THIS is a Hard Drive Sized Fanless PC

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this little motherboard is the size of a 3 and 1/2 in hard drive yet it has a 10 core CPU it has DDR 5 slots many m.2 slots and there are two 2 and2 gig Nicks that we've never seen before Oh and it can support up to four display outputs it can have an array of Comm and USB ports and you can even get it in a fanless system guys this thing is super cool so let's get to it hey guys this is Patrick from s and this this is a super micro x13 s-h now something you might see is that I have a hard drive here because yes this is a 3 and 1/2 in single board computer that's about the size of a 3 and 1/2 in hard drive you can kind of see this right here they're about the same size but you're also going to see that we have this system which is the super micro CIS e13 ad-h which is a long name but you're going to see that this motherboard is pretty similar to what's in here the big difference is that the motherboard in here is the super micro x13 s wohs and that ws means without heat sink but I usually call it the woes so super micro sent these systems just to go review but they have no idea that we're even doing a video on this so we're going to say it's sponsored but realistically they have no idea this is even happening before we get to the hardware I want to say thank you really quickly to the S YouTube members who help support us so we can do things like buy stuff to go put in these little systems since we're going to be doing the motherboard and the system version of this in one video let's get to the hardware because I think that's a great place to start okay since this is the motherboard that's inside the system I figured let's just use the system so I can kind of show you the outside of the system the external bits and then we'll show you the motherboard in a little bit more detail when we get inside the system okay so starting with the system I just want to kind of show you guys this real quick uh you see that we have a nice like ribed thing up here this is a pretty darn heavy chassis the bottom uh you know we have some feed on there is another opt option for a bottom that has like a little heat sink on the bottom we're going to show you inside the system how this is used to cool the memory and storage and all that kind of stuff uh but we just don't have a big enough configuration so this is fine for us but I figured let's just go start on this side which is well probably the rear side to be honest but I think it's the most interesting so we're going to start with that first on this side of the system you're going to see that we have two Intel i225 iix now you might be wondering uh you've heard of like the Intel i225 what is the it versus like an Intel i225 V which would be something that you would typically see like in a desktop or something like that the it is the version of the Nick that's really for the industrial grade temperatures and all that kind of stuff and that's really a big part of the system it's not just made for you know like a desktop it's really made for being deployed out in the field where you know it's going to get some Grime on it and all that kind of stuff and so you get something like the it Nick really for that embedded space but both of these Nick ports are 2 and2 gig ethernet which is pretty good now a lot of systems that we've seen before use some the extra pcie Lanes to go and put more 2 and2 gig Nicks in the system and if you want more Nicks than this has then this is the wrong platform for you obviously but for a lot of applications 2 2 and half gig Nicks is plenty okay now in the back of the system you're going to see that we get two HDMI ports one of these ports is an HDMI 2.0 B Port the other one is a 1.4b port so at this point you're probably like hey I can go drive some displays out of this thing right and the answer to that is absolutely yes however it doesn't just stop there because we also have USB ports that we can use for things like display outputs so you're going to see that we have two USB 3.2 Gen 2 10 GB per second ports and these both can also run in display port output modes so you can use like display port 1.4 alt mode and uh have total of four displays out of this little box now aside from those two USB ports you'll see that we also have two USB type A ports those two ports are also USB 3.2 Gen 2 so they're also 10 GB per second ports before we move on a couple little features you will see that we have two spots for an antenna on the back and then we have this giant power button I will say that one time when I took the system apart I managed to pull out the power button and uh that that was kind of a bummer now I promised you that you could get more IO in this and you can and that is via the rear you're going to see that we get a total of four comports now a lot of folks are going to look at this and say comports I don't even what the heck are those for those are so old all that kind of stuff and the answer is that there's a ton of industrial equipment that Ed the old like com serial ports and if you just want to know why you can see that you have the two screw connectors and these things are a lot more secure than something like a USB port and that's why you know a lot of a lot of things out in the industry use these kind of comp ports you may not use them but there