THIS GAME IS JUST JANK - Reacting to Asmongold Monster Hunter World Brachydios & Shoulder Tackle!

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that see that looks really good maybe I should try to learn how to do this Vindication ladies gentlemen and monsters of all ages this whole return to world event has been quite interesting to follow even just seeing how many people have locked back for New playthroughs in Monster hent World with all Capcom needing to say to cause it being hey by the way we just want to remind you guys that this game exists and that was all it really took but one notable thing that has come up during it is the beginning of a brand new Journey with the monster hunter series from asmin gold who is a big streamer for sure the thing about bigger streamers though is that most people in the gaming sphere have an opinion on them one way or another some of these opinions are based on a passing glance others based on hours of watching content but the opinions vary a hell of a lot and part of a result of that that I've seen going around is people jumping on certain bandwagons that exists already within the Monster Hunter community in relation to specifically this that I have never seen be quite as loud as they are right now and it's things like this to paraphrase what you can read on screen the Monster Hunter Community is simultaneous L the most welcoming and most gatekeeping community at both extremes when you are brand new everyone will be nice as all hell to convince you to start playing the game then they'll be willing to offer you some advice when you first start but the further you get into your first Monster enter game the more that sort of lessens down the less willing people are to assist you of course there are those of us who are always patient and willing to help newer Hunters but there are simultaneously those who gain some sort of enjoyment out of making fun of newer hunters for how slowly they are learning like oh I I could have done that when I was only 3 hours in you're dumb for how bad they are in comparison to someone else that maybe has hundreds or even thousands of hours and in this commentary's experience a ton of hate at the concept that they started playing the series with monster Enterprise and that is possibly the worst thing to insult someone for really because how on Earth would someone who has never played a monster hunter game before even know what it means to start with the one that they start with nor should it even matter because it doesn't monster hunter is Monster Hunter every game has differences some of them quite a lot but we're all part of the same community and well it can can be lovely a lot of the time as a community I wish it was that lovely consistently that said how does this relate to asmin Gold then well we've seen similar reactions to him on both sides of the aisle as well lots of people offering help lots of people insulting him not learning more quickly about the game in various aspects and just people who had rather keep quote unquote big streamers and their Normy audience out of their Community I don't even want to show you the message that came from but you can assume what it means based off of that alone and the thing is that's just a big generalization big streamer means big audience simple as that and big audience tends to mean a lot of variants of people that are actually watching as no human is exactly like another a lot of people watching asin's World content aren't even necessarily his regular viewers but just people with an interest in Monster Hunter looking to experience it through his new player lens and this comment through the specific wording of it almost makes it sound like it's from an AI actually summed it up pretty well asmin gold until this point had full stop refused any attempts from his chat to get him to play Monster Hunter at all and give it a shot he said it didn't look like a game he'd enjoy and that was as simple as that for him him and that happened for the better part of 6 years until he has now finally decided to give it a shot and now after years of that game doesn't look good to me he is saying in front of thousands and thousands of people that it actually is good that it isn't actually clunky like he thought and while as I said yes a decent portion of the monster hunter viewership he gets is people who like Monster Hunter already there was also just his core viewer base which mostly had ignored Monster Hunter for similar reasons that he did himself and those viewers seeing his opinion shift could easily be pushed towards trying out the game in ser for themselves which as far as I'm concerned is just always a good thing new monster hun fans is good for all current monster hun fans then we just have some responses about the whole UI thing that we talked good about the last time which is to put it simply asan's belief uh that I agree with personally is that the UI and Monster Hunter world as far as the Smithy the forging and upgrade all that stuff the info on the weapons itself all that is just not very good and the main reason as well it is manageable to use for someone who already understands all the various systems it is not good at all at onboarding new players without outside resources to understand it for example not something that he actively complains about but something that I can see being a struggle for him that the game isn't very good at all at dealing with is the base concept of