Oda Reveals Joy Boy Was KING Of The TITANS! Sea Kings, Zunesha... (1111+)

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the one piece manga just revealed our next INCREDIBLE, WORLD-SHATTERING CLUE about the true power of the Ancient Kingdom, the unbelievable secret that might have actually caused its downfall and the true power of Joy Boy that was connected to it. Because with the Iron Giant finally rising from the rubble of Egghead Island and blowing us all away by ACTUALLY SPEAKING we have even more evidence than ever that Joy Boy has deep connections to this legendary robot. And before we get to all the intense speculation about what the Iron Giant might do, who he is and the future role it will plan in the story, let’s dive all the way back into the past because while we have long thought that Joy Boy was the king or some sort of ruler in the ancient kingdom, it might surprise you that I THINK he was also king so something MUCH, MUCH bigger. Infinitely bigger in fact because I’m now going to lay out all the connections Joy Boy has to all the giant-sized creatures that we have seen throughout the story that make Joy Boy the King of the Behemoths. And let's start with the largest of them all because since the end of Wano we have known that Joy Boy had strong ties to the giant elephant Zunesha. This is because right as Luffy first awakened his devil fruit, Zunehsa famously proclaimed that Joy Boy had returned! On top of that, the new Shogun of Wano Momonosuke also confirmed that Zunesha was a companion of Joy Boy. To take things one step further here, we also know that Zunehsa was ordered to walk the earth for an ancient crime, and since the end of Wano it seems like knocking down the borders of Wano was part of an order given to them long ago. So clearly, someone was able to give Zunesha commands, and based on what I've already said, I believe that to be Joy Boy. That’s not the only island sized creature with ties to Joy Boy though because we also know that the Sea Kings, which are these massive, intelligent sea creatures, were supposed to help Joy Boy fulfill his promise to residents of Fishman Island by lifting the giant Noah ship to the surface. These sea beasts also spoke of the two sovereigns meeting in the future, which could possibly represent Luffy and the mermaid princess, Shirahoshi. So that’s two giant creatures/species on Joy Boy’s side. And none of this is new, but now that we have seen the Iron Giant rise and say Joy Boy’s name, we have even more evidence of exactly why Joy Boy - and likely now Luffy - can seemingly command these legendary creatures. Which honestly, Luffy probably doesn’t care too much about any of this, but the one thing that is always on his mind is his next great meal, right? Well if you want to enjoy a real feast like Luffy, today’s sponsor has got you covered: Cook Unity. Picture this: a bunch of super talented chefs cooking up some incredible meals and then, boom, those meals land fully cooked right at your doorstep every week. Kinda feels like getting a care package from Sanji himself, right? So, what makes CookUnity stand out? It’s not just any meal delivery. We’re talking chefs cooking fresh, creative dishes in local kitchens. They’ve got all sorts of options - whether you’re into vegan, paleo, or gluten-free, they’ve got you covered. Let me paint a picture: It’s late, you just finished work and instead of warming up some sad frozen pile of nothing, you get these Lamb Curry Meatballs with Lentils, whipped up by Chef Michelle Williams over in Chicago. You get like a flavor adventure without even stepping outside. The best part? You get to skip the whole meal prep and cleanup drama too. Why am I all in on CookUnity? It’s the taste, the convenience, and honestly, it’s like getting a surprise box of delicious every week. Plus, changing up the menu keeps things fresh and exciting. Wanna check it out? Just hit up cookunity.com/ohara50 or the link below. Use my code OHARA50, and snag 50% off your first order. Seriously, give it a whirl. Alright, back to the Iron Giant, because as this truly mind-bendingly tall figure rises from the rubble of Egghead Island, it says one simple phrase: “I am sorry… Joy Boy.” And we’ll dive into some of the incredible secrets we can uncover from this single line in just a few minutes, but first this is yet another tie to Joy Boy and a giant creature, this time being this enormous robot. And we already kinda knew it was connected to Joy Boy because it appeared to wake up when Luffy turned into Gear 5. In fact it seemed that when it heard Luffy’s Drums of Liberation heartbeat it gained the power to wake up. Kinda like a jumpstart for a car. Which is just an insane power source that we’ll discuss in just a moment, but all these connections to large than life creatures have really had me thinking about what this means for the Ancient Kingdom and Joy