This Is How These 15 Animals Look Like Before Giving Birth

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this is how these 15 animals look like before giving birth pregnancy is one of nature's most celebrated miracles the grandmother heard he's like and for a good reason it's the reason we're all here for one but we rarely stop to think about how animals deal with their pregnancies so prepare yourself for some baby bellies from one of our world's fastest animals to one of our closest relatives the cafe has several super cute baby bunnies for you to play with this is how these 15 animals look like before giving birth number 15 cheetahs when it comes to children cheetahs have really got the system down as solitary animals male and female cheetahs only come together to mate after that it's all down to the female to raise the child on her own even the animal kingdom has its fair share of single mothers the gestation period for a cheetah generally lasts around 92 to 95 days and typically ends with the birth of a litter of three to five cups and as you can see the cheetah gets all the luxuries that human mothers to be enjoy the ultrasounds are but one of many processes required to ensure that the children are born healthy and happy of course all of this is just a brief moment in the life of a cheetah when her cubs are 16 to 24 months old she will leave them to fend for themselves in the wild while she goes off to have other cups i've never said the single mothers were good parents did i as solitary animals cheetahs don't tend to make loving or hyper attentive parents the nature of this animal is to bring the animal into the world and then leave it alone and to be fair it seems to work fine before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping number 14 gorillas if the human gestation period is nine months it stands to reason that one of our closest living relatives would have a similar gestation time and you'd be right to think that although there are some slight differences namely it's hard to tell and i don't mean that as an insult the gestation period for a gorilla is around eight and a half months but it's incredibly hard to figure out if a gorilla is pregnant in the first place because the gorilla stomach is large to begin with it's very much a gamble to ask are you pregnant or just one of the largest primates on the planet typically female gorillas will give birth around every four years and almost always with a single infant although twins are possible albeit rare all of this of course sounds quite similar to what we're used to as humans another reminder of that famous genetic relation gorillas are fascinating animals and their pregnancy process is not totally dissimilar to ours because when you really stop to think about it what are humans but hairless monkeys without the intelligence number 13. cats here's one that many will be familiar with like many household pets the cat is an animal that can bring many many surprises to an unsuspecting household and by that i obviously mean a surprise litter of kittens that nobody could have seen coming not unlike humans cats get pregnant during a period of peak fertility also known as being in heat the period in question comes around once every three weeks or so making the cat one of the most likely animals to get pregnant seemingly out of nowhere this is why many experts advise neutering the cat allowing owners to keep a cat without coming home to find an extra 13 tearing up their home your average cat's gestation period lasts sometime between 63 and 67 days though often the cat will show no signs of pregnancy until several weeks in that's why many discover the pregnancy accidentally and when it's far too late many cat owners will have experienced the shock of an unexpected litter of kittens which can be both a blessing and a well a difficult period if there's any pet likely to get spontaneously pregnant it's most likely going to be the kitty number 12. chihuahua you may know this animal as the star of the beverly hills chihuahua series but apparently it's pretty amazing that the movies got made after all if the stories are to be believed a pregnant chihuahua is not a fun experience even that may be an understatement for a chihuahua pregnancy can be incredibly risky due to complications these animals often end up having emergency cesarean sections to protect the child the gestation period for chihuahua is around 63 days and thanks to the animal's tiny frame spotting the pregnancy is about as easy as it could possibly be just two weeks after conception the stomach will be visibly swollen i mean look at this video and you'll see just how difficult it is to miss you'd have to be blind or extremely remarkably lacking in basic awareness of the world around you it's not the kind of site you ever expect to see but a pregnant chihuahua is one that you'll probably never forget owners of this pet must be extra aware of their surroundings to protect the animal from dangerous or life-threatening side effects but you know when it looks like this chances are you won't be missing it number 11. horse as one of the bigger animals out in the wild the gestation period of horses is naturally a little longer than many other animals it's also one of the few cases where scientists have found a way to genetically engineer the whole process the average gestation period for a horse is usually between 330 and 345 days around 11 months that's not much longer than humans but it's worth noting that ponies will have slightly shorter gestation periods due to their smaller stature of course some breeders have found a way to manipulate the breeding cycle using artificial daylight to trick the mayor's brain into producing reproductive hormones there's always a way isn't there like most animals it's not easy to miss a pregnant horse her stomach will bulge somewhat larger than usual and she likely won't be able to enjoy the kind of carefree life she once did you'll often find pregnant horses on the ground enjoying a break from the stress of standing up now that's relatable content the horse