sharpness earlier on it tells you that the you know more sharpness is good how low sharpness is bad but it doesn't really tell you why and the forge and upgrade UI show a sharpness bar but they don't give you the actual number of hits in a numerical form you have to sort of squint at it and try and work it out compared to other weapons bars and sort of see for yourself what you think it'll be and on top of that it does not give you any information about the massive increases in damage from one sharpness level to the next so to a new player there doesn't appear to be any reason that a white sharpness weapon with a th000 raw would be better than a blue sharpness weapon with a,1 raw even though it is factually true that the white sharpness weapon wins out by a good margin the game just does not tell you so many things properly within its own UI that give players that already understand it and have thissite information a significant advantage in the gameplay part of it too as a result as obviously the person that understands which weapon is better will do more damage and that's really the point that I wanted to to get across with this stuff that said we've got all of this stuff out of the way and I've got good news for you all today we are going to dive in and analyze two more recent hunts from Asen gold himself and the first one of these is just a pretty big fan favorite monster that one of our own channel members would never stop talking about if I gave him the chance this is not just any monster this is the perfect monster two Pounders generously coated in hot scky explosive slime what on the head too so you have all the options shiny sturdy even shell coats the creature agile strong perfectly balanced a raw that makes an angel choir blush and an overall form that well I'll tell you about it when you're older this is not just brachios this is brackie Daddy I like the monster a lot he's my favorite okay back to Cotton he um uh the the second hunt today is a different monster and I would say it's probably what I would label as a major milestone in the great swword user experience that he's having for fif generation which is the first new monster fight that he went into with the intention of genuinely using and understanding the shoulder tackle and of course as people have talked about his use or lack of it for this ability or his entire playthrough so far I thought it would of course be fun to just have a look at him adjusting to it properly starting off with everyone's favorite obsidian boxing kangaroo covered in the liquid that they put inside a glow sticks brados all right we'll have to see how we adjust to this early on because I think brados is a really fun place to step in with people cuz he's on top of being just an absolutely beloved monster because he's awesome for so many different reasons just the concept of the way that the Slime works is very unique within the game but also very learnable it's something that that you can see very easily you can watch the colors changing and learn about the explosions and with that it becomes something that you can understand very quickly okay he did not roll it off there he got very close to Rolling it off there I think he was one roll short of removing the blast but then the hit for double damage will not double damage but it gets the extra pop because of the blast for anyone who doesn't know if you have blast blight on you and you get hit by an attack it just instantly triggers the blast blight which is why sometimes you might think you get one shot during fights with blast but what's actually happening is it's an almost one shot that just also triggers the blast and then does that bit of extra damage oh he got just unlikely flinched as he was climbing up there but it didn't mean anything big he does have blast bite and low Health if he gets hit here he's just dead with this health level and here oh my God okay I thought I I thought he had I thought he was a little bit closer than that I do like how much he tends to use Health booster like obviously a big reason for why he's using health boosters he doesn't know about the other mantel and specialized tools and stuff really he only has the ones that were just sort of given him to the game sort of manually really which the health booster is the main one of other than the Gilly mantle of course which he has used in the past I've seen him use it but the health booster is a lot better than people give it credit for because well it doesn't help in specific situations it won't like save your life in a it won't make you able to do more damage in an obvious sense but what it does is it gives you non-consumable healing it's healing on a timer and yes it does happen slowly but if you do what he does here and you just stand in it while you're fighting normally you can get free heals which means that you don't need to stop doing damage to heal and that in itself creates the opportunity for more damage if you know you're going to get hit by the monster then having the ability to heal for free is really good not only does it not consume the actual limited potions that he has in this bag even though he could of course refresh them by going in the box but it also means that he can keep actively hunting and damaging the monster while healing as long as he doesn't you know get murdered while he's standing in it cuz that's the worst situation with health booster is you put it down instead of healing a normal potion and