This Is How The US President Travels Undercover

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on February 20th 2023 President Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Ukraine which is an active war zone the visit was so secretive and surprising that only a few people knew about the visit and even the Russians were notified only a few hours before the visit how is it possible to hide the movements of the president especially in an era where every step is typically accompanied by a flurry of motorcades and a fleet of Air Force One jets the answer lies in the intricate web of covert Transportation methods employed by the US government the Boeing c32a is the silent sibling of the Boeing 7472 200b which is the president's primary aircraft discreetly fing the president with Advanced security features and cuttingedge communication systems Often overshadowed by its more famous counterpart this military version of the Boeing 757-200 extended range aircraft plays a crucial role in maintaining a lowprofile while ensuring the president's safety referred to as Air Force 2 the c32a is a multitasking Marvel its primary Duty involves shuttling the vice president their family and staff around earning its nickname as the vice president's preferred mode of travel the aircraft serving the special air Mission caters to Executive transport needs and provides extensive communication capabilities for senior political officials but but most interestingly the c32a steps up to the shoes of Air Force 1 when logistical constraints arise or when the need to be discret becomes permanent President Biden himself used this option during the transatlantic journey to Ukraine on February 2023 strategically avoiding suspicions by opting for the c32a but the president does not only have planes for secret travels there are also the Doomsday planes whose purpose is to ensure leadership continuity in the face of of nuclear war or large-scale conflicts officially known as National Airborne operation centers or naoc these Airborne command posts serve as a critical link between leaders and the ability to orchestrate military operations from the sky these Airborne command posts have been operational since the 1970s evolving into flying War rooms designed to guide the president through the tumultuous early days of a nuclear war one of the notable doomsday planes is the Boeing e4b a modified version of the Boeing 747-200b also known as nightwatch this Advanced Airborne command post ensures the survivability of the national command Authority comprising the president of the United States the Secretary of Defense and their successors another Doomsday plane is the Boeing E6 Mercury originally known as E6 Hermes based on the Boeing 77320 this Airborne command post and Communications relay entered service with the United States Navy in 1989 operating under the mission name and acronym tacamo take charge and move out there's also the Northrup Grumman E10 mc2a which is envisioned as a multi-roll military aircraft designed to replace several existing platforms based on the Boeing 767-400 ER its aim is to serve as the Central Command Authority for air Land and Sea forces in a combat theater demonstrating the continuous evolution of technology in this crucial domain each of these doomsday planes are equipped with advanced communication tools to ensure connectivity in various scenarios these include very low frequency antennas capable of trailing up to 5 miles behind the aircraft during flight and super high frequency and milstar Communications equipment housed on top of the distinctive Dome or bulge in the fuselage the milstar system according to the United States space force is a secure and jam resistant joint service Satellite Communication System it facilitates worldwide communication linking command authorities with military resources like ships submarines aircraft and ground stations meeting high priority military requirements these Technologies enable the Doomsday planes to communicate with armed units globally covering a wide spectrum of communication levels from open to private while specific details about the plane's resistance to nuclear attacks are classified it is known that the onboard computers and wiring are hardened with a thermal and nuclear shielding the cockpit features analog controls and workstations are equipped with handwired phones and monitors designed to operate even in the event of a nuclear electromagnetic pulse to protect the communication system from external factors like heat or an electromagnetic pulse there are no windows in the aircraft besides the ones in the cockpit additionally the aircraft can be refueled mid-flight during wartime optimizing flying time except for necessary crew Supply while the US Air Force is in charge of operating and maintaining the Doomsday planes as well as other means of presidential air travel it hasn't always been this way there used to be the Forte of the US Army the US Army once took charge of managing the president's travel especially during the tumultuous times of the second world war this pivotal responsibility continued until 1976 with an interesting collaboration between the Army and the Marine Corps for helicopter transportation apart from the Air Force and the Army the US Navy are also not left out in the duty of transporting the president safely and securely the distinctive call sign Navy 1 reflects a unique moment in history when it was assigned to a Lockheed S3 Viking serial number 159 387 to be exact operated by the blue wolves of v35 this aircraft made history on May 1st 2003 when it carried President George W bush to the USS Abraham Lincoln off the coast of San Diego California Commander John skip lur the executive officer of bs35 piloted the S3 with Lieutenant Ryan Wilson Phillips as the flight officer after the significant Mission the retired S3 found its final resting place on display at the national Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola Florida on July 17th 2003 while Navy 1 holds a singular place in history it's part of a broader Trad ition