Hey Wobbly Kneed Christian: get this through your head once and for all! | WRETCHED RADIO

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this is wretched radio with todd friel this is wretched radio hoping that you will send emails with questions comments conundrums or snarks to idea wretched dot org what in the world is this doing here how's my acting jimmy this is pretty good there's a piece of paper on my desk and i don't know what it's doing here perhaps i'll just read oh it turns out it's an email that was sent to idea wretched.org so let me if you don't mind jimmy i'll just do a little housekeeping here yeah sure get this off of my desk uh this was sent in from adrian stating mr freeland team first of all it's mr mr freeland team i just finished watching wretched world view oh our brand new he's writing in about our brand new resource available at wretched.org 22 lectures on contemporary issues with a seven-step program that will always lead you to a biblical understanding of any particular issue back to the email i just finished watching and i applaud you it is a phenomenal resource and you and dr owen strand seem to work well together yep he's fun to work with he writes thank you for taking hot button issues and filtering them masterfully through a biblical lens well done oh that was that was nice of him to do that thanks jimmy for letting me get that off of my desk please send your emails to idea wretched.org oh wait a second jimmy it appears that i've got something else do you mind if i clean my desk a little bit more oh no go ahead okay this is an email that might represent you it might represent your children and i know it represents probably more people than we're inclined to think jimmy when you were in tennessee yes you were pastoring besides doing radio you were pastoring right how many times was it i like once in a blue moon i think that's a tennessee reference by the way once in a blue moon or what is the blue there was blue moon you saw that had nothing to do with tennessee did it i don't think so there's something about blue or is it moonshine in kentucky probably do you know the difference i just learned this it's nothing that you'll ever need for life or godliness certainly do you know what bourbon is whiskey it's kentucky whiskey right yes but it can only be called bourbon if it's made in kentucky really and somebody traced that how did that happen huh that's one of those trademark deals somebody's making money this i'm pretty certain of it was it a blue moon occurrence a little bit more regularly or it happened quite quite regularly when you encountered somebody who was willing to disclose to you that they were struggling with the state of their salvation oh yeah it was more than once in a blue moon i think it was a pretty regular occurrence yeah see i i fear that based on the amount of times we actually talk about this subject and based on the number of emails i get there there's there are a very large number of people who are currently living in a state of confusion fear and misery because they don't know if they are saved pastor i know that you are preaching faithfully and biblically please consider that if there are a lot of people who hear the gospel being preached from you but don't rest in christ just just figure out how do you how do you traverse that eight-inch highway from head to heart that is a challenge that is the issue of application and preaching how you take the glories of the gospel and bring them down so that the people who are hearing it go ah it is well with my soul so sir if if you've got people like this in your congregation and i i think they're everywhere it's just because of perhaps a lack of maturity in some instances it could be because they're actually not saved we can deal with that issue but if they're just not living a joy-filled life or that perhaps the joy of their salvation has been taken away it seems figure out how you can be presenting the gospel in a way that causes your hearers to say ah listen to the heartache in this email i believe in jesus and i'm trying not to sin but i can't seem to win i've often struggled with whether i'm saved or not so i've researched intensively what is required to be saved what it means how to know that if it describes you and it has led me to confusion and despair this is not uncommon people that they want to make sure they're safe that's a good thing so they go and they listen to a lot of stuff and sometimes we can present christianity in a way that makes it seem like i haven't done that and that and that we maybe aren't clear so when we say for instance something like this there needs to be a radical change the born-again believer is different bearing fruit and keeping with repentance everything i just said is most certainly true whether you're lutheran or not why what are people perhaps hearing from that oh i've got to really be stellar otherwise i'm not a christian that i think can happen and the preacher didn't say anything wrong i didn't just say anything wrong but if that's all that somebody hears you can understand why they would be burdened and heavy laden and not meeting up to god's standard this individual goes on to talk then about the koine greek word metanoia what it means and then writes i believe in jesus i read the bible and i pray every day i know that prayer and works don't save me only faith in jesus christ nonetheless i struggle daily if not moment to moment with sin i cannot say that i have ever truly loved god with all my heart my soul my strength and my mind nor have i ever even remotely loved my neighbor as myself how can these two things be here's the answer they are here's the reality you i nobody and that includes jimmy measures up to the amount of love that we should have for god the amount of obedience that we should possess and exercise and the amount of love we should have for neighbor we don't measure up does that mean therefore you're not saved no it means you're saved but not yet glorified it means you're simulistus at peccatore you are simultaneously justified while sinning and the issue is not whether christians sin we do and i don't say that to give licentious uh to to give a a liberal view of the gospel that says you're good to go because you've got grace grace no but christian sin didn't john say that if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves the truth is not within us didn't paul say that he struggled with sin didn't he say that he was the chief of sinners and yet he was the apostle paul how can those two things be it's romans seven and eight it is i don't do what i want to do i'm not where i wa who's gonna save me from this body of death and he answers his own rhetorical question and if you're struggling maybe you're not answering the question what saves you now think this through what saves you if you do not grasp the con the concept of an alien righteousness you're going to be confused because the second we don't look outside of ourselves for our security we will be insecure it's the person who does look internally who thinks that they're secure who is deceived if you're just looking internally and going i don't measure up i don't measure up and i hate it and i'm this scares me and i don't like it that's that's actually good but you can't stop there you can't stay there you've got to go to romans chapter 8 thanks be to god for the gift of his son and then paul unpacks the glorious gospel as a high of the entire book of romans in romans chapter 8. it's a magnificent chapter about the gospel and by the way i think i wrote this down once thought about putting together a sermon like this but it's dangerously sort of topical not exactly expository take a look at the book of romans read through the book of romans chapter 8 and look for shun it's not that they're that it you're going to be shunned or somebody's shunning somebody and it's not even spelled that way i'm talking about tion look for justification look for sanctification look for propitiation look for glorification all there and if you have repented and put your trust in jesus christ and you don't read and embrace romans chapter eight you're you're you're gonna sound like this fellow whose heart is breaking this thing went on for pages i don't want to do sinful things but i have sinful desires how can someone who knows the love of christ be constantly despairing about these things when they're supposedly set free from them am i saved how can i be how can i stop sinning how can i love god in everything i have i don't want to burn in hell forever this this young man is not alone and we would do well inside of our churches our sunday school classes and most certainly at our dinner table to teach all the shuns we are totally covered because of justification the alien righteousness of jesus christ we biff it he doesn't we don't do enough he did we can't keep ourselves saved he does we lie he always tells the truth and when he says whoever comes unto me i will not cast out how big does your faith have to be apparently about the size of a mustard seed should it be bigger of course it should should you sin less of course you should and you will grow in those regards as you go about the business of confidently trusting if you've repented and put your trust in jesus christ you are his and he is yours this is wretched radio hey i'm todd i'm going to be your uber driver what's your destination uh 2054 kepler no no no no your eternal destination the liberals they brought in pelagianism it's the old civilian heresy denying the trinitarian god had three persons one god not to the sabellians no [Music] they would say that it's actually just one god [Music]
Channel: Gospel Partners Media / Wretched
Views: 32,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel, Christian, Jesus, Theology, Bible, Christianmedia, Witnessing, Religion, Preaching, God, Teaching, Media, Openair
Id: 94llMVgUNC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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