then you get hit and die but I've not seen that happen to him yet so far personally though he's come close a couple of times here you can see brachy focusing on McConnell his cat which gets him a nice free tenderized attack on the arm might get slimed here gets out of it nicely doesn't even have the debuff that could have been worse he just shoulder tackled that Roar entirely accidentally I mentioned that we're going to be talking about his shoulder tackle Learning Journey that hasn't happened yet that happens before the next hunt not not this one that was just he rolled and then pressed triangle which automatically does a shoulder tackle and happened to perfectly time with the roar obviously it didn't give him much of anything cuz it was a leaving Roar it's the roar that he does before he changes zones but it was cool to see it happen maybe after this I need to just go and and get on them like this yeah that's a pretty good move oh did they blow up on me yeah they did OB obviously he won't have seen enough of the move set to realize this quite yet but brach's most dangerous moves all come from the front side he does have a couple of tail moves that he can do but they're all easy telegraphs easy timings very standard stuff he doesn't really use slime with his tail which means that it's very easy just sort of get in there when he does any sort of attack and get free damage on the tail and that's sort of a good way to hurt him early on especially as if you can get the long section of his tail like the the sort of less bulbous section it is orange numbers it is a weak spot up until that that big mace like thing at the end which is of course quite hard in a weird way as well he's getting some slight Buffs from having resuscitate while just consistently getting blast buff as well which is sort of funny it's obviously not something he's purposely doing there's no way he would even be aware of the fact that he's doing that really but it keeps popping up on the corner and I just find that funny oh free sleep from the cat good stuff free loot he's is he going to sharpen before he goes he's just finishing the health booster and sharpen okay then he should go go right in I want to see him hit a proper true charge SL wake up hit here I have seen him learn the C no he just keeps going for the one charge it's fine it's fine it's serviceable it's okay but I actively watched him learn how to do the spacing the roll spacing for the true chart SL wake up and I just I want to see it at some point maybe he just thought he was running out of time on that sleep it would have been pretty close that's fair enough and if he's right then that was definitely the right move but I I just I want to see him put that Tech to use that's just my my my personal wishes there goes the tail he has been focusing that tail it is a not a hard tail to cut off because it's not a main thing that he uses for combat but it does actually make the fight a bit easier too it reduces those tail attacks which means you can even still attack that tail if you want to but he wants more loot so instead of continuing to go for that weak spot which has been neutered his damage potential he is instead going to just move on to a new body part like he said they the arms oh my god oh just missed the eye frames on that one getting very low off of it too the blast proc did not help him either thankfully he didn't get more Blast from the Slime that was on the ground where he landed could use a Nitro tood on the floor he just did accidentally uh except it's not going to hit Bros I think the only toads that I I've seen him actively purposefully kick are this are the par toads which he' learned the hard way and the Sleep toads just fully out of spite not in a situation where actually helped him yeah this boss is easy this isn't a big deal I'm I'm not worried at all I could make a mistake but I'm pretty confident being able to beat this guy yeah from what I've been seeing from his gameplay so far he has enough knowledge of how to avoid the attacks for the most part and how to recover when he does get hit that he should be fine like he his armor levels are at a point where he's not even too shable and I think if you're not too shable by brados the only way that you die is by not actually backing off to heal when you do take damage because it could be really easy as a hunter to get super greedy and the even if you take damage you keep going for it but that's that's how you die and obviously it's fine to die once in a while but if you get greedy all the time then you'll die all the time you need to choose your moments of greed and feel like is this worth it you know and a lot of the times if you're just sort of like going for a clutch claw grab onto Monster's arm that's probably not worth it if you're getting a true charge off on the face however that might be worth it I I think there's levels to it like now I see whenever he attacks you have to like aim where his leg is if you want to hit his arm there yeah yeah that that I mean he actually explained that extremely well all all for his own right there is is understanding the way that monsters move with their General abilities allows you to position yourself ahead of time for where you want to hit them especially for Greatsword which is a big thing that I've talked about with the fact that he's playing great sword in the first place is that it lets him learn more about the monsters themselves and they're actually