Over $1400 of Profit on This Goodwill Trip - Thrift With Me

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oh my those almost look like real teeth i'm gonna tell you and i think i don't know that's real fur and it's real stones [Music] i am at about the furthest goodwill from my house that i can go to and it's kind of a yucky day so who knows how that's gonna affect the inside atmosphere but what's really exciting is after i get done with this goodwill i'm going to another goodwill but noah wants to go what so i'm super excited about that so i'm going to get through this goodwill first and then go pick up the kids and then go to another goodwill it won't all be on this video of course this goodwill will be here and then the next good will will be that's hard to say the next goodwill will be there on the next video um so let's get in there i don't really have like anything really strongly on my mind except i need some more letters but i don't remember which letters i bought yesterday now i know i got an l a d an e and an n i think those are the four that i got yesterday so i gotta fill in the rest of them as i find letters for my super secret project not so secret you'll know soon enough okay i'm going in see what i can find let's go get shop done open open open let's go get that lucky cart our 50 off color is green [Music] there we go all right so i went and i found myself some clothing first that way if they don't have paper i'm good little wood guy he's really lightweight oh what's this what is this that is on this little fan guy again it's that intarsia is this supposed to be separated here or is that missing a piece i wonder that's really quite interesting six dollars um i don't know i'm gonna think about that this says baccarat but there's nothing in it what are you you are shirakawood i think although it no maybe it's real wood 7.99 it's like a like a pagoda style but i swear it feels like plastic but the back looks like wood so i'm a little confused about this how much was it 7.99 yeah i don't i don't think i love it enough to pay that much but it is interesting i am gonna pick up this lazy susan that's uh half off so it's three dollars i don't know why i just really like it store gets so much stuff look at this nantucket bike basket this is like the basket that the uh that wicked witch lady used in the wizard of oz huh it's 5.99 i think this could be pretty good at least worth that six bucks right stocking the shelves as we speak so in fact every time i come here they're stocking the shelves oh that's a q we don't need a q oh there's a bigger there's a bigger d and this one has a bird on it so see i might be switching out some of my letters we just got to glue that little bird back on there but i think that's a much more appropriate d than the one i got yesterday this is like the shelf with all of their letters we don't need a y these are all like words mr mrs golf birdie see i would get the birdie one just to go in my birdie shelf i know it's a golf term but um we're always saying birdie so i think i'm gonna get that we just brought this over and set it down that's quite the uh leaf bowl it was only 20 bucks when it was new though now it's 10. it's made to hang on a wall it's pretty cool though it's just a little bigger than i want to deal with right now let's get back to this shelf oh we got lots of love at this store too little cradle mermaids rule we already know that though because i got carrie the ultimate mermaid oh this would have held coins of some kind oh oh that whole front just plopped off there i think it's a coin holder it's too bad i don't need an m because there's a whole shelf full oh there's an h this one this one's not finished though lots of m's though oh is that another look it's another lazy susan now i'm gonna leave that one not as ex i was excited about that one baskets where are you oh you're even in your little plastic covering still i'm not sure i know that's wood but oh it's half price so it's only four dollars you know what it's that's kind of interesting enough i'm gonna pick that up for four dollars yeah we got a whole bunch of baskets baskets are going to be a pretty hot commodity here in just a couple of months so now is the time to stock up on cool looking baskets like that one for 2.99 let's see what we got under here these are cool these are book ends with like crosses on them for 2.99 we will grab those i really should have brought carrie out to the store tomorrow this is such a fantastic store look at these sea life coasters little wooden clam shells for 2.99 yeah they're probably not a 20 bill but they are super cute and gonna be easy to sell all kinds of shelf stuff the kitchen never closes as long as you're the cook oh i should give that to noah oh look i just bought one of these yesterday apparently they're going to be showing up frequently now i'm not going to buy any more i don't know maybe i will if i find out something cool i can do with it that's like a medicine cabinet an oak medicine cabinet oh i had a place to like just sell big stuff like that that those are expensive all right oh my goodness more signs and stuff [Music] little box what's this one say my aim is to keep this bathroom clean your aim will help oh i love these are vintage 2.99 i think i'll pick that up that's fun trying to uncover something i see under here that is a whole bunch of marbles what are you come on oh my gosh this shelf is so so loaded let's see having to move all these over