Planting a Living River of Impatiens In the Gully and Making a Pallet Walkway. Lunchtime Gardeing!

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hi there so today I'm going to be do you hear that I'm going to be uh helping Nate um take apart some pallets because I want to make a pallet walkway um I'm not really sure where yet a lot of times I have all these plans and then I like do it and I'm like H I don't know I think I'm going to move it I think I have a different idea uh so we'll see I think I know where I want to put it but if not uh I have another idea in mind so I'm going to head up there and see how Nate's doing this is actually the same day that I planted my gumina and my Salvia that are right here it's just later on in the day after work so it's the same day for me it's probably the next day for you guys uh but for both of us it's one day closer to the wedding and I'm getting really excited and and I hope that uh hope I can take you guys along with me on that day and just have you celebrate the awesome day that we're going to have so you'll probably hear me talking about the wedding for the next several days cuz I'm super excited but let's go up and see how Nate's doing on the pallets before we go up there I had to show you how pretty these things are I'm already loving them so much and I literally just put them in a few hours ago oh and and after I said bye to you guys I went ahead and put that pink diamonds bleeding heart right there while we're over here I wanted to show you my garden because it's just so pretty and I don't have the heart to dig it out the snapdragons are going to stay somehow I'm not really sure I what I want to do is plant four squares so a square there here and then a path right in the middle here and then a square there and there I would point but my other hand is holding on to my water bottle but my snap Snap Dragons are looking beautiful my gosh look at this penamon Beard's tongue and then the loopin is still going so I don't know I've just been dragging my feet on pulling this out because it just looks so beautiful over here this is probably the prettiest this Garden has ever looked and it's like in uh construction it's a construction zone and it looks beautiful all right let's go see Nate update on my zenas I planted some of them are holding on but most of them have been eaten by the bunny as you can see it's very sad so I might might possibly go up to the garden center and get some more zenas I'm assuming Lizzie doesn't have any whirly EG zenas I might have more that I can um just direct sew into the ground oh look at these neopia they're so pretty but yeah I don't know oh these ones are not too bad on I planted in here but we will we'll figure something out [Music] [Music] okay this is where I wanted to maybe put it and I kind of love it a lot it just needs something to break up the Gully so basically I would say like from here down is the Gully and then from here up is the llip lane and you can see this is all mulch there's no like Hardscape in here anything of any sort for the time being I do have a rock I want to put in here a big rock I want to put in here and I want to somehow put lollipop Lane on it but that's for another day um but this you can see it just kind of breaks this section up but still keeps it together and it almost plays off of my bridge over there which I absolutely love so I'm literally just laying the wood down in on top of the bark right now like that's all I'm doing so uh let let's just continue with that I might have to have Nate cut me some on an angle just because of the kind of like curve but we'll see this one sh [Music] it's kind of cool I like it all right let's go get some more so we got some more Boards out here we just had to cut some because of the angle so I'm going to draw like on here I want him to cut [Applause] it there's that one I'm going to do it the oldfashioned way what you use a handsaw oh really it was my grandpa's my dad's dad a that's awesome okay so I want to get rid of that so you yeah but then I also think we should cut this one oh can't do that um okay so then this one we can cut like that yeah that off all right and then we just need maybe like three more [Music] pieces that saw called skill saw so Nate uses dad skill saw to do this um my dad's dead my grandpa that's so okay we just need like one more one more one more that turned out good yeah I think what I'll do is like kind of dig some in a multiway so it goes down a little bit or you think it's fine no you take it down a little bit yeah that's pretty cool we just need one more piece [Music] cool I got to figure out how to maybe I'll get some like r or I don't know something to I mean it's fine for right now it'll pedal but I love it it's so cool good job thank you so cool you might have to like drill holes in each end and tag them down or something something like a steak Stakes yeah be careful split yeah that's so cool I think it looks really sweet I love it my shadow is in the wave maybe I'll come back out here at night time but here I'll show you and this way oh my gosh it's so cool Nate I like it a little bit later in the day we ate dinner and I'm back out here and I'm going to come cut back all of my bulbs so they're pretty much done I feel like they've had enough time to soak up the sun it's like the second week in June now and most of them are kind of Browning up and dying back so I think it's safe enough to cut them back so I'm going to cut them back and then I'm going to plant my impatients in here so I'm really excited about that I'll show you what it looks like so this is my living River of bulbs you can see the daffodils are dying back I could probably let him go a little bit longer but I think it's fine these are dying back as well these are the high scent but for the most part they have had lots of time to soak up since Sun kind of just pulling right out B and Fage here so I think it's ready just pulling right [Applause] out oh not [Music] down look so hey oh thanks bab yeah it does look cool huh I know I'm pretty happy with the garden this year I I think this is the best it's ever looked the more we fill in and add what about your panies are those called P there what no things on the hill over there that you grow oh zenas the bunnies ate them can't rep them that's what I was I was going to go up to Cherry Valley and see if they had any more I could buy but the bunnies will probably just eat them again so I don't know it's frustrating can you see them you see the little stocks everywhere yeah some of them will come back but some of them not I was kind of just waiting to see what would happen with them there's actually a bunny Nest right here [Music] [Applause] all right it's the next day it just kind of got a little chilly there towards the end of the day and I was like you know what I'm just going to go in take a shower go to bed and we'll start fresh tomorrow at lunch so I'm out here lunchtime gardening I've got a tray of impatience and you guys I know I've been talking about the bunnies a lot lately they are a distructive bunch of cuteness basically but I'm just going to say a little prayer like literally I'm going to just pull my hands out over this little living River and I'm going to pray to sweet Jesus that the bunnies are gone because I have to tell you the last 2 to 3 days I came out here and and I haven't seen any out here so maybe they've moved on maybe they've found somebody else's yard um and we're just going to