10 Things To Know About Mini PC Before You Buy

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watch you guys today we're taking a look at 10 things to know about mini PCS before you buy one now there is tons of many PCS on the market all different manufacturers all different prices and all different specifications so we're going to go through some of the things to look out for when you're buying it so I would say the first thing to look for is can it do what you want it to do I.E what do you want a Mini PC for and what do you want to use it for that's the first thing I would take a look at before I start pulling the trigger on a brand new Mini PC so how do you know a Mini PC can do exactly what you want it to do well you have to do a lot of research and look at a lot of videos and see whether a lot of these mini PCS are actually performing the way you want them to do so for instance if you want a video edit in Mini PC can it Video Edit can it play Triple A listing games a lot of the time a lot of these questions will rise and people can sort of gloss over them in their reviews next up it's time to find a brand that you trust there's many Brands out there to choose from so make sure you buy a brand that you trust that has good build quality in their many PCs so what type of ports does the midi PC have this is really important because you may need a type c uh input in there you may need to usb4 or Thunderbolt you may need to have the people on there or HDMI there's a bunch of different ones to choose from what ports they have on the front does it mean that you need a certain type of port on the front of the device or does that not matter you need to have a look at all of the ports that are available on these particular devices also check whether they are good build quality whether they're made of plastic or whether they're made of metal you want a really good quality mini PC that can dissipate heat very well there's many different shapes and sizes some are just rebrands of other types of mini PCS where they put their own label on them and you'll see they all look very similar b-link are a pretty good Mini PC so start having a good look at some b-link ones also MSI do some mini PCS you've seen me do videos on minis forums and you've also got ones like this one here which is the Ace magician you've got plenty of different choices available which you can take a look at and they all come in at different prices and they have all different specs on these mini PCS so that's another thing to take a look at now next up we're going to be talking about specs or the specifications of the Mini PC itself there is many specs available out there whether it be an I3 I5 whether it be a Celeron where it would be Intel or AMD or whether you're going to get a much more powerful 7000 series 5000 series there's tons of different uh ones out there some of the ones that are still priced pretty highly are the older branded ones so make sure you're not buying an older model compared to buying a brand new model so there's new ones of these coming out all of the time and they all perform a lot different some of them have a much better GPU on them than the actual other ones do so some of them are just meant for off issues and some are meant for gaming and a much more power like video editing so check the specifications out on the front manufacturer's website and see whether it fits all of your needs looking inside of the actual units here next up is a really important one which is upgradable is the device upgradable can you upgrade this Mini PC it's really important now you can see here some of them allow you to put in a SSD inside here for extra storage some don't have this capability so make sure that it's capable of accepting a extra SSD inside here a lot of them do nowadays they come in with this particular model here where you can slide the SSD in here and you can just put the ribbon cable onto this and it will give you extra storage some have an extra m.2 slot on the actual board itself and some are compact in here like this one here where you can still add in a SSD here there is an m.2 inside here with a cooler on here so make sure you check all of the mini PCS if someone is not showing you inside then they're not doing a full review and you want to steer clear of those particular types of reviews I'll try to give us much information as I can when I'm reviewing a particular product now the next thing that's really important is to check the hardware do they use Quality Hardware components inside of their build what is the case made of is it made of plastic and can it deal with the amount of tasks that you're asking it to do can it dissipate the Heat and the design of the actual board itself you can see here the components in here have got an Intel m.2 Inside here you can see this little ribbon cable here for your uh extra storage if you want to put an SSD in here and we have our Ram stick inside here some of these only have one ram stick in them so make sure that it has two this only has one ram stick which means it's going to be running in single Channel which is not ideal you really want dual Channel I'll take the memory out so you can see here just check to make sure that it is branded uh RAM this one is Kingston as you can see here and some of them use unbranded Hardware on their builds which brings the cost down for them but they still have super for high prices on these particular mini PCS and you want to make sure that you're getting a Mini PC with all the Branded Hardware from say crucial or Kingston or Intel or any of those particular types of Hardware manufacturers b-link I do know use quality components in all of their mini PCS and they also have a quite a unique cooling system a lot of people thought that this fan inside here was to call in a CPU and they said it's too small but that is the system fan which is going to be cooling down the actual uh system there is another big massive fan underneath there cooling down the CPU and I've done tons of tests on Mini PCS over the years and some of them start thermal throttling and causing major temperature problems so make sure that you're getting one that actually has adequate cooling for the Mini PC so let me just quickly take a look at this Ram stick here and we'll see what this one is as you