oh it's a beautiful cross look at that it's got tiles all of the marbles are there oh that's that's a really nice piece on wood 7.99 i think i must have that now i gotta see what this other one is back here too this one's really nice and rustic and it's got the real wood in there for 5.99 somebody already had like the hanging system with the it's not velcro it's hook and loop ah this one's got i don't know i do like this one too i'm gonna grab it i may not have room in my car to go to a second goodwill man oh man i forget how good this store is it's the beer hunter that's kind of fun this is a sewing basket let's pull this out and take a peek looks to be in really good condition oh it's got the little look made exclusively for singer it's got the plastic in there how much are you you were 5.99 okay i think i think i have to grab that too all right their metal shelves are just loaded up like like loaded up so we're gonna do some digging through here this is kind of cool but i don't know what would you do with it well which is it just decorative i guess i wish i had like the eye to do like some fun decorative vignette kind of stuff give me a k we don't need a k ah man oh man oh man there's a lot of stuff in this store to look at oh i see something cool look at the pinecone candle holder i mean i know christmas season and it's kind of over but that's it's beautiful it looks like somebody tried to paint some portions of it that's odd or that's oh no that's wax on the top i mean this is painted but that's wax they used green candles that's what they did 7.99 i kind of love it got a cool brass candle holder i wish there was like a pair i wish there was two i wish there was two these are not bad made in india kind of nice this is a nice menorah solid brass menorah i think it'd be ten dollars i think i'm gonna grab that i have always done really really well selling menorahs i may have to hold on to it for a while but uh menorahs really good quality ones are a good good pickup so i'm gonna look at the brands on some of these we're looking for wendell august forge that is not one this one is not marked so but neither one of those are the quality that i'm looking for what is this it's missing something that would have had more to it would have more to it this cool little diamond thing oh i missed this box oh it's got wood on the inside it's got a mark up there it's wood lined on the inside looks like is that like the coliseum oh it's marked on the bottom as well let's see what that says says oh goodness i can't read that maybe it's upside down i can't read it i can't read it that's a cool piece it looks like it was six dollars red tag so i think i want to pick that up that's a cool find and i just spotted this little bag of horses look at all these guys oh wow rachel is gonna flip 5.99 and there's gotta be one two three four five six there's at least eight of them in there we're gonna grab those all right i've only been down one aisle of this store and my cart is already almost full what is going on i'm looking for a name on the back of this don't see one feels pretty good quality but without a name i'm just kind of lost i'm selling that stuff this looks like that uh made in israel stuff but this one's really yeah it's made in israel pretty beat up unfortunately so we're gonna leave that usually those are a good pickup though see what else see [Music] this curled leaf plate it looks like it could be like an arthur court it doesn't have a feel of arthur court though decorative object yeah snow it's kind of cool but it's not the quality that i was hoping it would be we've got a swiss cowbell for 2.99 that's a good pickup look we've got another d but i've already got the d i've got a d hi [Music] right what are you you've got a little solid brass mouse for 2.99 i think i am going to grab him i spotted this really old little canister it's 3.99 it's got a little victorian scene on it it's got a few scratches i don't know i don't do a lot with tins i think i'm going to leave that for someone else that is not glass that's plastic inside let's see this is glass but super duper heavy weight it goes on this stand it's tiered it's beautiful but it's not something i want to mess with oh but look at this butterfly it's a very glittery butterfly i could attach him to the wall in the backyard i like him i'm gonna grab him all right let's see hershey's s'more oh it's from a s'mores maker that's what that is these are interesting there's a whole bunch of them those are kind of cool oh it wasn't me it wasn't me didn't do it oh i see oh wait oh i like this oh i really like this i will get this and put it up and well i'll see first what it's worth to resell and if it doesn't have resale value i can put that in my own bathroom i love it it's going for is underneath here and there's a little bird cage thing over get this tin sign here that is fabulous fragrances lavender bath salts i love that it's only four dollars because it's half price you know it's not old it's a reproduction but even the reproduction sell in the 20 range down at my space so we'll see what this is going for online goodness i should have known that this was going to be a good trip this is a pamela gladding don't recognize that name it's kind of a cool little kitchen 3d is it onions it's onions cowboys need nothing more than a hat horse and the will to ride all right i think we're gonna move on to another aisle okay this is where i usually find a whole ton of stuff he's a little