Can You Beat Monster Hunter World Iceborne Without Hitting The Monsters?

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can you beat Monster Hunter world's iceborn expansion without hitting monsters let's find out [Music] it's me I'm back the challenge run man with an extensive and longstanding history of doing Monster Hunter challenge runs please suggest more for me to do I beg of you returning with this sequel to my entire challenge run catalog this is the iceborn video and we'll be continuing directly where the base game video left off so go watch that and come back if you want full context as a refresher the rules for this challenge are as such the victory condition is to beat Shara isva our rules for the Run include no damaging the monster with my weapon uh this includes things like Slinger bursts because not every weapon can do a Slinger burst therefore it is weapon move set dependent uh there is also no clutch claws no bombs no Co-op or mods uh and yeah that's that's that's pretty much it it's pretty pretty straightforward you know uh there is one more rule however that puts an asterisk on the previous rules this run is all about utilizing as much of the environments traps and off forgotten mechanics and items as possible as such if an environmental trap requires me to break a rule I am allowed to do so in order to trigger the Trap using the minimum necessary Force this applies to exactly three things across the Run uh if I'm near a grimlin ivy trap that requires I mount the monster in order to trigger it I'm allowed to jump attack for the mount and for nothing else and if I do get the mount I'm not allowed to stab with a knife or do any kind of mounting finisher I can only just ride the monster around and until it gets trapped uh I am allowed exactly two flint shots in Phase One of Shara ishva in order to utilize the falling Boulders that require a flint shot in order to trigger uh and in phase two of Shara I'm allowed to trigger the falling Boulders in that phase using uh bounce bombs so long as I don't hit Shara with them because that is the minimum possible force in order to trigger uh said traps uh now with all that out of the way manran and Chad MCM Millis to dust off their boots and get ready to enter a whole new challenge our first opponent is botus the snowy fish boy one of the coolest things about the hor Frost reach for this kind of run is that there is so much of the environment in hor Frost that you can use against the monster seriously the sheer amount of environmental traps available to use is even greater than that of the elders recess and and we'll get we'll get to the elders recess uh however you would never guess this from the botus fight even the landslide is not available to us yet currently as the underground portion of the map is off limits in the base game great jaggus was legitimately one of the hardest fights in the run and a huge ball we needed to clear at that early point in the game when we didn't have our tools this is not the case for botus however and this first Hunt is more devoid of interesting content than darman's video botus cheats on its husband what happens next will shock you one noteworthy thing for beo is that you can knock the snow off its body using water pods which enables my cat to do more damage per hit but yeah that's pretty much it we absolutely will have to attain new gear and strategies to make it through this DLC but one thing that is for godamn sure is that we don't need to do it for botus although the lack of a tail Raider Ally was very noticeable and the increased HP pool was definitely felt uh with beo gone we get access to the master rank Smithy the first thing I did was craft the Rose basket for my kitty cat using the Festival tickets this weapon is Head and Shoulders above every other possible weapon I can make at this point and would become my standard go-to weapon all the way until pretty much the very end of the game uh it's it really is just that good the basket is nuts uh kill them with kindness has never been so literal just look at these weapon stats and speaking of weapon stats let's talk about a mistake mistake I made in understanding the palico stats back in base world but bison gaming nobody gives a [ __ ] about how numbers work like you do so just shut the [ __ ] up postproduction bison gaming I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want just look at these numbers they're so cool okay so I had mentioned in the great jagas fight in base World video that the base weapon having an attack stat had an attack stat of two and that I had no idea whether or not the increasing it by 15% damage us the attack up on the hunting horn song actually did anything with numbers that small and that when I got the event weapon and upped it to uh I think 12 plus uh plus a bunch of Thunder damage that it was basically multiplying the the our damage output by 10 however this actually isn't how palicos work unlike us the players who are entirely dependent on our gear to provide any stats the palicos do actually have a base damage stat most players have