This is Tech Heaven! - Massive Unboxing Part 1

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oh we got a box from asus [Music] ladies and gentlemen christmas has come early here at the techstars headquarters as you can probably see from all these boxes sadly this is only half of what i can fit here on the desk the rest of it is just way too big and heavy but i do have to say this video is gonna be the biggest unboxing i've ever done on the channel it easily tops off the other ones i've done in the past but with that said i hope you guys clear the rest of your day because this is gonna be a long one and a very juicy one so let's get started people assume for some reason that i make all my money from youtube when that is not the case a good portion of my earnings are actually from other things as well like real estate and investments but i don't have the time to study the market and do the investments myself so i have experienced people do it for me which is why i've partnered with today's sponsor titan to let you guys know that you can also invest like a pro without any experience titan is a premier investment firm for the everyday investor they offer the best investment experience in the world in a way that's accessible for all income levels all it takes is 100 to get started on your journey towards wealth and savvy investing what i like about titan is that they built a mobile app and not an etf or a mutual fund because it allows them to explain to you exactly what's happening and how they are managing your money the best part is that there are no fees on your gains or lock ups just a low flat rate advisory and record-breaking returns titan was also named top advisor of the year by u.s news so get started today guys at techsource or click the link below to get your first three months of expert investment management for xero fees all right so like always guys we're going to take it nice and slow we're gonna start off with the smaller boxes and then move our way up to the bigger boxes i hope you guys didn't miss me too much or at least i hope you didn't miss the unboxing videos too much because i know it's been a while since i've shot one of these but clearly i've been busy busy busy holding on to these for a while and i've been working on other projects for you guys but yeah might as well give you like one big long episode and smaller episodes and more frequently right at least that's what i feel like so starting off we got the usual we got some uh some memory sticks from corsair dominator platinum in black 5200 megahertz this is the year this is ddr5 holy crap we got ddr5 memory already starting off the episode i'm assuming this is probably the same thing here oh i didn't make my wish list for today's video actually um oh yeah this is more ddr5 you got the vengeance ddr5 from corsair as well so man already starting off with some new parts speaking of which i do want to make my wish list today so i would love a uh a new motherboard for big red preferably something from the new platform z690 if possible uh i would love obviously one of the new cpus the 12900k would be really nice memory sticks of course gotta have ddr5 but something that's white and matches the build and possibly more storage you know i'm not really after a graphics card i can just use whatever i have here at the office but we'll see we'll see if i get anything in this video all right we got a couple more boxes this one is also from corsair so guys just like before in my other unboxing videos any extra items i get in this video will be sent over to the giveaway pool and will be given out to my members on my discord server through the monthly events that i host on there but in addition to that because i'm moving i want to try and get rid of as much of stuff in here that i'm not really using so if i see anything in here that i don't plan on making any videos on or if i just don't see myself using i'm also going to toss that in the giveaway pro just to help you guys out so all right we got a light strip extension from corsair well we've got some white led strips so basically we have an rgb strip extension i think this is going for a um this is going towards a setup makeover project i've already said too much about that so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna leave it at that and then we got a box from kingston digital okay but yeah guys uh setup makeover season seven is coming uh most likely sometime in december but it is it is planned it's on the schedule super excited to bring you guys that video it's going to be probably the best setup makeover video i've done so far on the channel all right we got a portable ssd from kingston this is the xs 2000 up to 2000 megabytes per second read and write and it's powered by usbc okay let's open this up let's take a closer look oh that is actually super tiny it looks way smaller than it was in the box this is actually uh the same size as it is on the box we got one terabyte of space in this tiny little light thing what whoop mate so this basically uses usb 3.2 gen 2x2 hence why it's able to achieve those high speeds and they do come with higher capacities as well so you can get these in 500 gigabyte one terabyte or two terabyte capacities this is also very durable because of this uh rubber protective sleeving around here so it's ip55 rated so it's water resistant dust resistant really great for travel if you're