This Is A Football (John Facenda, 1967) - Enhanced - 1080p/60fps

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length 11 inches circumference 21 inches weight less than a pound surface material pig skin [Music] inner material airtight rubber bladder pressurized to 13 pounds per square inch natural habitat the stadium the arena the field and area 100 yards long by 53 and one-third yards wide and at each end a goal ranging within the perimeter of these boundaries is the drama the violence the excitement of an athletic event eleven men competing against 11 men in a game of widths dexterity and physical power and at the center of it all is this to the team who can most consistently possess and control it will go the victory foreign [Music] through a process of evolution the football has become what it is [Music] thank you [Music] here footballs are made to a unique standard [Music] Ultimate Care [Music] made to be cradled in a protective arm made to be projected into flight but above all made to take punishment [Music] trim proportions sturdy build Lively temperament these are the qualities being built into every ball for these are the qualities that make it possible for pro football to be played the way it is today [Music] checking double jacket every step along the way [Music] all is an ancient concept a concept whose Origins predate memory the culmination of that concept is happening here the most perfect creature of its type only balls that attain to that standard receive this seal [Music] this is the professional football its ancestors are many this one vintage 1900. it was a ball built to be kicked and built to be carried and carried it was Overland by Pony Express all the land by Wagon Train either way it was likely to end in this fashion but as the football gradually attained a more streamlined silhouette the game of football added elegance and finesse its small size means it can be firmly grasped in the hand of a man and accurately projected trimmer design means it can pierce the air like a bullet thanks it can soar like a bird dive like a bomb [Music] can be launched like a spinning Fourth of July rocket the entire length of the field the game of football has ended the age of flight [Music] thank you [Music] to the rugged ground attack is added air power [Music] the ground attack expands to full Dimension under the influence of air power [Music] thank you with a threat of Air Attack imminent the ground game becomes more volatile more explosive the plotters huddled together the fate of a football is weighed in the balance to pass it or not to pass it the outcome of even the most cunning strategy is doubtful for these men The Defenders are dedicated to crushing even the best laid plan the front line of defense is at the line of scrimmage the snap of the ball the signal to attack objective the quarterback before he releases the ball method the pass rush the Blitz [Music] it is the job of the offense to build an effective protective wall around the quarterback and when they do he's free to execute his cool precise art but even an impregnable wall is no guarantee for patrolling the Deep zones of these men the secondary Defenders their job to disrupt to deny to destroy to cancel the Rendezvous between the Airborne football and the potential receiver no but should a receiver by some chance happen to catch the ball make him wish he hadn't [Music] object the force of fumble to recover the ball or better yet to be where the ball is when it arrives to intercept or interceptions like recovered fumbles turn defense into offense in a Flash and even imminent defeat into instant victory [Music] pass it a run with it somewhat more predictable will they kick it the kickoff gets the action underway at the opening of the game the beginning of a half and after every score the punt is the fourth down when you stall deep in your own territory there's no better remedy than a dose of this after a touchdown the kick for the extra point could mean the margin of victory and the same goes the field goals good for three points and that's what it's all about points to score them passing running kicking to concentrate the Firepower and the muscle power necessary to advance the ball to get the score or when you do there are no words to describe the feeling thank you the football what is its Fascination what is its lure why are more than 500 million people drawn to it annually why do one thousand men devote themselves to playing it professionally what manner of man plays this game he's smarter bigger tougher more highly skilled than ever before average size 211 pounds [Applause] velocity 32.7 feet per second more than 98 percent of those involved in the game are college men their ability to play the game matured while in college the number of players holding masters degrees 27. the number holding phds nine more than 80 percent of the players are men with families average size of family 2.7 members [Applause] when not playing the game and during the off-season the men can be found in a variety of occupations number 13. Frank Ryan quarterback with the Cleveland Browns mathematician number 80 Bill Glass defensive end for the Cleveland Browns ordained minister number 87. Willie Davis defensive end for the Green Bay Packers school teacher azzy Thurston restaurateur call camera horse breeder Roger Brown recording industry executive [Music] Bob Brown biologist well as a child I've always been interested in uh what makes things go what makes things move the internal workings of org various organs and even the human body and of course I feel that biology is a great opportunity as to finding out why I like to feel that football and biology are actually independent of each other in my life I like biology for the science and of course I like football for the violence I think that blocking itself is definitely a science of course it depends on the size of the block or I like to feel that I'm a punishing type blocker I don't finesse as much as some of the tackles