This DNA Discovery Is Completely Beyond Imagination | Gregg Braden

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[Music] you [Music] we need to give people the information well welcome to beyond belief I'm George Noory and before I introduce our special guests for this program special thanks to all of you who continue to watch and support us on beyond belief com it is one of the world's fastest-growing internet-based television programs and it only has happened because of you our special guest Gregg Braden who is an author scientist researcher Explorer and an expert of course and human origin his one of his latest works the god code there's something very special about that Greg welcome back to the shores it's an honor to be here and I'm really excited to talk about this this material I love you I've always loved your work I mean it's just thought-provoking how did this all start for you let's go back to the beginning go back to the beginning we're filming in Denver Colorado and it began right here in Denver Colorado or in the Rocky Mountain area huh I was loved our viewers don't know this behind the scenes I worked in the defense industry during the last years of the Cold War a very frightening time and indeed in the history of our our world when the two superpowers at the time did the unthinkable and and actually created they they spent the the energy the manpower the resources the technology to create the weapons to microwave the earth many times over in the event that the nuclear war everyone heard that was during that time George I was I mean if you could imagine I found myself working behind the scenes supporting writing software for the missile program supporting that that effort by day and by night ever since I was young I've been a scholar of some of our most ancient and cherished spiritual traditions and some of the most mysterious texts of our past and I have felt for a very long time George that if we knew where to look in the past that we would find the key and perhaps a message from our ancestors that would help us to transcend the differences that have led to the great Wars of the 20th and now the first century and at that time the kind of war that I was supporting so it was during that time that began a search and a research of comparative traditions helping us to understand our origins because my again my thinking was if if we could find a way to show beyond any reasonable doubt beyond the superficial outward demonstrations that we are actually we are one and for some people it's a very new age sounding hope or wish but I think there's a lot of power in showing that that unification is is possible helping us to to transcend those differences so my journey began to take me back into older and older in older texts cutting through the red tape and we're almost obsessed with in the religions well I would say passionate I prefer passion over it my wife would probably say I was obsessed yeah because the clues every time I would find the clue George and I think okay maybe this is it and then it's not going to go anywhere else it would open the door to something another word is something else and that led me from the text books onto a series of journeys my first journey was in Egypt in 1986 and what I found in Egypt on the temple walls led me into the highlands of of the Andes Mountains of southern Peru which directed me right into the Tibetan Plateau and the temples and the monasteries in Tibet as a scientist my thinking is if I'll speak about myself personally if I can find the information least disturbed by the modern world that's where it will be most intact and to go to those places well you've got to make the effort to get there there's some of the most magnificent beautiful remote isolated pristine places remaining on the world did I say remote by the way because because they are but that's in the monasteries in the nunneries where many of these texts are preserved and they've been largely forgotten it's really amazing tests well they are so so as I began my search my thinking was if we could really pin-down our origins you know the the science the best science of the 21st century is now overturning so many of Darwin's ideas and by the way Darwin was open to that he was willing for his ideas to fall he he viewed them as stepping stones toward greater understandings so Darwin was okay with that and I began to see a connection in the texts that was not accounted for in the theories of evolution and it is a connection that is very controversial today now Darwin didn't have access to the tools in the technology he certainly didn't have the DNA databases nor do we have anything so this is this is where I began part of my job in software development was in writing pattern recognition software and I've searched patterns ever since I was equated to this sure it comes very naturally for me I used to you know look at patterns on flashing patterns on blinking lights on Christmas trees and I mean you see them everywhere so I thought if there are patterns in nature and we are we are nature they should show up in our DNA it was in the 80s when the DNA databases we could actually begin to access them without being part of the research from projects so to make a long story really brief what I found was in one of the most obscure an ancient of the texts a book called the safer Yetzirah watch was that this is a Hebrew text that has only been translated a couple of times of a couple of authors into English it's so mysterious George that very few scholars even want to talk about because they don't know what to say about it is it's a brief tax it's only about 2,000 wines all right and it is written as if an observer were present the day that the creator created the humankind step by step however it's written in the language it doesn't make a lot of sense is it like Genesis or totally different it's very different from Genesis I think Genesis probably partially derived from this text that this a Fiat Syrah which means the book of creation it literally translates to the book of creation so it was as if someone were watching the creator actually create the first what he did doing what he did but it is not written scientifically the bottom line to what the text is saying is that through language humankind was created and that that doesn't make a lot of sense Lane that if you take it literally though as I began to follow the instructions as the author create them in this text in this Gorge this is to me this is the power of transcending the boundaries between science and spirituality because if a scientist only looked at the elements of life you'd never make this discovery if you only look at the spiritual text you would never make this discovery but it's by blending the two together and allowing them to tell the story so we today at modern science we talk about life as as the result of elements and we describe elements through word and through number so we have the periodic table for example hydrogen nitrogen oxygen carbon makes up the DNA of our bodies those are the words and for every one of those words there are a lot of numbers that may be applied there are 17 different numeric parameters that go with each of those so put that aside when you go back into the ancient texts and the say forget surah specifically they did exactly the same thing they talked about