This Is How We Do Hive Splits

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hey welcome back to the 628 dirty rooster Channel we're happy beekeeping is a way of life just dropping in the post office sent out some packages and I got a t-shirt in the mail somebody overseas oh yes I never named nobody is my paru got outdoor Rob and I apparently TV on YouTube thanks Riley appreciate that it's a split I made a week ago or will be when we determine that was ten days ago nine days ago and didn't know where I put the Queen we pretty just figured out she was in here she's now in there these are all medium frames we're just gonna split him off enter these easy nooks let him build out they'll bit off the bottom of these and turn him into some deep frames like you sent him to before and I'll just using her Queen room and then when Flo starts kicking these will be on bottom they'll be kind of building brewed up top if the frames are abandoned for laying I'll chop the home off the bottom of them and stick these back into some honey supers and move them up top of you cracking open some brand new Guardian gloves to exhale yes sir I had eggs or before they feel good we're about to make some splits over here how they do well sizes up did you feel good is it this is to excess right nice fitting over the forearms like no joke because regular see there's no you know compare the size of the forearms this is what most of them are these are those are two exhales and these are two exhales I don't know who these came from I feel like Oh Jason where's your white Bronco I wrecked it yeah so do the right thing and go with Guardian don't be a no J all right getting we're getting set up getting ready to start doing some splits I got some pipes they're in deep boxes summer and mediums some are a mixture of mediums beeps so right now pressing boxes and press frames so I'll have extra frames ready to go in when I get into these splits so taking these frames cleaning the propolis off the sides of them and I'm also these are some frames that I had for honey supers I've got some mediums with some brood in it that I'm gonna be using these to put into those split so I want to make sure that this comb was all cleaned up I'll take this 13 inch carving knife there's mine looking for and I'll take you know when I cut this yeah make sure you keep your fingers out of the way in case your knife slips but I cut up because of the angle of the blade if I cut it down it'll start digging into the wood but what I want to make sure is that this blade is cutting the caps off of this comb all the way up because some of these holes are too deep for a queen to lay in if you've got too much colon built out the Queen can't get her abdomen or tailed all the way down into the bottom of the holes to lay eggs so if you'll take these times we take these holes along it saves some work for the bees that make some frames more manageable for you and it makes it where the Queen can go ahead and start laying right in those keep you spit drank cool off whatever you need then you can open it up do they fit sighs are they [Music] they're not be painting my B boxes there as much as I can did you paint my bike what is it here what color did you paint my back pardon me while I go puke all right so we got some cones right here okay a little bit of Guardian probe over there I know you're not used to seeing me wear gloves but most the time you're seeing me in a little single having a wall or ceiling or something and now we're about to bust up some of this stuff and that's different than making a split so I probably would eat gloves by the time we get into them deep now when we start moving them splitting them down yeah yeah so at some point this evening I'll probably be in a suit gloves and a hood at the very minimum alright so got a question about why scrape this one all the way down to the foundation and not these others the reason being this problem here the cross cone they were trying to bridge comb in between two foundations and we don't want that that's why I scraped it all the way down to the bottom and we'll let them start over again as in typical dirt rooster fashion it's about 500 no it's 5:30 5:30 we're getting started too late again but earlier today I was in this yard and I went through this pallet of bees what I did was this hopper when I started had one medium box and one deep box so I went through and separated and put about three frames of brood in each of these deep boxes had some brood in this shallow box or medium box also I found the Queen in this one so I've got her caged in this bottom box so she can't travel around inside the hive but I didn't want to pull all of these bees or this these boxes off in the middle of the day because there's a lot of forage bees out that we would have missed so we're gonna come back this evening and we will take this box off haul it to another location we'll take this box off haul it to another location so we're gonna make two nukes and then we're gonna leave our parent parent hive here so we'll wind up with three hives out of what was one hive that was made up of two boxes same thing here I had one medium box hey Miss Nancy okay all