This game is a studio's failed ideas

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hey there friends how's it going I hope you're doing well I found something very interesting on Steam and I thought I'd share it with you it's one of the most unique Concepts I've come across it's from landfall and they've basically put all their unreleased games the demos their failed ideas into a game where you can play them all and they're absolutely wild so I wanted to show you [Music] this isn't what I expected when I booted the game to be honest okay so it's a first person game first I hope this is it I just pushed the button and the game is over I'm not even sure oh oh that's what I did okay yeah there's more I guess it would have been a short game if it ended right there oh and I guess we're going down into the archives to find the games I immediately just trying to kill myself in this demo this is way more dramatic than I expected I expected a crappy little menu with crappy little games I know these have been kept under a lock and key oh God I'm all turned around okay okay that was a bit lucky oh my God how many developers do you have it's just one dude one dude had to make all of these uh oh and I think he's escaped and he is angry what's this playful wait can I actually pick the game I want to play it's oh my god let's try this welcome to playful surely there's going to be no one else playing this okay I think you need friends for this one hold on let me try another one I was like oh my God that's so cool and then the game reminded me of how lonely I am you get out of here you blob game yeah that seems like more my style this is how I ended up with so much weird games as a kid and I never played the iconic ones okay I have three minutes to play blob game is this oh it's like you like the game show the cube but with a blob oh oh hey hey floppy what do I do to him I have three minutes with this handsome fecker oh oh he makes noises [Music] that was terrifying it must be done what must be done something to do with these cubes down here did oh he got a reaction I'm just not sure if it was good or bad can I feed you the cubes there you go oh oh my God I'm so sorry Blobby I didn't know what I was doing I'm sorry would you like another one here you go [Music] he's not even able to digest the second one oh God I think the fumes are toxic but here I have another one getting high with Blobby how did this not become a AAA title um okay did I fail this time I went down the hall I gotta figure out everywhere to lose a game before I can beat it one is called but I don't even know what I'm working with who am I even the narrator is just having an existential crisis there I can't I can't feed myself to the blob just so you all know oh he likes it he likes when the cubes go in there that's much better isn't it Blobby there I did it now enabled me to eat your tender body I already hopped in your mouth and you didn't eat me what changed now oh here we go this is the last thing I'm gonna see who in the right mind came up with this because I think we have a lot in common and we should get to know each other I bet we have similar dreams anyway I'm done with this one what did you think of this game well Philip Robin Walter William and zaro you gotta five-star game in your hands anything for my pals oh this sounds wholesome here we go this is gonna be a horror game isn't it everyone okay all right I'll just go this way are they did they try and look at me oh they do look at me oh that's a little bit terrifying I don't know what I'm doing I'm just like running along I I feel like I've played this game wrong now can I kill myself oh I can't kill myself in this game oh oh that that jumbled them up okay the controls enter right commands follow oh okay all right kind of regret that command wait terrifying I really gotta know how good friends we are if your friend Kevin walked off a cliff would you follow him yes I have friends okay fellas come on I got a job for you look how happy they are skipping along okay I think you know what to do with this right no okay eat eat why can I not type eat all right Embraces something Embrace Embrace oh that was scary that's it that's the same as follow oh wait actually no this is this is even more scary okay push I do agree there's such so agreeable this is what I need 50 Yes Men all as pale as me lie down maybe that might work lie down lie down yeah you're going for a slide you like that fellas yeah they do we're doing this of course of course of course they're creepy when they get right up in your grill well they're creepy all the time oh no oh I might lose a few of you here okay no pushing no pushing fellas go go go go go go go come on oh no I lost them all oh and I can't open the door all right let's try this again oh no oh that was close okay go go go go go go go go there we go you and me pal else against the world this is pathetic I don't know if he's gonna have the power always he's doing it yes I got all my guys back okay we seem to have reached the end I have all my buddies back and we're just skipping right towards this fire orb orb says lie down okay I'm feeding you all to the orb now my cult members no no no no no no no they're lying down stand still oh oh God stay stay stay ah guys what I'm obsessed lie down lie down lie down I don't know what he said overall everyone going yeah yeah damn correct even the dead ones are jumping are we are we done oh oh this lit up follow leave the dead ones we don't believe in death so they'll be fine because you're mine okay guys get in the hole I don't need to explain why because you're loyal thank you I'm going into wait I think it just reset us I'm gonna try and get them to push the the orb into that hole okay well I got them to bring the orb out with their face I can direct them by just staying on the other side of this thing oh oh I think they're grabbing okay follow yes yes okay and they love it I was worried they wouldn't be coordinated enough but it doesn't matter come on everyone let's fulfill our purpose let's put the ball in the hole in hindsight I probably should have done this first I just didn't think of it my first thought was just to kill all my followers I know this is a bad time to bring it up but subscribe if you haven't already it would be lovely to have you around okay well that's that one done that was actually a really cool concept I enjoyed that I'd also wait I give it five stars that's a cafe out of seven if I've ever seen one post game that looks confusing overwhelming and stressful I'm gonna play it for some reason oh my God what is this what am I doing oh I I didn't line them up very well oh yes there's