This is How I spend 24 hours on a SHIP as an Officer & YouTuber!

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[Music] [Music] ah [Music] um [Music] it is like a vacation sometimes i feel [Music] so it is 10 45 am in the morning you can see not 10 45 but uh 10 50 let me focus on that 10 50 a.m in the morning i wake up at this time you'll know why later in the video so the first thing in the morning i do is not go to the toilet that comes second i make my bed that's because once i have done that it gives me a powerful uh push to you know keep working today so like it's like a checklist okay this is done and i heard a really good speech by one of the admirals from us navy he said the first thing to do is make your bed and you take ownership and responsibility for that so that at least you if you have a bad day you come back you'll have a good arranged bed so you'll feel good about it oh and by the way those who are new to the channel i'm on the ship currently this is my cabin gavin [Applause] so guys once i have freshened up i come outside and you know take some fresh air from this blue waters blue skies beautiful oxygen i don't know start my day on a positive note and before i do that i also journal my thoughts in that i write like whatever what all i'm grateful for what is my purpose in life then what all things i have to do today in regards to work and today is vlogging day also so i have to plan that as well [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so that was the handover from the third officer to me because now i am in charge of navigating the ship for the next four hours it is right now 12 10 p.m as you see so usually once i come on the watch i have an assessment of what all we have in front of us right now we are in the indian ocean so there's absolutely nothing it's just blue waters and the weather is also fine so nothing much to be worried about otherwise we have a checklist which we have to follow and that checklist i'll just show i'll just give you a glimpse of it what we have here is the change of officer checklist so you can have a look at what all we have to check so then we do our signatures so many things like uh magnetic compass course master instruction lookout navigation night etc so you get my point right it's it's serious work now this is the place where i spent most of my time uh the timing exactly is 12 to 4 in the afternoon and 12 to 4 at night when everybody is sleeping that is why it is called the ghost watch okay so forget that my primary responsibility is to take this ship from point a to point b in a safe manner so we do this in a shift of eight hours eight hours so there are three officers on the ship who rotate that is the third officer that second officer which is me and the chief officer so we all of us do eight hours and of course captain is the primary person who is responsible for the entire ship so if any time we need help we can call him he'll come and assist us in the watch keeping duties my secondary responsibility is to make a passage plan what is the passage plan basically what you do in a car the gps navigation from support delhi to noida or to gurgaon which is very bad so my job is to make those plans you know charter course and make the routes reportings many things covered in that which will be a separate topic in itself before starting my watch i always come and drink some hot water so these are the cups we have and my cup is yeah this so some hot water this is like the best feeling you know some hot water in the cool indian ocean temperature outside like 20 20 23 degrees and it is so beautiful yeah it is very calming so like meditation you don't even require to sit in one place you just stay here observe do your watch it is very meditative okay coming back to the serious spot serious part yeah see this one so let's go to the passage plan station so this here is my passage plan station it is egg this number two and you can see the route right now we have set from singapore to team up because that's where we're going so here i do my weekly updates of the chart then of course do the route planning which i told you about so suppose right now we have this reporting which is coming in six hours prior so i'll go into the computer then and then make the reporting as required in the email and oh we've got gmdss message right now so this keeps happening during the watch as you see right now we are getting like a weather report talking about gmt assist let me show you what i do generally daily because this is my responsibility as well i have to do daily tests of these equipment so like this is our vhf so i will do like the daily testing which is self diagnosis and check everything here that is the vhf then we have the mfhf over here which is the medium and high frequency so i will go here menu menu self test modem loop test so then the test starts all right once i've done the daily tests of the gm dss i go on the computer and check the emails so we receive our monthly or weekly updates through emails now so i have to be up to date with everything many responsibilities i have is in regards with the email system because i'm also like the communication officer on the ship so yeah i will do that now and get back to you in a short while those of you who had a doubt that whether we wear a uniform or not we don't wear a uniform when we are out at sea we wear a uniform only when we are in the pilot edge approaching a port that's it otherwise it is not mandatory to wear all of this yes we wear the cover all when we go on deck to work but on the bridge it is civil clothes here so it is nice and chilled out it is like a vacation sometimes i feel yeah like this blues and wow okay don't get me started yeah okay let's go let's get back this is one example of how pitching is affecting the door see there's little bit movement a little see little waves little swell but this door does not want to behave so i will have to shut it this is my notebook i use for writing the pending tasks and for today i have many things to do like lsa you have to check weekly then posters update sorry my handwriting is pretty bad they say smart people have bad handwriting like doctors okay just kidding yeah i'm just lazy i think hello bro second bit so we have to the engine engine room is getting attended so it will come here