right so this hive again started out as one medium and I think it had one deep well there was an uprooted here that I could split off into three deep boxes I put two frames of brood along with some honey some pollen and the same thing here I split one medium box into two medium boxes and I've got brood and honey in both of those so later this evening after all the bees are all the foraging bees are back in will come and split these small boxes off we will leave this one as a parent hive and I didn't find the Queen in this in this hive so we'll put Queen cells in all five of these but they Laura will be moved to different locations I just pulled this box apart some of the frames were propolis and wax glued together actually separated a frame pulling it apart this is a bottom bar now here's a good stack of propolis I'm gonna take that off and save it now we're in the middle of something a lot more important than saving a little bit of propolis but you gotta save some propyl oh I'm not gonna do that this whole yard it's just this one chunk that I won't bring it over here bring it this is what I keep it in I'll just get this priority packed you can see there's some purple in the bottom of it already oh I had this to it and I want to get enough I'll put it in a jar and dissolve it in something 91% whatever alcohol I can get and turn it into something to paint the inside of pipe traps or I mean I warm crabs all right so this hive here has got some Queen cells and I'm just getting it up here in the sunlight so I can look in there and see if I'm still seeing eggs in there can see any eggs [Music] alright so most likely the Queen has already quit laying in preparation to swarm I don't think she swarmed yet because I don't see any cat Queens hills and because it ends the carpet of bees and yeah the population is pretty good so I'm gonna look for the Queen and this one and hopefully find because good all right so this frame here we got some bunched up work the bees built off the foundation the entire frame but it's a whack-job frame long all right so uh we don't need these rooms we got plenty of drones and that honey the bees can drop out so we're just gonna discard all of that the keep in mind we this is to be able to manage the hive you got to make sure that your frames are in good shape and when I say safe I'm talking about the actual shape of the comb yeah we're not just cutting stuff at random there's a method to the madness hey it's fine to Queen no but I found earlier the Queen's lair alright so those y'all don't know that is a sill protector that is what's used if you're putting a queen cell into a hive and you don't want them to chew out the side of the Queen cell you put it in a cell protector and that way the Queen can emerge at the bottom without being a danger of them chewing out the side walls of the Queen cell where shall we when you need him if I had so we're here to do he could point to the box and the frame best way to find her stir him up and she's the one who's running like she's got a busted shock a little slower than the rest find a queen cells in here and that yeah mostly didn't look like they swarm no she's in here did you say where bees Oh y'all where's waldo chance you ain't got nothin on beekeeper look Hayden the coin Waldo don't move then the Queen will have a real habit yeah and you know what color Waldo is you don't know what color the Queen don't be so we're making these splits doing two brewed one food and he splits and then backfilling the rest of this box with two foundations and the rest drone frames I'm still looking for the Queen as I'm putting this back together because I never did find her because of this split right here will stake in this this 10 frame will stay right here where it's at and it'll get a queen cell tomorrow or tonight and if the Queen's in there they'll kill it if she's not then they'll mate that Queen we get the Box going again right now I'm just adding brood frames and I probably shake most of these bees off on these other frames because there's an overabundance gonna be left in this one box here unless we're stacking them no not this and we're gonna put this one in some pipe ring new boxes I got these bread frames sitting over here and it's not super critical that we find the Queen although we we would like to but in the interest of time saving we could we can spend a lot of time on one box looking for a queen since we're gonna be adding sales I normally wouldn't shake bees off like this but and probably I should get a box let me get a box catch me coughing this my smoker blowing at me that's not the corona cough it's not a Gurkha it's the pine stroke it's smoking it's hay fever soon yeah what I was saying is I could shake these off on these frames anything to hit the ground would crawl back up on these frames they'd stay right here I've got seven or eight frames stacked right here the night inside of a box but the bees would stay with them instead of doing that since we're gonna set up some new tread here I'm gonna go ahead and add this we're gonna do two frames of brood in this box still looking for the Queen as we go through and one food frame and the rest that get