is a magnificent and graceful animal even in pregnancy it's really quite impressive that any creature can make laying on the ground look elegant and comfortable but if any animal can it's a pregnant horse number 10. rat whether you like rats or not they are truly fascinating animals especially so if they're pregnant when a rat is pregnant she focuses on the essential things in life getting her home ready for the impending pups it's also pretty cute to watch which is good for us take a look at this pregnant rat in case it's not immediately apparent she's building a nest with the suitable material she has been provided in this case that material is shredded paper this soft material will provide a comfortable and safe home for her future newborn pups of course her children will be born deaf and blind meaning that all precautions must be taken to protect them from possible harm it's really just good parenting when you think about it the average gestation period for rats is pretty quick at around 21 to 23 days and often the pregnant rat will birth somewhere between 8 and 18 pops you may not be a particularly big fan of rats but you can't deny that this kind of advanced preparation is an excellent thing this is an animal that will surely take care of her child no matter what and that's always a heartwarming thing number nine deer deer are fascinating creatures they're shy peaceful gentle but have you ever seen a pregnant deer if not we have something of a treat for you assuming of course that you want to see it if you don't want to see it go watch someone cook or something like many animals deer are seasonal breeders with males typically exhibiting their reproductive behavior in the early fall that mixed with the females estrus cycle leads to many deer getting pregnant during this part of the year and a pregnant deer in case you've never seen it looks just like this as you can see it's not much different from your average deer except that she has a slightly bigger belly than usual but that doesn't stop her from moving around and at a high speed if necessary a deer's gotta eat well the movie never showed it for uh obvious reasons i'm sure you can guess bambi had to come from somewhere and this is how he looked when he was living inside of his mama's belly it's unbelievably cute to watch isn't it number 8. pig because they're such big animals all year round it may be hard to imagine what a pregnant pig looks like thanks to the wonder of the internet and the ability to delete our browsing history we found some footage of pregnant pigs that we want to share this is a pregnant sew while i'm not gifted enough to estimate how far into the pregnancy this particular sow is the gestation period for pigs lasts for three months three weeks and three days when it comes time for giving birth you can expect at least 10 piglets from each pregnancy and just for fun so's can have up to two pregnancies a year so all in all it seems like a lot of fun for everyone except for the so obviously it doesn't look like she's having too good a time although i suppose it's hard to enjoy pregnancy when you know it's coming the sow begins to form a nest 24 hours within giving birth one of the most telling signs that birth is imminent and like the human experience the delivery itself is a bloody and frankly traumatizing affair and we wouldn't put anybody through that i still have the reoccurring nightmares number seven zebra the rule of thumb and fashion goes like this vertical stripes make you look taller and horizontal stripes make you look wider so how does that work when these lines are quite literally part of a pregnant animal's genetics well here's a zebra to help us find out because they're so similar to horses a zebra pregnancy is pretty much the same process the gestation period lasts on average for around 409 days though it almost always takes over a year but in the case of our question the answer is that it doesn't make much difference like horses the zebra's pregnancy shows in a slightly swollen belly bump which is made more noticeable by the zebra stripes though not that much more it's kind of like if you wear horizontal stripes and then eat a whole pizza people will suggest they throw you a baby shower and you have to explain that you're a man and then there's another in-depth discussion about the 1994 arnold schwarzenegger comedy junior it's a whole thing my body my choice anyway where was i most zebras produce a single youngster but twins can also be delivered on rare occasions of course they're much smaller than their single counterparts like arnie's child in junior incidentally number six giraffe i know i know this is the one you were all wondering about well i don't like to disappoint as the tallest creature in the whole animal kingdom it seems almost impossible to consider a pregnant giraffe good girl their bodies seem so carefully designed to balance the long neck that you wonder how this works well i wouldn't expect too many surprises if i were you the gestation period for a giraffe lasts between 446 and 457 days on average and usually results in the birth of one child although twins are not impossible of course everybody knows about the birth process for giraffes they're born standing up drop to the ground and learn to stand and walk around 5 to 20 minutes after being born humans by comparison are incredibly lazy as you can see from this video the giraffe pregnancy is not unlike the human experience a swollen belly protects the child as it develops inside its mama what a beautiful animal the giraffe is one of the few animals that see its newborns developing almost immediately after birth there aren't too many animals that can walk less than a half hour after being born it took me 16 years to really get the hang of it number 5. lizard here's a question for all you casual animal lovers could you identify a pregnant lizard from a non-pregnant one chances are you couldn't at least not without doing some research in advance just checking in on the labour ward with our blue tongues part of the trouble is that there is a condition