This Has Been Mis-Taught For Years - The Real Way To Use Your Wrists In The Golf Swing

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your hands and your arms are probably your most powerful asset when it comes to creating speed consistency accuracy ball striking I'm sure you have heard terms in the past like take the hands out the shot or this golf is not consistent because they're handsy or use the bigger muscles because it's going to be more consistent or you know having stable wrists through the golf ball all these terms that get thrown around they're actually just really false and actually damaging to your game you can see I've got something on my wrist this is the motion device it's coming through my phone you'll see that data on the screen okay pretty good shot my hack motion is measuring three different movements it's measuring wrist kind of set this way it's measuring wrist extension and flexion and it's also measuring the rotation of my kind of forearms which of those movements was I using well this is my flexion extension you can see the graph going down up down up so throughout my golfing I was us using that throughout what about if we looked at my wrist set in the Go sing so this is this movement well the graph goes up and down and up so throughout my golf sing I was using wrist set and what about rotation which is sort of this movement here was I using that through the go swing well yes I was using that through the back swing and through the Dow sing so throughout my go swing I was using all three of those movements and I hit a pretty good shot if you want to play golf to a decent level you have to make make use of your hands and your wrists do it correctly and you can make the game a lot easier do it incorrectly and it's going to be a lot harder so we're now going to go through those three movements I'm going to teach you how to work on them and how you can Implement them into your goaling to make your game much better let's start with wrist set or wrist or whatever term you want to use this is your source of power massive if you want to hit the ball further or maybe you're not feeling like you hit it as far as you want this is really really important now we've got this live through hack motion you can see that as I put my hand in uh that position there you can see that is zero because my wrist is not set and I can change it down to sort of 48 and I can go back up to sort of plus three or plus four so this is my reset what I'd love you to do here is push the grip end down so this is why I've got this T here I'm going to push that down towards the ground as I work the club head up towards me and I'm going to try and do that without really moving my forearms too much so that would be sort of this movement here and hopefully you can see that the grip or that t is moving down as the club head is moving up and as I do that just have a look at those numbers you can see I'm starting at sort of minus 35 there and as I go back up it's sort of plus 10 so I'm changing that by around about 45° now what I'd like you to do is actually just go ahead and try and put a little bit of speed a little bit of force there so you're going up and down up and down up and down almost like you're trying to hammer something into the ground the key part to all of this I'm using basically the kind of heel pad on my left hand to push this part of the grip down as I work the club head up the reason that's important is because many golfers when they come to set their wrist are actually using if you look at those numbers Min - 35 they are using their elbows to lift the clubber so look at that number now minus 36 it hasn't changed so we can easily take a setup position here- 35 we can feel as if we work the club head up into the air but you can see it hasn't really changed it's only minus 27 I feel like I've got the club up vertical but I haven't really used my wrist it's come from my elbows so what we're going to do second little exercise and going to place a golf ball probably some whatever that is 2 feet back behind the ball that I'm hitting and what I want you to do now is start start this way get a feel for what that's like again I can see those numbers changing and as I start to do that add a little back sing rotation and we should start to get the T to pretty much Point down at the golf ball and again you can see look at my number there plus 22 where did I start sort of Min - 33 - 34- 35 so I'm using my wrists effectively by around about well Fair bit there 50° so we start here there's my feeling te Down Club head up use that into a back swing and suddenly we've got this beautiful position and because I push the te down and away it elongates my lead arm it means I'm not going to get narrow or cramped means I'm going to get nice width I'm going to get that t pointing down there's my wrists in their set position then what I can do on the way through is I can undo that that is where you get so much of your power from when you take your wrists from a set position and you uncock them down through patch you have to do because the ball's down on the ground it's a massive source of power but I want you to just focus on the back swing move and actually getting some energy stored up in those wrists before you come to unload it in the ding next up we're going to talk about the lead arm and about this movement so you can see that ball went pretty straight not very far but pretty straight look at that purple line that's measuring my rotation of my lead arm so it starts here in the back swing it