This Game Really Caught Me By Surprise (TALES OF KENZERA Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1)

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one of my favorite genres I've ever covered has always been Metro Vania stuff it's like my kryptonite so here we go tells of Kera Z huge thanks to EA they're actually sponsoring this video so shout out to them and a little bit about this game so here's kind of the rundown so the game is actually made by a brand new studio called Sergent Studios they've never made a game before and this is their very first time for this being their very first game I was highly impressed I was not expecting as good of a game as this was I was actually going to play for like half an hour I wind up playing for almost you know 80 minutes the story about this game is pretty emotional it's a story about finding your true self after difficult events and that's kind of in line with the actual Creator which is Bak from Assassin's Creed Origins by the way the voice actor for that made this game how cool is that and throughout the game you're playing is a character named z he's actually trying to discover himself and become a warrior Shaman or a spiritual healer if you would the combat side of this game is actually really cool you get two different types of mask we have the sun mask which is like fire fire tornadoes stuff like that Spears and you have the moon MK which is ice projectiles freezing stuff makes traversal really cool but anyways let's go and jump into this pre like support you drop on this means a lot to me got like a part one/ revie I want to just check this game out so all right love you all let's go ahead and get this every Story begins at the end of another [Music] all right we're in control wait hold on we can't jump or anything yet it supposed to be like the introduction I got to say Metro Vania games are like my cryptonite some of my favorite genres always has been I I can't Zu speak to Mama EA Originals title I like how they've kind of like set everything to be I guess like transparent background text type thing over the actual game it's pretty [Music] coolberry mama I missing Ma I miss him so much I know I miss him too maybe if you go to see him pay your respects no I I can't I I can't do that yet Zu mama I [Music] can't your baba he he left this for you for the days after When Baba found out he was sick the look on his face the anxiety the fear the anger even a little confusion but he had this sudden drive to write he started this book I think he wanted to make sure he had a good story to tell his son what's it about I don't know but maybe it is for you to find out out take your time subi [Music] my story began at the end of a world I once [Music] knew the Shaman's path is one of healing one of guiding yet how does a shaman perform his duties when he is the one in need of healing of guiding Baba Help Me baba I need you [Music] baba Tonga god of death here my konga god of death come to me konga god of death [Music] kunga god of death guardian of the veil between the realm of the living and the dead my name is z Shaman of Amandla and why Z Shaman of Amanda have you called me to the realm of the living it is told that there are three great spirits who have denied you and if a shamon can cross your Veil having shepherded these Spirits with death in tow great favor by death through wealth bestowed I know the tale and tell me kijana what wealth is it that you seek my Baba a sickness plagued him you have taken his soul and I am here to reclaim it back I seek my Baba's return in exchange for these spirits but those who fail konga's grace shall know I know what is at stake what do you truly all I see before me is a boy a desperate boy with a desperate plea I am a shaman my Father's son wielding his masks knowing his ways I can do this kunga I know I can h words carry little weight against the strength of action but you have spirit this much is true we go east perhaps there you may prove to me you are worthy of such a task I will show you my worthiness show you the grace of the [Music] Moon oh wow this has zoomed out so much the game is gorgeous by the way the design of it the voice acting and also the music from what I can kind of gather like I kind of felt a little like emotional during that opening thing okay uh earn help okay we've already talked to him you look at these statues with anguish in ganga what hails you when I was young my Baba would bring me here to patakatifu we would admire these statues with fear oh my Baba would tell me the tales great Tales wondrous tales of the great spirits of this land and every time we pass through these Crossroads I would look at them and wonder if I would ever be so lucky to be gred with their presence now you look at them and are reminded of the reality and challenge that befalls you this daunting task of facing the great spirits no I am reminded of my Baba the game is really just it's a unique look I like that the design everything okay so essentially there's a three statues right here I guess we just like leave the area hold on H I do not say this to mocku Z but this is not easterly I know what I am doing checking out the attacks really quick that's pretty cool that's pretty awesome actually Metro Venia stuff is always just like my favorite type of