now where is it okay all right so 1300 in the afternoon the engine room gets banned till 1700 and in the morning from 8 to 12. so engineers work like eight nine hours and then they do over time yeah so around 3 p.m which is the coffee time on ship i come and take some oreo biscuits but i try to have only one or two unfortunately sometimes i am not able to control and i have five six then i feel guilty but yeah right now let's go with one that's the cream it's pointed guys pointed but still it is very tasty yup only one or two is fine [Music] someone calling rich yes [Music] all right time to get to the deck first i'll go to my cabin and change i have received some laundry so the steward of the ship he cleans all these laundry and then i will i have to change and also the stars and everything so pretty much taken care of let's change into the working coveralls and go on deck all right back on let's go [Music] can you see those beautiful rays falling off in between the clouds so usually i take an inspection round of the entire ship check the lsa like these live boys check the lights they're working or not so this is this falls under weekly inspections which i am doing today [Music] so guys we are right now in the hospital of the ship this hospital is also my baby i mean all the medicines over here everything i have to take care of the inventory and all so long story short i've got a lot of things to cover in a day i have to plan my week in advance so that like on one day i have to do lsa maintenance the other day i have to take inventory of the pp the other day i have to do safety area inspection since i'm the safety officer that means i have to go to certain places in the ship and find out if there's anything unsafe over there any act or condition so that is also there so yeah it is huge responsibilities for now i'll stop this work part let's go to the fun part that is the barbecue we have today and i'll show you what i do in my rest time because that's where the magic happens [Music] hello [Music] it [Music] 7 45 p.m as you see over here and i'm back on my second workstation which is my editing table i'll give you a glimpse of it but first i wanted to talk about this 20 minute nap yeah i have realized if you sleep for like 20-25 minutes and wake up and really wake up you feel refreshed it's like a whole body reset if you sleep more than that at least in my case then i'm not able to wake up so from 7 30 7 45 pm to about 10 45 pm i do my editing work so people ask me how do i take out time this is how i take out time i prioritize this otherwise i can sleep easily for like two three hours now which i used to do when i was not an editor or a youtuber so this this is something i love yeah like this is this is this gives me a lot of happiness so like i said on the ship you have to do something you have to have a hobby except then just working so this is my hobby creating videos welcome to my workstation number two my macbook and this is the software i use adobe premiere pro for editing and when i sit here i put my blue light filter off uh specs don't worry i don't have par till now but the way i work i'm sure i will get it someday this is not the one so yeah this is my workstation another two two and a half hours i'll work on this edit i have and then we'll proceed to the gym because working out is seriously seriously the most important thing which saves me and my mental health on this ship [Music] this is believe me the best feeling i get throughout the day the like not even editing this when your body feels good that it has done something movement physical movements are very important for your mental health as well so please focus on it i try to do it every day abhishe today was it was rolling so i just did body weight workout no weight lifting because you must have seen in the time warp that it is like rolling slightly so i don't want to spoil my joints now it is 11 35 i'll have a quick shot eat something because well this is my dinner 12 p.m 12 a.m sorry uh there's no breakfast it is one lunch two dinners last dinner is self uh self made [Music] generally i make one sandwich which is of paneer or cottage cheese in a toaster added with some barbecue sauce so we are sorted for the watch [Music] good good after workout some protein and some grain bread for carbohydrate to replenish the energy then we are ready for four hours of midnight watch ghost watch so while the lift comes i will just tell you that on the bridge now you won't be able to see anything because it is pitch dark like zero lights only the computer light which at night we don't use because of navigation so let's see how i capture it mostly it won't be i won't be able to capture [Music] much we have mauritius close by huh [Music] 4am in the morning and this is when my day ends so yeah like you saw 10 30 a.m in the morning i start and i sleep at 4 00 am the next morning so this is the ghost life the second minutes life and now i will get like around six and a half seven hours of sleep sometimes not today i do reading for like 30 to no not 30 15 to 30 minutes at night when i'm back from the watch but tonight i'm just too tired here and also i do my prayers read the bhagavad-gita so take the blessings from the almighty because he has my back always or he or she i don't know whatever the higher energies are this cycle continues for the next six months it does not stop and it does not change by any means it's going to be like this for six months so that's why you have to be mentally prepared and it's not easy money like i keep saying for now that bed looks really tempting and i had a long day with the additional work of vlogging so i hope you all like this video if you did don't forget to give it a big thumbs up subscribe to the channel share the video and see you in the next episode of life at sea yeah okay good night good night yeah [Laughter] oh what a relief [Music]
Channel: Karanvir Singh Nayyar
Views: 2,777,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in life at sea, life at sea, seafarer, merchant navy, Karanvir singh Nayyar, KSN, Life on a cargo ship, ship life explained, shipping, Maersk cargo ship, Maersk, life of an officer on ship, life of crew on ship
Id: 2TzvNNxo40o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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