This Is How Jocko Willink Is Crushing Covid...

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Echo shows up at 9:01 and makes the video last for EXACTLY 9 mins and 1 sec. Fucking beautiful.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/projectreap 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Cannot wait till victory opens back up!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Randomonius 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Very cool. Thank you.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/preciseandexact 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
well you want to get some video i'll give you some video you know what time it is right now it's 901. it's 901. can you see that it's 901 right now and look what we got here look what we got here 901. you see this guys in the house [Music] this is victory mma we've had this gym since 2007. we actually opened it january 2nd 2008 but we were in a training before that you know all the boys were here getting after it you know the big area where we do like striking big classes are all take place in this room this is just an area to chill out we got a couple kate we got a cage here we got a boxing ring hey what's up man how you doing brother doing good good to see you since copenhagen we've been shut down so we've done a bunch of work inside we're replacing all the mats one of our main jiu jitsu areas obviously we're real heavy into jiu jitsu dean lister's our head instructor we've got a bunch of other awesome instructors we've got another jiu-jitsu area over here we are independent and so we have those two big jiu-jitsu areas and then as we got even more popular we opened this jiu-jitsu area this is the latest jiu-jitsu area that we put in it'll be the last one because that's that's all we have room for i mean it's great because you can come in here you can have a ghee class going a no geek class going a kid's class going and we have open map we almost always have we try and keep it so there's always an open mat where people just want to train they can just train because i'm one of those guys that you know maybe i only have a short amount of time in a day i just want to come in and do you know do seven rounds i don't want to warm up i don't want to learn anything you know i know it's bad i'm sorry i just want to train so when that happens i've got a place to train you know rollers squad racks rings pull-up bars this is just a room to just destroy yourself and create evil and again you can see we're doing a bunch of work right now because we're trying to take advantage of the fact that we're shut down right now which sucks but we're trying to you know make it better when everyone comes back that's what we're doing man can't wait to open back up and let everyone get back on the mats of justice c what just happened yeah we just talked about that there's nothing worse that could happen when you show up after echo charles i don't know this is true i don't know this is true it's not it's not a good start of the day it's not a good start to the day so here right now we're developing the uh foundational courses so we're updating all of these right now to make them a little bit more enterprise friendly and a little bit more aligned with learning and development and they've brought me in here to make that happen so where are we what are we doing yeah all right we're recording for echelon front obviously this particular setup unique if you will so this is leif jocko wide shot we typically don't shoot with these or like this typically we use these little cheap cameras there for the podcast yeah a lot of the cheap cameras for the podcast calls made well that's a good question so when we first started i just bought the cheapest cameras we could get and i can't run away from you um as it turns out the quality is like just grungy enough that it was cool so i never was really compelled to buy like more quality cameras i guess and it worked super simple kind of like if it ain't broke don't fix it covered it and when covert hit all of a sudden it was march 15th we had 37 echelon front events scheduled for the rest of march and they all got cancelled we had started our online training we said you know what we can either sit back and wait till this is over which who we didn't know how long the original assessment was hey two weeks right then it was four weeks well as soon as that two weeks as soon as we got shut down we said all right let's let's see we can do online see if we can expand our platform let's see if we can focus on that more so that's what we started doing everybody's doing zoom now i had easter supper with my parents on zoom so that's when i realized oh everyone understands that you can make real human connections through the internet so now what we're doing is we're taking the original platform that we had put together three years ago and and we're reshooting everything we're bringing it to a higher level that's what we're doing today we shot all day yesterday i think we shot for like maybe six or seven hours straight yesterday we're going to do something similar to that today and then you know the crew is going to cut it up and edit it and put it out there that's where we're at another good day good times i have a sneaking suspicion that we'll get through each of these chapters within an hour to an hour and a half of each because of how you've already sound guy oh yeah you've got to look him in the eye okay yeah do it hard enough time over do it when brian and the team at origin said hey dave i think you should have your own signature flavor i immediately thought of my favorite drink as a kid orange soda then of course i thought about flying airplanes i pictured a giant afterburner and i said afterburner orange i want it to taste like orange soda and that's exactly what they made not only is it perfect it's like over delivering you know it's what we do at echolonfront you can barely see the the the the new you in that old kid barely is that good or bad i don't know it's interesting that's not good it's interesting interesting is also not a good word jacob says that's interesting that is like straight up yeah that's terrible bad when i drank it it was like community pool as a kid orange soda like that's you that's the vibe that's what i was going for i was talking to be little like i said when we talked about it what i had in my head that's exactly what i had in my head they they nailed it he and his team nailed it it was exactly what i was remembering as a kid it was after a burner on each side of the plane and then it's like shooting at the afterburner flame which turns into the word orange underneath it and then the silhouette of the jet is a different airplane this is an f-16 but the new one is going to be an f-35 the f-35 was the last plane that i flew which is what look at this all right we're gonna do something kind of fun right now this is a kind of like a what a sit-in spin you know what else what do you call a rotating display just center up on that thing [Music] [Music]
Views: 1,051,258
Rating: 4.9204335 out of 5
Id: ZdD1TYe-bhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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