Secrets Of The Most Dangerous Magic Tricks Revealed

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have you ever seen a magic trick so mind-blowing you just had to know how it's done with tricks ranging from risky bow and arrow stunts to swallowing the seemingly impossible the explanations are often as intriguing as the tricks themselves so grab your top hat and rabbit as we pull back the curtain on some of the world's most dangerous magic tricks water torture escape one of the most famous tricks of all time the water torture escape trick has kept audiences on the edges of their seats since harry houdini debuted it in 1911 it begins with a magician wearing handcuffs placing their ankles into a metal square with closing doors which the assistant secures shut around the magician's ankles with padlocks the contraption is then raised into the air magician included via attached chains then the magician is lowered into a glass tank filled with water the lid is locked in place and the magician is left to escape the tank before drowning at this point a curtain is brought around the glass to conceal the mystery of the magician's escape after some time the curtain is partially raised revealing the magician thrashing around inside just as the onlookers begin to grow uneasy the curtain rises revealing the magician proudly standing atop the water tank so how did they escape well the magician never reveals his tricks but i do for starters the magician must remain calm before and during the trick lowering his heart rate to make holding his breath easier and reduce the odds of passing out while upside down but the real trick lies in the lid to which the magician's feet are secured the padlocks securing the door shut are very much real but as they're locked in place the assistant slides out the bolts from the fastening hinges of the lid now even with the padlocks on the lid can be opened when the curtain hides the tank the magician uses a hidden handle to pull themselves up open the doors and take a breath then they return underwater in time for the curtain to raise slightly revealing them pretending to struggle then the curtains reload and the magician pulls off their handcuffs which are rigged open easily the magician opens the ankle doors again this time grabbing the chains to pull themselves out into position for the big reveal the curtain rises in the audience is amazed [Applause] box of spears another classic trick with a real element of danger involves a magician's assistant climbing inside a cardboard box which is then pierced by several spears these spears are stabbed through at various angles with alarming speed but just as the audience grows suspicious as to why nothing has been stabbed directly downwards into the box the magician subverts expectations by making one final insertion he plunges a spear straight downward making avoiding the person inside the box seem impossible but then the spears are removed and the assistant emerges miraculously unharmed the key to this trick is the assistant who must lay as flat as possible inside the box underneath two strong rubber flaps concealed along the box's base these flaps redirect incoming spears that get too close and sometimes a protective vest is also worn for additional protection the final downward driven spear is stabbed through the box slower than the others giving the assistant time to flip onto their back and see where it's coming from then they can maneuver themselves to dodge it or if absolutely necessary subtly change its course finally the assistant climbs out and the box is opened up to reveal no trickery inside with the protective rubber flaps covered in a cardboard layer no one suspects a thing blindfolded swordplay there are a few better tricks for keeping audiences on the edges of their seats than using a katana to chop a pineapple in half on top of someone's head especially when the magician's blindfolded typically this trick sees the magician wrapping several layers of white gauze over their eyes followed by a wrapping of black tape and finally metal foil then they have a volunteer stand in front of them pineapple on head put on a show of locating them by extra sensory powers and then chop right on the mark the pineapple is cut clean in half without any decapitations this jaw dropping trick is deceptively simple it just involves a little sleight of hand when the magician is wrapping their head they leave the tape looser than it looks this means that as they wrap the sheet of foil around their head they can subtly pull the gauze and tape down below their eyes as for the foil itself there are two options the magician can use metal foil with tiny holes in it invisible to the audience that allow just enough light through to see or they can use one-sided silver window film which acts like a one-way mirror for the latter option the magician initially shows the audience two of these one-way film sheets pressed together back-to-back so they look like regular foil but when they're placed onto the head one sheet is pulled further around so it separates from the other one allowing the magician to see through with their vision unobstructed the magician is able to line up their shot and strike the pineapple which is usually pre-cut almost all the way through this means it stays in one piece right until a strike is delivered so that it'll break cleanly and realistically as long as the magician follows the strike through convincingly the katana doesn't even need to be sharp spectacular and safe balloon swallowing a staple of kids parties worldwide the balloon swallow is a cool looking trick that doesn't actually require any swallowing at all the secret is to take an uninflated balloon and pierce it all the way through near the end twice with a needle creating four tiny holes this will still allow the balloon to be inflated as the air will only leak out slowly once it's fully inflated the performer presses the