genre besides like horror games I feel like this also seems to be like more of a narrative type experience as well telling and all that that's my initial Impressions at least I want to say ever since I was a kid my very first metrov Vania I ever played was super metroid and then favorite of all time is Castlevania Symphony of the Night it's always been my go-to I think I can go up hold on let's see if I can go up on the other side there we go all right the drowning swamps brand new area let's get it I want to see some combat see what it actually looks like a shaman gate we may be missing something to pass through it h so we're kind of just exploring the area right now guess we'll head back the only thing was I didn't see anything you could do over oh you got a dash oh that's sick okay let me press all the buttons really quick hold on this is okay let's just go back this is square triangle whatever that is Jump obviously interesting all right probably hidden walls too guess we'll run back and that Dash okay I took a little damage you can air Dash already nice the fact you have a double jump immediately is nice h supp to earn his help I just don't really know exactly I should try going right instead of left I might be doing things out of order which is fine the way the game plays is very smooth I will say that I'm playing on PS5 and I feel like not every game on here is dis optimized this is nice all right main area again let's try going right this time [Music] oh what's that oh yeah I think I was supposed to just go this way cuz this actually G me like instructions now you when I first saw this game I was like man I want to cover that just cuz it looks cool not enough that I actually get a chance to so I'm playing a little later than everybody else probably all right area discovered see if I can jump across very vibrant colors right here let me go on top of this hold on hold on what did that say Man the theme the sound track everything is so well hold on what is this the mask of the Moon okay there you go so you can aim it nice what combination there oh so it's got everything blocked off okay it basically holds you in the area until you finish it you real a powerful mask I use the mask to channel my power it is the mask of the Moon Baba taught me the ways graceful is the floor a Harmony soaked in virtuous intent we should keep moving your proficiency intrigues me but yet it does not make you immortal kijana you are injured you must heal I am fine a gazelle that limps will struggle to outrun the lion maybe you right fine I will heal all right inflicting damage against enemies rewards Zha with Spirit okay press up the hill you know I was hoping it'd be up said the whole time I was like please be up every other game's up healing orbs in the world to restore Health nice there you go I seen spirits but never so unsettled you now walk with the presence of death by your side and these Spirits linger here not ready to let go you do them a service by performing your duties and giving them peace and [Music] ganga trying to see so if I I don't have any other Hills I didn't know if there's like a counter I see the stuff on the bottom left and I'm like okay I see the health bar but the thing on the left left is like glowing the two things below it's like blank so I'm assuming those are the hills I could be wrong a sealed gate no matter there must be a key nearby all right let's go hunt this key down let's get this I will show you the strength of the sun ooh the mask of the sun there's different masks interesting okay all right find the key that's the heav attack nice that did a lot of damage the combat is one thing I was hoping would be good and it actually is it's really nice that's like make or break for every type of game like this and they naed it a powerful mask with no question a powerful history the mask of the sun Baba showed me that to wield it is to harness a most ferocious love the fiery flames of of noble intentions H your Bubba taught you well not just a boy now eh only time will tell the Sun the moon I must embrace the dance all right the dance of the shaman let's see take get the mask of the Moon and the Sun okay different combat Styles oh I see on the bottom left okay switch mask kind of like this one yeah this game is nice I think I'll say so you just change and that's it okay so I feel like this one's more for like projectiles maybe they both have it I don't know hold on was there anything else back here so you can Dash Okay but you can't I if you like Dash upwards you just go left and right [Music] [Applause] okay wait can we bring this up oi it is the spiritual property that resides in everyone and everything through your resonance as a shaman it can accentuate your inner power when the time is right use this energy adapt it to your will through uliza you can become stronger and faster than ever uh defeating enemies breaking open crystals okay like a hidden wall or something one of the cool things most metrov Vania games like the touch here's the map okay I was like please be the touchpad that is nice yeah this is one of those games that I can see like what they're kind of going for I really like this a lot Moon and Sun we got the journey different axe okay [Music] what is this thing whatever it was we broke it sorry about it [Music] so you