constantly transferring files between you know your laptop or your mobile device then i think this is a really cool thing to have yeah if you guys want to check it out of course i'll drop a link to this and everything i mentioned this video down below but you know what let's go ahead and toss this our very first item in the giveaway pool moving forward thank you so much you guys at kingston for sending this over i'm gonna try and like maintain my excitement and not talk too much in this video that way i can keep my voice and not lose all my energy by the time this video ends because in the past i've kind of went all out so by like the uh the last 25 of the video i'm like a zombie and my voice is completely shot oh this actually i was expecting this is from my guy david if you guys remember david he is the one who's behind the 3d printing for my setup makeover series he's actually the one who 3d printed the risers for all of my setup makeover series up until season six i believe he's obviously seen how popular those were so i'm guessing he just decided to make his very own and sell it so my guy out there is hustling and i respect that so he sent me a couple of his new first edition rgb risers you guys i'm not making this up okay we are rg being everything at this point so we got some dummy ones which obviously go in the back but the rgb ones will be in the front obviously so you can see it so these basically sit underneath your tabletop and in between your alex unit or whatever else you have on the bottom i'll drop some pictures on the screen if you guys want to see how it's done all righty let's give it some power oh that's awesome that is that is pretty freaking cool i'm not going to lie david you did a pretty good job with these so it comes with a remote you can change the lights i'm assuming so the remote sadly does not work but i do love the execution i think you have a you got something really cool going on here david i mean maybe i'm just too stupid to figure this out but yeah these look really cool for sure i think i'll be uh i think i'm going to be using these in an upcoming setup video as always they whoa okay that did not look good i definitely see a market in this a very niche market if i have to say so but thank you david for sending us over okay we got a package from g skill yeah yep these are the new memory sticks we're getting a lot of ddr5 sticks today it seems lots of new pc components as you guys can probably tell already which explains why you guys haven't seen any pc builds lately on the channel aside from pc makeover i'm purposely holding off on building pcs until i can get some new parts obviously so that's why you guys haven't seen any pc content lately so we got the g-skill trident z5 this is their new ddr5 sticks what frequency is this oh 5600 oh hallelujah that is really fast 5600 that's actually nuts i'm a little underwhelmed with the new ddr5 performance compared to ddr4 if you guys have seen the benchmarks there's not a huge difference in terms of gaming performance sadly so these two are from the same company dream controller so let's open these up at the same time i'm gonna assume the controllers obviously it's called dream controller what else could it be oh okay this is uh this is getting me excited a little bit let's open this one too oh they're pretty small boxes i'm assuming they are ps5 controllers oh they're xbox controllers okay could've fooled me could've fooled me okay yeah they're xbox controllers i don't have an xbox but these look pretty freaking cool oh my god even got a dbz one check that out that is nice the quality of the um the painting is actually really cool wait they're not xbox controllers i must be smoking on some good stuff i don't know what controller this is oh it's a nintendo switch controller what i've actually never seen this before in person so i have no idea this one definitely is an xbox controller clearly it says xbox on there oh that's pretty cool okay well um you know what let's toss these in the giveaway pool i don't have an xbox and i don't plan on using this with the pc so let's toss both the nintendo switch controller and the xbox controller in the giveaway pool thank you guys so much at dream controllers for sending these over all right this one's a fedex box too i'm not sure if it was from the same company but let's open this up anyways because that is the next biggest box over here oh we got the elite 2 controller what who sent me this oh man this is a nice nice controller even though i don't own an xbox and i just butchered the crap out of that tape this is also custom made i don't think it is oh it's so heavy too oh this feels so good i now know what it feels like to unbox an xbox controller oh it is custom this has to be from dream controllers as well take a look at this you guys a custom i'm guessing it is it's dragon ball themed we got orange and blue the kakarot karate clothes color scheme oh this is this is the uh the customizable controller right from xbox yeah it is oh this is really cool this is an xbox from a poundage spoonage is it poonage or is it poundage ownage oh we got some new wireless mouse wireless mice i should say from a pawnage oh we got some nice goodies in here hold up look at that i remember them sending me some of their um their original wireless mice before looks like they're this is their new sim 2 ultra custom wireless mouse we got some in black