a gap there okay the perspective's a little bit confusing but I think I got this now yep that's perfect okay I guess some will go in there and some will go in here that should work right someone's gonna be missing their order from Amazon for quite some time oh we uh we have a bit of an issue I know I think it's I think it's okay maybe I should try and expand a bit or wait I guess I need more money right let me just put in loads of boxes we're having a bit of a malfunction here they're getting a little bit stuck oh no I just opposed the amount of boxes that's not what I meant to do what about this I'll install a catapult oh that's great it fixed it what about here okay no it just doesn't like being put inside objects it's so weird sorry just needed some adjustments some mail is going to be lost okay what about this I want a lot more boxes than this oh wait the box is filling up okay I gotta some to the other box es everything I had failed it's even worse okay um I'm struggling to deal with all these boxes okay wait I would like to start again to all the mail meanwhile is just going into the abyss okay there we go and now I have a bit more money and that that's pretty steady yeah that's great oh okay we're getting a little bit of overflow but it's all right because I have a plan now there now the overflow will go on to this and go into the next one here we go come on yes All right I didn't get all of them or or any of them okay you know what I don't have to be right all the time but just just once would be nice yeah I almost have a system going here you see that this pushing thing almost gets half of the ones it pushes so in the meantime the male's gonna be running pretty slow but when I save up another 80 bucks we're gonna be making bank and a lot of people are going to be angry yes okay I've got what I need so that goes there and now I should be collecting them in in two yes okay that thing is also doing more harm than good at the moment but I'll put something in here to block it this is not how the game is meant to be played but whatever there that should do it now if they go too far I'll roll it back yeah not so much rolling it's smacking off it a wall would have been much better just don't buy a mirror or glassware online and we should be okay okay I need to take more there we go now we've two and now it's overshooting again not to worry another inefficient fix coming right up now we got three okay I might be going overboard yeah that one is just knocking them off for no reason let's get rid of that one I'm getting more boxes this is as many boxes as I can afford oh no we're losing some of the Stacked I didn't think about this okay temporarily saved I think now they'll roll into that one but that's gonna fill up yeah that is filling up fast now I think I might actually have to get rid of one of the pushers okay I think I've made the perfect mail machine ignore that package that fell off but like 99 of the packages are making it through we have two main lines coming around here and then an extra line getting all the spares off this and dumping them in here I don't know why I spent so much of my life doing this it's weirdly addictive but the real winning move is not to play so I'm gonna come back and a few hours damn it I lied why can't I stop playing okay there we go now everyone's mail is safe now I'll take a break foreign [Music] six million from this system and I'm convinced it's the best system ever designed for males so I'm just going to buy as many boxes as I can before my system implodes 12 seconds later God I went through one and a half million really really quick the male is struggling even when it first comes out some of them are just falling off immediately I've started improving it again so now I know I need to stop I'm addicted to this thing take that out I will rate it five stars but I'll never play it again because it's dangerous to me walking house game I simply cannot resist um I put my game in and my computer's just vibrating there we go okay just had to blow on the cartridge you know it's a good game when the controls are move house lower house and Firehouse cannons whoa those house cannons pack a punch very silent though they must have the silencer on this little thing must be a silencer yeah I'm crushing everything why is it a silent movie though oh God enemies I don't know how to deal with enemies I'll run my house over them I suppose oh oh no I fell off my moving house here boy come here come to me come to me boy yeah that's right this way yes good house let me back inside what where am I now what I think I broke the game I managed to make my house just walk into the sky and now I'm falling underneath the map well this has been an experience five stars physics survival I like the sound of that put resource encircle to gain resource drag to select units move right Mouse button I think these animals are too smart for me I can't seem to grab them I I think this one's broken for me five stars rectangles bit of word play there that's that's worth a five star in itself teams Two Soldiers ten yeah what the oh my God what did I just do ah is this me aha oh this is epic all those poor rectangles that I'm sentencing to death oh it's like worms except with little to no effort on the the design right oh and I keep clicking the wrong buttons that's the same as in worms yeah I keep killing myself this is exactly like worms five staff love that one physics fighter I'm struggling to trust anything with the word physics in it now okay so like a knife and kick oh why did they all look like jacksepticeye oh my God and there's violent ezema as well stop it it even does the jacksepticeye slap when I hit him um oh this is their leader well that's what they think of your leader oh my God they're leader do cartwheels oh I think I'm dead so yeah I submit jacksepticeye wins again medieval America I don't know what this could be but I have to find out uh joining the game made no impact I I still don't know what it could be I think I broke it and I don't know how I just joined wait what is this ah wait we've we've reset okay let me find that guy is this I think this is an actual player you know headshot a shot again oh oh no oh no he's playing this game before this is his only game that he plays my God he's shooting me with everything just shooting walls at me I've got my shield out now I don't even know what this is supposed to be I can't seem to kill this guy oh I think did I die I think he killed me oh at least I left a beautiful corpse what can I say this person's just too good I came against the world champion of uh what what was the game called again uh medieval America missile