This is Confusing // Stranger Things Part. 2 // Dr. Dharius Daniels

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what's up family Pastor Darius here man you're getting ready listen if you've ever felt confused or conflicted by what God's prompting you to do this message I think is going to help you it's called this is confusing I want you to tap in man I believe it's going to help you in an incredible way and as always if you understand that the quality of your life is based on quality of your decisions and the quality of decisions it's based on the quality of information that it forms it that you realize to get better to make better decisions and have a better life you got to get better with the Bibles really that it's simple I got a community called Bible you where I take all of my years of training as a professor as a theologian and say Hey I want a viable college experience in everyday language for the everyday Christian that's what it is that website's on the screen tap in I love you enjoy the message [Music] [Laughter] Acts chapter 16 verse 6 says Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of phrygia and galatia having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the whole province of Asia and when they came to the border of Maisha they tried to enter by thenia but the spirit of Jesus would not allow them to so they passed by Maisha and they went down the troas and during the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him come over to Macedonia and help us after Paul had seen the vision we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them I want to tag a title to this text but I need to warn you the only people this topic is going to resonate with or put it this way this topic will only resonate with the real people that's real honest about their experience with God and I know some of you you in a space and I celebrate that where you always clear on what God wants you to do you never have any doubt whether or not it's you or God you're never conflicted or confused regarding whether or not it's the Flesh of the spirit but for the rest of us that from time to time deal with a little cloudiness this word's for you here it is here's the topic of today's teaching this is confusing all the honest people give God some praise if you've ever been confused I want you to give God some praise as as we ease into this introduction today I want to begin by informing some and reminding others of an axiom that you hear regularly repeated at change church and the Axiom is as follows God will let you live on whatever level you settle for I'm going to say that one more time God will let you live on whatever level you settle for the scriptures reveal God regularly and consistently articulating his intentions or his will for us but his will for us is his preference for us is what he prefers to do it is what he wants to do it is what he is willing to move Heaven and Earth to do but it is not what he will force us to do God will let us live on whatever level we settle for God is not a respecter of persons that means in principle somebody say principle not practice but in principle what he does for one he will do for another not in practice meaning he won't do the exact same thing for one person that he does for another but in principle if he opened a door for me come on here he'll open the door for you now my door might not be your door and your door might not be my door but are y'all hearing what I'm saying I said if he made a way for me he'll make a way for you come on church if he elevated me he'll Elevate you if he healed you over here he can heal you over there he's not a respecter of persons he's a god of favor but favor is not favoritism I want somebody that get that to just Proclaim out of your mouth so that you can hear it I got favor too yeah I got he's not a god he's a god of favor but he's not a god of favoritism he is no respecter of persons but he is a respecter of our choices so he will respect your choice even if your choice is less than his best he will respect what you want even if what you want is less than what he wants for you but I believe can I go Mississippi church for a minute I said can I go Mississippi church for a minute I believe I got some people in this room that will say I am sick of settling I'm allergic to average can I go Mississippi Church I believe I'm talking to some people in this room and online let me see Mississippi that will say Lord I'm running you got it trying to make a hundred 99 and a half just won't do am I talking to anybody that will say I want absolutely everything God's got for me I want what he wants for me because it is not enough for God to want it for me in order for me to have it in order for me to have it I gotta want it for myself and this is why the Apostle Paul says in the book of Philippians that it is God who works in you the will to do his good pleasure God doesn't always give you what you want but he'll give you what to want he'll give you a want to some of the stuff you want to is stuff he wants for you the fact that you want to some things and I want to other things as an indication that God has put different things in our hearts to want because he wants different things for us and I don't know what God wants for you and what God wants for you and what God wants for you and what God wants for you specifically but I know a word that that can be used to describe what God wants to do for you in you and through you and that is God wants to do some strange things I said God wants to do some strange things and the