This game got me BANNED from VOICE CHAT

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voice control Obby is a game where you need to use your microphone you sent me a message first yeah I live in smic Birmingham if you want the bra come down smic as G A come Mouse it says use your in-game microphone to jump and navigate through challenging obstacles So based off that you would think oh okay maybe you have to say forward to move forward and right to turn right and that's what I thought it was but no when it comes to Jumping you're not you're not allowed to jump unless you have your microphone plugged in you can see this guy is probably saying something right now he's jumping up and down so if you have your mic muted right here you can't jump can't do anything but if I unmute and then I start talking my character will just automatically jump for as long as I am speaking excuse me excuse me come on man jump go go go go all right here we go we're going to get a running start jump jump jump jump jump [Music] jump listen to the sound of nature the sound of everyone completing their [Music] goals jump jump jump jump jump jump yeah jump jump jump jump jump jump yeah I got it I don't know how much longer I can keep the chat [Music] unmuted jumping jumping higher oh it worked holy crap jump jump jump jump jump jump [Music] jump oh this is chaos this is absolute chaos I don't even know what to say that guy has a good strategy I like that hey get out my way F get out my way jum jum that's my strategy that's my new strategy this guy was going ah now me personally I'm more like a okay dude I got to I got to mute for a second I can't hear myself thinking this crowd oh it worked go go [Music] wo wo okay this video is going to be really annoying I can already tell oh hello hello is anybody over here hello a come on this part's actually difficult dude I can't do it jumping jumping damn it this is where the game gets really difficult what the we've detected language that violates Roblox Community standards what did I say did I say damn it is it you can't say Dam it on Roblox if I get banned I can't play this game oh that was close this girl going to lose her voice [Music] jump are you jumping I'm jumping I can't I don't know I don't know she tried I can't do this yes we can I can't do this no I can't do this oh my God it's a real sketch it's me hey that works good that works good it's probably really annoying I'm so sorry I'm so sorry we've made it over the pit of death go go I got this I got at least we didn't die at least we didn't die you got this you're the best you can do anything anything you put your mind to here we go this one looks easy easy easy that's why I'm so good at this game I'm really good at talking about saying nothing go go go go go yes don't say too loud or you'll jump oh God oh God oh God no B buy B buy there we go there we go okay we got this dude how are you supposed to make that jump this one's for all the marbles big jump here big jump jump please oh it worked okay that hurts I'm going to stop doing that no this is like top of the pile content content content content damn it oh I'm going to get banned I'm going to get banned I'm going to get banned I didn't say anything Roblox stop using AI to listen to me wait where's my mic my mic thing's gone did I get removed access from voice chat because I said damn it no way dude you're kidding wait wait wait it's still working I just can't mute myself and I also can't hear anybody else oh my God a 4minute suspension it's not even it's not even bad I say in my videos all the time temporarily turned off voice chat because you have used language that goes against Community standards you're actually joking how am I supposed to let out this internal rage that I feel thanks luckily for us though for some reason I don't know if this is a glitch in Roblox but the game is still working I'm talking and my character is still jumping but I can't hear anybody else and I don't think anybody can hear me but the game still works yeah haha Roblox haha ha ha nice try Roblox jump jump jump jump jump yes dude yes yes yes yes it's working oh dude no no way this is certain death if I fail this I have to go all the way back down to the bottom that's rough that's rough oh oo that was close that was close not close enough not close enough let's go made it to the snowy area come on baby we got it positive affirmation I will succeed I will win [Music] God Dam yeah really put your back into it still going still going this is getting scary one more time o warning slippery don't tell me let it be a surprise surprise me [Music] surprise yes sir yes sir yes sir yes this is going to get interesting this is I don't know about this guys I'm pretty scared but I'll go through with it I'll try my best I don't need to talk here at all so I'm going to be very quiet very very quiet I can't jump I will die but if I just don't talk loud enough Roblox can't hear me oh that was too loud that was too loud yeah yeah very quiet until right now Oo we did it we're in the cave let's go cave time jump jump jump there jump in that mushroom okay mushrooms down now [Music] this yes yes go go forth to the finish line of the game yes okay there is somehow still more to this Obby I need luck luck is on my side luck is on my side luck is on my side look he on my side lucky lucky I lucky lucky lucky yes time it perfectly perfectly I'm going to wait I'm going to wait here for a sec jump jump jump jump jump jump almost there no jump jump now jump now no dude this suck [Music] what I'm a little worried about this dude how the heck are we supposed to do this jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump okay doing good doing real good that was too close too close I'm so close I'm almost there I can feel it Feel It In My Bones I've been screaming in this game for like an hour I give up dude my throat hurts what the hell
Channel: Sketch
Views: 345,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sk3tch, sketch, sketch roblox, roblox, roblox voice control, roblox voice control obby, voice control obby, voice control obby roblox, suspended from voice chat roblox, roblox voice chat suspended
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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