Boy’s past. Because one thing we do know for sure is that the ancient kingdom was an advanced civilization with access to incredible technology. And I know we’ve all been blown away by the technological advancements here on Egghead Island, but now I want to draw your attention back to the one major scientific research project that we were first introduced to at the start of the Post-Timeskip part of the story. Because in case you forgot, during the Punk Hazard arc this Gassy scientist was researching a way to turn regular humans into giants. This is a so called Gigantification process. And while at first you might not have thought this would be relevant in the future, we do have to point out that Gigantification has played a part in almost every major arc since. Obviously, it was a focus of Punk Hazard. Later we learned that Big Mom was funding Caesar’s research herself. Even the Emperor Kaido had what we think were humans turned into giants with his Numbers. On top of all that, the World Government has also long desired the ability to create an army of giants because as we have just seen in recent chapters, the giants are ABSURDLY POWERFUL fighters. And to achieve this goal, the World Government even had Dr. Vegapunk try to create a Gigantification process, though he supposedly failed. So clearly, this is something Oda has been thinking about and has intentionally planted into the story for hundreds of chapters. And now your brain might be spinning right about now, so let’s bring this back to Joy Boy and the Ancient Kingdom. Because clearly after everything we’ve learned in Egghead you should know that anything that CURRENT scientists can do was DEFINITELY possible in the past. In fact, the Ancient Kingdom was even more technologically advanced than present scientists, so it would not surprise me at all to learn that the Ancient Kingdom learned the secrets of Gigantification and used it for some unknown purpose. And while that part is still a mystery at this point, you just have to look at the giant creatures we have already discussed to see the possibilities. Zunesha is impossibly large. So are the Sea Kings. In fact, even the Goroseis’ true monster forms are absurdly massive creatures. So it wouldn’t surprise me to learn they were all actually part of some Gigantification process sometime in the distant past. But on top of that, we also have to ask if this is how the original giants were created as well. Or maybe even a hybrid race like the Buccaneers who are in between human and giant size could have been the product of the Gigantification process as well. It’s also important to point out that with the powers of the Nika fruit, Luffy can also bust out a larger than life form as well. So I wonder if that could have even been the original source of inspiration for Gigantification to begin with. Which if that’s the case it would make sense for Joy Boy to be at the head of all these super sized creatures and could be the reason that the Ancient Kingdom was so powerful. But if all this is true, it begs the question, how were they eventually defeated? Well, the answer to that may very well lie in this chapter because with the Iron Giant now fully awake, we can definitely say that it is powered by Luffy’s Drums of Liberation heartbeat. And since this is the case, it isn't too much of a stretch to say that Luffy's heartbeat is also very likely the legendary Eternal Flame power source that Vegapunk and the World Government were said to be trying to recreate for a very long time. Which if I’m being honest a heartbeat that can double as a super energy source is both incredibly creative on Oda’s part, but also incredibly risky for anyone relying on it to keep their technology running. I mean, just think about it. If all your technology only works because of a single person’s heartbeat then you are incredibly reliant on that person being around to keep the power on for all your machines. And to see the downsides of this, just look at the Iron Giant. It is from the Void Century, but was clearly powered down for a long, long time. In fact, besides on mysterious incident 200 hundred years ago where it attacked Mary Geoise, it seems to have not awakened at all until Luffy arrived on Egghead island. So this lack of power could be one of the reasons that the Twenty Kings were able to eventually defeat the Ancient Kingdom. They simply had to capture or kill Joy Boy, and that would have removed the power source from all of that incredible technology. And if the Joy Boy from the past is as trusting and somewhat naive as Luffy is, then it wouldn’t be that hard to imagine someone betraying him in order to take power. I do wonder though if the Iron Giant has lasted all this time since the Void Century, then maybe some other super advanced technolgoy still exists and could even be waiting for Luffy on Laugh Tale. If that is the case then it