are a lot of folks that do but something I think uh most people will use is that there are four USB 2 ports now of course you might be saying USB 2 that's kind of a bummer one nice thing I found though is the fact that the USB 3 ports are on the other side of the chassis USB 2 ports on the other one so if you have something like a wireless dongle very easy to go put in this and it'll work no problem now other features real quick we get our GPO pins over here and then we get this little power input over here so this system comes with a 12vt 7 amp so 84 w fsp power adapter which is way too much for the system it doesn't use anywhere close to that much power we'll show you that in the power and cooling section but one of the cool features of this is that it has a connector that locks so for example what you can do is you just kind of plop this thing in and then you screw it in and one of the cool things is that once this is done you can't pull this out until you really unscrew it but something you're probably going to notice is that our motherboard doesn't have ports on this side but there are ports here so uh let's get inside the system and figure out how that works okay so opening the system there are a total of eight screws on the bottom and by the way I just put these little feed on here they came with the system there's also an option to go have like d mounting rails and all that kind of stuff if you want to go mount it like that um but one of the things that's a little bit of a pain with this is the fact that there are so many screws on the bottom and then you kind of get the bottom off but then you have to kind of peel it off because inside we get features okay so this is the system is configured here's the motherboard and of course this is the DH version this is the wo version which just means that it's sold without a heat sink so that way it can be put into like a passive chassis like this this one has the heat sink otherwise they are the same motherboard now on the bottom of this you're going to see that we have our ddr5 slots on this side which you can see over here and we get dual Channel memory which is awesome there are a lot of like you know the lower-end systems like the all eore systems that um you know only have single Channel memory this particular motherboard has a core i7 which is pretty darn awesome guys but the memory is far from the only expansion area that we have because we have these three m.2 slots over here and they're all different okay and it's kind of fun how this works the top slot is a m.2 m key the middle slot this one is an e key and the bottom slot is a b key or in other words Meb now the M slot I think a lot of folks are familiar with because that's what you would put like a SSD in and that's what we have in the system the E slot is a little bit different this is our wireless landan and Bluetooth and stuff like that you would put there and so while our m key slot is a pcie gen 4x4 slot the E key is only a PCI gen 3x1 but it also has USB and uh the cnvi stuff to be able to make like a wireless l land card like one of those work in the system okay now this b key slot this is a little bit different so you get actually three different connections to it so I think you get a USB like two USB 3 and then there's also a SATA connection to this down here and the other kind of fun thing is that you're going to see that there's a little nano SIM slot so if you do want to have like a like 5G modem or something like that you could do that here and there's also a PCI 3x one lane here now one of the other reasons that you have so many slots is also uh this system is designed to be able to handle things like AI accelerators like the Halo 8 or something like that and if you don't know that one that's like a 26 tops uh AI accelerator and it runs I think like 2 and 1 half Watts or something like that it's pretty low power and it's for a system just like this where you need some more embedded uh AI acceleration and you can get that in a little form factor and put it on here too plus you can still have your SSD and wireless land if you need now when we took this thing apart it had so many cables in there that uh I will admit the fact that a couple times I took it apart and I didn't put it together exactly properly for example um I managed to pull out the cable that is connected to the power button and that was a a weird one to actually go do but the overall motherboard is still very small it's about the size of a 3 and 1/2 in hard drive and on top here the big feature of course is the fact that in this version we have a core i7 1265 U now that processor has 10 cores and 12 threads so that means that we get eight e cores plus two PES so you kind of get the best of both worlds you get the efficient EES and you also get a couple peores which are darn fast perhaps the best part of it though is that this is only a 15 watt TDP CPU and it also includes an integrated GPU this has like Intel Iris XE Graphics so you get a decent little integrated GPU kind of like you would get in a low power desktop the other big feature of course is the fact that you get the incode decode engines for video and that's pretty important in a little Edge boox like this the integrated GPU is also what powers our four display outputs now of course there are options for like other processors we are looking at the core