1967 Season in Review - 1440p/60fps

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[Applause] the National Football League celebrated its 48th season of play in 1967 like the previous 47 the 48th was filled with action excitement and pageantry [Music] [Music] he's going with it this time due to an influx of lightning fast speed Merchants the kickoff return became an event in itself in 1967. leading this barrage was number 23 Travis Williams the electrifying Green Bay Packer rookie his four returns for touchdowns broke the league record while breaking his opponent's backs Gail Sayers was no less successful at this specialty Galloping Gail finished a close second to Williams averaging nearly 40 yards per return [Music] and no New Orleans Saint fan will ever forget John gilliam's 94-yard Return of the opening kickoff of the opening game of the season specialty teams in general improved vastly in 1967. there were more successful onside kicks than in previous years this one by Baltimore against Green Bay gave them that proverbial second chance and set up their game-winning score [Music] 1967 was also the year of the block punt again indicative of the concentration placed on the special units by coaches and players among the key plays of the season was this Unforgettable moment in the Rams Packer game when a black punt in the last seconds enabled the Rams to stay in contention for the Western Conference title [Music] of course most punts were successfully negotiated but men like Bob Hayes made teams like Cleveland almost wish they had been blocked pay single-handedly beat the Browns in the division playoff with two of his patented returns Williams and others made 1967 above all a year of exploding NFL action [Music] under the new four division alignment each division seemed to have its own personality in the Eastern Conference the keynote of the capital division was the receiver five of the League's top six were in this Division and the Saints contribution was number 46 Dan abramowitz [Applause] [Music] coach Tom fear saw the Saints score more touchdowns and much of their success must be attributed to the hands of abramowitz number 46 was a 17th round draft choice who performed like a Heisman Trophy winner [Applause] let's go back this half and let's play smart football I know you're playing with your hearts but a big smart flip and I'll go out there and think and let's rack them up come on let's go perfect the Redskins played smart football for most of the 67 season with no rushing attack to speak of they had to rely almost totally on the arm of Sonny Jurgensen and the hands and legs of the Premier receiver in the NFL number 42 Charlie Taylor [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is the most prolific pass catcher in the league an unusual accomplishment if only because of the number of times Jurgensen threw to his two other able receivers Bobby Mitchell and Jerry Smith Mitchell and Smith were also in the top five and gave Washington the finest Trio of receivers in the game [Music] number 18 is Ben Hawkins Hawkins led the Philadelphia Eagles to a second place finish in the capital division Mohawk came into his own after a disappointing rookie year and parlayed his moves in lightning speed into a devastating deep threat he led all receivers in yards gain and was certainly the Eagle's brightest light in 1967. thank you [Music] oh whether it was at summer camp or in a game the Dallas Cowboys worked hard and it paid off in their second straight Eastern Conference title however an off-season trade also paid off it brought number 19 Lance rental to the Cowboys and the flanker back from Oklahoma became the key to Dallas's passing attack taking pressure off split end Bob Hayes as a consequence both receivers were more effective rental wound up as the League's sixth leading receiver and Bob Hayes well Bob Hayes was just Bob Hayes the world's fastest human [Music] [Music] in the century division the key factor was the quarterback the winner was led by an injured veteran the Giants buy a new leader and two others by rookies number 10 Kent Nix did not let Steeler coach Bill Austin down playing the hardest position on the field in his first year Nick showed a strong accurate arm completing over 50 percent of his passes and responded well to the enormous burden of being a rookie Pro quarterback [Music] oh foreign this is the face of quarterback Jim Hart called on to replace Charlie Johnson heart led the Cardinals with the Poise of a 10-year veteran as he refused to come unglued under pressure [Music] Hart made the most of every situation [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] season as a pro Hart threw for 19 touchdowns another Cardinal rookie number 80 Dave Williams helped make hard a success in St Louis [Music] the big noise in the big city was number 10 the Scrambler Fran Tarkenton Tarkington led the New York Giants to a successful 7-7 season after a dismal last place finish in 1966 and in the process the combination of number 10 to number 45 Homer Jones became the most feared in the league [Music] even when tarkinson wasn't throwing the result was exciting [Music] foreign [Music] with Tarkington at the helm anything can happen and in 1967 it did [Music] [Music] thank you this was injury-ridden Frank Ryan setting out the last game of the regular season but the Cleveland quarterback did stay healthy enough long enough to guide the bronze to the century division crowd [Music] playing with pain was nothing new to Ryan it is one of the disadvantages of being a starting Pro quarterback in the National Football League foreign [Music] was being able to pitch the ball out to the League's leading rusher number 44 Leroy Kelly as a result Ryan guided a balanced attack that produced a division title [Music] the Western Conference continued its style of aggressive football in 1967. the keynote of the Central Division was defense and it also contributed four of the League's most exciting runners the Minnesota Vikings solved a heretofore unsolved riddle last season they developed a defense capable of stopping almost any team a defense which was the best in Viking history [Music] foreign despite his worried look Viking coach Bud Grant was more than satisfied with his ground game thanks to the unexpected success of number 41 Dave Osborne with a vastly improved defense and an exciting Runner like Osborne the future looks bright for the new look Vikings [Applause] the Detroit Lions have a tradition of strong defense and this tradition was upheld in 67. foreign [Music] Barney strengthened the tradition Barney number 20 led a pass defense second only to the Packers [Music] [Applause] for exciting Runners the Lions contribution rookie Mel Farr must rank among the top far gave the Lions a breakaway threat for the first time in many years finished fifth