we're going to go for it going to go for it so uh let's get these planted I got a couple more trays up top so we'll go grab those I have red and can't remember Rose Maybe red and Rose or red and lipstick I can't remember but I think I'm going to do the kind I have the most of on either side and then they kind of have the least St right down the middle um yeah let's see what is this bright red bright red and then I have one more tray of bright red so whatever that one is down there I just pulled that one will go in the middle I think we'll see okay let's go get the other all right I have two trays of the bright red and it's just a kind of a true bright red I guess and then this one is Rose I love the rose it's so pretty you can see it's kind of get starting to bloom right there so what I'll do is I'll plant the rose in the middle first and see where we're at and then on the outsides of that I'll put the red let see think I want it to kind of start small and then go a little bigger and I am going to use my azer I'm not a huge fan of an azer but since I'm planting so many um [Music] anyways just do it I really only use this thing for sometimes for annuals and bulbs and that's honestly that's pretty much it I prefer my shovel or my um Hy Hy knife which I did bring out as well hey D [Music] hey buddy you going to plant some [Music] flowers be my little Lookout boy be my Lookout boy for the bunnies [Music] is [Music] [Music] a [Music] 20 years have Gone With the Wind since Uncle Sam called your name and you've been working hard to get where you're going and dreaming about the one days you got the call early this morning sun pack your bags tonight cuz you'll be heading on down to Georgia cross the fort B England it's been a month since we caught that plane with a one way ticket to ride the other night Mama missed a call and she laid on the bed and cried I said Mama stand up and pull yourself together that boy it is a Praying fight and now we're sending letters Down to Georgia across the Fort Benning line it'll bet you look good in your army green kicking up of dust in the georia heat are they treating you right are they feeding you well cuz you know I'll come down there and raise some help I'll be praying that you stay safe and strong and with your battle body you keep moving right along until you come on home your H dogs waiting in the driveway and you can tell for B we'll be front row ready when he graduate [Music] since you've been gone there's a big old sitting on the edge of the L we haven't have many campfire nights Where We Gather out singing songs the end of May it will turn 21 I guess we celebrate another time for now we're sending letters Down to Georgia Crossing for Benning and I bet you look good in your army green kicking up D in the to are they treating you right are they feeding you well cuz you know I'll come down there and raise some help I'll be praying that you stay safe and strong and with your batt body you keep moving right along until you come on home your hound dogs waiting in the driveway and you can tell for bny will be th ready when you graduate it's still with ready tell away the FL for the red the white the blue the green for every bra boy and every strong girl who made this country free we're bringing the American bread from the north to south in between and we're heading on that GE cross the far Finning land boy you sure look good and your ory green kicking up dust in the Georg I guess I treated you right the feeding you will now you lock stacked and loaded by the r some hell your soldier ready and all strong serving your country Right Where You Belong and when you get home your H dogs waiting in the driveway and you can tell for binning we are front row ready graduation day o tell we [Music] ready okay it's all done and I ended up planting some more impatience just to use up the rest of the flat of red so we are going to say a little prayer and hope that the bunnies don't get this I will spray it uh with some de deer and rabbit repellent but like I said uh in my last movie unfortunately we have um overhead sprinkling that gets our lawn our grass and it hits the garden bed so sometimes it washes off any type of spray that I would have have sprayed on the plants so I have that um to take to consideration uh Nate's going to drop off some pictures to to my future sister-in-law for their upcoming wedding this week uh but anyway I'll turn you around and show you what it looks like I think it turned out pretty good and hopefully like I said if the rabbits don't eat it it should in turn into a beautiful sea of red and Rose impatience I put the rose right on the center and then red on the sides this is kind of what it look looks like from a wide view should be really pretty here we'll stand on my bridge and look I'm just loving all of the colors I wish you guys could see it in real life all the beautiful perennial color that's going on and then I have a little patch of snapdragons that came back last year so technically that's perennial too but it's just beautiful I'm so glad I put in the lane last year yep so this is my living River and then I'll show you where I put the other impatient so I popped some in there and then I plopped some right here and I think I mixed uh the red with I had like I don't know five more red left so I mixed the red with the lipstick so those are red lipstick and I usually put impatience right there every year too and then I this is a spot that I kind of ran out of mulch on this point and I never really got any more so I threw in some impatience all around here hoping that that will kind of fill it in [Music] and then oh I threw some in here in this Little Rock section and then I threw some over here so right there's a little pocket of them and then right here is a little pocket of them so we'll just walk up here and show you hopefully they grow in and the bunnies aren't too curious about them snapdragons look great CLE and snapdragons in here are looking awesome oh my gosh there's a butterfly on me see if I can get it well it's technically probably a moth but he's still cute hey buddy we'll just let him sit on me for a minute um yeah so these all came back from last year so excited I left them in and then I love my little path absolutely love it well thank you guys so much for watching I really appreciate it I hope that you love my little path that we made and then um also just coming along with me while I planted up my impatients in the new living River and I will say that is sunnier area right there I think it's around like 1:30 or so right now and it just starts to get full sun for the rest of the afternoon but I have tried impatients out here a couple of different years in the full sun and they do great so as long as I keep them watered which they get water with the overhead sprinkling that I talked about um as long as they get water they are beautiful they actually Bloom they actually have more blooms on them than my impatience that I grow in the shade uh they don't get as tall um they stay a little bit shorter but they get beautiful blooms on them so they should do just fine as long as the bunnies don't eat them but anyway I hope to see you guys tomorrow and until then see you later bye [Music]
Channel: Jes
Views: 12,504
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Id: IvSOq8dbVMU
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Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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