This House Is Still on the Market After a Major Price Drop | Unsellables UK Full Episode

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coming up on today's program we meet a couple who are desperate to move home to mexico we feel stuck all their hopes for being reunited with their family are based on this house getting a sale but there is a good reason they are having difficulty saying adios to this house wow it is like a toy store in here and i get to the bottom of why it's been on the market for over a year she's very critical of the property in front of potential buyers today's unsellable is in the london suburb of wimbledon this residential victorian terrace has loads to attract potential buyers it has two bedrooms a conservatory and a large garden it went on the market a year ago at 510 000 pounds but after months of viewings and no offers it's been dropped to 425 000 pounds traditionally houses around here get snapped up as soon as they come on the market but this home has got stuck and i mean really stuck despite plenty of viewings there's not been a single offer something here is going badly wrong so i need to get inside and find out what is going on and i want to have a good look around the area and most important of all i want to talk to the agent and find out why this house is failing to sell meet victoria aristea and their two kids olmo and azure for the last eight years the mexican family have made london their home the people in london is very very friendly they want to move back to mexico to be with their family but they can't shift their house we have the first child we began seeing things differently it wasn't just us together just alone now we had to see the best interest for our child so that's when the the idea of moving back home began sprouting england is great but we are mexican but to move back to mexico they desperately need to find a buyer not enough but i very naively thought it was going to be much easier and it's not every day is like we're thinking probably today if john and sophie can help us sell our house oh my they have a free ticket to mexico there's a motivation if ever i needed one i'm going to take a look inside wow it is like a toy store in here i've never seen so many toys it is all over the place and what an earth happened to the sofa i think they don't just have children i think they also have cats these sofas are shocked to pieces that's certainly going to leave an impression with buyers and who tore into the wall judging by the holes in the wall there must have been a banister rail at one point but this is the kind of thing that really really matters because if i was a potential buyer with small children and i came in and saw that staircase it would really put me off because it's just not safe this room is more like a kid's room than a living room i hope the bedrooms are better wow this bedroom looks more like wormwood than wimbledon it looks like a prison cell look at that there's a hole in the wallpaper and the curtain i mean it's holding on by a threat it's not very appealing is it and that bed is criminal to make matters worse it's stuffed with old hat this will seriously affect a house's selling potential you cannot show a house in this condition and expect to get top dollar and there's more clutter in the conservatory the funny thing about conservatories in this country is because we have really miserable summers they just end up being used as junk room and this one is no exception i've got we got wellington boots uh granny trolley boxes hoover everything but common sense and what an earth is this oh look what i found is the missing banister rail that is extraordinary why take off the banister rail why leave it in the roof of your conservatory with all the stuff in here it looks more like a storeroom than a conservatory this is clearly a well-worn family home but if it's going to sell in this tough market a chaotic conservatory unloved bedroom and toy stuff living room isn't going to cut it this house is in a great location and has the potential to be a fantastic family home but at the moment it looks like a giant playroom with peeling paint and a deathtrap of a staircase and as such it is completely unsellable [Music] now when people think of wimbledon they tend to think of tennis but when i was a lad woman was equally as famous for the wombles now having this huge expanse of beautiful countryside is a big plus point for victoria and aristo it's within walking distance of their house and that's got to be a huge selling point for potential buyers but there's more to wimbledon than wombling and tennis it's got the best of both worlds minutes from central london by bus train and tube it has an excellent transport network in town there are restaurants pubs as well as some more cultural venues and if you want to relax there's the world famous common so this area has lots going for it let's hope that sophie can get the owners on board and get the property up to scratch wimbledon seems nice enough but this property has issues they need to address if they want to get back to their family in mexico time for some home truths coming in here and the furniture being pushed back and the toys in the middle of the room doesn't make the room look big and if this doesn't turn off buyers this most definitely will it looks like there was a banister here once in the days when we didn't have any children right we had a big massive christmas party some of our friends when they were walking down slipped and they pulled the banister off so we just covered the holes and um kept the banister but you never covered the holes with what invisible cover so you drilled two holes in the wall and then just left it yes i'm no handyman just try men honestly speaking of that missing banister well i found the missing bannister rail it's just here collecting dust once it got placed here we found it was very useful to hang