rotates through around about 90° and then from the top of the back swing down through impact it rotates back to where it started and then through and the ball went pretty straight why is that such an important move well the risks are creating the power in your gol swing okay this is just my wrists but where is that sort of Club head being directed it's being directed down into the ground it's not really where I want my energy and my direction of Swing to be I want my swing to be out towards the target so watch what happens when I change my lead arm rotation this would be me creating some sort of wrist set but if I rotate my lead arm away from the target guess what that sets the shape of the Swing so having some lead arm rotation like this allows me to direct the power from my wrists towards the target so here's the Le I mean you kind of saw me do it there but I'm just going to tee another Ball Up Club up tee down exercise two rotate that forearm through 90° that sets the shape and the plane of my swing okay I'm going to turn it a little bit putting my hands outside of my trail thigh and I want to think about the logo on my glove here okay the tailor made logo it's going to go from here back to the Target and then actually slightly behind me so we go wrist rotate the forearm that sets the angle put it outside my leg and then we go through there was my forearm rotating it went pretty straight a little bit right but I'm sure you'll let me off and you can see that we got that sort of graph moving as we wanted there rotates back rotates through so what you're starting to do there is you're starting to create speed and power through your wrists and you're using your forearm rotation to control the direction of that power power's no good if it's all over the place if it's way left or way right and you might have experienced that you might have tried to increase power and lost Direction well if you can make sure this lead wrist is rotating like this then it's going to help for your direction so this movement now this ties everything together if you get this wrong those first two that we've discussed are going to be incredibly hard let's add our first two movements in now when I start to move that number to a positive number by like 37 38 well even 40 look at the club face that is pointing way up to the sky which at this point of my goling is very very open I mean it's rare to see anybody in this position but what it means is because that club face is open I have to work incredibly hard from there to get the club face squared up now can I do it yes if I'm prepared to go to the drive Range four times a week and hit thousands thousands of balls and equally it's not great if we go the opposite way if we sort of put that to a massively negative number and you can see how the club face points down towards the ground because my wrist is Arch this is more likely to go left doesn't necessarily mean it will and again I'm just going to have to work so much harder so we want that club face in a neutral position to enable us to do those first two exercises correctly so here's little exercise I want you to do I'm going to use this little pointer so I want you to take your setup to a golf ball you're going to make a back swing and when you get down towards the delivery position I want you to have the idea or the feeling that that pointer is slightly down towards the ground not a huge amount notice how that number now is minus 10 that minus means that my wrist is slightly flexed or arched or bowed that is perfect that is exactly what we want because it means that the club face under control and you've got left this movement which is speed so this is another speed generator but it's also another factor in Direction work up down there's the pointer number is pretty good minus three okay back up work it down minus 7 Up work it down minus 7 and you can see how just with that pointer I can get those numbers pretty consistent because I've got a reference point okay without the club face without the pointer I'm just kind of guessing in space so this is really good way for you to train exactly what you need and if I stop here look at what I've got in place my leadist is slightly Flex which is perfect means a club face under control my forearm is rotated by 90° which means my plane is good and I've got some wrist set from here everything is lined up I can play gol from there I can hit solid shots that are straight with consistency that have got power and speed and efficience and strike all those things so many of you will be not using your wrists well enough having the club face open rotating your arms incorrectly and all of those movements give you erratic shots they lost cause you to lose power it makes it more difficult to be consistent so much more difficult well it was pretty straight so important that we use the hands they are your biggest tool
Channel: ChrisRyanGolf
Views: 42,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf swing, wrists in golf swing, wrist set, wrist set in golf swing, wrist set in backswing, wrist set golf, wrist set drill, wrist set at top of backswing, how to use wrists, how to use wrists in golf swing, how to use your wrists in golf, wrist angles, wrist angles in golf swing, wrist angles in downswing, wrist angles at impact, wrist angles in backswing, arms in golf swing, chris ryan golf, danny maude, improve at golf, beginner golf, golf drill, golf tips, fix
Id: 2yOkc0fp1qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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