the power of the letters of very specific alphabets now it doesn't make a lot of sense to modern scholars until we begin to understand that every ancient alphabet bar none that I have found so far has always from day one with each letter have a number a mysterious number associated with the letters we don't know where the numbers came from they never change they are owed they are Union it's a unique numeric code the study of that code is called gematria and it was actually formalized the lost thirty-two laws of gematria were formed in the second century they were formalized in the second century and the only way gematria works is is you cannot deviate from these laws there are specific laws that apply to the numbers so our ancestors we're also talking about using words in numbers so they have the letters of the alphabet and this mysterious number we're using the periodic table we've got a whole bunch of numbers sorry my job was to find out which of those numbers equates to the numbers in the ancient alphabets and if I could do that my thinking was it would be possible to look at human DNA carbon oxygen hydrogen nitrogen and different combinations of that and substitute the ancient letters for the numbers based upon this correlation this in retrospect it was simple but not knowing that it took years took me 12 years and did you break it to find what we now know is that the atomic mass of the elements the numbers of the atomic mass are the numbers that equate to the mysterious letters in the ancient alphabets what that means is when you look at human DNA or the DNA DNA of any life it is made of hydrogen nitrogen oxygen carbon and using gematria the numbers that equate to those become 1 5 6 & 3 3 is with the carbon and when you then take a table one of the ancient tables and you're able to to correlate those numbers with the letters what we find George is that the human DNA is is our genome is built in in layers and at the top layers it's like every book has an introduction the introduction in every cell of every form of life the carbon-based DNA the introduction is the same and the first translation literally reads literal God eternal within the body hmm God eternally within the body and God that is depicted in DNA is actually spelled the way that the name of God was spelled in the ancient text before it was removed six thousand eight hundred times in the Torah for example the the sacred name of God is believed to be so sacred it cannot be written in its entirety why put it in a code you know this was so first as a scientist weird I have to say is this people say why is the code there yeah and I say I don't know all I know is that when I followed the instructions in a 3000 year old text and I applied it to the periodic table this was this is what we have next question is a coincidence so our Sokka Winston ran the numbers for me and the odds of this happening by chance are one to two hundred thirty four thousand two hundred and fifty-six yeah 234 thousand two hundred fifty six to one or the or point zero zero zero four one percent right those are the odds that this is an it's just just random you just ran them now those aren't astronomical odds I thought it might be like 1/2 a bajillion you know but when you take into account there's no line not only is the language there but when you take into account what the words say that those words actually have meaning God eternal within them they all say that the first letter in all human DNA if you can look at the what's called the the genetic code see ta G every one of those is made up of combinations of carbon oxygen hydrogen nitrogen and they they are arranged I want to be really technical when I talk about this but they're they're arranged different numbers of carbon oxygen hydrogen nitrogen atoms so within each of the DNA bases that make our DNA as it is there are different combinations of C T AG that break down the different combinations of God eternal within the body and the God within ourselves within our DNA is literally the the same spelling of the the God that was taken from those texts now here's the beauty I just have to say this right my first fear was I found it in the Hebrew language and I said does that mean could it actually be divisive if it only is found in one language and when the research went to its fruition what we found is it is in Hebrew and Aramaic and Sanskrit three of the root languages the same thing exactly the same thing so in Hebrew Aramaic and Sanskrit the the code for those letters translates precisely same in the human DNA that's the first layer in your opinion that slogan dot eternal was in the body what did that mean what it tells me is because the odds of that happening by chance are sastra nama are steep it tells me there's an intentionality now who or what I don't know the answer to that but that tells me that that the DNA the way it's formed is it is intentional and then I began to think in our modern world we're creators we're artists whenever we create something that we're proud of what's when we're finished what's the last thing we do when we finish it George you tell me where does the last thing we do is something we finish about painting and what's the last thing we do we finish that painting you sign it we put our name on it if there's an intentionality underlying life itself in human life specifically it would make tremendous sense to me that who or whatever is responsible would somehow have left a sign is it God's signature I believe that were we define that whoever whatever we believe that Creator is then my next question is why not put it into a text or into a temple wall and then my thinking was why place that signature into something that can crumble over a few thousand years like a temple wall or into the pages of a book that can be destroyed why not put it in the creation itself and as long as the creation exists the message exists as well I published this in 2004 even though the research was incomplete it was complete to that point and I wanted to share this with the world 2007 Japanese scientists released a report peer-reviewed report on the feasibility of storing data in DNA for thousands of years and what they were looking at is is bacteria they were looking and storing information in bacteria and placing the bacteria in nuclear waste on for example and lovey its and letting it sit there because the papers might descend the grade or something else might happen but if if they could do it so 2007 huh was the first time they successfully implanted a message into the DNA of a bacteria and they use bacteria because hoping that someone in the future one day would use it well this was a test they used the bacteria because they have a short lifespan so they could see how many generations you know for a bacteria the generations maybe just a few days so the the code they put into the DNA it was adult say it was the same thing know is Einstein's theory Varela where'd in the Year 1905 they encoded that into the DNA they allowed it in the DNA to replicate for 25 generations with that code with the code they pulled the code right outside completely intact so what they're they're now demonstrating purely in the scientific realm is the feasibility of storing literal information in the in the genome in the DNA and it remains intact for as long as the organism remains intact well