word strange means unusual the word strange means uncommon the word strange means extraordinary the word strange means confusing the word strange means peculiar the word strange refers to head scratching blessings the word strains refers to I don't know how I got in this room bless the word strange refers to it doesn't make sense to me either blessings the word strains is a powerful picture of a principle called the principle of exception and the principle of exception simply suggests that what happens with them does not dictate and determine what happens with me it means you can't look at what did or didn't happen with other people like me and tell me what's possible for me because some of us in this room have been Anointed with the anointing of first [Applause] did you hear what I just said see just because it hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done somebody's got to be first I'ma say that one more time just because it hadn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done somebody has got to be first and this is why some of you have been frustrated because you've been trying to find one specific example that completely embodies what you sense you're supposed to be doing and you cannot find that one specific example that completely embodies what you sense you're supposed to be doing and the reason you can't find it is because you are it [Applause] look at me the reason you can't find the blueprint is because you are the blueprint and gods wants you to know you might as well stop looking because the person you looking for is you [Applause] God says I'm calling you to be first to do it so that you can be the blueprint and show other people how to do it now if you're scared say you scared but if you got a righteous resilience and if you got a holy boldness and if you've got the unmitigated Gall and audacity to say I'm man enough I'm woman enough to be first I want some people in the room that's got the anointing up first to make some noise and let the devil know we coming foreign [Applause] because you're supposed to do it somebody has got to be first and I'm not talking to anybody that feels like I got first on me I'm not arrogant but I'm aware since I can't find what I'm looking for God must be calling me to carve out A New Path and he's got to get somebody radical enough y'all not ready for this he's got to get somebody unaffected by the opinions of other people enough to say I'm willing to go through a season where people look at me for a minute and say what you doing [Applause] so I can get to a season where those same people come to me and say how did you do that I don't know who this is for tario but somebody in here somebody online you getting ready to go from what you doing to how you doing that [Applause] strange strange things how about last week we taught you a prerequisite to strange things we say now people who experience strange things are people who live with a sixth sense does that make sense we talked about that Darius why because the quality of life is based by the quality based on the quality of your decisions and God leading you is God simply influencing decisions the steps of a good manner ordered by the Lord he delighteth in his way and though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down for the Lord upholds him with his right hand steps of a good man's steps a systematic and sequential pattern is a movement that gets you from one place to the next systematic Left Right sequential one in front of the other your steps are not your steps your steps are your choices [Applause] so when the Bible says God orders your steps he's saying I'm influencing your choices and if you let me influence your choices I'll have your feet in rooms that your eyes haven't seen and your ears haven't heard if you let me influence your choices I will use you to make contributions for the common good and you will look at what God's using you to do and step outside of you and be surprised at how God's using you some of you are already experiencing that because when you are people some people are coming at you with problems and stuff is Flowing out of you and you don't even know that was in you you said yeah you you and about you answer your neighbor you like I wish I could answer my own questions like this you're like man I got good advice for you I need something for me so the call in my life is based on calling my decisions got me but making certain decisions requires more than my five senses because sometimes the decisions that I have to make are great decisions they're not black or white they're not right or wrong it's not obvious sometimes I'm faced with decision and it's like this could go really good or where's my honest shirt today or this could go really bad so in those in those seasons and situations where I've assessed all the data I've asked all the questions I need God to influence my intuition God influenced my intuition so that I have a holy hunch [Music] on what decision I need to make when I don't know which route to take Sixth Sense should I leave should I stay should we make up should we break up should I scale up should I scale down should I sell now should I sell later should I start this now should I start this stop this later is this not working because the devil's blocking or is this not working because God's blocking it come on come on have you ever been there it's like okay do I need to stop is this not working because God's telling me I need to stop or is this not working because the devil wants me to stop so should I stop or should I