This is How I Stream PCVR Games | OBS PCVR

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what's up guys welcome back i'm effin hayden with the rising interest of streaming on vr i've been asked numerous times how i go about streaming so i'm going to show you real quick [Music] first things first i have this blue screen back here this is preference i feel that little square in the corner actually takes away from the game so i try to cut as much of me out as possible but still show my reactions and stuff i use blue because i have green in my tattoos and also i wear a lot of green i use a gopro 9 for my camera i've done many different webcams and none of them really look as clean as gopro it's very bright in here which is which is what you need i have lights out front to capture me but also have lights right here some really ghetto lights i pretty much i took these leds and stuck them to a pvc pipe and i rotate them to where they go right onto the blue screen but where they don't hit me that's the whole thing now i have two different microphones this is the one i use whenever i'm talking to the camera like now and this is a magnetic mic that i actually put on the side of my headset it has mute and unmute and then of course pairing it comes with a little adapter that plugs right into the pc and that's what makes it wireless of course there's two different modes i don't use the omni side of it because i don't want anything out there because i do run my fan it gets hot when you're in the vr headset now put the other piece to it right here it just magnets right up to it and it's good to go now judging on how long i'm going to be in the headset for i may or may not use a battery pack this is the one i got right here you got to make sure you get 2.1 amp that way it actually charges your headset while you play now i run this up through the back of my shirt into the back of the headset i kind of weave it to where it goes right into the charge port that way there's no crazy cables flying around every time i move i do the same thing with my headphones i have to use headphones because you have the microphone right there and you don't want bleed over from the audio that sounds like total ass i'm going to put my headset on i'm going to record from the headset i'm going to show you everything i do to set up for a stream all right so i'm assuming you know how to set up airlink if not there are tutorials for that it's literally just open up the app on your pc go to beta and turn on oculus air link inside the headset right here this is where i'm at hit oculus airlink connect to your pc alright so now that i'm in here what i do is i hit my desktops here and here is my desktop number two i got two desktops two monitors so i always move them get this out of the way here [Music] this is where i usually sit so any games that feel very narrow like 90 degrees i know i go straight to the oculus mirror to get 150 on the field of view that's why i get a big wide field of view you can see i have my obs here what we do to pin them we add desktop panel i'm going to go to obs it's going to be this one and then i can pin this right down here in into experience also it's worth noting that when you go to your desktop audio you're going to want headphones oculus virtual audio device selected you're going to want that on obs and also on the microphone i can see i already have the wrong microphone selected you're gonna want your ant leon wireless microphone that that is this one right here make sure it's selected i've done i've already messed that up a few times but i'm glad chat's supportive enough to say hey yo your shit's up so the other thing is whenever i do my streams i'll just add desktop panel make sure you pop out chat and you can go to your google chrome there'll be a tab right there that has pop out chat like live chat you select that one you do the same thing you pin it over there now that everything's ready to roll here i would just you know jump right into the game so we're gonna launch a game and now i'm in the game as you can see let me go ahead and switch back to my desktop here you just hit the you just hit the oculus button on the right hand you know not the menu button the actual oculus button and we'll go ahead and shoot over to my stream overlay turn my vr chroma key on and there we have it that's the only problem with the oculus mirror being used it can see everything you use even though you have the settings in there to turn off image layer visibility i do not have any system layers selected but that's just what it is uh i assume you know how to set up the rest on obs that's not my tutorial that's somebody else's tutorial you can still select all of your stuff here you know so i can do my transition so i constantly have to hit this button in order to come back in here so i can move through my transitions you know different scenes for different things [Music] there we have it you got alfred over here dancing around chillin you know uh my game capture i just gotta select the the window you know go to my properties this will be actually uh larson nuts and then it's ready to roll pal and that's it that's a wrap if you look over here you can see everything pinned still and it's good to go so i hope this guide helps you guys out don't forget to like and subscribe and i'll see you guys next time peace out till then look i can use my outro here with [Music] [Music] you
Channel: FNH8iT
Views: 6,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnh8it, quest 2, oculus quest 2, virtual reality, vr, larcenauts, larcenauts vr, overwatch vr, valorant vr, gun raiders, team fortress 2 vr, best oculus quest 2 games, oculus quest 2 games, free oculus quest 2 games, obs oculus quest 2, oculus quest 2 live stream guide, how to see chat, how to see chat while streaming obs, how to see chat while streaming streamlabs obs, how to see twitch chat in oculus quest 2, how to see twitch chat in vr oculus quest 2, quest 2 live stream
Id: QtFgtvPNn38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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