clothes to dry there we go nice and easy and the satin falls on them and just see it dries quick but the thing about this room is it doesn't look like you use it yes we do forget about it just needs a bit of tlc this prison-like bedroom needs to be locked up you've only got two bedrooms so both bedrooms have to be looking lovely and the condition of this room is not up to scratch if a potential buyer walks in here you know it's not looking at its best it it just doesn't make you feel anything you just go hmm this is not a very nice run i couldn't agree more yeah no you're right she's right i really like victoria and aristeau and i want to help them get back home but there is a lot to do to turn this unsellable into a sellable you can tell a lot about an area by the kind of cars parked next to the curb here we've got an audi a bmw and a porsche people with money want to live in wimbledon i'm on my way to see victoria and aristea's agent to find out why there hasn't been a sniff of a sale but before i do i want to talk to the locals to find out about the neighborhood overall it's a nice place to live what i like about it is the fact that it is a village you have uh village fairs sure the whole community takes part in absolutely everything both spring summer different times of the year and what about things like schools i mean schools but of course state schools in this area are particularly good which is amazing schools great community wide open spaces wimbledon seems like a fantastic place it's got everything a suburban town offers plus it's very close to central london perfect for the family market here you it feels like you're in the middle of the countryside it's amazing it's it's lovely to come and actually i must say there are people who go around cleaning up the common picking up paper and things like this does he mean wumbles and they call them themselves cause you've got everything you come straight out here you've got the pond you can have your dogs well what a fantastic response people obviously love living around here and although we've got great transport links in central london a lot of people are saying they've got everything they need right on their doorstep i think we've got masses to work with here so it's all up to sophie to get this property sorted first we're going to clear out all that clutter from the front room so it doesn't look like a playground now we can't pack away all the kids stuff because they do need to be entertained so any toy not at the top of the playlist is going to be driven off to storage and the rest will be hidden away i recommend buying a couple of wicker baskets they're cheap as chips and if you've got that last minute viewing and there's toys all over the place you can tidy them up in next to no time with most of the playthings gone it will help us to open up the space but won't completely remove the family-friendly vibe this house already has with just a few more items out of the way the real work is about to begin but moving out all of the furniture is anything but child's play with the cat clawed sofas and chairs heaved off the storage we can begin the transformation now with the clutter cleared out i can really see this home has potential and get on with my design plan i can hardly wait despite a tough market wimbledon is still acing some sales here are some local properties that have been virtually unstoppable three-bedroom terrace two reception rooms close to the town centre on the market for three months sold for 570 000 pounds two bedrooms semi roof terrace garden ensuite bathroom on the market for five months sold for 472 500 pounds three bed semi workshop area roof terrace on the market for three months sold for 550 000 pounds so the lack of a sale isn't down to the location that gives me hope now that we've cleaned out the house it's time to have some fun getting this home up to spec compared to some houses i've seen victorian aristo's isn't that bad but it's definitely shabby and could do with a helping hand so we've got a design plan for the prison-like spare room we are going to make an escape from this cell-like interior and turn it into somewhere you'd like to see the kids take a siesta in the conservatory we're going to clear out all that junk that's been stored in here but the biggest change is for the sitting room we're shipping out all the kids stuff we're bringing in a new balustrade to make it safe the furnishing has been covered up and just a few decorations have been left to give the room a sense of space then this house will be ready to view while sophie gets on with the renovations i'm heading over to meet estate agent peter to find out why he thinks this property hasn't sold now victoria's property is a lovely little house in a great area what's more the estate agents have managed to deliver plenty of viewings which in today's market is quite an achievement but what i want to know is why they haven't managed to convert even one of those viewings into an offer let alone a sale victoria and aristea are desperate to move home to mexico so i hope peter can tell me why this house hasn't shifted if there's a single salient factor it's probably down to the fact that at the moment i think mrs trevino is a young mum uh two small children really battling against it to try and keep that property looking ship shape so the way the house looks is putting people off i think that's a serious factor in the reason why it hasn't gone yet sometimes she's there when you're on viewings and she's very critical of the property in front of potential buyers hold on victoria is present during the viewings she likes meeting the buyers she likes having a chat with them and you know she does come out with some great positives but in amongst that you know you can't uh you can't pollute that with some negatives i'm intrigued by this so what sort of things is she saying uh last viewing the purchaser potential