This Drivetrain Will Last Much Longer. How To Clean And Lube Dirty Bicycle Chain. Slow Mo Comparison

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hi friends today we are cleaning and lubing a dirty and hard working chain such a dirty chain will not shift as perfectly as it could and should and it will be wearing down itself and the sprockets much quicker that could easily be three times five times even ten times quicker so subscribe to the channel get your protection gloves and let's get to work for cleaning the chain you can use old t-shirts old socks but the best material for that is something like an old towel because it has a better surface as you can see these little things will go in between the the chain links and will do a better and quicker job as an example this is a cloth from kercher which i love on this side these are smaller on this side these are larger these are very good of course old thing for cleaning washing the car will work as well you don't have to use any chemicals for cleaning the chain but some type some kind of the degreaser will make your job a bit easier and more thorough so you can use the bio degreaser for example but i'm not really using any sprays because these are even though this is biodegradable the sprays are not eco-friendly so i'm not using them and this is actually the can from the beginning of my channel and this this is not a finish line i'm just using the bottle this is the i'm not sure it's whether it's called in english the extraction petroleum but this is safe for the rubber so for example for the re-derailleur [Music] pulleys rubber seals and this is pretty good for the chain so extraction petroleum probably if you've got such an e-bike you need to start with a small trick first i'm applying the pressure from above and from below squeezing the chain like that and then we apply pressure from the sides left and right [Music] then a little of my degreaser the external links are clean from the outside but the internal one the inner one here are still [Music] dirty [Music] [Music] in order to clean inside of the chain we have basically three options some kind of brushes the original drivetrain brushes i'm going to show you how they work or just the toothbrush or two connected with each other or a shoelace [Music] i'm going to start with the shoelace from the connecting pin of the quick link [Music] after getting back to the pin or the quick link now i'm going around it here from the bottom this is the most time consuming method quite precise but i would rather use the brush to not be that precise but much quicker finally a clean rack now we don't need oil here on the external surface of the links we don't need oil in between the links here we need the oil only here number one number two number three number four this is quite dense roll of oil which i'm using for e-bikes only and that's why i'm not only putting it on this side of the chain because it might not get through it to the other side i will put a little bit on this side as well now about 50 circles and i'm gonna clean wipe off the excess from the chain [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SickBiker
Views: 3,119,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sickbiker, chain cleaning, chain lubing, chain wash, degreaser, how to oil chain, bicycle chain, dirty chain, slow motion, dry chain, cloth, rag, brush, toothbrush, guide, tutorial
Id: fPgA97oFRnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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