and we got some in white i lied it's only in whites looks like they know me really well i should have requested some black ones obviously to put in the giveaway pool we do have three extra ones so let's go and toss three of these sim twos in the giveaway pool let's take a closer look at with this oh it looks really nice we got the usual uh honeycomb design really cool braided textured uh usbc cable and of course you have the option of customizing the mouse to your liking so you can swap pretty much all the parts on here uh i literally just broke this in half what i wasn't even putting that much pressure on it so yeah that's that's the wrong way to do things um well uh this is my unit i broke so obviously i'm still gonna give away three brand new ones i'm just gonna have to uh swap the the bottom piece here with something else god damn it dude oh oh it's unfortunate that is unfortunate let me see what other colors they sent me if they send me an extra white one maybe i'll just cover it oh the colors are on here okay there's no white one oh well wait is there an extra one oh there is an extra one in here okay i'm saved you guys i don't have the uh the honeycomb design so it's gonna be the clear shell or solid shell i should say so yeah that is my bad unfortunately don't do what i did thank you so much uh pawnage for sending these in you guys are awesome all right i think this is the next one all right so this one's from amazon and this is something i actually ordered myself i'm surprised it wasn't an amazon box this is my new slider for shooting my videos uh my last one broke down unfortunately so with this i'm able to bring you guys some really nice cinematic b-roll from upcoming videos this is the motorized micro 2 from zeppelin zippin zeppin i like i take this out of the box and set it up because this is boring videography stuff but you guys will see some pretty cool shots with these in my upcoming videos oh so finally we're getting some juicy pc parts you guys for an upcoming build and i'll tell you what build this is going to be for so thermaltake sent over there all white aio we got some fans and then you tough ram rgb total of 32 gigs running at 3 200 megahertz i'm doing an all white i guess white and pink build from my wife she has no idea i'm doing it i'm actually going to surprise her with it but she deserves it you know all the stuff that she does around the home and she had his videos for her vlogs but she does on a laptop and i feel really bad because the laptop is really bad so i want to build her an actual system where she can edit videos and of course game if she ever wants to later down the line but yeah super excited for this project thank you thermaltake for sending these over i actually have a few more parts coming uh coming from them all right tee then moy what do we got here brushing up on my uh my british accent it's a pretty big box here in it um yeah i'm moving on oh what is this of course my neighbor decides to cut stuff right now you guys can hear this right like it's not just me ah i keep telling the guy like i'm recording a video today i text him so he doesn't make the noise and he doesn't listen to me so anyways um that can be going on for a while let's continue on with unboxing this is a very fascinating box oh what is this it's called it's called rokid hair this has gotten my interest it's very mysterious doesn't even say what it is on the box oh man i cannot wait to get out of this office no more noise it's gonna be right there in my home i'm so excited you guys there will be a house tour by the way so be on the lookout for that video i'm like halfway in this unboxing i still don't know what the hell i'm opening like what is this it's an astronaut just floating all right so we got the black shark four i'm still confused let's just get everything out of here we got the rokid air also what is a real kid you've piqued my interest real kid let's take a closer look at this yeah rokit air dear textiles we appreciate your exploration in the field of tech we value your trust and real kid with our mission of love oh a mission of leave nobody behind we will provide the extreme user experience and superior products sincerely broke it okay what is it that doesn't explain to me what this is still the black shark this looks like a phone box kind of it is a phone i never get smartphones in these videos this is this is very fascinating let's go look at that oh man even comes to the case oh this is this is cool i don't know how to turn this thing on i'm holding it backwards of course it probably needs some juice you guys so let's go and put this aside for now so let's open this up what this is this guy okay i think he's done oh my god ah let's continue on what the hell is that my voice is cracking oh my god oh my god is that me yo yo i'm even wearing a red shirt what is this who set this up who set this up oh my god that looks nothing like me let me just say that person right here is way more handsome oh my god i gotta give you guys a close-up on this this is insane i think i'm holding like a pair of glasses or something yeah it is a pair of glasses this is so freaking insane oh my god i love this i love this already this is like the peak of the unboxing video oh my god oh my god i have these shorts too i have this exact same except the shoes i don't know the shoes this is spot on holy crap nope you can't eat it i thought it