purchaser asked if it was a safe area had there been any crime local and she said well funnily enough on the first day i moved in the police came and knocked on the door and there'd been a burglary two or three doors away peter must stop victoria from attending the viewings so if i can put an idea to you i think you're too nice i certainly don't want you to offend your client but i think you've got to be cruel to be kind sometimes probably were less good maybe at speaking to vendors at the risk of upsetting them as clients but i wonder with the market as tough as it is you have to tell her because you're the property expert here you surely need to be telling her how best to sell the house you know in an ideal world we ought to endeavor to get mr trevino out of the property when we're showing it now we're talking victoria is killing the sale with kindness communication is key in this game and i think peter needs to pass on his hard-earned property selling knowledge to victoria i always think it's the best idea to let the estate agents get on with the job of showing people around the house but if you do have to show people around yourself don't fall into the trap that victoria's got into of pointing out the negatives you're there to sell the house not to put people off as the number of sales falls so the dreaded property chain becomes more of a problem so if your property is available chain free then tell prospective buyers about it as it could save them time and potentially money make the most of it in your marketing this property has no chain which is a massive selling point and will really help push a sale through when we first met victoria and aristeau they had big dreams of moving their family back to mexico we miss the family we miss the food the queensland is great but we are mexican but when it came to selling their wimbledon home was more like a ball and chain a lot of people coming and looking around but there's nothing happening just looking we thought it was going to be a piece of cake to help this couple get back to their homeland i've started to get this place sellable [Music] i brought you a cup of coffee oh lovely just what i need there you go so how's it going on out there then sophie you would love wimbledon there's shops from all around the planet lovely little boutiques you should be out there shopping i know i should i should be buying some new shoes but instead i'm helping victoria and aristea get the household so they can move to mexico and how's it going i'm really excited about showing it to you but i want to wait till it's finished so you're going to have to be a bit more patient see you later when i'm done with this house you're not gonna recognize it john [Music] to help this home get a grip on the property ladder we're pulling out the big guns to get the stairway up to spec we've built a balustrade for the staircase and painted it white to tighten with the rest of the room and it makes such a difference before the staircase felt a bit temporary like the ones you get in lofts and attics but now with a balustrade it looks like a solid safe structure it's not the death trap that was putting off potential buyers and to further pep up the sitting room we're pulling out the paint brushes with a trendy shade of taupe we're going to give the living room a new look the color will help divide this large room but give the illusion of more space [Music] and we're rolling out more color changes this time in the conservatory a smooth cappuccino color will wake up the buyers so they can see it's an ideal room to unwind in the upstairs second bedroom is getting a brand new flavor the jail-like aesthetic made you want to escape but we're liberating it with a burst of sunshine this mellow yellow will help cheer it up and we'll catch the eye of buyers looking for a second bedroom and we're doing it on a micro budget just a few more finishing touches and this home will be ready to go [Music] now that i've met with peter the estate agent i know what needs to change he and victoria have to talk many a sale has been lost when agent and bender don't get together and work out ideas i hope they can do it i think if we can you know obviously have access to the property without you and the family so much the better people don't feel so rushed they'll ask us questions perhaps they'll feel embarrassed to ask when you're there if they don't like it they'll tell us and we can then try and tackle those objections on the spot i think you may be being a bit too honest here mentioning to a vendor that soon after you moved in there had been a burglary i saw it in a completely different view i thought it was funny but yeah from our perspective i think buyers certainly feel more comfortable when the seller isn't there i appreciate it's difficult when it's you and the children and you know they're quite young and you've got to get them out of the house but um if we can make your life easy with regard to that by trying to to bracket viewings together or whatever it might be just so that we can hopefully end up with a with perfect selling conditions i'm very very glad you mentioned it because it's absolutely spot-on i promise i will not be at the house saying the wrong things brilliant i knew they could do it now we've got that in order there should be nothing that can stop them from making that sale we have done a lot but there are no siesta for me and my crew as we have much more to do we've cleaned it up and banged it back into shape now we're ready to get moving on the final details to catch a buyer's eye color is key don't be scared of color pieces like this really add a bit of character but don't go overboard but to make this house a cut above the rest just a few more details to sew up it's amazing what you can do with a needle and thread and a cool contemporary pattern hey presto we have some inexpensive new throws quick easy projects like this can cut