persevere sometimes I need a hunch let's say keep going so strange things require Sixth Sense right get a hunch revelation God what you want me to do hunch interpretation what does that mean then application what's the wisest way to do it Revelation what do I feel like God's saying and most people skip steps Marlon happy birthday by the way belated that most people skip steps turned 50 yesterday most people get Revelation and try to go right to implementation you didn't miss God you missed steps [Applause] Revelations what did he say he might say it leave but before you just I'm quitting my job stop interpretation what does that mean y'all not talking to me here [Applause] you even see him if you look in the book of Jeremiah before Jeremiah begins his prophetic Ministry in Jeremiah chapter one God starts giving him these Visions Visions visions and he give him a vision and ask him a question he said what do you see and then Jeremiah will tell him what he saw and then God will say you've seen well because just because you heard what I said doesn't mean you know what I meant [Applause] and something God say go I'm gone it's like wait you didn't miss God but you missed the step Revelation what did he say interpretation what does that mean Now application what's the wisest way to do it Sixth Sense but I was reading Acts chapter 16 and I saw something else that's a prerequisite for six cents I mean for strange things if I want to expand strange things I hope y'all ready for this strange things not only require a sixth sense for my notetakers strange things also require a strong no [Music] if God is going to do strange things in my life I not only need a sixth sense I also need a strong no there's where you get this from the Bible because I was reading Acts chapter number 16 and in Acts chapter number 16 we get exposed to the Apostle Paul who's in itinerant Ministry he's traveling from different places preaching the gospel and we read it all together come on we read it together we put it on the screen and we saw in Acts chapter 16 verse 6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of phrygia and galatia having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word of God in the province of Asia do you see that is that in the Bible it says the Holy Spirit kept Paul from preaching the gospel in the province of Asia is that in the Bible then it says verse 7 when they came to the Border Elijah they tried to enter bithynia but the spirit of Jesus which is the Holy Spirit would not allow them to do so do you see that wait a minute you see a man who is called to preach trying to preach in certain places and the Holy Spirit not allowing him to you have a man who has a multiple opportunities to do what he's capable of doing call to do and loves to do and the holy spirit's saying don't do it [Music] you have a man who has an opportunity to expand his impact to broaden his reach come entrepreneurs to to build his brand and the Holy Spirit say uh-uh get somebody else to do it let me ask you a question does every region need the gospel where there are people in all of those places who needed the gospel was Paul capable of preaching the gospel did God let him share the gospel there so just because I'm capable of it [Applause] just because I'm capable of it just because I'm passionate about it just because I'm called to do it doesn't mean I'm authorized too [Applause] and some people's problem is they've been living their life based on their ability and not authorization [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah so so the Apostle Paul are y'all ready for this he gets a few no's with no explanation God says no and then don't tell them why I don't want you to respond this is a rhetorical question it's a question for your reflection how do you handle Divine knows God always answers prayer that don't mean to answer yes they didn't get it they didn't get God didn't answer my prayer yes he did he gave you an answer we just think every answer is yes if somebody asks you something and you give them a yes that's an answer and if they ask you something and you give them a no that's the answer you answered it they just didn't get the answer they wanted God's like me answering your prayer don't mean I always say yes sometimes the answer is no how do you handle no because I give you a no not for me not for you to see something about me God's like I give you a no for you to see something about you [Applause] cause the way you handle my no it's actually a revelation of how much you trust my leadership [Applause] y'all aren't talking to me today he said the way you handle my no he said I know how you feel about my leadership you don't know so I'm giving you a no so you can see the way that you respond to this no is an indication of what you feel about my leadership and God's like I know you don't trust me the way you think you do so I gotta so I I what I need to do is I need to give you a no and I want you to see how your response to my no is an indication that you really don't believe I know what I'm doing when it comes to your life [Applause] cause the only time I give you a no is when your request is an inferior request to what I want to do for you so you mad about me not letting you settle I gotta go I said you're mad about God not letting you settle he said you mad because I won't let you settle with that man because I had a y'all not talking to me you're mad because I will let you settle for that job when I got another one you mad because I wouldn't let you settle for that door when I got another one I