Inside Air Force One: Secrets to Presidential Travel

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in an age when air travel is getting increasingly uncomfortable shrinking seats expanding fees we have an exclusive inside look at an alternative way to fly there's only one prerequisite you have to be President of the United States here's ABC's chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl this is on the president's reading list that might be on the first lady's day inside Air Force One it seems a diverse reading selection from life and style to the latest Sports Illustrated and on board some of the finest food you can get in the air and check out those table settings we've seen it in movies as a giant moving target get off my plane this look familiar the flying oval office nearly identical to the on set version in house of cards so you want me to forgive you to say that it was okay but tonight for the first time under President Obama we're taking you on an exclusive all-access tour of Air Force One we are already on a military base but we are about to go to a base within a base one of the most secure military facilities in the world this is where Air Force One is housed colonel dave ban Holzer is the Air Force one commander if you wouldn't mind handing your cell phone over to our security guy here just because we're going into a more secure I don't usually surrender this thing anywhere so our first stop the kitchens where military chefs prepare some of the best meals in the sky so how do you ensure the security of this food once it leaves here we're gonna back in seal we're gonna make sure it's in our art containers in our area today's menu quinoa salad hints at the healthy influence of Michelle Obama was the main little different one when the first lady's not flying you know the president's just down the hallway a stunning reveal that's quite a sight welcome to Air Force One massive and spotless every inch polished by hand before every flight on the main deck our tour guide chief master sergeant Rob nation this is the the president's office if you will he can come in and do any of his day-to-day business here he has the capabilities the same as the White House on every flight the president's personal physician he can transform this cabin into an airborne emergency room we have defibrillators we have suction devices we have IV pumps down the hall the flying Situation Room where the president can address the nation the press cabin this is my usual seat on Air Force One and finally yes sir you'd like to see the business end of Air Force yeah yeah yeah it's a tight fit please have a seat that's the copilot seat so you can be my co-pilot today right what's the most challenging place you've had the land Afghanistan is the most you know hard something until you get on the ground there and and then you get out of there safely yeah Air Force One most certainly secure after all it flies America's first family okay I gotta ask you you have a lot of weapons on this plane the president is very well protected one Hollywood myth busted so I've ever seen the movie Air Force one I have totally realistic right absolutely not now there is no escape pod on board the airplane contrary to public miss our tour complete we joined the crew and President Obama for his 1070 ahthe flight a trip to New York City quinoa just enough time to order lunch hey mom and for a quick call to mom on the president's secure line and our journey ends here on the tarmac at JFK Airport in New York yet another on-time arrival for Air Force One for Nightline Jonathan Karl on Air Force One our thanks to John Karl and this question what are York in flight essentials go to our Nightline Facebook page and let us know the magazine's movies are snacks you've always got to have on hand
Channel: ABC News
Views: 5,060,469
Rating: 4.7865896 out of 5
Keywords: Obama, John Karl, Devin Dwyer, Air Force One, presidential travel, plane, presidential office, exclusive, travel, politics, abc, abcnews
Id: DD7QuVB3Grk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2015
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