was like one of those chocolate candies all right so let's go to the main event of the evening the road kit air oh these are glasses hold up hold up wait a minute oh look at that baby i'm just teleporting straight into tron at this point are these glasses oh my god okay this looks it looks like there's a setup process for this entire thing so i'm gonna go ahead and charge these glasses and the smartphone and i will be right back to show you guys what you can do with this alright so i got the phone and the glasses juiced up so we can take a closer look at it but this is essentially a headset but in the form of glasses super lightweight i think they weigh around 83 grams and it's foldable so super easy to travel with but the only way they're able to make it so light is by removing the power brick from here so the only way to supply power to these is by connecting it to your smartphone this is pretty much what's going to be powering the uh the glasses so you're going to plug one end to the phone and then the other end goes i think yeah back here just like that so you got a cable coming out of it just like that it is already connected to the smartphone [Music] oh that is so cool i can literally see the smartphone projected right inside the glasses this is pretty cool i've played with a lot of headsets before you guys and i gotta say this seems more on the casual side like you don't have this massive headset on your head with a bunch of cables coming out of it and extra remotes like you can do this literally anywhere in the world you can do this on a bus ride home on the back of the uber or on the toilet you know taking a dump so i think that's what sets these apart from other glasses or headsets really in the market so you know what let's go and launch a game real quick half the stuff here is in korean so i have no clue what i'm clicking on but this looks like a game so let's go ahead and tap on this so the phone acts as a touch pad i basically can use more of my fingers and it acts as a laser and i can move this around and click on something i wish i could show you guys what i'm looking at i'll try and find a way to kind of showcase what exactly i'm experiencing here i think what's so cool about the glasses also is that you're still aware of your surroundings like you know what's going on around you because the glasses don't cover up your entire vision i can literally see what's going on underneath me and also nothing plugs into your ears so you can still hear everything else around you the speakers are actually built right on the uh the glasses which is pretty cool it also supports uh controllers so if you guys want to hook up a wireless controller on here you can play with a controller instead of using the touchpad on the smartphone i'm gonna go back to the home page real quick um i think the glasses also have voice control so let's go and test it out volume up volume max oh beautiful okay okay so yeah that was pretty fun definitely something i haven't really tried before at least in the form of glasses but with that said it definitely needs a little bit of tweaking to be fully functional like i would definitely love to see an old english version made and possibly more games to kind of play around with it but for being a prototype i was actually pretty impressed i think this is a very cool concept that a lot of people out there will enjoy uh once there is a fully functioning unit in fact there are almost 2 000 people that are backing this project on indiegogo so if you guys are interested in grabbing a fully functional unit early then make sure to click the link down below thank you rokit for sending these over all right ladies and gentlemen i think what we have here are yep these are the new techsource mouse pads which will be launching by the time you guys finish watching this video we have two new designs come in and we're going to open this up and check it out for the very first time i've actually never seen these in person the designs actually look really good on on the screen but obviously in person it's a completely different story so let's see what we got here shout out to zurtaki on my discord server who is the uh the lead designer behind these mouse pads by the way so here we go guys here we go let's check this out oh yeah yeah already loving this let's check out the first one i'm calling it rocket oh my god this is so freaking clean they're talking you have outdone yourself my guy this looked incredible on the uh the render but it looks even more incredible in person you guys very minimalistic symmetrical pink themed mouse pad which i think will look even more incredible as a wallpaper to be honest oh man i love it pink lovers out there if you guys have a pink themed setup this this is it this mousepad has your name written all over it uh i might do one other different color scheme with this one maybe like a baby blue or a scion maybe even a turquoise i think that will look pretty epic with this one so yeah really happy with that with it with the with the with the who with the way that turned out and then we got pixelation or pixelated i don't know what i'm going to call this one just yet but it's a very simple 8-bit retro theme kind of um pixelated design decided to go with neutral black white and gray but i might do different colors of this as well maybe green maybe blue who the hell knows if you guys want to see a specific color