ual patterns and move sets than more of the technical weapons do because the way that great sword works is to do well with great swword you need to look at how the monster moves adjust to how the monster moves learn it and understand it on a deep enough level that it also just enhances your ability to dodge monsters on its own your ability to deal damage is based on the same knowledge as your ability to avoid damage and that's actually a really good way to learn the game in my opinion oh he's got the clutch claw Flinch on him he's going to do it he does he recognizes the animation at this stage I think he's going for the arms he wants the arms he recognizes them as a part that is obviously quite special and unique to the monster and that's actually something worth noting a lot of the times if a monster has a part that looks really different on it to other monsters version of the same part like if you see braad Doos with arms that no other brute wyvern has generally speaking breaking those arms will result in a pretty solid part to have access to as far as crafting materials he's handling it quite well one thing I'd like to add on from the last time that we watched asmin Play We Were doing the Baro hunt and I was talking about the whole enrage and fatigue States and how like ideally as a hunter you sort of want to ride the waves of enrage and fatigue but one thing that I didn't mention there is well one there there's of course exception to this like the Savage devil Joe who's literally always en rage so you don't really get a choice but there's also things like as monsters get lower in health they tend to enrage more frequently as a result it means that you you have to have these more intense situations more often the less Health the monster has and so it sort of pushes you to get more aggressive with the monster the lower it is even in more dangerous situations and it's sort of like a test of your ability to understand the different phases of a monster like yes you should probably properly probably you should probably try to spend the majority of your time doing actual damage when the monster is either neutral or fatigued because when they're enraged they're a lot more dangerous but there are points where you have to understand how they work enraged too you have to understand their extra moves their extra speed their extra damage and know when you can make those little um maybe less advisable moments because when a monster is enraged in your death that's the only time you're going to kill it unless you just walk away and let it sleep again Jesus bro I'm beating the [ __ ] out of him yeah that was actually a really solid true charge oh it's regular R is that regular Rathalos wait so this Quest is bracados Rathalos and and derer Rathalos what a crazy combination no wonder they're helping kill the barados they want him to get out of here so they can get a third Rathalos in so if I use the Gill mantle I get locked out of I don't know how this works okay that was an interesting thing he just said and it trying to extrapolate what he meant from the few words that we got there I think he's under the impression that with the ghil mantle on he can't use Health booster do they share cool down my items share cool down there it is he he thinks that they share a cool down he's worried they share a cool down the answer is no his chat's on it right away nope separate cool down ghil manle is ghil mantle Health booster is Health booster you can use them however you want to understood thank you see that's that's when the chat is good because sometimes the chat can be extremely non-helpful sometimes the chat can be extremely aggressive towards him sometimes it can just demand information that he does not have any access to and then there's times where it's just hey I I don't quite know if this works this way or not and they're like nope and then it's done he knows fully good I had to and that's that's when it's no longer back seating on hly it's back seeding if you just say it for the sake of saying it and he doesn't even know what you're talking about if he asks about a specific interaction and you say no or yes that's not back seeding that's just being helpful oh a nice good plunge attack on the braie not the ideal thing to do off of a slide but obviously it doesn't know that you can do a regular great St jump attack off of it or how good those are but it's still a lot of damage to get in there from the situation he was in I broke it ooh that was a real good arm break he got there in the midst of this crazy never ending fight honestly I don't even know which Rathalos is fighting here because of the lighting of the room I can't tell if it's a regular Ros or an AER Ros cuz I see hint of blue but sometimes it just happens in the glowing volcanic pits uh what just happened that's a good question what did just happen was it brackie jumping yeah brackie jumped while he was in an Attack under him so he just sort of got got thrown to the floor he did take very little damage for it though okay that is a regular wath L right that's not AER W that's regular R I just I just want to clear that up that is a regular rathl so we are out of potions right now which is like this is a very not good situation to be in but we're just going to keep fighting him all right there you go yeah you don't you don't need like you can refill potions in this game but especially at this stage where he has not died to bracados he doesn't need to