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[Applause] what's up guys welcome back to diesel creek if this is your first time joining us my name's matt we are on a dirt job today got the skid steer there today's agenda these people had this pool area dug out i did not do that digging because i wouldn't have done it like this this is a cluster the way they did it and they weren't happy either so now they need that pilot dirt move from there clear up to them pine trees and the easiest way to go about it is just to shuttle it all day through the fence so it's gonna be a while [Music] right [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] um so so so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so all right well i guess that about wraps up this job this is all that film material i put in here and it was pretty wet and spongy so i had to really track it in good and go over it several times but i'm happy with the way it turned out it looks good so normally i would seed and straw everything now that i'm done but uh i think these guys are going to have me come back and put fresh screen topsoil in and uh some good grass seed and all that after the pool is completely done anyways guys i think that's another one done and in the books probably a shorter video here but if you like the video don't forget to hit the thumbs up button and i will see you on the next one thanks for watching later check this out guys i got my place wired for sound now so one of the perks of being a youtuber is i get all these companies that reach out to me all the time and you know want me to try their products or whatever and like a good ninety percent of them might turn down you know they want you to do sponsorships and all this crap but uh i was actually looking for some security cameras and this uh rio link reached out to me and they wanted to send me out a system so i said send it on and uh yeah it actually is a pretty cool system guys it was one wire pretty easy to run all the cameras uh they're super clear i mean look at this see the garden out front there we just tilled i need to paint the porch it's looking pretty rough doesn't it but uh yeah so i can keep an eye on my stuff a lot better now i you know i'm not at home a whole lot so i really like the idea of being able to uh see what's going on because you can even pull up the app on your phone and see what's going on and this has the base station i just showed you here uh it's got a big hard drive in there that backs up all your files or you can set your cameras to even be like motion activated and stuff so it was pretty slick i'm real happy with this thing so uh this is a an honest product review because uh i was skeptical to say the least but yeah i'm pretty happy so far real easy i had one bad cable all it is is like a network cable that runs up to your boxes as you can see i still have cable management left to do here i just got it all hooked up but uh i had one bad cable i had to swap one out with one i had laying around here but they're just a regular old network cable so that wasn't a big deal but yeah i'll put a link down in the description if you guys are interested in that i think it's worth checking out if you're in the market [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 251,067
Rating: 4.9613013 out of 5
Keywords: pool, heavy equipment, digging, excavation, construction, bobcat, skid, steer, loader, tracks, grouser, grading, landscaping, caterpillar, deere, john, takeuchi, yanmar, contractor, s185, t190, kubota
Id: quuSu0xXapE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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