This is REAPER 6 - Folders (9/15)

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[Music] hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm gonna show you your folders or folder tracks now folders are similar to bus tracks which I showed you in the previous video we could use them for sub mixing or tracks into groups or if we want to organize our tracks together based on what they do we could think of it as a container for our tracks or simply put a folder so the project in front of me here with a kick a snare a hi-hat a piano and a synth let's hear it let's create a folder for all these tracks double click down here to create a new track we'll name it all tracks and unlike a bus we can't have a track down here to create a folder for all these tracks instead we have to put this track above the others like this now to make this track a folder just go over here and hit this button right now looks like a folder that it turns to a plus sign so if we hit it it turns this track into a folder and these tracks are in that folder notice the tracks in the folder are indented compared to the folder track this is the parent and these are the child tracks so now we can mute it from here or so it will change the volume to control all these tracks at the same time basically busing them to this track and we could also add effects to all these tracks at the same time by putting that effect on the folder so let's go to our effects called the reaper effects and choose we EQ to add an EQ to a folder then we're gonna remove all the bands except for one and create a no pass filter and now we have a low-pass filter on all the tracks or high-pass filter [Music] we could get compression on the folder via comp and they can compress all the tracks together and any other effects we want to put on all the tracks at the same time but we could also have folders within other folders let's say another what's name it instruments let's put it above the piano we'll put these two tracks in this folder hit the button again now the piano and the synth are in this folder but this folder is still a parent of all the tracks even this folder and these tracks so let's create another folder just for the drums we'll bring it up above the drums and instead of using the button over here we could also select the tracks and just drag and drop it on top of this track and that creates a folder for the track we drag them to so now we have a drum folder an instruments folder and an oil Trax folder which encompasses them all you [Music] so we get our folders within folders and as many as you want and to get an idea how useful this is for organizing our tracks let's take a look at a bigger project in this project we have a drum folder and a bunch of drum tracks a bass folder with a couple of bass tracks a guitar folder with guitar tracks a keyboard folder with keyboard tracks we vocal with we vocal tracks I'm back on vocal folder with back on vocal tracks and finally an effects folder effect shacks so each one of these folders is gonna behave like a group or a group master allowing us to control things embroider strokes adjust in the drums all at once or the bass or so on and we could also collapse our folders to change the track height of the child tracks for example if we go up here to soil triangle on the folded track if we hit it once it makes the tracks while the child tracks in that folder a bit smaller so you can still see their names but they take it much less room let me can hit it again and now they get even smaller so you could do that with each folder so you could see all the folders on the screen at the same time and work with them as groups our drums our bass guitars and so on and hit the triangle again to make them bigger so there's three positions for the folder normal size a bit smaller then almost completely hidden and we could change these states with a keyboard shortcut let's go to the Action menu show action list and go to the filter and type in folder then we can choose this action right here cycle folder collapsed state let's say to keyboard shortcut to it I'm gonna use control-c now we can hit that keyboard shortcut to toggle the different folder States hit it once it makes them bigger hit it again medium-sized hit it again and the tiny and we could do that with all the folders at the same time full-size medium-sized really tiny and we could also see the folders in a mixer what's view a mixer and right now we see all the tracks at the same time here's our folders and notice these tracks are indented compared to the folder letting us know these are child tracks and these are folder tracks but we can decide if we see the folders in the mixer just right click over here and unselect show folders that hides all the folder tracks so we just see the individual tracks you can put them back and we can also hide the tracks that are in folders so now we only see I'll fold the jacks so we can very quickly make broad moves with our drums bass guitars and so on without seeing the other tracks we'll bring them back and see them all again we go some move the folders to the west side of the mixer just right click and choose grouped folders to the left now puts all the folders over here with the child tracks over here making it a lot easier to control groups as folders or faders over here drums bass guitars and so on but at all times in the track control panel we're always going to see I'll fold the tracks on top with the child tracks indented compared to the folder so that's the folders or folder tracks in Reaper hope you learn something hope you can use it and I'll see you in the next video thanks [Music] Oh you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 28,717
Rating: 4.9811544 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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