refill potions unless he dies and obviously it is a more dangerous situation but as I was saying earlier there's the the whole thing with like there's a lot of questions of greed in Monster Hunter to put it quite simply there's a lot of moments where you can be greedy and take an attack knowing that you're going to trade hits with the monster you can choose to keep fighting even though you could go back and get potions just because you want to keep fighting the monster and you need to know when to take those safely and the safest moment that you can possibly take these greedy moments is when you've not died at all and he hasn't so he has no need to go out of his way to run back to the camp before he needs to that said he's stunned extremely low Health he's got blast debuff Rathalos has just returned to the fight and somehow oh my God a vest point just paralyzed him and his cat's woken him up and the Blast has gone off while he was in the eye frame so I'm sorry did the blast go off while he was in the cat hitting him if frame oh my God he was dead this blast goes off here anything hits him here he's dead cat hits him wakes him up gives him the eye frames blast goes off as the cat hits him I guess that's a thing that happens that's crazy because if the blast hadn't been cleared by his cat hitting him and de paralyzing him and the blast had gone off after he stood up he would have just died so it was oh just there's a lot of luck sometimes and I'm not like oh how dare you get lucky against these monsters I just think it's such an interesting thing to watch in a new player's Journey the moments that they may not even realize when their lives were absolutely saved by the environments around them and the characters they don't even control oh here we've got fatigue on brados look how little slime he's got on his body look at the drool coming out of his face he's taking this break animation he gets a full 400 damage true charge on the head really really solid you can see this is the moment that you want to be applying as much damage as possible is this the AER Ros I think this one's the AER Ros I can't tell when we're in the volcanic areas which wath we're fighting but there's we've got more wrath into interruptions oo that was a really solid hit yeah that one's the AER okay so the AER left the Rath was in the other zone I'm honestly getting so confused about which one's attacking but doesn't really matter at the end of the day not really he doesn't know each of their move sets individually enough to know the difference oh is it time for him to go eat a a a little guy he's going to eat a little guy he's trying he's just sort of looking at them oh he got flinched out of it you could have let him eat there there that's that's one that happens in Monster hunts that you can see pretty frequently doesn't happen every hunt but it happens often after a monster is fatigued and if they leave his own well fatigued they'll often go look for a small monster to eat essentially where they'll just a way to regain stamina some obviously not all of them are carnivores and so some of them will go and eat plants you can catch Diablo going to eat cactus sometimes which I think is fun to watch because he's obviously not the nicest guy or the happiest guy but there's just this this lovely Sublime nature to watching something that evil just Chomp on a cat practice I think that's lovely and those are obviously moments where you can get a lot of free damage in on a monster if you let them start the animation they will not stop the animation until they finish it naturally or if you Flinch them so you can get a good few free hits in if you know about that system and how to use it oh it's going for it he's going for the capture you could see when we were last talking bra [ __ ] was leaving zones limping away and of course asmin definitely prefers the capture on these monsters and you know respectable enough perfectly reasonable Choice personally I like killing the monsters I think it's you know a little bit more climactic when they actually fall over at the end but I can understand from a loop perspective wanting to go for this to get the most best rules at things like gems and mantel as he physically can that was an easy uh an easy clap yeah I mean you did really surprisingly quite good against brados he's a monster that's very able to um sort of surprise new players because as we've talked about before a lot of monsters based on the way their body looks the stuff on their body you can sort of make a lot of assumptions about how they will move how they will attack you what they will actually do to hurt you and brados is a bit tougher with that because of the Slime the Slime tastes a little bit to learn it's obviously quite learnable though with the fact that the different colors represent the different timers and such but it's just something a little bit unnatural it's not like it's something from our world so when you see it on a monster it doesn't tell you what it's going to do until you actually watch it work in motion and a lot of people don't have the patience to learn that before they get themselves carded he here did and that's going to be the whole brados there he seemed to enjoy it a little bit he didn't think it was very hard but he had a good time and done good with that I mean I'm fine with that I I don't think it needs to be more than that on your first time fighting a monster you don't need to recognize all the