just gone blinds to it but your cat does gain XP with every hunt you complete just like you do with Hunter Rank however your cat leveling up doesn't just raise its HP but also raises its attack it turns out palicos have a base damage that is simply added to by equipping them with a weapon so even though the weapon only had a damage stat of two it's quite possible the palico had a base stat of 10 or 20 which actually became 12 or 22 by adding the weapon to it and as such the attack up mity was doing a lot more than I realized back at the beginning of Worlds it's also why the meano and the cocktail which scale off your Pal's range attack don't actually change much in damage output even when doubling the range attack stat of your weapon because the weapon you have equipped is only a portion of your cat's damage stat real interesting stuff the priority for my gear is just to get the higher defense allotted by having master rank over high rank I still need to prioritize having all five points in palico rally however uh so hunting those monsters is our next step I did make this fun Veil that gives me three points in wide range allowing me to heal uh my cat at will lowering my cat and any tail rator downtime and making them functionally Immortal as long as I'm paying attention something I am very good at doing this skill uh got better the further I I got better at uh the further I went into the expansion and it became much more and more Central to my Loadout as the game went on in low and high rank the monsters that gave me palico rally armor were great jagas and great garos so I hunt one one of each of those to look at their armor stats and oh they don't have any so fun fact Pico rally is stupidly hard to come by in master rank despite you know every other skill having a billion points in it and that means that until I upgrade my rally charm to level five I'm required to keep one piece of high rank gear uh the great gearos vases in order to maintain my level five in the skill a more subtle difference I began to feel more as I went after bomb um bro is the steadily increasing involvement of my player character it's not enough to fully rely on my Pico for damage anymore and I need to contribute more than frequent sliger usage by this point in the game uh the hunt times are also getting longer and longer and that makes me somewhat scared considering just how early in the DLC I still am by this point I mean this is just bombero uh but the cool thing is starting with bombaro I'm finally allowed to use the landslide it doesn't do as much damage as other traps but it is a hell of a lot more than zero and it looks just so cool uh the landslide also moves the monster into a Zone with two falling Boulders so this is a very lucrative Zone uh for for extra damage with bombaro capped more Selana opens up and I get access to the Steamworks since I didn't spend much time in high rank and am short on decoration variety the Steamworks is in invaluable source of decorations to fill in some of the gaps that I missing in my uh gem roster all right here we go fingers crossed especially in the hopes that I might land a Pico rally gem all right these look pretty good so far though some are useless like this expert Jewel and what excuse me what is what what what is this what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this are you [ __ ] kidding me I have played this game for thousand thousands of hours and never gotten an attack up Jewel outside the two that are guaranteed and after all this time I get it on my [ __ ] throwaway challenge Run character who isn't allowed to use a weapon why I am I feel I I may have gotten a little passionate there don't worry I'm I'm fine it's just it's something I can solve by crying myself to sleep tonight okay deep breaths in out in what the [ __ ] anyways now it's time to get a new piece of gear to add to our repertoire that changes our gameplay significantly I took a break from master rank here to quickly complete the red and blue crew to unlock the Challenger mantle this mantle allows you to lure monsters to different areas and many times you can get them to go to areas that they would never go to on their own this is useful for fighting near traps or forcing turf wars and adds a lot of damage in all honesty after using this mantle throughout the run I am kicking myself for having never used it before as it is so good as you'll soon see however it is not Morgan Freeman it is not all powerful monsters have certain areas that they are not allowed to go to whatsoever and can only be lured so far for example I would not be able to lure botus all the way up to the shrieking Leana Nest he just wasn't built for that mechanically so the game will the game steps in and says no this mantle would prove invaluable for what it can do however and I'm going to give this mantle more attention from my other profiles from now on viper Toby kadachi was fairly easy uh but is noteworthy as the first hunt that I use poison lanterns for what's a poison Lantern you may ask it's the azzuros of poison cups a reskin that looks slightly