This is my no build camping van. #vanlife #stealthvan #vancamper #vancamping #campervan

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hello everybody this is my little sleeper van kind of a stealth camper because it looks like a regular red band unless you open the doors taking a automatic Airfield match that's got the foam on the inside just folded that over and doubled that up and that's just a big sleeping bag that I use for a he's like a bean bag chair just snuggle into it and I took the first seat out so I still seat five but I got a nice little bench to rest up in here there's plenty of little cubby storage back there for Kites and things like that that I like these are my curtains those are just uh tent this fiberglass tent poles and then this is where I store some stuff food beverages water good up here in the front on the inside that right there it's a better option to heat the van that's a little warmer propane tank with a good stand it's not screwed in there so it's a little wobbly right now but you can take that you can heat a little bowl of soup or something like that or oatmeal in the morning on the top there if you take that apart you can cook right on the burner I've got a couple little pots back there that I usually keep in this black thing here if you're going to use this thing you want to make sure you have right up inside there that white thing is a smoke detector and that orange thing is a carbon monoxide oxygen detector so make sure you're safe when you're doing this stuff so once again I got a little lot of storage back underneath here keep a lot of extra warming clothes there those are like extra Blinds To the windows and blankets sheets pillows things like that that I might need and then in the back of the van here I wrote I just wrapped that curtain up real quick and then back you have a so there's the jackery in a panel if I I don't really use a whole lot of meat and vegetable or meat and cheeses and stuff so no milk so this is a ice chest right here that can plug into the cigarette lighter if I want to like keep fruit cold or when I drink cold I only drink water and protein shakes so it's pretty easy to keep them cold it's a two burner stove if I want to cook more food and this is actually a sink it's an oil drum but it's clear so you can have good fill lines and you dump out your disposable water so you don't leave all that gray water up in the forest um this back over here is a tent and then that's an extra that's a pop-up toilet and I can keep extra things in here clothes extra food that's pretty much empty right now but that's the builds pretty quick turns back into a regular van in about five minutes
Channel: GoYogaJoe
Views: 6,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JW8QR43aGL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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