starfisher they're three dollars each but i don't know they're they don't excite me we've got some of the blue ribbon geese i just don't do well with those they're just not my thing cute little bunnies are kind of my thing but i'm not i'm good with stuff for live sales right now unless it's you know really spectacularly good this is one of those wine bottle holders cute little pagoda guy look at this donkey what is his story oh my goodness he's got a little bead on his head oh he needs a new home i'm getting him he's 4.99 and i spotted this donkey so somebody gave up their donkey collection it looks like he's a wood cast bonded pecan shells it's from 1985 4.99 so yes we're going to rescue him too see what else we got i have a llama planter oh he's got a big chip that's too bad now as ugly as this bunny is i think he's got some age on him it's 2.99 i mean he just looks so primitive and he's one of those ones you have to break it open to get your money out kind of things so i think for 299 we're going to take a chance on him some fish back here i want to look closer at after i see these lennox thingamajigs but those are not anything exciting okay there's two they came from ross yeah they're just okay i mean i like them but they're not super spectacular then we've got a little mexican pottery fish for 1.99 he does have one one little thing going on here but it's not bad so we're gonna pick him up and then there's this sweet little bird that looks like shawnee or mccoy it's missing some of the color on his beak but other than that he's in really good shape he's only 99 cents so yeah we're gonna take him home too and this looks really vintage i think that's wood carved and then some real little dried flowers under there that's 2.99 i'm gonna grab that too i'm telling you this happens every time i come to this store every time there's just oh that's a z gallery oh it's got something going on down at his feet though i don't know what the yellow is there it almost looks like he was glued and maybe i'm not seeing it right so we will leave him but i'm trying to get back to a couple things back here looking at these napkin rings look at that huge doberman pincher sculpture oh he's not heavy at all i thought he was gonna be heavy and this fish look at this fish i'm not even sure what his purpose is but he's really cool turn you over i guess you're supposed to be a candle he's really big i'd have to sell him locally and i'm just gonna be good and not get crazy i mean i know it's too late i've already gotten kind of crazy it's pretty [Music] it's kind of a nice oh it's got a really i don't know how to explain when i feel it and it's like i'm i curl back because it's like oh no no no that's like cheap glass you just learn you learn the feel oh my gosh that's heavy who makes that one it's a pottery barn it's four dollars four dollars for the pottery barn big old leaf dish oh my goodness oh my goodness that's a tough one to leave behind so i'm probably gonna grab that and then there is this little clam shell here and you know how much i love this stuff it's fifteen dollars though do i love it fifteen dollars worth [Music] you know it looks really good from that side it doesn't look that great you know when it's sitting you don't really see the cool part so i think i'm gonna leave it i think i can i'm gonna look this up okay i did just look it up and i could get about forty dollars for it but i'm just i'm gonna i'm gonna leave it because it's just so big and bulky to deal with right now and i'm not getting a lot of stuff even listed right now so that's why i am leaving that behind see what we got up here some cool coasters another nice little shell see what's in here oh it's one of those little glass laser-cut that one's really nice too we didn't really sell a whole bunch of those down at the uh the market oh my those almost look like real teeth i'm gonna tell you and i think i don't know that's real fur and it's real stones okay that is creepy enough i have to get it all right this aisle is getting a little crowded little crescent thingamajig there that feels very waxy see what this is it's got a real sea horse in it and the sand and the shells and a sand dollar it's celestial tides from oregon it's 4.99 i have to get that spot something back there that i have to have as long as it's priced reasonably it's oh it's a beautiful abalone shell and the reason you want to pick these up is there's heavy heavy restrictions on who can sell abalone shells so the the abalone fisherman cannot sell the shells and jewelers really seek these out especially ones with such vibrant colors so we're gonna pick that up for 5.99 another little thing back here that i want to look at which is this little sink here i thought those were birds sitting on a bird bath so not as as exciting as i thought it was i was hoping it was birds all right look down and oh look at that this one has the ashtray in it i have already found one of these before that was just the abalone piece under the the lucite so now i'm grabbing the one that's complete with the ashtray 2.99 all right these little marble guys have caught my attention they are bookends with really long um holders on them wowza they're like are they fleur-de-lis i think they are fleur-de-lis wow those are really really heavy and they want 20 bucks so well worth it but i'm gonna leave those and look at this guy he's very lightweight i'm not sure what he's about let's see this would be the store i could