i7 cuz it's like the high-end one but there are other options so if you just want something that's low power but costs less that's always possible let me just kind of show you around this motherboard right so we have this version with the heat scure but a couple features like number one there is a fan header there's only one but I don't really think you're going to need more than one fan for such a low power system like this uh then there's also the power input which by the way the power cable to this when we did the last generation of the system that was one of the hardest parts to get so thankfully uh we know we have the system with which has the power cable and that's really nice we also have the headers for our USB ports and com ports and that's really what's powering the back of the system over here two other kind of fun features there is a slim SAS by4 so this is a PCI gen 4x4 so if you had like a fast envme SSD you can actually connect it using this you have to find power from somewhere but you can definitely connect it using this little connector here and there's also a single SATA port so while this is the size of a hard drive it can also connect a single SATA hard drive to this little Port right here and I know somebody's going to ask this so I just want to kind of show you guys real quick um the size this is a Raspberry Pi 5 so if you just want to kind of look at this thing size-wise uh you know this is definitely a bigger platform but it's also much faster has more IO and all that kind of stuff so um you know I know a lot of folks in the industrial Market actually are using raspberry pies because they are cheap and uh easy to get integrate and all that kind of stuff but something like a higher end x86 server if you just need more performance um you know that's a good reason to have something like this instead of this the other key thing though is that this is really designed for like industrial temperature ranges whereas this is not okay let's talk about the performance of the system and it's actually pretty good this system is powered by an Intel Core i7 1265 U now that is an alder Lake generation processor and it's also a 15 watt TDP CPU so something about that means that number one it's it's going to idle at a very low level it's also going to have a little bit of burstiness to it and then it's going to come down to about that 15 watt range we're going to show you what the impacts are to the S so power as well as the you know load power and all that kind of stuff and the total system power when we do our power consumption section after this section overall the performance of this thing is pretty darn good we're seeing performance that's you know well above something that would be kind of like a lower end system but it's not necessarily anywhere near what you would get if you had a full like 65 watt tdpc CPU or 45 wat TDP CPU right this is definitely a good bit below that the reason for that is that we have only two PES and we have ecores kind of filling in the rest of our 10 core CPU and to me that's actually kind of a cool combo because the ecores you know use less power they're not running at the high frequencies that you see on the PE course but when you do run on the PE course you know you can hit speeds well over 4 GHz on a modern Alder Lake peor and that really gives you like desktop-like performance at least for those cores and four threads but frankly there are a lot of applications that you might run on this that are going to run perfectly fine on ecores the ecores Today are a lot better than the old atom cores of you know yester year right these things are actually pretty fast if you have something like a Intel zon E5 server well the E cores that are in this are probably faster than those cores are on a core for core basis it's kind of wild to think about that you have that much power in something that's a size of a hard drive a couple quick compatibility things though because we do have PES and E cores in this core i7 version this isn't something that I would necessarily recommend for something like a VMware esxi because uh well that doesn't really support these like hybrid cores but on the other hand this thing is also on other compatibility lists like for example for Red Hat this has a certification for that so you know I know there are folks that are looking for things for work and stuff and they need like oh I need that red hat certification this system is certified for that but the question I'm sure you have at this point is Patrick what is a power consumption of this low power CPU well for that let's get to it next okay so let's talk about the power consumption but first I want to show you something that is running right here and uh we've had going for a little while now and there's a good reason for that this stress timer has been going for about an hour and 42 minutes you can kind of see that here so this is definitely warmed up it's running at 100% And I can put my hand on the system no problem like I can just leave it there it's a little bit warm but it's not crazy and I'm totally okay doing that that's really the power of a solution like this where the cooling is plenty to handle the low power CPU but just how low power is it well let's start again and let me show you how low power this thing is okay so let's talk about the idle power consumption for a second now