This Image from Hubble Telescope Is Absolutely Mind Blowing

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hello wonderful person this is Anton and this right here is the most incredible image ever produced by the Hubble telescope or potentially just in general by anything today we're going to discuss what exactly this image is what it represents and why it's so absolutely mind-blowing welcome to what am I and in order for us to start this story we're going to start with this this is the lego model of the Hubble telescope the most impressive telescope ever constructed by human beings spearheaded and designed by this wonderful lady right here at Nancy Jay Roman this is actually from the Lego set I bought a few months ago and I even made a video about it you can check it out right above my head if you do like to get a copy of this as well but today we're going to be talking about the image that was recently reconstructed using Hubble data and the image that is just so mind-blowing that well it actually crashed my computer when I tried to open it so first of all our story begins back in 1995 when scientists decided to see how much they could put Hubble and they decided to just stare the same spot for about ten days and record all of the data and then all this data was reconstructed in a single image known as the Hubble Deep Field this image was the epithet of Hubble's possibilities and Hubble's potentials of seeing far far away it was essentially an image that showed us very very very very dark time back billions of years ago and it was a look into the universe's history but scientists were not satisfied with that just yet they decided to push it further and so for many decades for many years we kept pushing it more and more looking at different locations and discovering new and new things with this incredible telescope but this was in 1995 and since then over 20 years have passed and we've collected a load of data from Hubble and this is when the scientists decided to create something new they decided to combine all of this data from various decades and focus on just one spot in the skies they have then picked a location in the skies that was approximately same size as the full moon and combined all the data including ultraviolet data infrared x-ray data into a single image made out of approximately 7,500 different exposures representative of 31 different Hubble programs that were initiated over the period of about 16 years overall this whole image was almost as if we looked at the same spot for about eight months and what these scientists were able to produce is pretty mind-blowing actually so you can find the image itself in a description below and let me warn you it's really really big it's so big as a matter of fact that like I said it crashed my computer the image that they refer to as the Hubble legacy field as you can see comes in different sizes but the actual original image is approximately twenty-five thousand pixels by twenty-five thousand pixels and it's equivalent to about 672 megabytes or if you wanted even higher resolution it's approximately one gigabyte all in one single file now I was actually able to open this with [ __ ] which is the free software you can use to edit images and overall this is kind of what I got so here this image contains over 250,000 different galaxies you may not see all of them until you start zooming in and what's really interesting here is that all of this here represents history this is literally like looking back in time billions and billions of years ago even though it's a single image now it may not look that way as a matter of fact it might not even make sense at first until you really zoom in and start looking at these tiny tiny spots each of which each single light spot representing a huge galaxy very similar to our own Milky Way that you see right here and every single one of these galaxies contains trillions or at least billions hundreds of billions of different stars now this is actually really mind-blowing when you think about it because all of this is of course real this is not an image that was simulated or generated all of this is reality and this is literally in just a tiny tiny spot of the night skies that single moon sized night spot produced over 260 thousand different galaxies that you can go and check out by yourself in the link that I provided but I think this summary right here really makes it much clearer so let me show you what all of this represents this image here shows you various galaxies that are in this image and their age and also of course the age of the universe when these galaxies sent the light to us that we were then able to capture so for example this right here is only about 500 million years after the creation of the universe and you can see this red shifted galaxy right here that's a ridiculously ridiculously far but also super super old then a few hundred million years later this is what we get then we get this and so on with some of the more recent galaxies right here and so this actually shows you how that single image is literally just all of the times in history all in the same spot and it's really like looking back in time but you get all of this at the same time and I really love how effective this particular images in trying to explain what is really happening right here and how all of this shows you basically the history of time now so far this is the most accurate and the most detailed image ever produced by anything and it literally shows us the transformation of the universe through time and this is super cool because all of the effects we expect those galaxies to have they actually do have so like for example this isn't space engine of course those are the little spots that we see those are also galaxies and if we kind of use our telescope here to zoom in you'll see that eventually at a certain distance the galaxies start turning more yellow and an eventually more red this is what we call the redshift so this galaxy here is probably really really far away and this is the redshift effect that it gets from moving really fast away from us due to the expansion of the universe itself due to the stretching of space likewise if I were to zoom in here in this super high quality image and take a look at some of the four other galaxies you'll notice that just like in the simulation we have quite a lot of galaxies that are red shifted which becomes very obvious and very easy to see and this by itself is pretty much a given proof to us that the universe is expanding its expanding really far and the farther the galaxy is from us the more redshifted it is now I haven't really found anything super redshifted like there's one here that's kind of red ish there's a few more galaxies that you can obviously see that they're redshifted but what I was personally doing with this image is actually trying to find something that is even more interesting like for example galactic collisions there's definitely water really cool things to look for here especially if your computer is powerful enough and if you couldn't zoom in even closer um but just the fact that this image even exists is already mind-blowing remember this is not a simulation this is not a recreation this is literally a picture of someone looking at the same spot in the skies for a pretty long time with a really really long exposure without any atmospheric effects because Hubble is actually in space and until future telescopes come out this is going to be the best image of the universe we have as a matter of fact it's probably going to stay there in a record holder for at least a few years and even though the future telescope will actually most likely take an even better picture of the universe for now this is probably the best one we have which also means that this is literally the best picture of the universe we have as of 2019 now honestly if you have a part of enough computer I actually recommend that you go and try to download this and play around with it and see if you can find one of the galactic collisions that were mentioned by the scientific report I personally couldn't find them they're just too tiny and there's just too many like I said is over 250,000 of them but if you do discover something really cool in the image and you would like to share it do let me know or actually post it on Twitter and then tweet me and I'll repost it as well anyway so this is probably one of the coolest things that I've seen in a long time coming out of Hubble even though there is so much other stuff that has been posted over the years but anyway the link for this image and the link for the Lego set that includes the micro Hubble that you can buy from Amazon are both in the description below and on that note thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope that you learn something from it I'll see you guys tomorrow come back some more to learn something else space out and as always bye bye [Music]
Channel: Anton Petrov
Views: 2,122,899
Rating: 4.8638864 out of 5
Keywords: anton petrov, science, technology, astrophysics, astronomy, universe, whatdamath, what da math, amateur astronomy, steven universe, space engine, universe sandbox 2, hubble, hubble image, Hubble Deep Field, hubble space telescope, hubble legacy field, image of the universe, history of the universe, amazing hubble image, amazing space image, nasa image, incredible nasa image, best nasa image, space photo, best space photo, best space picture
Id: 8EKl9aF4NnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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