little bits you don't need to fall in love with it or hate it after a first time the first time is simply a first impression and this one left a very sort of okay one with them I suppose but with that concluded we move on to our second hunt analysis of the day and this one is slightly less of a fan favorite monster but without having seen it myself as a hunt I have been told this is an exceptional hunt to show his budding knowledge of the shoulder Tex so let's have a look at ebony OD Doon and for context he learned about she he's seen a couple of videos about monster hun World up to this point a couple of different great swword ones as well and a couple of them have talked to him about great sword tackle but in today he had never seen one from a speed Runner so we watched a speedrunner talking about the tackle and obviously a speedrunner showing you the tackle in motion they've got some pretty good clips of what a shoulder tackle can actually do for you so he's decided to go out of his way to actually incorporate it into his move set finally God I love cut scenes like this like obviously they put turf wars in the game and stuff like that but when they do these actual like proper cut scene almost representations of turf Warriors where it's just the monsters fighting each other in a properly choreographed manner in set positions and stuff it just looks so freaking cool and of course ebony basically One-Shots regular dogon just to show you the sheer scale of power difference between them [ __ ] tossing him back down into the veil it's like the Grim Reaper of the game he came up here found a monster that's not supposed to be up here killed it and then made sure his corpse were where it was supposed to be he didn't even he didn't even eat anything from the corpse there notice that he did not actually consume any bits of the corpse he killed it because he wanted to and then he made sure its body went where the bodies are supposed to [ __ ] go so I'm also I'm interested to see how this goes as a general concept as well because his original odogaron was definitely rough he had some issues that's because odogaron is a very fast monster ebony is just as fast it just has some different parts of its move set some more range stuff which arguably makes it even more Awkward for great sword but we'll see how he handles it yeah you're going a step up here at this point I don't think you've upgraded your armor much since the last time we saw you but you are multiple monsters further in and so they will be hitting you quite harder comparatively what we're looking for is proper tackles like maybe here no okay he's he's holding it he's holding it not being given any reason to tackle that was almost a really nice shrew charge you let his cat take a full combo if he knew the combo itself then he would have been positioned correctly but he still got some damage off in there in between anyways here we have a mount good jump attack solid mount down true charge on the face that's the goal of course almost always the goal honestly with a grard yeah solid 315 it could have been better could have been worse good bit of damage oh we did it he did it he did it that's the first time I've seen him do that he purposely tackles during the charge that attack this isn't the rooll tackle that he does by accident this is monster attack incoming I'm mid charge press the button Active Learning hyper armors it barely takes damage does start bleeding that's just sort of how it works you do start bleeding either way but he tackled the actual he did it again instantly afterwards a oh my [ __ ] God okay it almost feels like an understatement to say he's learning shoulder tackle it's almost like he's leared that the button's there and then the second that he understands that the button's there and when you're allowed to use it he understands that he can use it like this please tell me that sets up a big hit okay he doesn't hit the true charge afterwards but even without that he avoided so much damage in that span of 5 Seconds that honestly if he hadn't shoulder tackled it he was probably dead it was probably going to be enough to get him if he didn't avoid those attacks and so the fact that he did was really cool to see especially as we haven't seen him do much of that up until this point oh good shoulder tackle another one another one okay he's learning he held it and he gets a big orange freaking true charge on the weaken tail there that was actually freaking phenomenal he shoulder tackled twice he judged the spacing judged the timing and he got an actual good true charge as a result of it without taking much damage in return and that's the thing is great swword is a weapon of Trades until you learn how to use true not true charge shoulder tackle correctly it'sing why is it teaching him about tail Riders right now oh either way it's great to to see the The Tackle come in CU it really changes the sort of pace of great sword within this game it makes it much less of a hit and run weapon and much more of a just if you understand the timings in front of you you will do damage all you have to do is stand there and tank hits until the opening presents itself oh we have a tur War this one doesn't come around all that often Ebony and naruga don't spend a massive amount of time on the same Maps nara's main map is the Ancient Forest eanes is obviously here but naruga can come here and so this tur before does exist not that we're getting a great view of