This is how Satan tempts you to doubt your salvation.

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undoubtedly there are attacks on Christians from spiritual forces I don't believe Satan is the one that's probably nattering at you I think he's busy concocting grand schemes like post-modernism deconstructionism critical race Theory identity politics those types of things he kind of masterminds that rolls him out throws everything against the wall sees what sticks sadly a lot of stuff is sticking these days however that is not to suggest that you can never be tempted by a demon by a devil how does that work and the answer is I don't know how it works I don't think that the devil or a demon can get into your brain I think though having studied you they can do things to get temptations put in your way you've got a weakness for they throw it out there so I don't know how this works exactly nevertheless from chalice dot-com eight ways Satan tempts you to question your salvation does this sound like you are you regularly wondering am I saved we need to start with making sure that we do a quick examination and I do mean relatively brief are you in the faith have you repented and put your trust in Jesus Christ then you're in Christ and and you don't have to question your salvation I know people do because they fear that they don't believe enough you're right you don't they fear they're not saved because they don't think they repent enough you're right you don't but Jesus is enough that's the point it's mustard seed faith and this is not to minimalize the call of the gospel and the command to repent and Trust the would it be minimalize or minimize hmm well I don't want to make much of it you're in Christ nothing can snatch you from his hand nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus the laundry list two of them in Romans chapter 8 nothing life nor death principalities powers or any other created thing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus not even yourself I would I was preaching on those verses somewhat recently and when I was done a young woman very sweet lady who I think was just visiting the church she was pretty tearful so I asked was it that bad and she said no this is just a big subject for me and she said ultimate and sharp young lady she was not snippy at all and it it didn't melt me she said I just disagree with what you said I said okay well explain that to me I'd love to hear and she said well yes God saves us and yeah God God will keep us if we keep believing in him uh-oh did you see now in a sense that's correct because those who persevere are those who are saved but that's not what she meant she meant I've got to keep I've got to be like journey not stop believing I got a hold onto that feel a AAA and streetlights believing oh whoa whoa somebody stop me please notice the elephant's was in a restaurant a couple of days ago and journey came on and I went oh it's journey and then they played some another rock and roll song and then journey was on again and then another rock and roll song and journey came I pretty much heard their whole catalogue having lunch it must have been the all journey channel all the time or at least half the journey channel all the time this woman thought you've got to keep doing something to maintain your faith and it just broke my heart for this young lady and because that's works if you have to do something to maintain your salvation and you can get credit for your salvation and you're not gonna Jesus did it all he saves he keeps he glorifies we don't and this woman just thought well there's just times when I I don't you know I and I don't feel like I'm believing enough and I said well there's I'm certain you're not believing enough but that's not the point your faith is feeble you're weak we all are that's the point but we turn our eyes away from ourselves in our faith and we turn our eyes upon Jesus and we look long in his wonderful face that is what we do when we're doubting but remember doubt is not disbelief doubt is doubt it's not disbelief can be confusion heard from a fellow who was we heard a lecture by somebody I think I was listening online to some Muslim cleric trying to dismantle the doctrine of the Trinity upset him and he was concerned am I not saved all of a sudden have you repented and put your trust in Jesus Christ then you're his and you were having bad thoughts you were having doubting thoughts they're slanderous thoughts and you should repent of them but that doesn't mean you're outside of the kingdom Satan would like to persuade you otherwise way number one he tempts you to question your salvation he causes you to think more about your sin than your Savior that's what I was saying chalice Robert Mitty machine for everyone look at yourself take ten looks at the cross 10 looks at Jesus Christ the devil wants you to do the opposite way number two the second way Satan causes you to doubt your salvation is to have you wrongly define salvation huh that you think salvation is a perfect faith in Christ that I have to have perfect assurance all the time wrong this is not a license to sin it's the very opposite this is Grace sounds dangerous grace is more dangerous to preach than law and Paul he just got in front of this issue in Romans chapter 6 he's talking about justification in Romans 5 so some might be thinking do I go on sinning that I that grace might more about heaven forbid he said no we don't go on this this will not make you go on sinning more by letting you know that your weakened in perfect faith is still salvific faith because it is from Jesus and he is enough and not you and that very knowledge should cause you not to go well I'm just gonna then I'm not gonna worry about how much faith I have no the exact opposite it'll cause you to have more faith and desire to have more faith to cry out to God help me in my unbelief that's what grace should do not serve as a license to licentiousness but it is to serve as the motivator for desiring to be godly the third way Satan causes you to doubt is to have you make false conclusions from your circumstances God must not love me why am I going through this heard from another fellow and if you're listening my dear friend from Ireland do you know that I'm talking about you God must not love me therefore I must not be saved my circumstances are bleak I don't like them I I just don't think God cares for me that's just wrong theology devil loves you to feel that way God does not the fourth way Satan causes you to question your salvation is to suggest to you that the evidence of grace in your life is counterfeit rather than genuine yeah I'm nicer and stuff but I'm probably just faking it okay that's an option and the possibility but don't get caught in that snare maybe you're growing because you know the Holy Spirit is growing you how's that for something to ponder instead which will do what caused you to love him more and desire to become more like Jesus Christ the fifth way Satan tempts you to despair to convince you that you have that kind of battle you're experiencing with sin is the battle that only an unbeliever could have oh not a real believer I can't be because a true believer wouldn't fight against sin this long this is hard this must mean I'm not saved wrong being in the battle is the sign that you are saved some battles are going to be life long let that persuade you wrongly that you're not saved because you've got Abbess setting sin that simply needs constant vigilance that you keep mortifying sin or it will mortify you with the six-way Satan causes you to question your salvation suggests your soul that the fact you have less joy in Christ now than you did before proves you weren't actually saved now he wants you to think like that to compare how you're feeling today versus yesterday you're dull you don't pray maybe as fervently there aren't as many tears don't conclude you're not in Christ go back to your first love stoke it remember these things remember so great a salvation that is yours in Christ and God will grow that He loves to hear that prayer the issue here and this in being cold is not that I'm cold and it's like so I guess I'm cold but I'm forgiven so whoopty-doo not gonna worry about it no the genuine convert does worry about it the seventh way he causes you to question he wants to work within you to make you believe that any relapse into sin makes you an unbeliever nope it makes you an unclean and finally number eight he wants you to believe the kind of temptation you're facing is one that only an unbeliever could face please don't buy it don't think oh I wouldn't be tempted like this if I were really a Christian oh yeah yeah you will we're we're we're in a battle romans 8 18 through 24 rexella anybody who wants to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted don't let that lead you to conclude you're not saved but to rejoice that you are saved this is wretched radio you
Channel: Gospel Partners Media / Wretched
Views: 67,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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