told you no cause you so anxious I feel the I feel something on this you so anxious you're so impulsive you feel like you're running out of time because you don't even trust my timetable [Applause] you believe in your age more than me that's the only reason you walking around saying it's too late cause you think I got to do it within a certain time frame but you better ask Sarah what I'll do y'all better come get me today when people say it's too old it's too old for you when you say it's too late it's too late for you God's just getting started in my life [Applause] some of us got the attitude of Caleb who in The Book of Numbers went to Joshua and said Moses promised me a mountain he said I was young now I'm old he said but I'm stronger now than I ever been so even though I'm in my 80s God kept me alive yeah to keep his promise so give me this mountain how you handle no [Music] see God uses the word no to reveal to some of us we living with a conditional commitment [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see here's the thing most of us want to grow spiritually but we don't realize that the Women's Conference evolution of her Evolution the prerequisite for evolution is an accurate assessment of my current state so if the devil can keep me deceived and keep me from seeing where I need to grow I won't see it isn't that some people don't want to grow that's not where they're not growing they don't see they need to [Applause] the Bible says when a man thinks he's something and he's not he deceived himself and for some of you what you need to see is what God's trying to do is he's trying to scale you in an area it's not that you don't have trust it's where you're going requires a level of it you don't have yet that's like so the level of trust you had was sufficient for the season you were in but where I'm getting ready to take you requires me scaling your trust so I gotta put you in a situation where you get a revelation that you don't trust me like you need to because that's the only way you're going to improve it [Applause] is how do you handle the nose conditional commitments my commitment is consistent as long as you're giving me what I want that is not a love relationship that's that's manipulation [Music] and God's like you can't manipulate me now Paul submitted to nose when he didn't have a reason why and then one day out of nowhere he just think he sleep God interrupts his sleep with a vision and he sees this man in Macedonia saying come over here and help us and he concluded oh the reason he didn't let me go into Asia the reason he didn't let me go into bithynia was because I was assigned to Macedonia thank you and if I had went into Asia or if I had went into bithynia then I wouldn't be in position to go into Macedonia and Macedonia was a catalytic season for Paul it was a catalyst for other things because I just read to you the first part of Acts chapter 16. but if you keep reading Acts chapter 16 Paul ends up in Macedonia then he ends up in Philippi and when he is up in Philippi he does Ministry in Philippi the people get upset that he's doing Ministry and Philippi so he ends up in a Philippian jail he's not in Philippian jail by himself he's in a Philippian jail with his partner and Minister named Silas and they sit in a Philippian jail and Acts chapter 16 says end at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang Praises unto God and suddenly they was y'all aren't talking to me that was a great earthquake and the foundations of the prison were shaken all the doors were open and immediately Every Man's bands were loose so prisoners got free and saved the workers at the jail got free and saved and none of those men would have got free and saved if power had been invithenia [Applause] did y'all hear what I said and it's God is trying to get you to see that I can't do strange things if you're trying to do everything he says I want you to get to a season where you get obsessed with your thing and if you get obsessed with your thing you won't be in bythenia in Asia when I'm supposed to when you're supposed to be in Macedonia see some of us are in a season where you don't have the time to keep going down the wrong path just to find out it's wrong [Applause] y'all missed it God's know say Paul time because imagine that Paul had been all the way in Asia then God said you're supposed to be in Macedonia now you got to come all the way out of Asia y'all missed it so instead of advancing right to Macedonia you got to recoup time just to get back to normal y'all did hear what I just said yeah he had to come all the way eight out of Asia just to get back to where he was to begin the journey into Macedonia because when you're out of place you spent time not advancing you spend time trying to get back to normal [Applause] I don't want to learn everything that's wrong on the back end so strange things require strong no's the enemy knows this now are y'all ready for this I got five minutes are you sure come on don't hold your amens I got five minutes left are you sure here it is family please don't miss this was preaching the gospel in Asia would you say that was sin no preaching the gospel in bythenia would you say that's sin but would you say it was a distraction would you say preaching the gospel is a good thing but for Paul would you say preaching the gospel in Asia and by then would you say it was a God thing so if there is no such thing as spiritual neutrality if it's not God what's the other option [Applause] are you hearing what I'm saying here it is see see when the enemy