definitely find glassy baby at if it was gonna be here these are candles with christmas little sayings on okay i don't see anything on that shelf and i don't see anything on this shell but we're not done oh you need to be over here with your friends there you go let's see this looks interesting but it's i can see that it said party light on it look at that um [Music] that's vintage is that damaged i yeah these it oh it's all chipped up look at um sesto italy ten dollars still too much damage too much damage oh my goodness i see a blue sky clay works is he like a vampire pig what he is like a vampire pig oh wow tell me you're not broken tell me you are in fantastic condition and you can go home with me because you are so cool for 5.99 yes please oh man find of the day now let me just peek down in here and see what they've stashed that's newer that's oh that's all cracked but that's newer too this could have some age on it it's not this color is just not you know that popular if it was any other color i'd scoop it up but it's 7.99 i'm gonna leave that one had it been maybe a little cheaper i probably would have probably would have grabbed it see who makes that made in italy 5.99 i can leave that i just came into like the plastics aisle but i couldn't get my eyes off of these the color is just so cool four dollars and there's one two three four five six seven eight they're four dollars because green is half price i'm gonna grab those and below it is another of those lazy susans this one's all wood it's kind of nice but i just i really don't need it i mean i didn't really even need the first one but that one's smaller i'm gonna leave this one i looked down and i spotted these coca-cola tins but they're they're definitely not that old oh yeah year 2000 i mean they are vintage kind of cool but they're they're seven dollars each but look underneath what we have here hello pretty little croc tray with a i guess that's a lion it's a little lion on it and he is 5.99 so we'll grab him all right we are now into the kitchen stuff or as my friend tiffany of thrifting vegas likes to call it the kitcheny bits i love when she says that just makes it happier it's happy it's happy dishware i'm not seeing anything super exciting but this is really cute i don't think it's worth a whole lot it's just really cute got another piece of probably vintage this is not one of the really good i can tell by the just the weight and the feel that might even be a reproduction so gonna leave that one all right and we're gonna move along here i gotta get a little pickier now because i've got this really really really full cart and i've got two kids to go pick up and another store to go to still so we're gonna we're gonna try to slow it down just a little bit unless not that i'm you know not being picky it's just you know like a sea turtle uh i'm gonna say soap dish but it says it's oven safe why would you put that in the oven he's really pretty i know i think i'll get him for my live sale because i'm a little stingy with the turtle stuff and this one i could sell just looked over here real quick and i want to grab this guy before somebody else does because he is so super sweet he's got a little bit of damage down at his foot but um this looks like met locks to me when it's only two dollars and fifty cents i will grab him all right i did want to look at this napkin designs by lillian rose spring flowers that's really pretty but again i need to be a little picky right now because because but here is a wall pocket with a b on it i think that's a b right creative co-op how much are you you're oh you're 5.99 i kind of like it but you know what it's a newer piece it's not an old vintage piece so i'm gonna leave that one all right [Music] let's see if we get moved along i've got to kind of go with the flow of the aisles here other people kind of get in front of me to shop that's an interesting piece i think there's a spoon yeah it's got a spoon in there this is uh angel and angel angelman something angelman i don't know if you guys can make that out it's really pretty it's 4.99 i think i'm gonna get that okay i wish i would i wish i would find stop finding such great stuff i'm like i'm tongue-tied because i'm finding so much great stuff holy smokes this is old uh this is c is it oh it's g w turner and sons tunstall benedict is i think the pattern it's transfer wear i know it's got all that discoloration but oh it's just such a gorgeous piece that's one i have to rescue okay this is an interesting jar but i get my hands on it and i can feel that it's not old it's just that's why you want to touch everything even stuff you have no intentions of buying like touch it get it get the feel for it because you're going to learn the difference between the quality and the knot quality by doing that turn it over look at the bottoms look for marks look at all that stuff that's how i've learned i'm just like had my hands all over a lot of stuff through the years oh look it [Music] don't be chipped don't be chipped don't be chipped oh and you're three dollars you know what i i can't i can't leave those behind me what else we got on the shelves here it makes you your newer total color something oh my goodness the way this stuff gets stacked on the shelves see anything else on here oh i almost missed that let's look at this piece again the yellow the amber glass is not as big of a seller this looks like recycled glass actually it's pretty but again it's bigger than i want to