is basically game over when Luffy finally reaches the island because with Luffy to power up the ancient technology then he would instantly have access to an absurd level of power. Keep in mind, this is all still speculation though, and we don’t know any of this for certain. But one fact that has really bothered me ever since chapter 1067 is how the Iron Giant woke up 200 years ago and attacked Mary Geoise. Seriously, how did this happen?! If we are being led to assume that the robot runs off of the Drums of Liberation, then that would mean that there needed to be someone who awakened the Nika fruit at that time. Which honestly doesn’t make any sense. We don’t really know of anyone important from that time period. Plus, we know the Gorosei believed that the Nika fruit had not awakened in 900 years, so does that mean there is something else that can power the ancient technology? I don’t know, maybe something like a comet from space or some other kind of special event that only happens once every few hundred years. One other option comes from the one other person we know from the Void Century, Amatsuki Toki, who later married Kozuki Oden. And we do know that Toki ate the time devil fruit which allowed her to jump forward in time, so maybe she leaped from the Void Century to a time about two hundred years ago and did something to wake up the Iron Giant before later leaping into Oden’s time. Who knows, but that is one question we will definitely need answers to. Hopefully though, we’ll be getting those answers soon because the Iron Giant looks ready to rumble. But it did leave us with one more mystery that I am still trying to wrap my head around. Because when it finally stands up, it says “I am sorry… Joy Boy.” Which on first glance you might assume it is apologizing for something that happened in the past. Maybe a failed mission or even the fact that it couldn’t stay awake to protect Joy Boy. Or maybe some crushing betrayal that led to the Ancient Kingdom’s downfall. And this way of thinking honestly makes the most sense and we might soon see the Iron Giant do something to try to make up for that mistake. However, there is one other interpretation of this line that we might need to consider. Because the Iron Giant could also be apologizing for something it is ABOUT TO DO. And I know this sounds wild. But I wouldn’t be surprised if this Iron Giant isn’t actually going to be an ally like we all assume. So maybe instead of helping Luffy and his allies, it actually leaves straight away to resume some mission it wasn’t able to complete in the past, such as retrieving that frozen straw hat in Mary Geoise. Just a thought. One thing that I haven’t seen enough people talking about though is that the Iron Giant seems fully conscious and at the very least can clearly speak. Which seems not too surprising since we have seen many cyborgs and other robots, especially in this arc, but I don’t think we should overlook that this robot seems to have a will of its own. Because we then have to ask just how alive is the giant? Does it just have programs that allow it to speak? Or does it have an actual soul and its own individual will and personality? We’ll have to wait and see, but to me this is a majorly important difference to understand. Because as we saw with Kuma earlier in this arc, it does seem like there is some evidence that souls can linger in bodies that are no longer alive. So is that the same case that happened here? Did somehow someone placed their soul inside of the robot? Or was this some sort of technology similar to how Vegapunk placed his brain in Punk Records? Or an even wilder idea is that this could be the oldest case of someone giving a devil fruit to an inanimate object to make it come alive. We've seen that with swords and even cannons All seem to be possible for now, but I will certainly be looking forward to finding out exactly how the Iron Giant is alive. Now we’ve spent nearly this entire review talking about the Iron Giant and the Joy Boy of the distant past, so now let’s discuss their main enemies which are of course the monstrous Gorosei who showed their true forms in the last chapter. And just, wow, I still cannot get over how incredible they all look! These are some real final villains. And we got to see even more of their breathtaking power as Saint Mars did something that no one else has been able to do all arc. Because with his incredible Itsumade abilities, he SMASHED through the Frontier Dome to access the inner parts of the lab. And man, what a casual display of mind-blowing power that was. Because remember that the dome was basically impenetrable. In fact, the only reason Admiral Kizaru was able to get through was the fact that he is already made out of light so the lasers didn’t affect him at all. On top of that though, Saturn showed off his poisonous powers by launching deadly Venom Balls at Luffy and