can't destroy you with dysfunction his next step is to try to detour you with distraction and I want to tell you about something in terms of the way that the enemy worked there's this law of biblical interpretation in terms of the way you interpret the Bible and y'all have heard me say this a lot of times I trust the Bible I just don't trust people's interpretation of it that's what has some of us tore up from the flow up not the Bible people's interpretation of it oh gosh so there's this principle of biblical interpretation called The Law of first mention which speaks to not exclusively but specifically the first time something is mentioned primarily in the Book of Genesis that's going to be a picture of the way that truth is going to be played out all throughout scripture and all of our life so the first time you see the devil in the Bible is in Genesis and you see him in a garden but he don't show up looking like the devil he show up looking like a snake if you have a garden you're not surprised to see a snake in it [Applause] [Applause] if a penguin in a garden you surprised if a polar bear is in a garden you're surprised but if a snake is in a garden you're not surprised because that teaches us that the devil is always going to show up looking like he belongs [Applause] foreign [Applause] don't show up looking like a distraction can y'all handle this this is the 12 can y'all a distraction shows up looking like an opportunity okay uh this is the trail how far can I yeah uh uh a distraction don't show up looking like what you don't like [Applause] yeah let me let me go let me see I said if you like them tall they don't show up short let me [Applause] they show up and you like the Lord is my shepherd you know what I want [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we out tired [Applause] of the former distractions you look like opportunities and here's the problem it's about to get more spicy we out here now here's the problem some of us you're trying to discuss options last week I told you to audit your circle audit your associate you're trying to discuss the complexity of living a life with options with people who don't have any [Applause] [Music] so you confused because you're talking to people who can't relate let me let me find who's going to talk back to me right so when you're talking to people who can't relate and you're talking to them about options you're considering not taking people who can't relate will have you taking every single option that's available you gonna walk away from that I would never exactly that's what I'm saying we not the same [Applause] but you can't experience strange things trying to do everything watch this can I take it further [Applause] the enemy does not just use distractions in terms of opportunities he also uses distractions in the form of emotional connections [Applause] some of you are in bythenia and Asia not because you want to be because they want you to be and because you don't want to disappoint them you stay in a place that you're not assigned to because you're operating with false niceness [Applause] which is people pleasing in disguise see I think all of us as friends have gone to physical places we didn't really want to go to because of a friend that's not consequential all the time because it's like you go and as long as you get back safe whatever it's way different when you're in emotional places cause it ain't that easy to leave I'ma tell you what the Bible says about it in Proverbs Chapter number 29 verse 25 it says the fear of man will prove to be a snare ensnared because of this fear of disappointing people when God called me to my Macedonia when we planted this church here I knew I would be disappointing some people and you cannot follow God's leadership if you are consumed with who you disappointed [Music] see because whenever you come somewhere some people gonna be mad you left this too y'all aren't talking to me today see some of you are so excited about going you're not prepared for the backlash you're leaving you think because it's good for you they're gonna be happy for you you think because it's God they're gonna be happy [Applause] but there are three things that have helped me in my journey I'm Don Tarheel there are three things that have helped me in my journey and I believe they'll help us all in ours and here there are these are three things that just reframed this for me I literally almost ran myself in the grave trying to be in Asia in bythenia I literally almost ran myself in a grave and I pivoted out of that came out of that elaborate prison of false niceness got free of false guilt success guilt when you make it guilt that you feel and the obligation that you feel to everybody everywhere The Imposter syndrome you wrestle with I'm just like man I can't believe people are just inviting me there are three things that I learned changed my life it set me free and I know some of this can be strange to people and what's strange is unfortunately Christians don't know or rarely see what a Content man looked like oh yeah they see people who are so driven to use spiritual opportunities to meet emotional needs that when they see contentment it looks strange when they see a man who say I only want my Macedonia you could you could that's not my Macedonia if you would maybe but that's not my Macedonia you could beat this well that would make you feel differently about me not me [Applause] three things I learned it has me obsessed with my assignment it's given me a degree of clarity and contentment I can't even explain it has