pierced end against their tongue and begins pushing the balloon into their mouth rolling it into itself to make it as small as possible as it deflates careful body positioning creates the illusion of it being swallowed sometimes the performer will even bring the balloon back out re-inflated this usually involves slightly swapping the deflated balloon for another partially inflated balloon with its end tide that's small enough to hide in the hand during the swap this new balloon will also be prepared so that when the magician creates an airtight seal within their mouth they can subtly inflate it by blowing air into the tiny holes other magicians use small pumps hidden in their sleeves to inflate the balloon from the other end which are easy to conceal as the trick draws attention to their mouth instead balloon swallowing is an impressive trick but don't try it with a blocked nose otherwise you may inadvertently swallow the balloon for real sword swallowing there are two ways to approach the classic magic trick of swallowing swords the first and less impressive is to use a gimmick sword these look real to the audience but are designed to roll up against the tongue when pressure is applied kind of like those bracelets that roll up when you slap them against your wrist while this can look effective the top professionals swallow swords for real but not in the same way you or i swallow food the delicate process involves relaxing the inside of the throat and carefully positioning the body to ensure a clear passage years of practice are required to learn how to relax the upper esophageal sphincter a normally involuntary muscle at the top of your esophagus and suppress the gag reflex not to mention learning to perfectly align the body so as to avoid any damage to the delicate linings inside total calmness must be maintained throughout the process of pushing it down and pulling it out even a shaky hand could damage not just your esophageal lining but also your heart and lungs as the sword moves within millimeters of them while very few of the tricks in this video are safe to try sword swallowing in particular is best left to the pros cut in half the sowing a woman in hat trick has been a staple of magic shows since the 1800s and possibly even earlier it usually goes something like this a willing assistant lays down inside a long wooden box the box's lid is then closed and the magician using a saw blade of some kind cuts the assistant in half but there's no gore the assistant isn't in agony and somehow she's still able to move her feet she can even do so when the two halves of the box are moved apart from each other but how well it's quite simple really when the assistant lays down in the box it is and their legs that come out the other hand another assistant is already lying in way down the bottom legs pulled close to their body ready to extend them out when the first assistant climbs in the first assistant tucks their legs under themselves or pulls them up to their chest clearing the center of the box ready for cutting through after the cutting two metal blades are usually inserted into the box presented as a demonstration that the two halves are separated but what those plates really do is cover the inside of each half of the box review so no one can see in when they're pulled apart modern magicians have built upon this idea by setting up the trick in the classic way only to lower the walls of the box before the cutting begins in this version instead of lying on their back the magician lies on their front this allows them to tuck their knees under their body into a hidden compartment inside the table while the walls of the boxes are still up the assistant providing the legs meanwhile is squeezed into the right side of the table this is made possible by the sloping shape of the table which against the black background looks much thinner than it actually is after the saw blade comes down the two halves can be pulled apart for a striking effect some magicians take this idea one step further by appearing to walk along while cut in half this is pretty creepy to witness but it's just a matter of body positioning the illusion is created by twisting their body around inside a specially prepared outfit usually fitted with metal support frames to help balance and to lessen the strain from crouching it's a fantastic reimagining of the classic cut and half scenario but just like its predecessor it's all in the legs riding the bus if you were waiting for the bus then one showed up with a guy hanging off the roof like this you'd probably be somewhat confused but that's what people saw in london back in 2013 when british magician dynamo seemingly defied gravity on one of the city's iconic red buses but as supernaturally strong as it seemed dynamo merely connected a metal frame to the bus which ran all the way through a fake arm and into his clothing like this this was strong enough to bear his weight and with his real right arm hidden inside his clothes allowed him to wow onlookers who weren't able to figure out the secret apples and arrows among the incredible spectacles belgian magician aaron crow delivers one in particular stands out it involves apples bows and arrows and as you'll see some very clever deception first the magician takes an apple cuts out the core and places a ring inside before sliding the core back in then he selects a participant to stand in the center of the stage holding the apple propped upon a tray atop their head toward the back of the stage the magician unveils a target and hence that he can shoot through the apple and hit the target then much to the audience's surprise crow does exactly that the apple splits as the arrow shoots through it and lands right in the middle of the target but most amazing of all it's revealed that as the arrow passed through the apple it retrieved the ring pinning it against the target board seems too good to be true right well