in yards gained and injected new life into a previously dormant offense foreign [Music] by number 51 All-Pro middle linebacker Dick Butkus the Chicago Bears once again exhibited a punishing unrelenting defense Butkus spearheaded a unit that was second in Total Defense and led the league in several categories to complement a powerful defense add the most exciting runner in pro football Gail Sayers [Music] the incomparable number 40 did everything but coach and furthered his claim on the title of the greatest halfback in the history of the game [Music] thank you [Music] with a parlay like Butkus and Sears the bear should give the Packers a fight for the Central Division title next year [Music] strong defense is synonymous with the Green Bay Packers strong defense wins championships the Packers won the NFL Championship led by all Pros Willie Davis Dave Robinson Willie Wood and Bob Jeter Green Bay limited its opponents to the fewest total yards fewest yards per game fewest first downs and fewest yards passing it all added up to Superior defense although Lombardi has always stress defense he pulled an offensive coup when he drafted Travis Williams Williams added the one ingredient Lombardi's team's lack backfield speed now he has everything the Coastal Division was a paradox on one hand there were the two best teams record-wise in the league while on the other there was Atlanta however playing in the League's toughest division the Falcons did have at least one thing going for them Spirit if any of the spirit of Tommy Nobis or Tommy McDonald rubbed off on their teammates the Falcons will fly someday foreign [Music] don't stay on the line of scrimmage get back there play football the 49ers did play football but only for half the season when they were at their best however they were able to beat the Rams and the Cowboys mainly because of a defense that either denied the catch or got to the quarterback before the pass could be thrown foreign [Music] so the worst thing that could happen Claude when you go down all the way like that is that you're down and your head up like that right if your head up you got a stalemate he's not gonna lick you then but if it happens this way where he is under you then he's got little did Baltimore coach Don Shula no last summer that the Colts entire season would be contained in one dramatic confrontation with the Los Angeles Rams ironically their last regular season game in fact if it had not been for an earlier season tie with the Rams Baltimore would have been Division champion in this the first meeting between the two Powers the team's matched play for play point for point until the final gun ended the 24-24 tie [Music] what had stopped the Colts in this game was to crush them in the crucial one the Ferocious Fearsome Foursome led by Defensive Player of the Year Deacon Jones uh you have to have that animal Instinct in order to play in the NFL because it's a rough it's a rough League it's a highly competitive league and it gets better every year and one has to be mean there's no question about it mean was the word to best describe the foursome Supply and that dramatic final game however for the first 15 minutes it looked like a repeat of the earlier tie the NFL's Most Valuable Player Johnny Unitas lofted a pass into the end zone and Willie Richardson made a picturesque diving catch to take a seven to nothing lead but the Rams had come from behind all year and this day was to be no exception in one swift 80-yard explosion Roman Gabriel and Jack snow had tied the score [Applause] the key play came when United took a rare Gamble and lost pressured by none other than Deacon Jones his off-balance throw was intercepted and set up the Rams go ahead touchdown foreign from here on out it was all Fearsome Foursome every time United's dropped back more than half a ton of muscle dropped Unitus while an ex-member of this select group looked on [Music] the constant harassment by Jones Olsen Lundy and brown eventually took its toll on the Cults the Rams were afforded excellent field position on almost every series [Music] as he had done all year a strong and confident Roman Gabriel was able to weather a rush and locate his secondary receiver Bernie Casey for a crucial first down [Music] a Gabriel the true acts touchdown iced the convincing 34-10 victory for the Rams [Music] for an emotional Coach George Allen it was nearly the culmination of a dream come true however the Fulfillment of that dream was not to be as he and the Rams would soon face a coach with a similar dream in the Western Conference Championship [Music] s before coach Vince Lombardi had seen his team suffer a last second defeat to Los Angeles today the Rams found out what Lombardi already knew the Packers had a Fearsome Foursome of Their Own foreign they also had a quarterback and Bart Starr played his usual Flawless game but it was a rookie scat back from Arizona State who stole the glory Travis Williams broke the game open with a 46-yard burst over right tackle and the Rams never did recover from the shock [Applause] star and Carol Dale helped put the game Out Of Reach in the second half on a 65-yard bomb that carried to the one foreign once again Williams sliced over a strong pack of right side and the Western Conference Championship for the third consecutive year and for the sixth time in nine was Green Bay's however one more act remain in this NFL drama the cast was the same as in 1966. the drama was greater [Music] the bitter unbearable cold did not seem to affect Bart Starr and the Packers he and Boyd dollar gave Green Bay a 14-0 lead in the second quarter [Applause] [Music] [Music] however the Cowboys had not come a thousand miles in Sub-Zero weather to play dead Willie towns forced and George Andre recovered a star fumble and as they did in 66 the Cowboys gnawed back at the pack now Dallas seemed to have the impetus after a scoreless third quarter an option pass caught Green Bay flat-footed and the Cowboys had the lead [Music] the Packers had grudgingly yielded a taste of Victory only to shortly reclaim it Bart Starr methodically led a drive to the Cowboy goal but on third down Green Bay was stopped cold thank you the rest was history [Music] the Packers unprecedented third straight NFL Championship had given Vince Lombardi his dream and he would later retire from coaching before his retirement he and the Packers scored their second Super Bowl victory but the Super Bowl was an anti-climax to what many said was the most dramatic championship game in history a game that was a fitting climax to 1967 an outstanding year in the National Football League thank you [Music]
Channel: ɢᴏᴅᴢɪʟʟᴀʀᴏᴄᴋꜱ 🅥
Views: 59,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yTIeIr7V8HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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