국내 디저트 장인들의 격이 다른 수제 케이크 BEST 몰아보기 6 Best Korean Dessert Masters' Amazing Cake Collection

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Channel: Yummy Yammy
Views: 4,082,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: street food, korean street food, dessert, korea, korean, food, travel, recipe, making, korean food, events, sweets, cake, cake making, 한국, 음식, 길거리음식, 요리, 디저트, 케익, 케이크, 만들기, 레시피, 맛집추천, 韓国, 食べ物, ケーキ, デザート
Id: -KtvtNg_IQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 0sec (5640 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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