costs and be done in just minutes but if sewing is not your thing we'll replace that old tatty blind that was falling off the wall with this really cheerful blue blind you can pick them up for next to nothing in any diy stores and they are really easy to install you just have to screw them into the wall when it comes to turning this place around we've got everything covered if you've got a tiled air in say a kitchen a hallway and a conservatory and it feels really cold underfoot it is amazing the difference an area rug makes to the feel and the look of a room it's been a challenge but with a picture here a couple of ornaments there and a good clean up it's taken some doing but we really breathe some life into this home this house is well on its way to becoming sellable when we first met victoria and aristea their casa was a disaster but then we came in and the transformation began the upstairs second bedroom was right at wormwood scrubs its prison decor was a crime it's now visually arresting with a vivid new color comfy furnishings and a tasteful decor it's an ideal room that any child would want to play in the conservatory was a mess more of a storeroom for the sun trap [Music] now what a change the walls have got a kick of cappuccino we've popped in some lively furnishings and with all that junk gone this room is now a welcoming space finally the sitting room was chaotic and unsafe to keep victoria's dreams of moving back to her family in mexico a reality this room needed some serious attention it's the first room viewers see and it has to create a strong first impression it is transformed the kid stuff has been put away and now it looks like a contemporary home that will appeal to families and young couples with colorful accents that give the home a modern feel now we can really see these wonderful hardwood floors finally with the new banister this room is kid-friendly and proof any big problem is salvageable on a small budget [Music] i think this home will be snapped up in no time but before we see what the buyers think it's time to see if victoria and aristea like the changes guys the moment of truth come on in you look very nervous victoria very nervous oh come on wow yes very very nice it's so big this is what we needed i got it a proper banister rail rover solid as a rock we love this okay i know you're obsessed by the banister yes and none of your friends will be able to take this down on a fiesta there's still the space for the kids down here but it feels like a sitting room rather than a playroom oh it's very nice oh my come on in you own everything in this room it's just about the way you place furniture it's super i think this is really a success very very nice i love the color it doesn't look like a junk room anymore no it certainly doesn't [Music] it's so cheerful i thought it was just gonna be decluttered and painted that's it and it's more than that it gave it a little touch this was a big boost but we can't not just rely on this we have to this is a tough market and we need to make sure we secure to sell i am certain we're going to be able to sell it it is going to work now yes with a little bit of luck success they loved it it's been a long journey but we really have turned victoria and aristaire's home from unsellable to sellable [Music] all of our efforts have been worth it first up some friends pop by to check out the transformation i like that the decor is quite neutral you don't feel that it's too much when you're moving into somewhere that it's too much already set and you can sort of change subtle things as needed it's a really good size for a double room it's very flexible and you look out onto the garden very very impressive great potential i think i do love the spacious feel of it and the second bedroom is a good good room i think it's a really good space and i'm pleasantly surprised and while victoria keeps her end of the bargain and stays away from the property peter has lined up a couple of viewings for today it's his chance to really sell the house every house has a wow and this is the one for this house we've got this amazing open plan living space as you can see to say it's really big double reception it's a great nice wooden floors yeah to say it's nice yeah the first viewing is positive what does viewer number two think of the bedroom this is the second bedroom yep very much a kitty's room at this point yeah but the space is there and uh you know clearly that's the most important thing with anything you know if you've got the space however you use it is really down to you it's a colorful living space and it's obviously looking right onto the garden which is which is nice and it's a nice garden certainly a place we could move in and and stay in immediately well the viewers certainly think this house is ready for the taking hasn't that turned out well before it was a bit like a white box it was kind of boring and a bit grubby but now it's inviting it's got character all those little mexican pieces just make it look terrific we finally got victoria and the agent speaking the same language i reckon the pair of them are going to be off to mexico before you can say speedy gonzales oh tequila vamos [Music] after we left victoria and aristo received not one but four offers two of those offers ended up in a bidding war and they settled on a sale at a figure higher than their asking price not long now and they'll be home in mexico you
Channel: Unsellables
Views: 75,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unsellable house, Unsellables, Cineflix, HGTV, Sofie Allsopp, The Unsellables, Housing, Building, Lifestyle, Home and Design, Renovation, Renovation Shows, Real Estate, Unsellables Full Episodes, Shaw Media, BBC, Makeover, Homeowners, Transform, Properties, Renovating, Unsellables UK
Id: qKM1NKculH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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