This Florida trailer park is taken over by French-Canadian retirees every winter | Snowbirds

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(Laughs) (Background voice) (Background voice) (Dog barks) It's uh, very attractive table. (Laughs) - -Swim. Dancing. -The sun. -Sun. Sun. -I like to play uh, pétanque. It's my first, uh- -Pétanque? I don't know how you say that in English, but uh, I like those also, to play uh, shuffleboard. And I like to go to the sea to swim. -Very good, eh you me-- -Restaurant. Bicycle. Bicycle quite a lot. Uh, screen...dream? We use- -Cha -Swim (Laughs) -You wanna learn? Well the best way... There are 2 ways. This? A dictionary yes. You don't know the word you look in it. And Nicole, you see I said Nicole. In English it is not Nicole' It is Nicole. Yeah "Nicole". (Laughs) They speak like that. So you imitate them. That's what I do. E' is A. So, the letter A... "Aye". A. E' in French its "Uh". But in English its "Aye". And when you go to de Q'. It's Q. Keee-you. -Kee-you. -So, ke-e-o-e. Kee-you. -Kee-you. Kee-you All: Key- you. Que. -La U is, "Oo"! You! Yeah, Danielle eh, is giving us a good trick. Now that you know how to pronounce the letter, Uh, of the alphabet in English. You can sing the song. A, b... All: C, d, e, f, g. H, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p. Q, r, s. T, u, v, y. X, y, z. -Okay, a good round of applause. A good round of applause. (Clapping)
Channel: CBC Docs
Views: 407,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBC Short Docs, Snowbirds, Florida, Québécois, French, francophone, trailer park, winter, sunshine, bingo, retired, old age, relaxing, Quebec
Id: j9Eg1SZEqLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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