other baits to the point  where actually the toad is probably my fourth   go-to bait meaning in Clear Water situations  I love the boot tail in situations where I'm   looking to make a little bit more commotion  I'm looking to ride above the weeds or above   the lily pads I'm really enjoying my cross style  baits like the Pit Boss but I gotta tell you guys   like the bait that I feel like has been made for a  buzzbait and we don't ever hear anyone talk about   is a tube a stupid tube like this not the rigging  technique of a stupid tube but a tube which is   one of the most basic baits been around for  centuries I feel like it's just made for this   and the reason for it is they're easy to rig  there's like you really can't miss this up you   know in some circumstances one of the things when  you're rigging some of these baits is it's hard   to push that up over the plastic without ripping  the front of the bait and the problem is if you do   RIP the bait a lot of times that little bit of a  flap from the front of the bait actually catches   on the vegetation that you're trying to retrieve  over so if you're fishing open water or skipping   docks not that big of a deal but if you've got  a lot of cut grass floating on the surface like   we had at the Potomac River any little cut in the  front will actually grab grass which then creates   a cast that's pretty much wasted uh so it can be  very difficult to take a solid bodied plastic and   slide it up over some of these weighted heads in  reality a tube which is Hollow fits right up it   perfectly and all you do is rig it right down the  center and then at this point I'm going to thread   it until the hook comes out the body and then at  that point you just push it up over just like that   and it it like seals up I don't know if you  can see that it like seals up over the wire   and at this point this thing is locked on there  like you will not go through more than one tube   per day fishing a buzzbait and the cool thing here  is you get your natural minnow style presentation   you do get some movement down the Tails it's  locked on there it is extremely streamlined   it and if you want to go bigger you can  go much bigger with a bigger style tube that's wider bodied to really help bring you can  see the difference it'll help bring the bait up   to the surface but I feel like it is one of  the most natural presentations and because   of how well it fits on the bait you're that much  more efficient and effective on the water uh the   other thing I'll say is I feel like my hookups  are really good with the tube and I think a lot   of it is because you don't have mass you know  the fish bites it and it squeezes down opening   up the hook Gap versus if you're throwing  a big chunk of plastic like a toad like   the Horny Toad where a lot of that actually can  get in the way but in this case with it being a   tube it basically collapses on itself which  helps with that with that hookup percentage   and again you can get different cell different  cell tubes so it's not I'm not necessarily saying   it's got to be a tube uh like this because of of  the style and the look of it but you can go like   put craw tubes on it it really comes down to the  fact that you've got the hollow body which makes   these so easy to rig they last all day long and  you can catch piles and piles of fish on it uh   if so you can get different types of tubes that  add action or have a different profile to it to   help the bait ride higher to help the bait ride  lower and to create more vibration and from that   standpoint this has been like the it's been a I  don't like using the term Game Changer but for me   a tube has really changed my buzzbait fishing I  didn't think I'd ever throw anything other than   a tube and after experimenting with all these for  the first half of this year not only did I find   one bait like the tube that I really like better  than a toad I found a bun bunch of other baits   that I like to fish on a naked buzzbait as well so  give it a try guys if you like fishing buzzbaits   you gotta try putting a tube on a buzzbait  and fish it in your naked profile like this   it's amazing how good it says how effective it  is and how productive it's been for me so give   it a try guys I thought I'd pass this along to  you I'm always tinkering with different baits   to use on different techniques and I'm just kind  of surprised that this one has never popped up   to me before so give it a try let me know in the  comment section have you tried this have you put   tubes on buzzbaits and do you find it to be as  effective as I have if you have or have not put   it in the comments section I'd love to hear from  you I'm sure other viewers would as well thanks   for watching guys I appreciate all the support  if you enjoyed the video hit the like button   subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so  already stay tuned new video coming out tomorrow
Channel: Matt Stefan Fishing
Views: 8,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jigfishing, bassfishing, bassmaster, mlffishing, topwater, crankbait, swimbait, spottedbass, fishing, fishingtip, fishingtips, bassfishingtip, bassfishingtips, largemouthbass, largemouth, smallmouthbass, bassmasters, texasbassfishing, fishingtournament, fishingvideo, swimjig, chatterbait, spinnerbait, buzzbait, frogfishing, wormfishing, footballjig, jigskipping, swimbaitfishing, bass fishing, squarebill, jig fishing, crankbait fishing, postspawn fising, post spawn, topwater fishing, choppo, spook, vixxen, fishing trend
Id: RG8r_Cp6GB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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