allowed me the Blessed privilege of reaching my goals without destroying my soul what does it profit a man to gain the whole world [Music] and loses is what I want for you as a spiritual father I want you to be okay with what God wants for you I want you to experience the internal Joy of knowing I'm right where you want me to be I want you to be able to walk away from opportunities people would give an arm for and you not miss sleep over it [Applause] I want you to live by the conviction that strange things require a strong note I want that vain ambition arrest because all it is is poison ambition's not evil vain ambition it's destructive I want to kill it okay that's fine for what cause there don't feel like there when you get there the carrot keeps moving three things that changed my life here's number one just because I'm able to doesn't mean I'm assigned to number two saying yes to the wrong thing means you will have to say no to the right one I told a testimony at my at the earlier service I can't tell it again because every time I tell it it just messes me up um no no I can't I can't tell it because I'm tired of crying but um there are decisions that you make that are more consequential than others because some decisions cost you a time frame you can't get back so there was a season in my life I was gone too much I can't get that time back and God redeemed it but the Redemption of it still didn't completely completely remove my regret Myra listen to me my regret is Jacob's lip is to remind me what happens if your priorities get out of order so I can't tell the story because it makes me emotional and I think God wants me tender in that place because he want me to know what it feel like when you put the right thing in the wrong place so I'm not limping physically but this past the heart has a limp and I don't want you to have it I'm limping so that you don't have to I do not want you climbing the ladder of success to get to the top and realize I put it against the wrong wall [Applause] to get to the top and realize these people don't even love me they love my gift just because I'm able to doesn't mean I'm assigned to saying yes to the wrong things mean you'll have to say no to the right thing and I've learned this God never withholds something from you and gives you something inferior in return you sow in one field you'll reaping another so if God takes something away from you he will never return something back to you that's inferior to what he took away so one season the Lord the Lord told me to offer my eyes offer my travel as a Isaac all this traveling speaking I want you to offer this I want you to get after me I'm like Jesus that's how I take care of some stuff you get that to me so I did I remember having conversations with my wife and uh you know how you partially obey I kind of like shrug it back and then God's like okay pandemic shut it down but I've watched him as I offered him that Isaac whenever he takes something from you he never gives you something inferior in return foreign on to might be less than what the father wants to release to you [Applause] he's going to do some strange things but your Macedonia is enough don't compare your Macedonia to mine but what he's got for you is enough if you run your lane and run your race you'll see God change your life you receive that clap your hands all over the house [Music] listen to me can I have your attention for two minutes see if I say two minutes two minutes that's it and then I'm giving them benediction first thing I want to say is I want to say to everybody just heard this message you can't do nothing I told you without God's help I don't care how good notes you took you need God to help you put in the practice what I taught today and that can't happen if you're not in relationship with him when I say relationship I don't mean you believe he exists that's smart that's not spiritual I'm saying you coming to the point where you realize I shouldn't be leading my own life God I want you to lead it when you make the decision that you want Jesus to be the leader of your life and the forgiver of your sin him saving you and today if you've never I don't I'm not asking if you grew up in church I'm gonna ask you to believe in God I'm asking have you asked Jesus personally to come into your heart lead your life and forgive your sin send a self self-destructive behavior that hurts you and other people and if you haven't I want to pray a prayer with you I'ma pray it out loud you pray it in your heart every head about every eye closed so that nobody feels embarrassed I'm praying out loud you pray in your heart father I need you I realize I can't lead my own life [Music] so today I Surrender I ask you to come into my heart forgive my sin in my life save me I believe Jesus that you are God's son and that just as God raised you from the dead you're going to raise me into New Life I believe that in my heart Fest that with my mouth and I receive a gift of your salvation and I commit for the rest of my life I will live for you as you show me how in Jesus name amen somebody online Israel just prayed that prayer for the first time clap your hands all over the house [Music]
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 98,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, Jackie Hill Perry, Sarah Jakes, Priscilla Shirer, T.D Jakes, Steven Furtick, Tony Evans
Id: lmlEgdYpKt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 32sec (3032 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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