definitely check it out but yeah amazing work zertaki as always if you guys want to snag one of these up before it's all gone make sure to visit store or click the link below there's a bunch of other designs on there as well all right well that was fun definitely something i want to check out more when i get home and also good news the guy stopped cutting whatever the hell he was cutting back there so we are back to the unboxing video without distractions so we got a box from asus [Music] let's go baby let's go i was wondering why this box was so freaking heavy oh it's just let's just calm down a little bit ladies and gentlemen we got our first item from my wish list the maximus z690 formula let's go let's go oh man it was love at first sight you guys i was scrolling through twitter i saw the post i was like you know what i found the board but big red version five five jesus christ version four and asus i think saw my post and they sent me over some motherboards that's one let's let's knock off one item from the wish list already but yeah let's put this one aside just for now we're gonna get into that just in a little bit looks like they also sent me the uh what is this the maximus z690 extreme oh was that the big brother of the formula or the little brother either way let's open this up oh man that is insane oh wow asus man no one does it like asus in terms of motherboard designs honestly they are on top of their game look at this behemoth jesus christ look at the heatsink design it even wraps up all the way down here as well oh man that is such a beefy board dual 8 pin eps connectors up top of course oh my god dedicated start buttons on the board this is insane this is this is going in an all black build hundred percent no rgb we're uh we're getting rid of the rgb here that's beautiful that is beautiful asus thank you we're gonna we're gonna do something nice with this board of course but honestly my panties are wet from this board because this is what i wanted this is what i wanted for christmas let's let's open this one up oh man let me uh let me first take a sip of this because i'm gonna need it [Applause] all righty all right here we go baby here oh my god oh my god oh my god i've never seen such a sexy wallet board before oh maybe i may be exaggerating you know what guys i don't even care anymore i don't care oh my god i'm getting all red it's making me blush this motherboard is making me blush it's a freaking motherboard relax ed relax you heard me oh my god you know what i can't touch this with my nasty hands hold up oh man we got to give it the uh the white glove treatment all right this is too precious for me to touch with my defiled hands there's a freaking there's a freaking hole in my glove oh my god alrighty here we go oh my lord oh my god am i going to take this out of here everything becomes slippery too when i put these on so i don't have a really nice grip with these oh my god oh my god i'm holding it in my hands guys the brain well not really the brain but the body of big red version four even the back is white what asus what can you impress me anymore look at that you guys just look look at it you can't tell me this is not the most gorgeous board you've ever seen oh my god okay i'm gonna want to put this gently back in because we do have some more boxes to get into so i don't want to spend too much time on just this board here i'm going to give it its very own love and care separately in a different video of course oh my god asus thank you guys so much thank you seriously on the bottom of my heart you know what since i opened the other asus box might as well open this one as well after all this is the next biggest box anyway so well close enough let's just open these up i do have a few more asus boxes actually to go through but those are a lot bigger so we'll hold those off until the end of video i'm still i'm still i'm still trying to catch my breath from that last one jesus all right here we go guys oh okay we've got a wi-fi router the rod strix gs ax 5400 wi-fi six dual band gaming router very nice and then we got a oh my god let's go [Music] did not expect that in that box what is that doing with the router ladies and gentlemen let me present to you the rd strix 3090 in white i wasn't looking for a gpu but this is hands down going in the big red build it's gonna be a very nice upgrade for my 3080 that i'm currently using in 3.5 so um although it does feel kind of a shame to take this apart and put a block on it because obviously it is the limited edition well it's not really limited but you know it's just a white shroud version this looks really nice if i can get a regular strix 3090 from asus i would much rather put that in the build because i'll be installing a uh a gpu block on there i'll probably hold this off you know what i'll give this one to my wife yeah i'll put this one in the wife build 39 she's gonna have better specs than me holy crap i just realized sometimes you know you got to do what you got to do in the name of love [Music] [Applause] in the name of love i hope she doesn't watch this video otherwise she'll know exactly what's going inside her bill i'm so jealous but i am like the best husband right like i have to be oh my god we meet again where were you when i was building 3.5 huh i'm so mad at you i am so mad but you know what it is what it is i'm not going to be upset i do have it now in my hands