of unique call signs associated with presidential travel the iconic Air Force One serves as the official Air Traffic Control designation for any United States Air Force aircraft carrying the president Beyond Aviation the United States secret service employs code names for US presidents first ladies and other prominent figures and locations initially used for security purposes when electronic communications were not routinely encrypted these names now serve the dual purpose of brevity and and tradition President John F Kennedy for example was known by the code name Lancer while first lady Jacqueline Kennedy's code name was lace the evolution of this Transportation landscape introduces us to the specialized operations and agencies working seamlessly to ensure the safety and efficiency of the president's movements one key player is the Secret Service a civilian agency with the crucial task of operating the president's motorcade the iconic presidential state car known as Cadillac one or the Beast is under the meticulous care of the Secret Service boasting a fleet of at least 10 of these specially designed limousines the responsibilities of the Secret Service extend beyond vehicular operations this civilian agency is entrusted with the task of protecting the president and his family including adult children during their travels to accomplish this Mission effectively the Secret Service can call upon the assistance of other agencies forging Partnerships with the Department of Defense and the coast guard behind the scenes meticulous reporting is an integral part of the process both the Secret Service and the Department of Defense diligently prepare and submit expenditure reports to Congress providing transparency and accountability in the costs associated with presidential travel the president does not only travel secretly by air sometimes he happens to move on the ground as well with very few people in the no securing president's ground travel is a delicate balance between visibility and SE y with the motorcade being a conspicuous yet necessary element of the president's movements however in situations demanding heightened discretion the government employs various strategies to ensure land travel remains as covert as possible the presidential bus known as groundforce one is a symbol of this balance embodying the president's ground travel capabilities while offering a discret and secure mode of transportation this specialized vehicle plays a pivotal role in ensuring dur ing the president's safety during Overland Journeys outfitted with state-of-the-art communication systems and defense measures the presidential bus represents the fusion of functionality and security the design prioritizes both mobility and the imperative need to Shield the president from potential threats on the road specific events underscore the importance of the presidential bus in ensuring the president's safety during ground travel for instance in August 2011 the Secret Service introduced ground one as a new permanent addition to the federal government's Fleet initially for use by Barack Obama in the campaign leading up to the 2012 Presidential election with all of the resources that go into moving the president secretly the question that comes to mind is why why does the president need to sometimes move around secretly the planning of secret government travel especially for the president is a meticulous and complex process the decision to keep these plans secret stems from the core objective of ensuring the safety of high-profile officials particularly when venturing into areas that could pose potential security risks presidential visits to active combat zones a practice dating back to Abraham Lincoln underscore the historical importance of secrecy in most cases these visits are executed without any prior Public Announcement emphasizing the critical nature of maintaining confidentiality for visits with heightened security needs the Secret Service is involved right from the beginning of the planning phase this early engagement is essential to address and incorporate the unique security challenges associated with each visit one key aspect of the planning process revolves around determining the safest and most efficient route for the president's travel this involves careful consideration of factors such as potential security threats logistical challenges and diplomatic sensitivities the goal is to chart a course that minimizes risks and ensures a smooth and secure Journey while the specific details of the travel plans are kept Under Wraps it is not uncommon for individuals involved in the planning to undergo a stringent security clearance process this includes reporting international travel obtaining pre-approval disclosing travel schedules to security officers and attending pre-travel security briefings these measures contribute to the overall security framework ensuring that all aspects of the journey are scrutinized and safeguarded while there have been speculations about the use of unconventional means such as unmarked and hidden vehicles for transporting the president it remains unconfirmed that the government employs a garbage truck for such purposes nonetheless it exemplifies the extent to which the government goes to maintain secrecy and Security in the execution of high stakes travel plans if you enjoyed our video join our membership paper pilot Club to support us you'll get monthly custom paper airplane designs Early Access to our videos and exclus Ive member badges to stand out in the comments click join now and be a part of the adventure today
Channel: Beyond Facts
Views: 1,059,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beyond facts, beyond facts cars, president, motorcade us, beast, presidential, police, air force one, united states, white house, the beast, us president, us president motorcade, us president security, president joe biden, potus, motorcade, secret service, usa, joe biden, cadillac
Id: ZkJcMWRhe-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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