deal with right now so i'll leave that for somebody else okay there's all kinds of stuff on this top row that i'm having to take a peek at too and then come back down here see what we got we got more salt and peppers nothing really that special except these carrots are cute 2.99 i think it's a little actually it's like a little jar we don't need it though what is this pop one open champ bottle opener 7.99 we have a very simple butter dish from threshold all right anything else this has a fits and floyd look to it it is chipped though no it is not after all that it's cute though all right all right mugs are not really drawing me today it's gonna have to be really super special for me to get one that's got a lot of damage to it or that might have that might have got me down here look down here [Music] i am not seeing anything i can't live without in the mugs which is a good thing because i have have plenty of stuff it's just art pottery okay all right all right now we're on to drinking glasses again this is an area where it's gonna have to be really super special today ah because i'm just oh now i don't remember if these are as good as like the other versions of this but these pastels oh goodness they're three dollars each of three six nine twelve that's eighteen dollars for the set and i think this set sells for about forty so can't pay three can't can't do it um but those those are a good deal for somebody who wants you know wants them for their own because those are really cool glasses but okay that talked me that talked me out of it had they been like 99 cents each i probably would have snagged those because spring will be here before we know it and it's very eastery and fun and these oh my goodness look what i just found there's one two three four oh my gosh five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen okay and the name of these is not coming to my swanky swings there we go we got 13 of them all on the same shelf for 69 cents each so these interest me now too i don't know how old they are but i suspect they could have some age on them just because they were with those other ones of the same size so i want to pick those up for 69 cents each also all right let's make sure we didn't miss any of those because those are super fun oh those are super fun too i think these are are they pure one or crate and barrel see i always get mixed up um but these are really good too unfortunately again they want two dollars each um i mean that's fortunate for somebody who wants to come in here and buy those but not for reselling you need to have a little bit better deal on those all right well they just brought a card out and i grabbed a couple of things off that that i will show you in just a moment so we go these are kind of nice who makes these they are churchill they're newer churchill though churchill's been around for a long time and the older transfer wearer is really nice but it's it's so it's interesting like this is newer transfer where you compare that to the older the colors are more vibrant and it's just a different feel to the plates some of these companies are still in business and still making stuff but it's the older stuff that really has the value gosh no okay good they're oh they're priced higher than i want to pay otherwise i would have been really tempted because i have a bunch of that pattern to sell that is the dansk uh is it skye mesa is that the name of it it's not saying it on the cups here it's it's mesa and i think it's sky mesa but it's mesa there we go i got some place a little quieter i can show you what i just pulled off the cart so i've got a stained glass is that supposed to be an eagle or a seagull you guys tell me that the shell is throwing me off so i'm thinking maybe seagull but dollar 99 and then this cat it's not old but how fun is this cat and i know i have a lot of cat lovers that come to my live sales so for 3.99 i am grabbing him and then the other thing was this candle holder which i kind of wrestled on but okay cleaned up this is gonna just be stunning it's with the mirror not it's not even mirrored it's just beveled glass on the bottom it's 3.99 and then it's got that swirly cobalt blue yeah i love this just found another stash where they put candles so another possibility for some glassy baby maybe we'll see that's makes that one that's made by it's a fundraiser candle it's kind of nice got an elephant can't tell what that allen's floral he's cute he's very cute but i'm gonna be i'm gonna be picky now really looking for high end i know i will falter i know i will still put some things in my card i probably shouldn't but i'm trying i'm trying and they're still bringing out more parts of stuff oh my goodness oh my goodness more carts are coming out right behind me ladybug this is like looks like um like target stock that they they end up getting rid of at the end of the year got some toiletries oh look at what's up on top of that cart be right back oh my gosh wait till i show you what i just snagged off of the cart they just brought out i'm dying right now i will show you in just a moment as i gather my senses and look through the clear glass see what we got over here this is really pretty i've had i had some similar and i had trouble selling them so that's different oh my goodness i told you like everybody's donating right now so there's just an abundance of stuff coming in really really good stuff too this looks like polish glass it does look like polish glass it's nothing