can only Dash through those got you there the key I cannot reach it I wonder if we got to go like we got to go around right it looks like there's two symbols I wonder [Music] if H let's just go this way and see what [Music] happens it combat is what I was hoping would be good some metrov Venia games don't get it right this one gets it right though I like it responsive and now that should unlock the other side right hold on does the map show let me zoom in that's as far as you go okay one of these hold on well watch out you leave like a fire Trail when you Dash look at that that's so sick you move with a fury Shaman Fury and Grace the mask of the Sun and the Moon Baba would say the Sun and Moon never oppose one another they labor for the same purpose never hold one over the other it is a balance so the key was oh wait what is this hoping I could zoom in just a little bit more to see if there's like a hidden wall or anything we're pushing this down got you is this going to break the bridge like it will right it has to there it is nice and we can now hop down there or okay we're good what is this a floating G idle do you feel that too that's energy I do it is not a sense of apprehension or fear only inspiration it is coming I want to go closer but I'm not sure approach it s awaken its energy hear the echo here we go the boys stood before a being he was familiar with yet a stranger too so the thing on the upper right I'm assuming either is like a skill point or something else so this is going to go down this way is there a way what is this ah here we go wait finally we got the key to the gate so wait I'm wondering why so was that just like a shortcut to get back cuz you can't go left or right because I'm assuming this is going to get blocked by that and on this side it stops there all right and we are headed to yeah going back this game is very responsive I like it it's matter just getting like used to controls as well uhoh what's happening Spirit attacks I was about to say we got those two bars it's like we got to use them eventually right all right lunar blast and you kind of control it got you Supernova that is sick that is awesome oh watch out you get like from killing enemies like a little shield on him what does this do fire tornado let's get it baby that was really cool let me check everything really quick hold on that is the skill point okay it's called a shaman Point nice so we don't have one yet this game is nice let's get it Z I have seen enough I will Journey with you Shaman this is the road to kakara home to the great spirit of the sky that is our first destination the sooner I bring you the great spirits the sooner you return my Baba to me yes this will not be easy Shaman those before you have tried and failed then I will not come we're making little progress standing around get to ikara get to the great spirit really we got Shaman points already so from completing some of the story stuff see I'm kind of torn it's like do I want to go after perfect time grants increased damage on the next strike I feel like I like sun a little bit better than moon right now but I want to build into both of them hold on let's do one of each I'll save the extra one for now yeah so this one just says perfect recharge perfect time during a recharge to instantly refill those light charges okay this we tried up what was that this game has a really nice vibe to it I can't really explain it it's like maybe in the video you don't really feel it but playing it I just feel like let get kind of absorbed in the world a little bit so showing you like which direction everything is got you the girl has a little voice give her a moment let's her finish our Melody I cannot wait hey move please huh I said move so wait that ain't good oh what I'm dead oo like everybody's going to die right there at least once hold on was I supposed to go up there I don't know but we're going this way how you do it all right yo if you I accidentally bumped into that side thing it killed me uh what oh there's more enemies got you okay so every step another obstacle another obstruction the gats the spirits the girl now this stupid bridge H I was not expecting that what a shaman to be bested by a bridge it did not best me it did you are careless since we began you have been so focused on reclaiming what you feel is yours that you disregard yourself others the very Journey itself what that is not true I'm doing this for my Baba recklessly charging with abandon scaring a little girl endangering her life and yours you do this for your bbba you wish to walk this path do it with respect that girl up by the bridge she was calling to Something in the sky she may know of the great spirit we are seeking perhaps But first you must find find a way to the surface all right so already I like this game you i' played some metrov Vania games here and there in my spare time and don't like make videos for them and not all of them have as going to like storytelling is this this feels like more of a narrative type metrov Vania game which I really like is there anything down there what's the map show we're going all the way down there oh wait we're supposed to go to the surface so I got to go all the way down there I got you can I break this I know this symbol greatness greatness fools Chase it yet heroes are found