more Airborne Toby is down for the count and with him gone I can finally engage the boa boa Quest and earn myself a new SL Army doing this involves hunting a monster in an expedition while the boa boa gather and watch this is to establish myself as the Dom in the relationship and show that I am capable of inflicting slow painful death on whichever defies me via torch pods and mecanos once I am done swinging my giant Hunter [ __ ] in front of them and they accept me as their General I further established their dependence On Me by flying to their camp and taking command of a large scale operation to hunt a tempered botus with the entire boa military this is genuinely one of my favorite quests in the game and one you only ever get to experience once per character so I highly recommend doing it it involves scaring a popo away from its herd to use as live base and ambushing the beo that is lured for by the free snack in addition throughout the Hunts the boa boa Army will frequently pin the monster down and use volley tactics against the botus and as somebody who is also just letting all my cat do the work I got to sit back and enjoy being being a tactical commander of a bunch of troops genuinely a quest to remember I I really I love this Quest this unlocks me a friends to fight with on the hor Frost reach and a fantastic new Pico tool the smoke Signal doing this will send me a tail raater and tamed animal Ally to my position anywhere on the map uh this allows us to save a lot of time as many of the grimlin camps are well out of the way and require significant Time Investments to recruit especially the Troopers and boa boa uh not the case anymore however I can only use it once per hunt but as long as I continually heal them with wide range there will be no issue and everything just moves so much faster in all the quests and now we can finally continue with the main story up next is oh it's these two well we were going to hit it eventually but welcome to the First wall of iceborn Base world had four walls to overcome throughout my run being great jagas Rabon Nagant and zenoa likewise there are four walls in iceborn and the first two are this particular pair of coral PUK PUK and Nightshade pumu interesting you ready to climb the wall these monsters give me nightmares and it's not just the Sleep gas I'm like a dark souls character cuz it gives me conniptions these two monsters almost made me quit the Run straight up if this challenge run were Dark Souls I almost would have turned Hollow and nobody wants to look like that both of these monsters Mark a notable jump in HP pools and from this point on every new monster will have more HP than xenoa in addition these particular two have a few extra problems with them that are making them tricky Coral PUK PUK is the tankier of the two and also fought in the coral High the highlands have a major issue associated with them being that they have nothing in the way of environmental traps that do damage sure you can get a stagger on the blue cushion things uh but that doesn't do any damage and I can't hit monsters so it's functionally unavailable to me anyways uh the only damaging environmental traps are these two poison cups that are way far out of the way from any area horal PUK PUK visits and is generally unfeasible to to get him towards however with the raised HP using Slinger ammo tail Raiders and mecanos simply won't cut it anymore additionally Coral PUK PUK was proving to be problematic damage-wise as well as being stuck with high rank armor uh on my arms was just finally coming back to bite me in the ass and this monster was more than capable of triple carding me if I wasn't careful Nightshade pumu was less deadly to me directly but the sleeping gas made my getting my cats to deal damage a huge pain in the a cat uh and much of my time was spent shooting my cats to wake them up instead of the monster uh using the Challenger mantle I was repeatedly able to lure him to these poison cups in the forest Zone uh but still found myself timing out without even getting red so much as a red pod to drop from either of these two monsters and I was poisoning Nightshade like six or seven times a hunt if I were going to beat these upgrades needed to be made and new strategies needed to be tested the first thing I did was solve my my armor issue by completing the boa boa kill Quest and farming a pure Crystal to finally cap my rally charm at level five negating the need for a high rank great gearus armor or any rally decorations in the future I also played around with placing a Snowman on the top of a meano a bug that allows the meano to do vastly more damage it's normally done using a snowman into two bombs but since we can't use the bombs snowman it is this as it turns out did not work too well actually uh Coral puket is a small Target with a very wide coverage when shooting liquids and the snowmen would often be destroyed the instant I placed it down I rarely got any significant or noteworthy extra damage out of doing this same story with Nightshade really uh I am also purposely limiting my Max benefit from