is empties and then one drone frame for them see how they're running right here after we just put all these frames in there's brig frames in here but the way they're running leads me to believe the queen is not in this box so what we're gonna do with them I'll check this frame real quick for a queen this is another brood frame with some nurse bees on it shake them off that box is blonde and it's closed already just right over there gonna work there's our food frame there's a little bit of bee bread here there could be some some laying in this side I don't think there is but there's a big pile of bees right here and we'll go through them real quick just a last check before I stick them in thank you he's got there target one area this is this maybe if this is another food train I only get one brief training this box pick a card any card no no no pick again that's not the one I wanted to pick I was gonna show you a trick but you picked the wrong card the deck was stacked against you there's a brood frame but wrong kind of brood you do need drones though we got there's plenty out here but we don't need them as bad as we need worker brood we're gonna stick this in the box anyway shall we if you watching this video I want you to tell me where she was cuz I know you singer s morning to friends okay here's another here's a good brain frame put a big old giant pile of bees on it you don't pour off in this box you gots more drawn out from over there anything mr. head wishes he had comb that nasty hay Celebes in that box right there grabs a box and check these bees in there thank you chutneys get to a carboy it's a tad bit tacky once you get here Oh somebody who's cleaning frames of this honey in it mmm-hmm all right so we took that one have mayhem II that's right don't be afraid you shot him right out when you know yeah I think we good you got three there right in one parent huh poor okay and then that other when I stacked it up and we've got four three deep sand two mediums that will take off yeah so it took one hive made five I've gotta be crawling on my belly that won't go away [Laughter] Jarius don't we she's just still there [Applause] I'm gonna make two rows of pallets and set them down and put clean pallets between them and then I'm gonna move the house over from from the old pallets to the cleaners this is to go to California going to California no they're like laying pallets of California [Music] [Music] [Music] this event must have been something in a tone of his voice [Laughter] hey we're here on a top-secret location and all that traffic in the background of CGI so nobody really knows where we're at because we don't nobody mess when he's hired I got stone writing the juggler had my suit on but apparently I didn't zip up properly because about a half dozen bees get up in there with me only one stung me though the rest of them just trying to get out like bad decision it's a glyph in it I got some some old wore-out work jeans on they getting kind of thin in places and they found a thin spot so that was that's itching well I hope y'all enjoyed that little outing there there's a little something different I don't I think I'll have you know I don't do any commercial bee work and those those were not my hives as our commercial operation is getting ready to good California for the almond pollination not activity or Ennis gas stations got old man over here trying to rip the transmission out of his car looks like so anyway they had clean pallets that had been pressure washed and painted or coated and so they'd moved the boxes onto the clean pallets off the dirty to load on the trucks to hit out to California and so I was just hanging out for the evening play and having a good time video and wasn't a lot of manual work involved there other than laid out pallets the rest of it was just you know forwardly after metal hand trap little dolly but there's just something different something interesting to do and maybe I get to do it some more who knows we'll see to get on because going black theater maybe the palaces like that Stewart yeah have pushed something in it started student Paulo face the board is broken yeah I couldn't see the end of the book there and sometimes their big stuff like [Applause] [Applause] [Music] like it was another fat one two down [Applause] between that quite player whites left in the wrong class and yeah yeah there's a hole probably 100 up a bunch Tuppy would you look at all the ladybugs in the freeride [Music]
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 43,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bees, bee, bee hive, honey bees, bee keeping, honeybee hive, natural beekeeping, beekeeping, beekeeper, healthy bees, save the bees, italian bees, italian honey bees, italian queen, making splits, splitting bees, bee hive splits, nuc hive, nuc splits, splitting nucs, splitting, ten frame deeps, honey super, deep super, brood box, deep brood box, spring beekeeping, farming bees, growing hives, making bees, income from beekeeping, commercial beekeeping, transporting bees
Id: FuC_7Z45Pnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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