by it what is such a symbol doing here I once saw my Baba paint the same symbol it must be a way of the shaman a challenge of some sort not every challenge needs a challenger let us continue our journey we have much to do no no you do not understand Beyond there is a power I can feel it one that only we can use all I have to do is get through it prove my worthiness as a shaman the choice has always is yours if you believe you can then you must but be cautious every Metro video game I've ever played they have a section or two in the beginning where you can't I mean this is going to like l around it looks like this is going to be tough all right well I forgot to crouch immediately try again I forget how fast you go on this all right anything there I heard something wait a minute am I crazy I don't know what that was oh well hidden walls anywhere this is going the other way so how do we this is going to be rough you want to like overextend but yeah there it is am we going to restart all the way in the beginning oh no no had a feeling it' be like this here we go you got it be kidding difficulty Spike [Music] okay that was not too complex this part's just a little weird because you're now going against the current I kind of want to like walk it up okay that's yeah well we'll get there hold on he even said it wouldn't be easy this is legit I like this a [Music] lot there we go what we got battering stance okay new trinket found what does this actually say uh damage inflicted by slamming enemies in each other environment is increased interesting trinkets I wonder if you can switch these out if there's like other ones beside well obviously there's other ones you see like the other spots but all right I've seen this before a Shaman's trinket see how delicate it is powerful too yes you are lucky Z this power in the wrong hands would be disastrous today it has found a hopeful host you are a shaman of Kera use this power how the others would have wanted for good for [Music] greatness we're still on act one yeah want to see if it actually like expands more okay find a way out got you that is the goal all right back in the beginning nice now we're going down here we go this game feels very well optimized hey hidden area I knew it well you can see it on the map actually so it's not really that hidden I got to check it out right oh no it's not one of these uh water moments hold on my crypted knif here the echo here we go in those past weeks of the sickness Z had never left his Baba's side collecting memories nice all right so we got that so after we interact I guess we're done right one thing I'm trying to figure out is the healing I'm going to watch the bottom left see if anything changes when I press up okay it took one of those little bars got you okay so it's all going to the same thing nice how you doing so you're kind of like mixing and matching okay I want to heal or pop this ultimate ability got you and everything's through attacking you really think that a bridge would best me yes I did shows how much Faith you have in me yes it does workbenches okay so how does this work work okay lifted Spirit okay so we got different ones okay slamming into each other I mean I feel like that's easier than this one so let's change those out ah hold on this feels like I don't know feel they're about to fight bunch of enemies what maybe the juggling thing is actually better cuz I feel like these guys are already like in the air you know might as well do toi trick corrupted by their lingering circumstance they have abandoned their jesting nature for spite do not underestimate them though let see if I can like get up there cuz if I can like grab the side of this in the middle yeah you just like hit the wall a little bit unless I could go up here D well if you dash you're going to just get stuck we'll come back it's one of these these types of puzzles all right so we can go right or left I kind of want to go right but I feel like left would just be more of the critical path and all that game is very stylish too woo wait can I not get up there it's like a hidden thing oh well oh no we'll come back Yos pay them no caution they do not seek to offend or harm truly they are good people their only wish is to care they rejuvenate and welcome others they help come take a moment a traveler must rest to know the ground has shifted fast travel points nice and now we can go back if we need to do we have another fire oh it shows like what okay 100% in the one area like right here but there's nothing there to like really collect one trinkets back there three Echoes and one reflection okay uh one out of three Echo we got the trinket here but missing two Echoes okay probably like one up in there somewhere this is our first one of these so I don't see anywhere to actually go maybe after we do whatever's over here to the left ouch I was not I wasn't really paying attention there I like the firewind better or I guess the sun if you want to call it the actual thing what is this Shaman Shrine and wers pass okay this is like the main area it looks just like the sun and moon [Music] musks all right where the moon mask hold that aim press that to do the stone okay freezing enemies or moving water this is about to be nuts I feel different Hadi yamba the tale tells us his Legend long ago The Villages