this bug so as to not break the game even if I do get good damage out of it uh the bonus damage is higher the higher your frame rate is and although my PC could play this game at pretty much whatever frame rate I could dream of I opted to keep it locked to 60 for the purpose of making it a moderate and useful but tricky damage boost ultimately the experiment failed however and the snowmen would be scrapped until far later into this run after I kid you not two weeks of struggling against these monsters I finally decided to resort to poison smoke bombs again like I did for Zeno Jaa I have known this entire time that at some point po poison smoke bombs would become a requirements in order to progress but I wanted to hold off on it for as long as humanly possible to see just how far I could take the game with cats and environment alone to be honest I thought Barry off would be the monster to force my hand and make me use smokes but I hear you asking I've already failed nightshade's Quest multiple times despite having poisoned him around six times a hunt so what could smoke bombs really add well the answer is that we also need to bring back the three-piece pink ran high rank armor set bonus that we used for Zeno uh three-piece high rank pink rfan has a set bonus that doubles the duration and therefore total damage output of poison the catch obviously being that now instead of having only one piece of high ranking gear I have three meaning I was going to take a lot more damage than normal even after fully upgrading all three pieces with armor spheres however by this point I was much more confident and comfortable avoiding their attacks as I had been struggling against them for again two weeks so I figured I could probably just get away with it and just winged it with all of this comes a requirement of having lots of smoke bomb supplies however I can only carry five smoke bombs and 10 of each of the supplies 15 smokes total at maximum capacity and we would need a lot more than 15 on every single hunt in other words farming needed to be done both for poison smoke bombs and for far cast ERS allow me to introduce to you the main skill I used throughout this run to H to help with said Farm Pro transporter little used and of Forgotten prot transporter is a severely underrated skill that allows you to move faster while carrying heavy items like cannonballs or eggs how much faster well this skill is [ __ ] incredible you straight up might as well not be carrying anything for how fast you run with the skill equipped you run fast enough to complete the entire Ancient Forest wyvern egg delivery quest with both eggs with a single use of your Ghillie mantle this is relevant because to buy some time for my farm to Merit me enough smokes to attempt to fight these monsters I figured I might as well run through the ingredient delivery quests and herbivore eggs on the wild Spire waste would end up being the would end up being a regularly done quest of mine as it is the single fastest Quest I can complete with my challenge run rules Expeditions require you to be on the map for a certain amount of time before it counts towards your farm but completing a quest always gives progress and with the pro transporter skill not only could I completely outrun the abser but I could complete the quest consistently under 3 minutes the only thing is that you can't get a gem or charm for this skill and it only comes from kulaku something I did not kill in either master or high rank meaning that when I'm farming I'm using unupgraded low rank Kulu yaku armor and no this will not come up later sometimes foreshadowing is relatively obvious with this I tried Nightshade pumu once again putting everything together Turf Wars the sand pit Challenger mantle poison cups poison smoke bombs the double poison duration and the results oh that felt good oh thank God it's possible I the run is saved but wait Nightshade went down but what about coral the highlands don't have anything damaging to the monsters even in regards to Turf Wars the most likely monster PUK can encounter is tits yaku who doesn't do any damage who just flashes and then [ __ ] dips like he's an American Pie character Danielle is feeling my breast is poison really going to be enough to oh wait Coral is three star weak to poison he ended up going down faster than night shade uh this does pose a problem however in that I will be in super big danger if I encounter a monster in the highlands that isn't three star weak to poison especially because the HP bars are only going to get bigger at this point I did a mental checklist of every story required monster fought in the coral Highlands there were only three in total being Coral PUK PUK eono dogon and namel okay now to do a quick Google search to check their weaknesses and wait seriously yeah purely by Lucky happen stance uh the only three required monsters needing to be killed in the highlands throughout the story uh are actually all three star weak to poison so even without any traps we'll be perfectly fine how convenient thanks game despite having the least amounts