the giants. And these things are no joke because even though Luffy was able to bat them away, we saw just how dangerous these things were when they exploded back in the faces of the Gorosei. Also, Saint Ju Peter seems to be just fine after getting his head literally cut off last chapter. So yeah, there truly seems to be no way that Luffy or the giants are going to take down the Gorosei here. And even they seem to recognize this as Luffy, Dorry, and Broggy are pretty much just trying to get off the island at this point. What’s interesting though is that even the giants are confused by the Goroseis’ seemingly infinite ability to heal, so it seems this is not a power that has been shown in the world for hundreds of years. However, one of the most important things we learned from this chapter is that the Gorosei seem to have confirmed that they can use conqueror’s haki. Which honestly kinda blew my mind. I never landed on a clear explanation for their strange powers, especially this one that we saw from Saint Saturn when he seems to make this poor marine's head explode. Many people wondered if this was some demonic ability or special magic power, but it turns out that this appears to have been haki all along. Which honestly raises a ton of interesting questions. Like how did they ever get Conqueror’s haki in the first place? From everything we’ve seen in the story, the people with conqueror’s haki have unbreakable wills and are said to be fitting of becoming kings, but does that really fit for the Gorosei who so clearly bow down to Imu? I’m not so sure. It is possible they were once kings and only later submitted to Imu or maybe their twisted world view may make them see themselves above every other living creature. For example, even in this chapter we saw that when the defeated Lucci begged Saint Mars to spare Kaku, Mars replied that he couldn’t say what would happen to mere insects, or something like that. So clearly these guys think they are far superior to everyone else, which could explain their immense conqueror’s haki. And if it is indeed so overpowering then it might even make sense why Sanji, Vegapunk, and Franky here were so overwhelmed that they couldn’t even move. Swinging this back around the Saint Mars though, I was honestly surprised that he is already inside the LaboPhase and is about to head to the broadcasting room with literally no one to stop him. I mean, we learned earlier in this chapter that there are still six minutes left on the countdown, so Mars should be able to easily stop the broadcast, right? Well, honestly that would be pretty disappointing if it were true, so I’m guessing Oda will throw some kind of twist in here. Maybe someone will show up to stop Mars or there might be some kind of natural protection in the broadcast room. It could also be that the broadcast room is fake and the video is really streaming from Punk Records. Or an even spicier idea could be that the broadcast isn’t even coming from Egghead Island at all. It could be coming from the Revolutionary Army’s base, which means there would be nothing that Mars can do anyway. Now, you may be asking why I think it is coming from the Revolutionary Army’s base, and the reason is this panel right here. This could have been Shaka telling Dragon to make sure the recording was ready because he predicted that the main Vegapunk would be dying soon. And that would certainly be a big brained move from Vegapunk, but even with that possibility I just can't imagine that the broadcast will go on uninterrupted because it would be pretty sad to learn all about the Void Century from a pre-recorded broadcast instead of the crew figuring it out on their own. If the broadcast does reveal some juicy secrets though, I certainly hope it exposes the corruption running deep in the World Government. Like can you just imagine the mass revolt the world would have when they learn they are being manipulated by a secret world ruler? There might be a ton more people signing up for the revolutionary army if that was the case. In the end though, it might not matter because Imu is without a doubt going to be one of the strongest enemies the world has ever seen. And if you want to know the truth behind his dark empire, plus the twisted history of every other villain in one piece you can watch this video right here. As always, Shanks for watching, and don’t forget to like the video, share, and subscribe. It really helps out the channel when you do. And also let’s hope Oda takes his three weeks break to rest and spend some time with his family! He certainly deserves that as much as anyone.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 310,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter, one piece what if, what if luffy, one piece chapter
Id: YpAnbeZP5u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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