game yes let me blow stuff up okay was that it yes Victory is this all I have to do I just launched missiles of things I think I'm good at this one oh wait no I'm wrong I guess I'm supposed to knock over these there we go oh oh no but now it's getting real oh god oh and I'm out of fuel so we have to go up then we go under and then we need to hit these oh come on that's got it right deadly collapse yes Jenga no not changa Jenga yeah it's falling Jenga that is only one though I need to get the other ones as well although maybe this one will knock down that one or just fall right next to it without impacting it at all that works too thank you but that one just didn't blow up oh this is a good one you know it's a bad one never mind there we go I got it I like this game the lack of sound is freaking me out though oh no oh I've made a mess and now I can't get to the last one I think I've ruined this game yeah I should have got the last one first but instead I went for everything else and now I can't get to the last one unless unless ways this could be the last chance I have excellent never mind it's fine come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes I got one the legs right how are you still standing okay this is it this is it yes every time I don't think I'll be able to get through it again but here we are I'm amazing at this game epic Victory Royale okay I've I've mastered this game now I know how the last guy felt in his game oh no this is a card game I I uh I I can't read still five stars though robots forever too I didn't know there was a robots forever one let's give it a try one versus one okay oh there he is oh I think he killed me that was this it's so Lackey he's host Advantage now we're talking oh wait wait wait wait now now we're not talking oh my God what's happening my gun I fell off the world goodbye Flat Earth it's been nice knowing you auction brawl this one looks weird I like it I got big hats I'm sold thank you yes [Music] what what what's happening I don't understand wait we're at another chef's knife yes I want it I am prepared to bid 250 about three four hundred dollars where am I what what is going on just spending all my money on this and I'm going all in what am I supposed to do I don't understand like I get into these worlds and then it just boots me back out again I wonder if I fill all these circles will something else happen well I filled them all but now I'm just stuck here on the menu well I think I can safely say I want that and five stars physics presentation can you physics everything well we're about to find out if I can physics anything can you physics UI what can you physics screen shake what this is more of like a tech demo or something thank you um you're welcome five stars creepy robots oh oh God oh God those are creepy robots what do I do do I just run away from them it's so laggy oh we've got sound again this game has sound and creepy robots oh my God this is a slideshow of horror five stars but too scary for me well too laggy for me more so but that was the scary part I gotta try this there's a disc from one of their other main games tabs oh I love it so far wait what is going do I need to attack the cave I thought that was me I was happy for them they discovered fire I wish I could be that smart wait these are free oh no they're 40. I can only see the zero I thought the four was paired to The Graphic all right well I'm sending a few Farmers to beat up the cavemen so this is totally accurate battle simulator and as you can see it's totally accurate I'm gonna get a guy playing this uh banjo I think that'll cheer up the troops and just they can get they're just cannon fodder you see I wore as a job but music is my life he's just playing as everyone beats each other to death and I'm pretty sure we're losing wait wait actually I I think we have them outnumbered yes I think I'm winning actually actually no he's spanking me oh no that's my last guy no how could you kill music I think I just got unlucky go again boys is that the singing or is that the stem screaming I'm gonna say it's the saying and they're just grabbing him but I think we won the power of music it's like something in one of those music boxes except he just randomly shouts every now and again I went into sandbox just to see what their biggest units are like who would win elephant or man with the Bazooka well we're finally gonna find out oh that's a mammoth by the way not an elephant and he's doing a great little dance he got pursuit in the ass and he doesn't care another shot but the mammoth just continues to dance nothing you can do will affect the mammoth and his ability to dance I think he's actually enjoying it I think the mammoth just wins this by default yeah he does that every time it wasn't just a fluke that's his strategy okay how about wizard versus wheelbarrow guys interesting this isn't how I expected it to go it's just screaming at each other and every now and again that the blue guy wakes up from a horrible nightmare however the Gap is closing my heartbeat is going so fast I'm filled with adrenaline here we go up all right never mind now it's just an old man with a cane this is if it's sad okay beating up old men simulator is done ocean plane I don't imagine this has much to it but let's give it a go look at that it is an ocean plane it's an all-terrain vehicle okay I I let it go under the water for the Goof and now I'm completely lost is this the sky what am I meant to do I break every game man I'm gonna still give you five stars because that felt like it was my fault oh now this is a plane game you see any time I I go near something it makes plans and that's good for the environment so I'm a pretty good person yep I love the environment anyway time to dump this with the rest of them all right well I finished all the games so time to wander off into this hallway of Infinity but I think it actually does just keep going I can't even see the stairs anymore that's the light from the computer man they got a lot of space for more ideas here but I'm all out of playable ones okay so we will end it there thank you so much for watching subscribe if you're new you can check out more of my content here and that's it so bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 997,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, landfall archives, landfall archives gameplay, landfall archives game, landfall, landfall archive, landfall games, landfall archives multiplayer, This game is a studio's failed ideas, landfall studios, studio, failed ideas
Id: OzfPm07ckDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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