of of traps the coral islands is not going to be an issue at all there we go uh but all this said I can't continue without upgrading to master rank pink ran set luckily I only need two pieces this time instead of three it does mean however farming pink rathen and anath in master rank after the initial capture the second kill of both of these monsters is made significantly Easier by taking place in the special Arena the kyaku armor is worth the low rank armor as long as I just avoid getting hit and makes loading the Cannons a breezed combined with two points in the heavy artillery skill double the damage of cannons and ballista and I have a reliable way to fight monsters without having to resort to poison smoke bombs which is good because I found out during this time that the game doesn't allow you to use farters in this special Arena I had no idea the more you know uh I also picked up the astral gloves at this time for two points in divine blessing seeing as damage skills are nearly all useless my build skill-wise is based around wide range pal rally tool specialist which I get from Pink graan and as many defensive skills as I can cram into my build and that's really all we need as an aside the Apothecary mantle would not be a good fit for this buildt if any of you were wondering I'm not sure whether it actually affects smoke bombs or not but if it did it would actually lower the poison output from them how status effects work in world is that every time you hit a monster with a status weapon you have a one in three chance to apply your status buildup to the monster the Apothecary mantle Chang this to guarantee status buildup on every hit from 33% to 100 however in exchange lowers the status buildup you do on a hit by either 33% or 50% depending on which status effect you have equipped this is to keep it from breaking the game obviously and it still provides a very solid buff to overall status output however smoke bombs are already guaranteed to apply status effect on every hit so if it did affect them all it would do is hurt the buildup without giving me any benefit in the end doing nothing for the user kind of like an insurance company the three stars are up next starting with Barry off Barry off went down just like the rest using all the strategies available to the hor Frost reach however I also noticed during this hunt that in this Zone some of these ice clumps have Jagged Little rocks in them and the ice clumps can be destroyed if you get the monster to hit them uh but if one of the jagged Rock pillars get destroyed the shrapnel does a little bit of damage to you and the monster not much but hey damage is damage bar off although not particularly noteworthy in this video is a particular source of Pride for me as when I first played iceborn in my very first time all those years ago baroth was my biggest wall as a newbie player I tried and failed to and triple carded several times against him and after I stopped triple carding I was still timing out it wasn't until my six try against him or so that I finally beat him with only 13 seconds left on the clock and it's incredible both to see how far I've come as a player and how much Freedom the game gives you to really push its extra mechanics to the Limit that I am now able to beat him on my first try in only 35 minutes without using a weapon or bombs or Flinch shots I will probably remember this particular hunt from this challenge run more than most others for a very very long time nuga was only notable for the fact that it was good enough at being a crack addict that it dodged all of my poison and timed me out once uh but with a little aggression it went down just like the rest tigerx made me realize that the boulders on the top of the rotten Veil are a joke and uh more than anything else uh I would have never guessed that their damage was so low when they look so intimidating I had been using it before now but now is also as good a time as as any to mentioned that I picked up uh poison meat as a way to create poison buildup it's just noteworthy with tigrex because he's super easy to convince to eat things uh but yeah he and glavenus and brachy brachy was actually insanely easy due to the simple fact that you fight him in the elders recess any monster fought here is a joke even with this challenge run between two falling Boulders in the center lava Geer four Nitro toads that are reusable and all the dangerous powerful monsters that live here and all have tur Wars with each other quests here are a vacation really the first meeting with velca is up next and well it takes place in The Recess in the area with two falling Boulders so the fight is over after just three poisons on to four stars shrieking Leana and eono Doon are both three star weak to poison but this is especially true for shrieking Leana I did not know this beforehand but Leana and triing Leana have a special animation when poisoned where it'll cough and when and choke and like hack a lung up uh giving you extra stagger whenever it's poisoned and not only that its tolerance is pathetically low even at Max tolerance