the power meter over here is reading somewhere in the 9 and 1/2 to maybe 12 1/2 watt range the idle power consumption on the S so itself is around 5 Watts or so and something else that you're going to see is that the just general clocks that you see just I right is you're going to see about 400 mahz on the eour so those things are throttled down a ton and then the PE course those things can be hitting 3 and 1 12 GHz or more maybe I mean every little once in a while you'll see this thing go well over 4 GHz on a single core but let me show you what happens when we start to put this thing under load so I'm going to start running stress NG on this and you're going to see that this thing is starting to just go and for the first 15 seconds the power meter will start to read about 40 WTS you also see that the overall package power consumption will hit somewhere in that 28 watt range and the clocks during this 15 seconds of Glory will hit somewhere around 2 and 1 12 GHz on the eour and around maybe 3 and 1/2 GHz for the P course but to me probably the most important thing is what happens after those 15 seconds so we've had this going for a little bit now and you're going to see that the overall package power consumption has gone from that like 28 Watts down to about 15 watts the overall system power consumption is somewhere around that 24 WT range so it is much lower than that 40 Watts that we saw at that Peak but the clock speeds have also decreased we see 1.9 GHz on the E course we also see that sometimes that'll go down to like 1.8 GHz and then the Pees you know those things will hit down to maybe about 2.3 GHz over time so maybe the easiest way to think of this is that we're getting somewhere around that you know maybe 9 and 1 half to 12 1/2 Watts at idle then you could get a couple seconds of glory and go fast for 15 seconds and then you're going to drop back down to reality when you hit about a 28 wat overall power consumption for this entire system and that's super important when we look at our performance and then we look at the power consumption you can tell why this is not necessarily the fastest CPU out there but you still get pretty decent performance and you get low power consumption which is awesome with that though it sounds like we're starting to get to our key Lessons Learned so let's get to that next okay with all of these videos I like to have a key lesson learn like what do we learn from this okay so start out with the kind of obvious one right guys this is a $1,000 is system and so I know there are a lot of folks that going to say hey that's a lot more than some of the other like kind of fanless systems that you've reviewed and 100% it is but on the other hand this thing has things like certifications for OSS it's also designed with industrial components or industrial temp grade components right so if you do want to go and put this out in the world uh this might actually be a better and more durable option it's also made by super micro not some noname company super micro is a multi-billion doll a year server vendor and they also make embeded systems and all that kind of stuff so a lot of folks just want to get a system from a vendor that they know and they're willing to pay a little bit more for that now I know other folks are still going to say yeah but it's still too expensive and guys really the reason that we're doing this system is because it's something that I think that you know a lot of folks that watch this and that read St that you know are really looking for stuff like Hey how do I apply things for my work environment you know a lot of people need embedded systems right they're all over the place they're like you know every shop that you see a lot of vehicles are in I mean they are just all the heck over the place and I think that you know a system like this is interesting to a lot of folks I think it's also just kind of cool to compare like hey what do you get from a big vendor versus like a noname vendor that maybe you've never heard of because of course while this is fanless there are degrees on like what you get with fanless systems right they're not all the same overall it's hard not to love these single board computers this 3 and 1 half inch driv size one I think has a lot of power and there are different options I really like the fact that you can order it with a heat sink without a heat sink so go put in a chassis like this or you just buy it as an entire system I think that's a really good benefit for folks but I'd love to hear what you guys think down below so definitely light it up in the comments guys and hey if you did like this video why don't you share it with your friends but also give it a like click subscribe and turn on those notifications so you can see whenever we come out with great new videos as always thanks for watching and have an awesome day
Channel: ServeTheHome
Views: 117,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: servethehome, serve the home, supermicro, intel, single board computer, hard drive, hdd, hd, core i7, small pc, mini pc, embedded, fanless pc, fanless server, 2.5gbe, apple, mac mini, mac mini m2, apple m2, raspberry pi, raspberry pi alternative, in-band ecc, ecc, sbc with ecc, low power mini pc, low power pc
Id: OqDGRr119oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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