it literally doesn't look the same and feel the same uh just like my 30 80. it's a good unboxing video so far i'm i'm happy i am extremely happy we got a limited edition ring just like the 3080 box and i think there's like a collectible card in here as well so i can find it yep there it is same card as the one in the 30 80. so yes this is uh some exciting stuff is happening obviously on the channel a lot of really cool builds coming up let's put this back in i'm pretty sure this was the only graphics card that i'm getting in this video i don't request any cards anymore because i know how hard it is to get so i just try and recycle the stuff i have here already at the office uh if i can but i am happy with what i can get obviously so thank you so much asus again for sending these over they will definitely be put to good use absolutely i think no we're not even halfway guys can you believe it we are not even halfway so i'm trying to try to calm down a little bit i hope that was that was it for a while in terms of like super exciting stuff because i don't know how much more energy i can waste or spend i should say oh okay we got some more pc parts from zadak or zadek not extremely popular in the uh in the pc market but the dock does make some pretty cool stuff uh we do have a 2.5 inch 512 gigabyte ssd and then their new spark aio interesting very interesting indeed 240 millimeter thank you guys so much that's the dock for sending these over we'll have to put these in use you know what actually i haven't put anything in the giveaway pool in a while so let's toss the aio and those and the sticks not the sticks the um the sata ssd i'm losing my mind already in the giveaway pool this will be a bundle together so obviously whoever wins will take home the aio and the ssd all righty then next up is a very poorly packaged box if i say so myself where is this from influence media influence media can i influence you guys on packaging better maybe perhaps oh what is that oh no way no way yes way actually we got some oh we got some m.2 ssds xpg gammaxx s70s from from xpg we got one terabyte storage devices but more importantly we got a gaming notebook who calls it a gaming notebook should i just be a gaming laptop we do have an extra one over here so already let's toss one terabyte to the uh giveaway pool let's take a look at pesto this looks pretty interesting i do like the interesting orange packaging though it's different jesus that is a very thin laptop look at this look out in the boxes so this is called the zenia xe gaming lifestyle ultrabook oh what's that's pretty cool that is pretty cool oh okay it kind of looks like a chromebook actually if i'm being honest with you guys does it have a dedicated gpu in here that's the better question let me see if i can find out specs so the specs aren't on here unfortunately it just says an i7 touch intel bishop or whatever the hell that means i will be a little bit disappointed if it's running off of the intel iris graphics card if that's the case then it would make sense why it's called a gaming notebook instead of a uh instead of a laptop alright guys so here are the specs we have a uh an intel core i7 1165 g7 it's an eight core cpu we got 16 gigs of ram in here and the graphics card is an intel iris chip indeed so yeah for like games you know overwatch cs go i think it will do the job fine but the other night very sleek very light travel laptop let's go ahead and toss this in the giveaway pool please so yeah thank you xpg for sending this over i do appreciate it all right what is next what is next oh we have another asus box here okay okay okay okay okay these boxes give me a pretty big smile i did not see this it was underneath all the other bigger boxes so technically i should have opened this up earlier man it would be amazing if i can get a cpu it would be beautiful i can pair that beautifully with my z690 motherboard but it looks like we have some more boards okay okay oh we have another white theme board the rg strix z690a gaming wi-fi d4 more of their uh on the mid-range side of course and then we have a mini itx form factor the z690i gaming perfect for a mini itx or a micro atx build i haven't done one of those in a while too so i'm actually really glad they sent me one of these so yeah really awesome thank you so much asus again for sending these over actually i might do a roundup video considering how many asus boards i have so if that's something you guys want to see of course i will feature my beautiful um i forgot the damn name of it already the maximus formula in the video as well so let me know if you guys are interested in around the video just like how i did with the uh the msi video so we're about i would say now we're about halfway almost halfway done with the video and still no cpu uh i was actually i went online to newegg to buy one today during the the cpu launch but unfortunately it was sold out so i'm gonna still try and keep an eye out uh to buy one for my personal rig but if i can get one sent to me that would be even more fantastic of course but either way it's fine by me all right so we got a road boom arm it looks like oh no way this is their new boom arm yo just in time for my new setup check this out guys the psa one plus professional studio arm okay we gotta take a closer look at this oh it looks like it comes like its own cable sleeve what what is this oh this looks pretty