surrounding kakara were at the mercy of raging floods it was bomba a young Shaman who would quell the Waters of Rage bber took a small Stone imbued it with the power of the Moon and threw the Stone from the highlands Peak when the waters were at their angriest the force of his throw was so great so fast that it solidified the waters it allowed the people to leave safely and migrate away from danger now this Shaman Shrine means to imbue you with your predecessor's power bomber [Laughter] Stone what is funny sorry uh umber stone is that really the name these are the stories of your ancestors he gave of himself and the people here reveled in his sacrifices I mean for throwing a stone he got a shrine for that his experiences are embedded in The Masks you carry use these teachings well all right uh this is going going to actually open up a lot of the parts I got stuck on earlier I feel like freeze and combat as well interesting we got skill points hold on or Shaman points [Music] okay all these cost two on the second I'm assuming it just kind of goes like per column okay uh all right solar Quake while Airborne hold that smash the ground oh man additional strike that also was really nice light charge actually sounds really nice as well okay this right here so what is it currently like at8 so goes from 8 to 12 deflecting H I'm going to get this one I'm just curious like how does this [Music] work pretty much solidify the waterfall got you okay I wonder if it lasts forever or if it's just like a no it does not interesting assuming you kind of keep going up watch this extra attack nice and it does a lot of damage too ow waitting for him to hop down so I can do that yeah it does a lot more damage than the uh fire one I feel like at least right now it does oh freeze them doesn't last too long okay they always detonate I always forget that that it kunga do all shamas get shrines no the actions of the anganga dictate who does and who does not all right so now we're going back up up top got you so this is kind of where you could fast travel but I don't have anywhere that I can yeah I can't really do anything [Music] yet yeah it's like if I could fast travel I would I don't have any other where I could actually go to not yet at least and this is how you get back I love how games do this it's like how are we going to get back initially I thought it would be like the Fast Travel but then I'm like where we can actually go to is not even on the map yet so this is the other air oh I haven't been here yet echo time the waterers around the boy fell and cascaded unto themselves with a will of their own just checking the walls out I I feel like oh hold on so now that it's gone away nice okay I love when games have like really well thought out map [Music] design oh this is going to be a lot trickier now going back up cuz we're got to go up around all the way up this way okay yeah I could go there I wonder what if there is like a fast travel thing yeah I got to go like up through there okay that might be a little tricky hold on let's just wait I got nervous for a minute what like they can't give to me now right attack through the wall maybe I'm tempted to use my actual abilities the fact that they're waiting on me is kind of weird hold on uh we good now I can go up here interesting hey let's get it oh wait a minute my will have a shrine as will I when I bring him back they will tell our tale our hii I will show you focus on the now I am focusing I know what to do return to this surfice and seek out this iak so happy I decided to check this game out yeah I love like just getting lost in these type of games this just feels like very emotionally driven with story and all this stuff I don't know I really like the vibe of it a lot I'll definitely be playing this in my spare time we're getting there we're getting there this is kind of where the other thing comes into play got you man this makes the game I I can imagine how technical it gets later on you know oh wait was this hold on what is up here I guess like a resting squat kind of I love that it like makes a pathway I feel like Iceman kind of you know that's pretty cool it's like I don't know how long this actually lasts for but I don't want to sit around and wait to find out nice it almost went away right there over the broken bridge Z please do not fall this time there we go we made it yeah this is actually the right area okay we covered that area pretty quick seean when the storms became violent most had fled oh was what is the girl doing out here all alone who is she calling to all questions for the girl to answer until then you should be considering your apology to her you frightened her how you owe her one at the very least the Basenji sorry lick is mightier than its proud bite ah okay I get it it's like a Reload cool down thing I just saw it I've seen it pop of a few times so I so if you like waste all these test it out let me see if I H let's see uh more time yeah hit square right at the right time nice nice okay yeah I think I'm going to stick with the sun mask for a little bit I say that but the game will probably prompt me to use the other [Music] one oh wow we're going all look how man this map is huge what in the world and it keeps going how you doing ow that uses the entire block got you I mean keep your