or offensive guards in the league I like to uh deliver quite a blow to a man and I hurt him physically if I can possibly when I deliver my forearm blow I work on it quite a bit during the season and during the off season and I think of it in terms of a club I try to use it to render a defensive end immobile as possible when I'm looking uh eyeball travel with a defensive ball player I'm thinking of one thing and that's inflicting pain on this guy and beating him to use one's forearm as a club [Music] to inflict pain [Music] to render one's opponent immobile if possible this too is part of the game how then is one to explain why week after week the men of football exposed themselves to contingencies such as these I've always enjoyed playing sports and football in particular I love the game I've worked myself in a position where I don't have to play uh unless I really want to and that I really love the game a lot of people can't cannot understand this football fans in particular they say how do you get beat up like that every Sunday and still go out there and play uh you get into condition and you don't really mind getting beat up Mondays and Tuesdays and even Wednesdays now it's it's tough because you're bruised up and beat up but uh heck I I really enjoy it even to this day this is going to be my 12th year coming up and I love the game I I love the I like the players and I like the enthusiasm it goes with it and I particularly like the Esprit acore the teamwork and the this is why I play the game that was Sam Huff of the Washington Redskins John Mackey of the Baltimore Colts puts it this way well I'll tell you this um I couldn't play it for the money because uh uh you go through too much and and the money the money is good and uh when you're out there on that field and you can't think about money because uh it's a man against man and I've said many times that I would play the game for nothing if that's the way the game was being run uh I like it because first of all it's a challenge I feel that uh it's a great Challenge and that I feel there are no great men only great challenges at the end of a training camp a couple years back I'd come home pretty beat up and discouraged and my wife asked me she said why do you play football and I sat for about five minutes trying to give her an answer I couldn't really put my finger on an answer why do I play football the S3 Decor the great challenge it's impossible others like Merlin Olson of the Los Angeles Rams just can't put their finger on it still the call to play the game is heard and answered by men in all their diversity and in all their versatility men such as money stickers a leading receiver for the San Francisco 49ers and a leading American collector of Contemporary Art I like an awful lot of color in this piece by Rod Briggs is called portrait of an artist you see the big red circle in here it's kind of an op art thing I don't see what he had in mind here but I like the idea as far as what I see in it I like the color and it's Simplicity and of course this is all that really matters when you're buying art whether you like it or not but the best piece and the what I like the most is spontaneity of a solid mechanism by Bernie Casey Bernie is a flankerback and he is one of the Fine Young Artists in California today Bernie is probably represented more than 20 private collections here in California and he has four to five pieces uh touring the country now in different shows I think because it is very necessary to me I like the way I feel when I'm painting it has become a very necessary part of my existence you see painting is a experience a total experience and expression of of my Concepts and my ideas as a person and I suppose I say thing from painting that I could not say in words I have had persons say explain that to me explain what you've done to me I think perhaps if I could explain it in word if I could say it in words I would have said it and never painted it painting is is a way of life it is one of the most important things that has happened to me in my young life I cannot envision myself doing anything else other ever than painting I play the game for the money that sound callous I think it's a distant sound of honesty but I do enjoy the game for you could not play it you see if you didn't really care for it it is too demanding and too cruel and too tough a sport to play I enjoy the the games very much I enjoy competing my physical skills against his physical skills and that is what the game is all about right now I am painting fantasy Landscapes Landscapes that are that approach surrealism but are not quite quite as severe they are more lyrical [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think the most significant thing about my painting is a very necessary feeling that I seem to have for incorporating a sun shape a planetary body shape into your mind to my works [Applause] all right that's right vote for the touchdown hopefully yeah he's going with it this time and then sometimes the colors get very Vivid I'm not always sure that I am completely in control of the colors I use because sometimes they get out of hand and you find yourself getting caught up in a very Vivid color pattern and you simply just enjoy adding one color onto another all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] by all things and certainly the the planetary bodies are a very important part I think of our existence the moon many times people say on a night of a full moon people come off the night people the moon people I think there could be some credibility to that statement [Music] what is its fascination what is its lure the men who play the game may or may not know [Music] but there is a secret world within us all that remembers [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dave Volsky's Back Door
Views: 16,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lw3yvU21-9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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