it here he was like actively running away and he changed his mind don't see that often another good couple of shoulder tackles this is basically just like a switch has turned on for him this isn't like a slow learning process of oh maybe I shoulder tackle oh maybe a shoulder tackle it's now he understands what shoulder tackle means and how to use it and when to use it and he just is like he's just not taking damage from so many hits that would have hit him beforehand oh we've got the sleep this true charge decently timed just slightly off though will wake him up with the initial hit but he still gets a 600 hit on the tail which does cut it off that actually worked out absolutely lovely honestly like that was extremely close to not being quite right and it was still fine like obviously he could have done more damage than he did if he had hit the proper true charge at the end instead of you know hitting the little dinky the pre-t true charge but it still did a lot of damage still cut off the tail that's still a victory the whole way down another hit for like 600 he is is doing damage right now this ebony odogaron is not having a good experience against him it's at this point that I just realized he actually has stamina Thief as a skill in his set we've been talking about the whole enrage and fatigue cycle of monsters and how good it is to take advantage of that but there is of course a further level to it because you can apply exhaust damage to monsters mostly this is done with blunt weapons meaning a hammer or hunting horn other weapons that have blunt attacks like sword and shield or things like switch axes that have exhaust files in them or or even things like great sword specific blunt attacks which are the shoulder tackle and the little the little sword slap that you can do after the first level charge attack but the thing is that shoulder tackle with stamina Thief with the amount that he's using it right now is actually doing a hell of a lot of work he is getting more fatigue States as a result stamina Thief is a really good skill to actually be able to work in if you can do blunt damage until you get to elder dragons because you cannot fatigue an elder Dragon everything else up until that point it's actually a surprisingly underrated skill oh oh The Beauty look at it he committed so hard to the concept of that true charge that he did like eight oh my God okay okay okay I'm sorry you could even see his face there watch his face after the attack hits but here he puts down the health booster he wants to stay in the health booster to get the actual heal but he also wants to charge up his attacks he now knows that he can get through the charge Levels by shoulder tackling and he can keep the combo going by shoulder tackling so he's just repeatedly tackling until the monster's in the way here he gets the preh hit on the tail and then ebony odogaron turns his [ __ ] face into it for 493 slamming down on the head on top of the mushrooms the mushrooms are in a stable environment area meaning if you actually get a good Flinch on a monster while they're on the mushroom they will fall inside and you get a free knockdown just like that that was beautiful I'm assuming that like I can break the the fire thing that he can do I can like break it in some way and that's what I want to be able to try to do that's a reasonable assumption but not entirely correct what you actually want to do with ebony odogaron I mean the tail is is a fine cut but what you really want to do is break the claws in a similar way to how Baro and aruga and tigrex work if you can break his front claws he will lose a lot of his grip a lot of his brakes on a lot of his more acrobatic movements and then when he still tries to do them he will slip he will fall a little bit it'll change his timings a little bit make them a bit friendlier and it will even get you extra periods of downtime for you to do extra damage to him otherwise you get a bunch of flinches and breaks on other parts of his body and he just sort of keeps going he's like an Energizer rabbit of a of a monster that you can carve to pieces and he just sort of gets back up right immediately oh that was a good tackle enter the clutch claw pose can he get it from this angle not quite not quite just a little bit off to the left there here you can see have odog his rander fatigue state that means he's fine from Dragon for a little bit he gets the free clutch claw attack and he's going to get a bunch of extra damage out here because the monster will just be slower and less threatening during this moment yes he is tired good job recognizing it is he going to eat some food is that why he's here yeah he's here he's here to eat I was just talking about this earlier he is literally just now he's actively hunting this rapados that he killed and he was about to start consuming it but has been you know didn't flinch got the knockdown with the true charge and that's basically about the best you can hope to do for damage obviously he missed the final strike he had the right ideal but Emon was about to eat that rapanos which would have given him a good down period but obviously he interrupted the down period by doing damage there's no negative to that however he's bleeding he's extremely low and the eono dogon is mobile even if still fatigued but of course the little fatigue walk is going to give him the time to heal a good amount he still has bleed not good he wants he knows he wants want to