mind-blowing though so i will leave that one and i will show you the mind-blowing one i had to tuck it under my cart really quick but oh my goodness come here baby come here and show everyone your splendor oh look at that this is amazing summer so the real deal this is not cheap coffee glass um there's your very very scratched up bottom which tells you that this is older glass that's been sitting on a shelf for a while it's 12.99 i'm in heaven i don't even know how i feel about this thing i mean it's it's kind of cool in a creepy way it's it's fabric it's i think that would i think it would really really scare me if i got that oh my goodness they just they have some cool looking stuff i wish i was in decorating mode again i don't know who makes that one elegant expressions such cool stuff this is a cute little vintage watering can one oh this looks nice let's see what you are no it doesn't have a nice feel it has a nice look but not a nice yo it's ross see you got to pick them up got to feel them there's another cool art glass piece again this one i can already tell hands on it it's teleflora made in china see the difference in that bottom from the one i just showed you yep yep but the good ones do show up just gotta be there at the right time that piece right there looks like hagar so i'm gonna try to look underneath what does that say nope it sure isn't okay thought for sure that was a hager up there but it was not oh look at the hedgehog on this little guy this would have been a canister it's a sugar flower it's a canister that's missing its lid [Music] what are you here that's kind of buried over here interesting piece it's uh spain it's made in spain would only be three dollars i'm gonna grab that i'm over in the lamps and i spot this really cute bucket of apples it's um yeah it's a chalkware super heavy 20 bucks so i wouldn't want to have to ship that yeah nothing else really spectacular in the lamps take a peek over here nope nothing i spotted this sitting over on the table gotta take a peek at it it says it's got a little button guy on there i'm not sure what that is i guess is it a vase i'm not even sure if it's a vase it's 20 bucks so who makes you touch a class [Music] it's kind of cool but i'm not going to get it spotted another really cute piece of furniture i guess i'm kind of drawn to this early american stuff that's what i grew up with it's an angelus furniture company it's like out of california i just i love the little shuttered drawers there i don't see a price so i think somebody's claimed this one i found another quiet spot i can show you the pieces of art that i picked up look at this this is a copper um relief with the stagecoach it is signed john l-o-u-w john lau it is an older piece it needs a good cleanup it's 9.99 i'm okay with that because it's a nice big nice subject matter this i have a friend who collects bulldog stuff so she's gonna get first dibs at this guy but he's fun he's only 250 so i'm gonna grab him all right this is what my cart looks like right now it's really precarious i've got stuff balanced in here all over the place and underneath i can't believe i did this so now the trick is going to be to check out and get this stuff all home [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] holy moly i did not expect to do that i spent about three hundred dollars i put back the butterfly because it didn't have a price on it and they wanted to charge me 9.99 which hadn't been in really good condition would have been an okay price but it was like it was broken in places and i was just rescuing it basically from my own backyard so i put that back and i put back oh the korok tray the korok tray had a big munch in the corner sometimes you guys see that before i do i wish you could like scream through the screen and tell me no you can't do that because you haven't you're not there with me gotta figure out how to bring you guys with me when i'm doing this but anyway i did catch it i did put it back uh so i bought probably i i probably the close was close to a hundred dollars so my resale items not so bad well you saw it in the recap i don't know what that number is as i'm filming this so i can't tell you what it is but it's an accurate account of what was bought for resale and its value okay so i don't think i'm going to get to another store because i have literally no room in the car because my uh my ebay branded shipping supplies arrived today and i picked them up at the p.o box and um they're in huge boxes so that took up way more space than i thought it was going to so i'm gonna go get my kids and i will get noah to go with me another day i am sure so for now i'm going to sign off you go be profitable and make it fun we'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: The NICHE Lady
Views: 692,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thrift with me, thrifting, thrift vlog, reseller, Ebay reseller, nich lady, Crazy Lamp Lady, thrift flip, how to sell on Ebay, selling on Ebay, how to thrift, ebay seller, come thrifting with me, Goodwill, Goodwill thrifting, nich, nichlady, Thrifting Vegas, Goodwill shopping, Thrift with me 2021, Let's Go Thrifting, Picker, Flip for a profit, Danni Ackerman, Danny Ackerman, Thenichelady, the nich lady, Danni the Niche Lady, Danny the Niche Lady
Id: LXK5HevEbgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 0sec (3180 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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