never taking more than four smoke bombs to rep poison uh this is easily the weakest monster to poison in the game matched only by normal Leana I swear I almost killed both of them in this Quest even with and even with the normal Leana never leaving shrieking leana's [ __ ] side this was the easiest shrieking kill I've ever had in my life there are also new environmental traps up at the top of the reach available for us to use two falling Boulders which both missed their target this hunt not that mattered uh and the hot spring Zone which will send water geysers up damaging the monsters if you can convince them to destroy the big rocks sitting on top of them and get them to stay still for a second yeah this this Quest is real easy it it really was I alluded to this before but Ebon o Doon is equally weak to poison as Coral PUK and so yeah this Quest was also super easy uh it's at this point where I must admit however that I have failed you my dear audience a fun fact is that poison and your pico cannot actually kill monsters uh it always leaves them at one HP and monsters require the hunter to get the one final hit to kill them normally a capture is faster uh but occasionally a monster gets to one HP before I note it and and I instead kill them with a Slinger ammo perfectly fine nobody gives a [ __ ] this time however against odogaron he got to 1 HP without me realizing it and jumped into my hunting horn swing while I was trying to apply a buff and died obviously this triggered the quest complete so I couldn't abandon the quest and restart however this means that in this situation I could have killed him at this moment simply by shooting a rock at him which in my head is proof enough that this is doable and not worth completely replaying the quest in optional format for so I'm going to take this Victory and move on if you want to declare run invalid go ahead I don't give a [ __ ] I've still proven it's totally doable and did it in practice to deal more damage than his full HP Bar following the rules Cheerios moving on acidic glavis was acidic glavis what more do you want from me he's capped although I did get this just wonderful shot of us doing the star down at the end of the cut scene right into somebody interrupting the fight by launching an RPG at his face is just so so funny to me I've got to mention fulgar aninth and we'll continue to not mention him because there was nothing there of not ah yes the repel Quest from velana a favorite of mine the roaming ballista are always cool and nobody can tell me otherwise and with two points in heavy artillery the ballista and cannons and roaming ballista are enough with just two poisonings uh to once again just trounce this game honestly the four stars and the repel Quest were like the easiest points in this run by far without a doubts however this is where the easy part of the journey stops and the difficulty picks back up again starting with velana proper in the hor Frost Reach This Quest and velana in general are dicks to sum up my playing style I have four main sources of damage my cat poison and Slinger ammo environmental traps and monsters fighting each other however all of the assigned Quests for elder dragons spawn zero other monsters on the map which lowers it down to three well that's fine there are a lot of environmental traps in the hor Frost Beach such as those Boulders in the shrieking leadest but velana won't go to any of those on its own so we'll need to use the Challenger mantle to lure him there and here's where the problems start to stack in addition to having no access to Turf Wars velana is specially programmed like most monsters to have certain areas that he just refuses to go and it just so happens that velana is one of if not the most restricted monster in iceborn in where you can fight him not only am I not able to take him to the falling Boulders right next to his nest I also can't take him down to the spiked ice pillars I can't take him undergrounds to the poison cups or falling Boulders I also can't take him to the landslide the only trap I can use are the water geysers at the hot springs the weakest of all the traps on the map with a Max damage potential of only 750 if I'm lucky because unfortunately velana moves around a lot and throughout all of my attempts I only got a few successful geyser hits he's also very agile ref and refuses to sit still making him difficult to poison and now my four damage po sources have become two realistically one and a half because I'm just not doing the type of poison damage that I need to velana Tin me out twice but by the third attempt I had caught on to the fact that he takes a lot of damage from torch pods and using my Challenger mantle to keep him engaged only in locations with torch pods spamming them on the ground and making him walk around them fighting velca felt very reminiscent to fighting the armored boar in Dark Souls but you know a lot longer Von was definitely the monster that took the most damage from my Slinger throughout the game by a wide margin I mean just look at this with six torch pods set thanks to