interesting honestly i don't know how i feel about the sleeve on there aesthetically but hopefully add some uh some functionality here that is so weird why would they put a sleeve on here oh i see it's got these little clips on the top here i guess to help route your xlr cable around the arm i'll give this a shot i'll definitely um attempt to use this obviously i'll have to paint first and white but yeah really excited to check this out thank you so much rode for sending this over if i don't end up using the boom arm i'll actually put it in the giveaway pool but i do have to at least attempt to like it ah this was a long time coming we got the new corsair aio cooler with the really nice built-in lcd screen why is corsair always late to do things like they got the marketing team they got the money for it so i'm surprised they're always like late to the party but one thing i do have to say though even though corsair is late sometimes they know how to do it right so they get it done right the first time it would be cool if they launched a white version of the aio as well i think it'll be really really popular all right i think this is the last ace no there's two there's one more asus box after this one but this is the final two from asus what do we got in this one it can't be all the bars anymore i'm pretty sure they set all the boards they have already let me calm down a little bit there we go what is this what is this i just see an rg logo oh no way it's a laptop no freaking way no freaking way it's a laptop no freaking way can it be there's only one laptop i've ever wanted in this world and it's always it's always been on my bucket list but i can never get one because it's sold out everywhere i need a solid laptop to travel with and get my work done it says dying light 2 on here for some reason is that is that a game that's a game how do you open this box it's a really small box too though oh it opens up really nicely okay oh this is it huh [Music] yes it is it's the duo it's the duo ladies and gentlemen it's the duo it's the laptop with the dual screens check this out you open up the lid and the secondary screen just lifts up like this oh my god dude this is it so the current laptop i'm using actually is the asus zephyrus and it's great but it's 1080p and it's only got a single screen so when i'm writing scripts or doing a bunch of multitasking it's really difficult to do everything on one single screen but this this over you ladies and gentlemen is gonna change the game for me on top of having an additional display on the bottom you get so much screen real estate on the top with a 4k display 3840 by 2160 pixels that is enough for me to put a bunch of windows on there and still have extra space on the bottom here for extra windows and stuff so i mean the gaming specs on here is also really great obviously don't get me wrong but i'm mostly going to use this for productivity and i feel like anybody who buys a laptop with a 4k screen mostly buys their productivity as well because no one in their right mind would be gaming on a laptop in 4k settings you're just not going to take advantage of the higher french rate monitor it just makes no sense in my opinion i mean unless you obviously downscale the 1080p so yeah i guess there's that too thank you so much asus already this is this has been the best unboxing video so far and we're about only halfway done i've used a laptop before with an extra screen i don't know if you guys remember the hp omen x2s video i did a while back but the screen was so tiny it just didn't really add any type of functionality to the laptop but this this is a completely different story what's really cool about this laptop also is the is the cooling design on it it's got liquid metal cooling for the cpu and when you lift the lid up obviously this entire panel lifts up increasing its airflow by about 30 that's how it's able to keep the temps really low we have a beautiful side to side fully customizable rgb keyboard and a trackpad on the right side which also doubles as a numpad so if you want to switch over to numpad you just press a button on the keyboard i actually prefer this type of keyboard layout a lot more because it's more comfortable for me to type on i can rest my palms on the wrist rest or the table and doesn't come in contact with the trackpad so in terms of specs we actually have a ryzen processor in here which i had no idea we got the ryzen 9 5900 hx that is a 16 core 32 thread processor you guys we also got 32 gigs of ram and for the gpu it is the rtx 3080 wow that is that is a beast laptop and of course i talked about the display already it's a 3840 by 2160 4k display running at 120 hertz that is absolutely insane this is going to change the game quite literally for me honestly this is going to improve my overall workflow and the efficiency so i cannot wait to start using this to get some work done thank you so much asus for sending us over oh man this is this has been amazing [Music]
Channel: TechSource
Views: 311,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: massive tech unboxing, giveaway, tech, unboxing, techsource unboxing, tech heaven, gaming gear, setup gear, setup unboxing, pc parts, nvidia, amd, rtx, rtx 3090, z690, asus, rog, maximus, extreme, motherboards, gaming pc, pc
Id: DZqIY6uD_7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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