This is How I Negotiate at Garage Sales

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about all your baubles I do like 80 bucks [Music] that's our teachers Jaime what are your tears well it's upset it's the two chairs and the tape okay hey I'll help you bring them out twenty twenty bucks they're ready they're all ready to paint you know when it pink how old are they well I've had them for a little while yeah they're very sturdy yeah well it's not here the table is it gets slopes down here but it's very very sturdy and yeah you can paint it you could even do white black white black or whatever yeah I'll give you 20 bucks for it okay would you guess they're from 70s 80s how old do you think they are I really don't know yeah I really have no idea it doesn't look that new it seems really don't make stuff like this you know like sturdy metal like this it doesn't feel like you're right like it doesn't seem like a newer set [Music] how much is your big wine chest piece yes that's for wine okay what are you asking for it yeah I'm gonna take that I'm gonna take that is this the Target brand I'll take this too so you have 15 actually and I got this here for $1 316 give any sporting goods like baseball bats or anything like that are these 10 eats or 10 for the pair okay I know what my mother gave yeah yeah I oh yeah ten and five and one is 16 I'll go ahead and buy that 2 is 26 morning so how are you doing what's your search two bucks apiece large and extra-large this is any piece yeah Wow yes beautiful I do not that's a cool shirt though how much are your shirts okay now our piece which one's embroidered okay oh wow oh my goodness in the ring in the ring jeez what is this a noodle cart sure thank you no kidding it's the local sell noodles from it Wow these little containers contain spices and what have occur there's a place in the bottom that opens up and they put coals in there no kidding keep the noodles warm never seen anything like that they would move it around the street corner the world I've got dollar on the glove $2 on the game how much is the book so two three four I've got the two polos at two apiece as eight and then I think I've got swung two three four t-shirts comes up to twelve thank you I found your picture you had a Star Wars Lego to that sell already yeah did it got here too late there you go yeah thank you give any other leg goes sure if you got one I'll do the trick thank you ma'am good luck with your sale I want to keep looking around I'm gonna find something else about all your baubles I do like 80 bucks sure all right cool oh cool thanks for there you go thank thank you check out that mailbox that it's cool follows 25 cents well I'm getting this and I was gonna get all these shirts here and then these two or five Ian shows one if we do seven on the pair can't do seven okay alright so five ten two is twelve let's see eleven thirteen thirteen fifty 1375 and that's a dollar 1475 there you go alright guys I've already had a number of garage sales this morning and I've got a lot of stuff back there I've got one more say left to hit and my antique mall was right on the way to that sale so I'm gonna drop off this furniture go ahead and put it in my booth and price it [Music] I did a little bit of reconfiguring but squeeze them all in here the patio table and chair set I put $75 on and I also put $75 on this thing at first I thought it might have been a wine cabinet but there's not drawers that line up with each of these holes so I think it's just supposed to be decorative grids it's not supposed to store wine but it is a cool piece and I think somebody are snatching up okay lsle once you had some incredible stuff just some really cool old antiques but everything was just priced a little bit too high for me to make any money so I didn't buy anything there but I still just really liked walking around it was 30,000 square feet that they just had packed with antiques so I was a pretty cool sale I did find a lot of other stuff today so I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys what I got okay that one sale you guys saw me by all these bobbleheads he had 14 of them and they were priced you know ten to fifteen dollars a piece so all together he might have been asking 150 160 something like that and offered him 80 bucks for all of them he said yeah so I'm into him for like I don't know five 55 70 something like that and I think I'll average maybe ten to twelve dollars there's a couple that are worth a little bit more money so there's two of these ken griffey jr. 'he's these are pretty recent I think those I can get maybe 20 25 dollars for saying with this Joe Morgan but then actually yeah these these scooter Genet's are the same way I should be able to get maybe 20 25 because he's wearing the scooter was just a prequel bobblehead then a lot of the other ones are not worth much so like this Fraser Homer Bailey Chapman was Stein those will probably sell clothes from like seven or eight dollars apiece got this Pokemon game strategy book I always picked these up when I find them this was only a dollar that should go for about fifteen or twenty hiding behind the bobbleheads is an air filter this is new in the plastic they only wanted a dollar for it and these are not cheap so I might be able to upsell that for some decent money got a board game firt a weird $2 Star Trek a Starfleet technical manual Oh this was pretty neat I don't years from let's see if it's gonna copyright 1975 that was a dollar might we work a little bit do a nice adidas claw for a dollar that's Pocahontas doll I paid seven for its selling maybe around twenty five or thirty got some Panasonic cordless phones for two dollars I've been doing really well with cordless phones lately believe it or not people still buy them and then I got a bunch of vintage clothing polos at one sale were a quarter each so I got this Mickey golf polo this is a Cincinnati tall stacks sweatshirt that was a dollar 1990 Reds world champion sweatshirt for a dollar he had a handful of Big Ten school polos and some of them were not in good condition kind of had some stains so I'd passed on them but I did pick a few of these up four quarter each here's Indiana University Minnesota I think those are the only big ten minutes I got and here's another Reds sweatshirt for a buck got two of these Pendleton wool plaid button-up shirts I'd never sold that brand before but it looks like they do pretty good maybe 2025 dollars a piece they went five a piece I offered I think seven or eight dollars for the payer but they weren't budging on price but that's alright still money to be made on those the same where I got the bobbleheads they had some vintage Bruce Springsteen Church so I just nest those up those were a dollar each here's tunnel of love expressed or let's say these are probably all from the 80s Raymond boom-boom Mancini boxer world champion that's a really cool shirt and on the eighth day God created Springsteen that's from 84 here's another one from 84 and then here's a Hawaiian shirt I picked up it says where's it made in Hawaii USA I don't know what the maker is but look to be vintage thought it had a cool look it was $2.00 so I bought it and I thought this had a really cool look to this thing just screams 1990s Boston Harbor that was also $2.00 that's it for this video guys thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Cincinnati Picker
Views: 58,217
Rating: 4.930131 out of 5
Keywords: garage sale, yard sale haul, garage sale finds, yard sale, garage sale haul, yard sales, ebay seller, garage sale negotiation, how to sell on ebay, garage sale hunting, sell on ebay, make money on ebay, ebay for beginners
Id: K_qUdGD22XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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