get rid of it he's almost gotten it there it goes bleed gun Health going up and he's back in the safe Zone perfectly fine except he's going to sleep again McConnell with the really nice sleep application of the [ __ ] Doon he's just going to manually do it okay so he's not doing the roll tackle yet I I watched him actively learn it but he's not doing it himself he spaced it perfectly that time anyways freaking hit a a good chunk of damage on that oh attacking the cat gives him the free period to charge up the proper big attack but is he going to come back is he going to come back just off just like the ebo Doan did run towards him it just ran at him at a side angle instead of the front angle again a good shoulder tackle a couple of them in a row which will result in a proper true charge finish Only Hits a gray number still again it's the concept this is like his his second or third hunt even like actually trying to use shoulder tackle properly and he is getting some really good stuff done with it it may not be perfect but it's the concept it's the ideas just like that he's getting those extra bits of damage in because he's doing this especially with the stamina thief on the tackle damage itself oh that's unfortunate but another tur War that's unusual you don't often get two unless it's been a really long time and yes it's been you know it's been a good amount of hunt timer but I don't think it it's been the amount of time I would normally associate with the second Turf War so we got a bit lucky with the actual ability for these monsters to find each other like exactly on that timer okay there we go that's what I thought I thought I thought I was about to be dead he's red now that's bad there we had the odogaron limping away and the naruga getting enraged and looking to actually end asan's career yeah that naruga is going to follow him the entire time he's doing this okay he's just going for the to capture so it's a done deal hunts over and Well Done simple as that we actually had a lot of good examples a very solid shoulder tackle usage there was quite impressive considering he only really started trying to shoulder tackle properly like right before this it's a really good just example of how new tricks can be added to a weapon and if you have a basic grasp of how to use the weapon in the first place then you can learn those new tricks as an additive experience for the way that you use the weapon in general rather than just sort of having to start from the beginning with it and honestly I think overall it's it's sort of worked for him the way this is all done I mean it's just about does it for today as a whole he's conquered brados the hard way and then Eon o Doan shoulder tackled into the ground much easier using much more of the great swords mov set in general and I have to say the more I watch these the more impressed that I am that asmin Gold's just pure ability to adjust to the game that's around him really I mean sure it took him a while to learn more of great st's mov set there's no that for sure but the fact that he got to the point that he did without really using shoulder tackle in the first place especially with us having the ability to actively see how he managed to do that the way that he learned to use more hit-and run style gameplay and all that the way that he actually had to learn more of the monsters move sets so he could find the right timings and positioning for giant charged attacks I mean in a way yes he obviously made the game much harder for himself by not using shoulder tackle earlier but it's also sort of like training weights being thrown off in a way he genuinely learned more about how the game works at its core by not using hyper armor for ages up until this point and now he gets to apply the hyper armor to what he has already learned and if you ask me that's arguably the best way of learning things because that core game learning can be applied to every single weapon in the game but shoulder tackle is extremely great sword specific only for Greatsword so that sort of sums up my thoughts on all that really I hope you've enjoyed this then just another chat about the community sentiment about all the stuff going on here and of course just some more analysis of further hunts in asmin Gold's Journal through the game just because I personally love watching new players advance and my own new player memories are fresh enough that I feel like I can sort of translate veteran information through that new player lens in a way and you guys seem to be enjoying watching that as well let us know down in the comments if you want more of this kind of thing then like if you like the video subscribe hit the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stay sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 51,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, monster hunter world asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold reaction, react, reacts, reaction, monster hunter asmongold, monster hunter world, monster hunter world gameplay, monster hunter world 2, return to world, monster hunter world return to world, monster hunter pro and noob, pro and noob, monster hunter world pro and noob, great sword, monster hunter wilds, new monster, gameplay, guide, monster hunter, asmongold great sword, iceborne, brachydios, new, mh, ragegamingvideos
Id: M80OmR3JwKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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