that's because it is and here's why to start with a big one the arrow isn't real it's actually a piece of elastic that looks like an arrow when pulled taut but as soon as it's released it's pulled inside the bow hiding it away the moment that occurs a remote activated mechanism swings a knife previously hidden inside the tray holding the apple too fast to easily see that knife is on a hinge and slices straight through the apple making it look like an arrow has passed through it then from a concealed slit in the target board a spring-loaded arrow is released moving outward giving the impression that an arrow has just landed on the board so how does the ring end up on the target board arrow well almost immediately after placing it inside the apple aaron pushes the ring out the other side using the core sneakily taking it back into his hand when he unveils the target he subtly secures the ring onto the concealed arrow ready for it to pop up later with the level of creativity that goes into the trick the explanation is arguably just as interesting as the trick itself do you agree let me know in the comments down below close shave while some tricks rely on big explosive spectacles others keep audiences on their seat by creating a real sense of fear for the magician's body that's exactly the case with the swallowing razors trick pioneered by japanese magician tanba his nail-biting performances involves first swallowing several razor blades which he demonstrates a real by getting a volunteer to cut paper with one on stage beforehand after swallowing the first batch he shows the audience his tongue to prove they've gone down the hatch before grabbing a handful of about a dozen more to the audience's horror he swallows all of those too and washes them down with a shot of green absinthe finally he pops a load of red string into his mouth moves it around inside and then delivers the impossible he pulls the end of the string and out it comes threaded through over a dozen razor blades all at perfectly spaced intervals it's an incredible trick but did he really swallow all those blades and tie them to the string and set his own body unfortunately or fortunately depending on how squeamish you are the answer is no the first few razor blades tonbo appears to swallow are indeed real though likely blunted to stop the trick being too dangerous when his volunteer cuts a piece of paper to demonstrate the blade sharpness he pulls the paper tight so even a blunted blade slices through easily then when the first few blades are placed into his mouth he makes a big show of swallowing them but actually moves them into one of his cheeks as for the huge handful of blades later he subtly moves them into his other cheek these new blades aren't sharp at all they're actually gimmick blades designed for the purpose and are completely safe when he takes a sip of the bright green absinthe which is likely just water with food coloring he sneakily spits out the real blades thanks to the coloration of the liquid and the semi-opacity of the glass only the most perceptive audience member would be able to spot the blades now in the bottom when tondo puts the string in his mouth he actually stuffs it into his upper lip the string the audience sees threaded through the blades has actually been tied to them the whole time he just hit it from sight behind his fingers when he put the fake blades into his mouth truly masterful deception that's what i call a sharp trick impaled another trick that strikes worry into the hearts of the audience is the impaled illusion this trick involves an assistant seemingly defying the laws of physics by being balanced upon the point of a sword often the effect is emphasized by the magician spinning their assistant around which somehow doesn't skewer the assistant like a shish kebab that is until all of a sudden the assistant jolts downward and the blade of the sword bursts out through their belly the assistant appears dead and the magician gives them another spin to prove the sword's gone straight through but then to the audience's relief the magician lifts their assistant off of the blade and they come back to life right is right without a gaping hole in their torso but how well the secret to this trick lies in the assistant's outfit usually concealed under a fluffy top the assistant wears a corset with a sturdy plate built into the back featuring a port where the sword's tip can lock into place when the time's right the sword partially retracts down into a hidden base appearing to puncture the assistant's back meanwhile in the front of the corset a spring-loaded telescopic pole extends out when activated making it look like the sword is penetrated straight through when it's time to pull the assistant free it's the same process in reverse with the assistant usually pressing the spring-loaded sword tip back into their corset more extreme variations of the trick utilize huge rotating drills that appear to burrow through the assistant's chest this one's a little different as it involves the performer being strapped to an apparatus in front of the drill with the front of their body covered from sight while the performer's body is hidden a fake drill tip which spins mechanically in sync with the big drill is secured to the front of the performer's costume usually magnetically they're then locked onto the drill tip behind them with the same reinforced corset back plate technique is the classic impaled illusion while the drill appears to continue spinning into the performer's body it's actually being retracted into its base while the performer presses against the cover in front of them this makes it look like the drill is passed through the performer then through the cover as a final spectacle the performer is lifted into the air by the drill and spun around before being lowered and covered again after the coverings removed the drill has miraculously retracted from their body or in