distance I guess [Music] right probably a waste but all right so far my initial impressions of this game are it is fantastic as far as a Metro Vania Style game I mean they did a great job this this is their first game they've ever made by the way surgent Studios I think is what they are anything else happen or we just just chilling right yeah to come out the gate like this and make this kind of game of this scale very well done [Music] I wonder if we can burn those hold on let me just test it up didn't damage me I don't think I didn't see my health go down at all what area is this yeah the only thing I would change is if you could just zoom in a little bit more if I could like see like the edge of the corner right there and zoom in just maybe like 20% more or something but then again there's probably not a hidden stuff in the game in the earlier stages guess we'll find out such curious creatures young at heart a touch naive perhaps but they mean well I do like them and nice to have some creatures out here that are not trying to M me yeah any kind of fast travel points we just go back whenever we want to got you makes things a lot easier in a lot of Metro games have like the teleport Towers you know what I mean or the teleport areas this is kind of the same premise uh what they're kind of going for though I really like it very well like thought out you know hold on what was was everything down here we have a lever right there okay how do we it zooms out it's crumbling it falls got you what do we do exactly it reappears go across this way got you oh we're going wait are we going this way to get there I think we are I missed it missed it again it's all good just got to get used to the controls and all that [Music] uh all right so we are just kind of going up and around that's funny probably going to miss a lot of stuff in the opening areas cuz I'm just kind of like learning the game as well I want to unlock the Parry so bad what that still hit me okay [Music] missed it not the shooting kind of reminds me of a game when I was a kid I played on the Sega Genesis called Vector man reminds me of that a lot for some reason [Music] look like a launcher [Music] nice we got something over here this requires an energy that you do not yet possess ow got to be careful hold on are they random no they're timed I got you uh-oh here we go it is time oh no uh [Applause] are they attacking me hold on yes they kind of are conato spirits When Baba went fishing you would say if you did not feed them some of your catch get me trouble boat Breakers boat Breakers boat Breakers this game is very cool I like the vibe of it a lot like I've been saying the entire time it is just a chill game okay let's head on down here SE I know you love your baba very much I do but tell me of your mama who was she we should stay focused keep looking for the ikang there's got to be something over here right another Echo this was his duty his purpose to heal those wandering Souls so malformed by their own [Music] Devastation pretty much just gives you some uh Shaman points skill points SP oh this looks like hold on let me just slide hey what was that assuming like something we can like grapple on to maybe like a later stage of the game we unlocked the shortcut got you nice hey there she is z look there she is heyo for little legs you run fast eh listen I wish to apologize I should hey no wait wait why is she running why did you say she had little legs something tells we're going to like encounter her she's going to be getting attacked by a monster and then we save her that's my guess right now we'll see going to avoid you sir we should be focusing on a great spirit remember Zar a clever fenic can catch two hairs what the girl is bringing us closer to aakara right do you come up with these things yourself hold on was there something there was something over there let me go back all right we now have I thought it would be two points I guess this is one filled all the way out now okay nothing else above us all right we roll it was weird I was going to play this game for like half an hour and we're almost we're probably at like close to an hour right now that's what happens when I like games like this this gets absorbed into your brain look I I just want to say I am sry no no wait as annoying as a toi [Music] so you move extremely fast with the dash now way how did she get past here maybe she flew quend maybe she flew we can go up though can we how did she get past here maybe she flew oh wait a minute puzzle time wait did that open what did this open up ah okay is it time it is z keep pushing this you are more than welcome to take over [Music] want to make sure we were good yeah this game is it's something I'll probably play for a while I feel like okay uh let's see son so I think I want to get this one right here because going up to 12 will make things a little easier I feel like now we got to go back up and open it up now we can go across why is everything so dangerous the girl appears non-threatening so do a leopard from far away what I was trying to do one of your sayings I do not understand fine fine hold on what's this say uh wait where are we going yeah let me get I'll get over there and then I'll probably take a little break I've been playing for a while wait what is this workbench I only