the Slinger capacity skill that I have a gem for this is like 65 damage a tick and there are a lot of ticks per torch pod once vcon gets low enough to limp he returns to the nest something special about the assigned Quest however is that once he goes to the nest his programming changes so that he will not leave the nest area for the rest of the duration of the quest even when I'm using the Challenger mantle the moment you're not in the arena with him he'll go back back to sleep instantly additionally there are no Slinger ammo in the nest as such at this point in the quest my strategy was to take the freerun approach and play tag with the dragon I would wake it up and poison it as fast as I can empty 25 rocks at it seeing if it was Beacon up to tie and then forecast rout resupply and repeat took a while but we did eventually get there the iceborn wyvern slay a freen style that's what I'm talking about sething basil Gees could be best described as a monster in the elders recess he also marks the first appearance of savage devil Joe and Turf War him twice so he was really [ __ ] uh a nice pallet cleanser before the biggest disappointment in the run for sure Black Veil Vall is unfortunately where things go from bad to worse he is the fourth wall let's go y the hell are you thinking as it's an elder Dragon assigned Quest there's the issue of not having any other monsters in the field and once again it's in an area with little in the way of environmental traps I have poison cups and one falling Boulder the poison cups could potentially carry me if however Black Veil wasn't highly resistant to poison not only does it take an insane amount of buildup often tend to 11 poison smoke bombs to poison him even once at Max tolerance uh but he only takes a base of60 damage from Poison 320 with the pink Ren set bonus so not only is it difficult and slow to poison him uh you get next to nothing out of it to make matters worse he is a slow moving range Target making him a time wasting hassle to lure around with the Challenger mantle uh and more likely to just get sniped from long range combined this with taking next to no damage from torch pods and black veil almost perfectly counters every single option that I have as a player for for damage in this challenge run there are still some things that I can do however and I will go over them I brought back the Snowman to boost the meow canos but while easier to land on Black Veil compared to Coral in Nightshade it wasn't enough to completely carry the run I also continually Reloaded The Quest and only did proper attempts when I got a map that spawned with godaka allies and two godaka shell shocks on the map I boosted my allies continually using not just the hunting horn but also Mega demon drug and might seeds through use of the skill wide range which is capped Now using gems instead of just being at level three and it all still wasn't enough so I went online scouring ideas and made a community post on my channel asking for new new suggestions somebody suggested the geralt set and spamming the flame Rune but that would require clearing The Wisher Quest as geralt without swinging a weapon and also without my stash of smoke bombs against the Leon which already takes a while to kill it clearly just wasn't a possibility mathematically it would probably be easier to slay V than it would be to slay Leen in this challenge run uh another comment suggested using the Challenger mantle to get V uh to the dam at the rapos nest at the top of the map I wasn't sure if elder dragons could be affected by landslides or not so I gave it a try in an experimental run to see if it was possible uh only to find out that it doesn't matter because the rapos nest is like the singular area in the entire Ancient Forest that is off limits for Val so there goes that option I struggled with this for a few days uh had no more feasible ideas and came to the conclusion that I just don't think it's mathematically possible to slay V in the assigned quest in 50 minutes under the rules of this challenge run in an official manner the Run technically ends here I failed but I felt unsatisfied with this as I wanted to at least see if the rest of the monsters were possible and that if it and that it was just V that was the outlier especially when I was so close to the end so officially the run is over and the answer is no but I'm going to make another attempt using Barrel bombs just for this Quest and then continue without bombs again to see if he is the only impossible monster for my own sake and for a more satisfying end to the video with bombs and snowmen together the meano shreds and three points in bombarder allows for much more damage and even with all of this it took only until there were only a few minutes left to slay him since he was just so goddamn tanky but man is it cool and fun to see the bright explosions let me tell you after that unhappy moment of defeat we Press On against namel once again the bombs are not allowed but as mentioned before this monster is three star weak to poison and the jellyfish Dragon Goes Down on my second