other words the other assistant sneakily carried it away under a cloth while the audience was distracted in amazement frog regurgitation david blaine the world famous illusionist and endurance artist is no stranger to an outlandish piece of performance one of blaine's strangest tricks sees him swallowing a frog before regurgitating it moments later completely free of harm usually this is accompanied by something known as water spouting where blaine momentarily turned himself into a decorative water fountain by squirting a huge amount of water out of his throat it's certainly not spectacle but there's no denying it's impressive so what's the trick well if you're expecting me to tell you the frogs aren't real or he hides them up his sleeve that's far from the case the secret is it's real turns out after years of training david blaine has become a master of regurgitation by learning to precisely control the muscles in his lower abdomen and by drinking a huge amount of water beforehand he can create substantial upward pressure in his lower esophagus this coupled with the abilities to disable his gag reflex and willfully open the upper esophageal sphincter allows blaine to hold the frog midway down his esophagus this prevents it falling all the way into his stomach then using what is essentially highly controlled vomiting plain regurgitates the frog alongside a huge amount of water now you may be asking why would someone do such a thing the only answer is it's all for the sake of magic drill to the head over the past few years various performers have taken to performing one scary looking trick that appears to use power tools in a totally inappropriate manner this trick involves pressing a running drill against their head for an uncomfortably long time somehow avoiding damaging in themselves but the reason they don't sustain damage is simple the performers use flattened drill bits that are completely blunt meaning they can't grip or tear the skin while the drills are spedding the performers tense up their arms and use intense facial expressions to create a big show of pressing hard against their temples but despite how it looks they really only press very lightly meaning there is absolutely no risk of hurting themselves some take it a step further by sticking the drill up their nose or down their throat which unlike the rest of the act is actually mostly real they use the same principles as sword swallowers to align their esophagus for smooth safe movement however while the drill never actually spins during this more dangerous part of the trick they usually accompany it with some sound effects to make sure it seems like it does seems a little unnecessary but maybe magicians are required to meet a minimum of deceptions per act the rest of us don't know about either way it shouldn't need to be said but even if you think your drill is a little blunt don't try this one at home chainsaw madness while most tricks i've covered so far could be performed by anyone with a good bit of cash to invest in the materials this next one is more complicated not because it breaks the laws of physics or anything but because it requires a very unique type of assistant pioneered by illusionist kevin james this trick abruptly begins with a nutty scientist chainsawing his white coated assistant in half while he's wheeling a table on stage all in plain sight with no apparent concealment the scientist character then props up his assistant's severed torso and spins it around while it moves its hands proving that it's very much alive but then somehow the legs begin to move too despite being separated to complete the effect the torso then lifts itself up and the scientist runs his hand underneath proving its lower body is truly detached not just hidden somewhere then the torso is placed onto a lower platform while the legs walk themselves off stage another assistant then reappears carrying the legs back over and places them behind the torso then the legs and torso are wheeled off stage while the scientist ominously presents a staple gun to the audience the legs and torso come back on again and before the audience can catch a breath the mad scientist staples the leg and torso together which then stand up and dance pretty crazy stuff and with an equally crazy explanation this trick is made possible due to the fact that the roll of the torso is taken on by someone who genuinely has no lower body turning an unfortunate disfigurement into a source of amazement the torso assistant is wheeled on perched top the legs and those legs belong to a full-size person whose upper body is hidden away inside the table this explains how the legs and upper body are able to move separately after the dummy chainsaw passes between them when the legs walk themselves off stage an assistant reappears carrying a pair of fake legs and identical trousers to prop up behind the torso then when the legs and torso are temporarily wheeled off they're swapped for another surgical mask wearing assistant a vaguely similar appearance in an identical outfit the switch surgical mask assistant positions themselves in a way that looks like they're still cut in half before switching positions to lie on their back ready for the reassembly celebration dance phew after all that crazy magic i think we can all take a very well-earned bow which of these trick reveals blew your mind the most do you know any magician secrets of your own let me know in those comments down below and thanks for watching you
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 2,172,449
Rating: 4.9026852 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, magic tricks revealed, magic secrets revealed, magic tricks, dynamo magician, magic show, best magician, most famous, best magic trick, dynamo revealed, dynamo magic, mind blowing, crazy magician
Id: Y0xm20JgMJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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