have the two things right now there we go hold on gather rounds everybody over here [Music] like line everybody [Music] up we good I bet you there's all kind of hidden stuff in this game one thing I just realized we haven't seen as a boss yet [Music] another fast travel Point very niceo stop now this is not funny I God she is fast she's like taunting me we got to go up there now okay I saw get up there then we'll take a break The Dashing made everything go by so much faster this game is huge man it's actually insane how much space there is on the screen and I like that it pans out in different areas too please stop [Music] running so she sat on a swing and it shot her straight up all right a clever fic can catch two hairs the lift to ARA do you sense that yes the lift is incensed with spiritual energy also a flame must have been trapped make your preparations Shaman this will not be easy is this about to be a boss fight be ready zo okay I see what's going on here I'm going to keep my distance so not quite a boss fight but a I guess like an arena style thing where we're trapped on [Music] this I was going to use the Ability but I decided just to kind of chill I look like the range attacks are so good ow still got me I died wait yeah I did the fact that there's a checkpoint on each floor is kind of cool wasn't expecting that takes care of that now change elements I'm stuck I can't move there we good that was all on me I got way too close it's all good if I can duck on those I feel like you can [Music] it's like I'm hitting the wall by accident oh my good is oh my goodness this is not easy at all like they were saying this has got to be like the final enemy because very tanky are we good these great spirits why did they deny you they all have their reasons so they said no to you and you just left them denial is a path that winds Without End yet the path to its destination it cannot bend I do not understand in time you will all right so we'll get up there and then that'll be the end I'm assuming this look like a safe haven type area maybe it just has a lot of stuff on the map we'll see no no no no no get back here first boss oh my goodness can't shoot it got you uh excuse me so you can only like really do damage hit the wall oh yeah well charge attack nice are you okay me never better but the way you took that Roo out was amazing so brave that Spirit went right ah and you went back bing boom with the masks and dancing and jumping well you are safe now so no need to be scared of it anymore or me you who is scared of you oh because I ran I thought we were playing a game a game we leapt over pits of spikes sweated over stone blocks and counted boat breakers for a game uh well I am Z Shaman of Amandla and I wish to apologize to you for running recklessly over the bridge I was careless oh thank you thinking of it that was a bit scary my name is lyanna Lanna I seek the great spirit of this guy you mean in pundu yes do you know her yes we would always play and laugh together but then things started changing as storm grew and grew and impundulu was not the same anymore no laughing no playing she went to thegu the storms never stopped then everyone was gone I stayed for imp unu to make sure she was okay but when I call her she does not answer that was who you are calling to on the bridge yes I call and call and call and never an answer she only stays within dis Skies if we can just play again me and her then it will be okay lyanna we need to to stop these storms for us to do so we must get closer to these Skies do you know how we can do that closer I do but the storm s now that is scary the only way to reach the skies is through the Waterworks the highest point of akaara but it has been locked since the village was abandoned and the keys are deep within the mindes so I do not know Eliana I know you are brave I can see it how about we go together first to the minds really you will really help us now I will do my best yes thank you maybe then impundulu can play with me again thank you I will see you by the entrance to the mind yes and I'm going stop here for now thank you all for watching if you want any more of this game just let me know but for now this is kind of like a part one/ review again thank you EA for sponsoring this video I wanted to check it out for like half an hour wind up playing it for a lot longer if you want to buy the game yourself just click that link Sho at the very very top of the description means a lot to me I love you all and I'll talk to you later on all right take it easy
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 230,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tales of Kenzera, Zau, Tales of Kenzera Zau, Tales of Kenzera Zau Gameplay, Tales of Kenzera Zau Gameplay Part 1, Tales of Kenzera Zau PS5 Gameplay, Tales of Kenzera Zau Full Gameplay, Tales of Kenzera Zau Full Game, Tales of Kenzera Zau Walkthrough, Tales of Kenzera Zau Walkthrough Part 1, Tales of Kenzera Zau Part 1, Tales of Kenzera Zau Playthrough, Tales of Kenzera Zau Review, Tales of Kenzera Gameplay, Zau Gameplay, Zau PS5 Gameplay, Zau Tales of Kenzera, Zau Walkthrough
Id: FFo8EFhx1qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 54sec (4494 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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