can see this Ram stick is actually crucial which is good quality Ram so you don't want some unknown brand from China or Taiwan or wherever it comes from with some uh weird name on it that you've never heard of and the same thing for the m.2 drive here so make sure you're getting all of the quality components in there if you don't see any of those then step away from it this one was an MSI model which was pretty good they had a mounting system here for another SSD if you want to put that in there and you can also vessel Mount this as well also what I want to say is some of them allow you to configure these so MSI allow you to configure all theirs with really high-end components so if you wanted to put say Western Digital black in here you could do or even higher and they've also got Kingston Ram inside here good quality components a well-known brand like MSI so you could use something like this as well which is a well-trusted brand and you would have good warranty and return so that is important as well which I would say is another key component is warranty what is their returns policy what is their warranty on all of their Hardware it's really important that you check out the warranty of these mini PCS because they're not cheap also you want to check the pricing for the particular Mini PC that you're interested in and have a good look around at some of the other prices because they're different prices all over the Internet and maybe you want to get it from say directly from China and get an even cheaper price be careful of the import duties because you can get stung there some of the pricing you're seeing here is some for older models and there's some for newer models so make sure you're getting that new model of a Mini PC so you're getting the best performance and you'll probably find there's not much difference between a high-end one and a lower end Mini PC some are only meant for off issues and some are meant for higher end tasks like gaming and video editing you can see this b-link Ser 6 Pro here 7735 HS you see me do a video review on this one 522 pounds and you'll probably find some of the ones on the website and on other people's websites they're the same price but a lower end CPU in them so make sure you're not getting overpriced for an older model okay so next up is can you mount it to the wall and can you vessel mount it to the back of the monitor like the MSI model here if you can then obviously some people want to save space and once a vessel mount it onto a monitor so just like this and just make sure that you do have the bracket with it and also you can mount it just like this one here now if you're looking for space saving capabilities then make sure you can mount them on a monitor like this because these are great for offices and you can mount these straight on the back of the monitor which take up very little space so make sure that is a definite feature now this one is a really important one and that is the temps under load I've seen some of these mini PCS really struggle with temperatures and they start thermal throttling and you end up with major issues now I know a lot of people review some of these mini PCS and they don't show you half the stuff that I show you now it's no good buying a Mini PC thinking that you're going to be able to play AAA listed games all day long without having issues you are going to have problems and if you're playing something like cyberpunk on 720p with low settings you are going to get high temps there's no doubt about it because that's quite an intensive task that you're asked in the Mini PC to do next up check what CPU it is there's some old ones out there on the market with some older Generations make sure you're getting the latest generation CPU in here then you have to need to choose from Intel or AMD the choice is going to be yours at the end of the day this is the more modern ryzen 7 7735 HS which is around about 500 pounds but you'll probably find some of the other ones out there on the market around about the same sort of price for older technology so make sure you get the latest and greatest mini PCS out there this is 8 cores and 16 threads which is going to be plenty for most people now one last thing I want to make sure you know is whether it's Bare Bones versus ready to go now ready to go means the whole device is ready to use straight out the box it'll have all the memory all the storage in there everything and you could just use them straight away a lot of the Intel Nooks will have what we call Bare Bones which means you would then have to add in your memory and you have to then add in other components like a hard drive and this one in bump the price right up to a really expensive price so make sure you check out whether it is Bare Bones or it's ready to go straight out the box and I think that's going to be about it that is basically 10 or more things about mini PCS you should consider before buying because you don't want to rush out and buy one of these things because they're pretty expensive and if you end up buying the wrong one you're going to end up with buying a lemon which isn't that great and it can't do all the things that you want it to do so follow these steps make sure you do all your research and you should have a mini easy to be proud of that does all of the things you want it to do anyway my name has been Brian from brytekcomputers.co.uk I'll leave some links in the video description and I shall catch you in the very next video just want to say a quick shout out to all my YouTube members I really do appreciate their support and I shall catch you in the very next one or I'll see you on the Discord server for a chat bye for now foreign [Music]
Channel: Britec09
Views: 140,807
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Keywords: 10 things to know about mini pc before you buy, things about mini pcs you should consider before buying, what is a mini pc, what Is a mini pc and should you buy one, the best windows mini pcs for 2023, best mini pc, what is the best mini pc, best mini pc for gaming, mini pc, mini computer, best budget mini pc 2023, best budget mini pc, britec, how to choose the right mini pc, buy the right mini pc, britec09
Id: BTGUioeht6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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