amongst lizards known as parthenogenesis unisexual reproduction but we'll get to that this is actual footage of a real pregnant lizard but how on earth could you possibly know that eh taking care of a pregnant lizard can prove to be one of the most challenging tasks any pet owner could possibly face these animals require a particular climate to protect their eggs and offspring but there's also the rare problem of parthenogenesis unisexual reproduction happens when a female lizard gets pregnant despite having absolutely no contact with a male whatsoever we don't have the time to go into the science of it so just trust me when i sum it up as crazy it can be pretty tricky to figure out if a lizard is pregnant purely on site alone but any lizard owner worth their terrarium will be able to tell you the vital signs of pregnancy and how to take care of them number four shark genuine question for our viewers how many of you know how sharks mate i know i know that's an incredibly personal question and i will not judge you if you said yes but for most people it's not something they ever really stopped to think about sharks reproduce much more like humans than fish while fish simply release their reproductive elements into the water to meet and create new creatures sharks must physically well you know the rest shark's reproduction is a very bitey rolling act and while that's kind of gross to think about you end up with this a very pregnant tiger shark who'd have thought while these animals may mate several times each reproductive season many shark species only reproduce once every two or three years of course all of this usually happens in the ocean's deep murky waters so it's not like humans actually see it statistically speaking a shark is one of the rarest pregnant creatures you could stumble upon because their home is so deep and isolated they tend to stay well away from humans which to be fair is understandable i wouldn't mind an isolated home away from humans number three goat believe it or not goats are pretty much continuous breeders depending on the breed locality and climate the breeding season can vary meaning there is just about always a doe in heat somewhere i'm not sure how that information will help you in life but you have it regardless in case you're wondering what an extremely pregnant dough looks like enjoy this video i could sell you a whole story about how this dough consumed a whole bowling ball but it's pretty clear what has happened in this video is check for their tendons or ligaments this goat is very very very very very pregnant the average gestation period for a goat is around 151 days give or take a few and some farmers or owners like to breed the animals once a year to produce strong and lively kids well everyone needs a hobby i guess on average a goat can rear two kids though there have been instances where some particularly lucky goats have given birth to as many as five kids of course giving birth to so many kids is detrimental to the health of the goat physically and when the kid grows up probably mentally too number 2. fox did you know that foxes only breed once a year often this rare event is accompanied by some pretty horrific noises barking screams all the usual chaos you would expect naturally much like humans two foxes spent time hunting together for three weeks before deciding to make it official so to speak once pregnant the gestation process for a female fox or vixen is usually around 53 days and generally in the first half of the year as you can see from this video the foxes don't really look too much different from usual they're a little bit bigger their stomach is slightly expanded but it's nothing too extreme when the days come for the big birth the fox will give birth to a litter of four or five cups these little pups will be blind relying on their mother for the first two weeks of their lives until they're able to see and by the time they're four weeks old the cubs will begin fighting among themselves sometimes to the death well you have to start them early due to the fox's short life span females will likely only breed two or three times in their entire time on earth the males meanwhile will mate once maybe they just get bored number 1. rabbit we all know the saying rabbits have a reputation for being among the most um physically active of all the creatures in the animal kingdom once they start well it's hard to get them to stop and no this isn't rabbits rising it's okunoshima where it's always bunny rush out if they haven't been spayed or neutered you find yourself in a situation like this the rabbit in this video is on day 27 of her pregnancy on average the gestation period for rabbits is around a month during this period the litter will begin to develop inside her and can even be felt just by touching her belly about a week before the birth the rabbit will do what you see in this video they begin nesting pulling up materials in one area of the enclosure quite often the rabbit starts pulling out its fur to line the nest since most rabbits give birth at night this is a sign that you should prepare to wake up two little rabbits the rabbit reputation is not unearned these animals are incredibly active and it's not uncommon for rapid owners to wake up to a whole bunch of new pets in the enclosure it's like christmas if all you want for christmas is more mouths to feed did any of these pregnant animals surprise you let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 147,288
Rating: 4.8835273 out of 5
Keywords: animals, animals look like, before giving birth, animals before giving birth, animals giving birth, animal giving birth, birth, mammals birth, giving birth, animal mating, look like, while giving birth, this is how, animals babies, newborn animals, baby animals, like animals, newborn, how is born, animal, births, like, look, giving, this, how, how to give birth, how to give, animal videos, how do animals give birth, during labor, elephant giving birth, pregnant animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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