attempt with about 5 minutes to spare with just poison smoke bombs and the meano and with that we approach the final two monsters starting with Ruiner nante what can I say about Ruiner nagon who would have thought that of all the monsters look so high and master rank that Ruiner nagon would be my fastest kill time I not joking Ruiner is so aggressive and straightforward even being more resistant than namel was he was a dream to poison I just pined myself against a wall at the edge of the Arena kept all of my Pico Puffs active me canoed without snowmen I might add and smoke bombed and he never moved away or forc me to move as long as I repeatedly spammed Superman Dives in the corner it was a as close to a direct fight and slugfest as is possible in this kind of run and I felt my blood pumping throughout the entire hunt as I tried not to get hit while maintaining all the Buffs that I could this was not only the fastest but the most fun and most unique hunt in this entire run thanks to the small Arena that ensured that he never ran away he went down in just 23 minutes 23 minutes and I was already at Shara ish valda Shara ishvalda was the final wall in this run Shara thankfully just like Zeno takes a huge amount of damage from Poison just over 2,000 damage per proc as a matter of fact and that's without pink Ren armor however Shara has a gargantuan HP bar to go with that and also requires not just damage checks to in order to progress phases but also seemingly a certain number of part breaks Before He'll shed The Rock armor and go to phase two in addition he is very costly to my supplies at first it only takes three poison smoke bombs in order in order to poison him but after only a few procs he attains Max tolerance and suddenly requires 18 to 21 smoke bombs to poison 18 to 21 I straight up have to go empty my entire load of 15 poison smoke bombs and farcast her out refresh and use a third of my new Supply every time I want to poison him before even attempting Shara a second time after my initial testing run it became clear that I would need a stockpile of around 150 smoke bombs for a safe and reasonable shot at killing this Beast so more farming I did thank you kyaku armor uh in order to keep making consistent attempts anytime I carded twice I would instantly abandon Quest and get all of my items back uh it seem to be happening a lot actually I wonder why I'm taking so much damage oh I know why it's because I'm using an unupgraded low rank Kulu yaku arm piece told you it would come back so after that little mixup got resolved and I finally upgraded all the armor I had equipped the fight became a Teensy bit easier not that it still was was n challenging but I'd be all right as long as I didn't accidentally cart three times and after a bunch of effort and about 10 runs with Shara I was finely rewarded with this moment that will go down in history Oh no I got [ __ ] guarded a third time by accident and lost 100 smoke bombs couple more hours of farming things again and we're back at it all right here we go regarding the falling Boulders in the second phase very rare is it possible to have any of them actually land on sh isala this is because even though you can trigger them with bounce bombs or a Flinch shot Shara is able to destroy them with his laser beams before you can trigger them so how was I able to consistently Land one of these every single attempt well allow me to get rid of the Challenger mantle and bring back an old classic the ghilly mantle now normally the ghilly mantle doesn't actually do anything against Shara if you try to put it on Mid combat it just pretends you're not wearing it and continues to attack like nothing has changed however if you put the ghilly mantle suit on before flying down into the arena the Shara will not notice you using this you can actually lure Shara anywhere on the map you want without being shot by laser memes and without being in combat by Leading it to spots using Slinger ammo fired at the ground so I would put one right under the boulders and then Place boun bounce bombs to trigger The Boulders and then use the down to load a bunch of poison smoke bombs very very cool strategy I must say I was really proud when I came up with this and thus after about 15 total attempts Shara finally stubbed his chin on a tiny torch fire got scared and had a heart attack mission complete so can you beat Monster Hunter World iceborn under all the rules of my challenge run no not quite unfortunately vazac is the limit of what you can do with these rules in particular but can you do it without hitting monsters yes yes you can and it is is incredible how much the game allows you to take its all it its extra systems outside of basic weapon combat to their absolute limits and it really just makes me love this game so so much to know that this is even possible so thank you so much for watching gentles and Lady men have a fantastic day and goodbye so tasty
Channel: Bison Gaming - Monster Hunter
Views: 15,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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