here's the puzzling part if you put a code in there you're doing it for one of several reasons one you're hiding it or two you're trying to pass information on to some future generation so let's assume that that's what that is when we extract it and we get that code what do we do with it what's it mean I think it depends on what the code says now we know and the work is progressing from this point and in 2015 another layer will have been completely decoded and hopefully you and I can have this conversation and I'll share what what we find next the the point is that there is a message encoded into the DNA of all human life that tells us beyond any reasonable doubt that the differences that divide us now are superficial differences like we have a common origin a common ancestry I was I was doing the conference in the DC area and I made the statement and I said I would love to get my hands on some DNA from life that's not from this world and if it's carbon-based life and if the message is the same then we know that we have a common a common goal a common goal and would be exciting well there's a man that came forward and said when you're ready for that DNA let me know hey don't know maybe from some Martian meteorite right there's you know we don't know we don't know but you can look to take him up on it I'm really calling from your cell phone number George not for my cell phone block your number I'm not ready for that yet when we were developing the algorithms and they're very complex algorithms now to help look at the DNA in in new ways so here we are we come full circle we are at this this crisis point in civilization when we're facing more more crises of such great energy for that I can remember based on our division on our separation and if some way if there is some way that we could bring forward in a really powerful meaningful way something that casts an entire new light on us as a family and what that family means I think it would be it would give us a reason to look at things differently it doesn't mean it would force us to it mean it would give us a scientific reason to look at one another and think of ourselves very differently I know for myself once I found this code I felt differently about myself knowing that within every cell of my body God eternal it's why hvg are the Hebrew letters YH yah is actually one of the forms of the name of God that we find in the Torah that was removed over 6100 did it baffle you as to who put the code there I've always I've sensed there's an intentionality problem regarding us and when we go to look now it did Darwin's idea of evolution 2,000 years ago we appeared on this earth we don't know where we came from and what made us different so many other forms of life was human chromosome number two the largest that had been fused with two telomere to telomere fusions geneticist acknowledged the fusion they say we can't say how it happened it but they know what happened and it did not happen under natural circumstance they said this would not happen in nature something has has forced this chromosome or this telomere to telomere fusion between these two chromosomes so I think what we're getting George is is we've had a sense so many people if there's much more to us than evolution has led us to believe doesn't mean that evolution didn't occur as a scientist I can say it did to a point but there's a point where evolution does not explain our existence and cannot account for what we find and I think this study this kind of work where we're crossing the traditional boundaries between science and spirituality so a scholar studying the text would never find this a scientist a scientist looking at the elements in the periodic table or geneticists we'd never find it because their compartment was you need a combination but the world doesn't work that well so we are gifting ourselves the ability to see the world as it is through what the world is sharing with us if we're open enough but the science has to be rigid that it has to be based upon what science is telling us so the the periodic table describes the elements that make the DNA in our bodies there's a mathematic link between that and the the letters of the ancient alphabets how that link got there who put it there I have no idea as I was flying here Greg from Los Angeles to Denver and I'm looking around the plane and there's all these people sitting on the plane and it just dawns on me and I do this a lot every one of them is an individual they've got their own little situation their problems their happiness their families every one of them but the question I kept asking myself as I looked at this entire Plane full of people why hmm what's the reason what do they hear for some had briefcases some at purses some had tablets who are they what are they I still can't get that answer you of course have brought up a series of six questions in one of our previous shows that asks those questions too but will we ever get that answer why are we here I think we will have the answer George the question is will be willing to accept what the answer says too is a frightening I don't think it's frightening we've asked science to tell us who we are and they don't tell us well science pure science is now revealing the information it's not being accepted in the mainstream so the textbooks in the classrooms are not accepting what the science is what does it tell for example evolution will just take evolution then because that that's on a lot of people's minds right now in public classroom a teacher can only teach the curricula that's been approved by a school board right all right the school game deviate the school board does not accept that even though it's peer-reviewed science if a school board does not accept that it cannot be taught so we're teaching our teacher gets fired or the teacher gets fired yeah we're teaching our young people the story of separation that has led to so many of the crises that we're seeing it makes us feel separate from ourselves from from one another and I've asked professors and friends of mine I said why why can't you share this in the classroom why can't why can't you share the sign of they're petrified to share this aren't I there for money ego power in the habit yeah and and one of those one of the professor's he said do you know is it a male he said do you know what that would mean to my 40-year career if I had to stand in front of a classroom and say everything I've taught into this point is no longer true so to him it would say he was a failure what I said to him I said it would be a beautiful demonstration of the power of science in your ability to constantly update what science is telling us about our world he said do you know how much money it would cost to change the textbooks and I said well you know let me look how much money we spend on the war so you know why habet he said you know we it is a habit to teach to teach this now it is changing and it's changing slowly Georgian and this is only one place the evolution is only one place but that it's the place that's directly relevant to the God cut will we get that answer correct why are we here I think we will find that the evidence of the circumstances the actual reason I think is something that we have to find for ourselves I think we're individually individually I think I think that's what we're going to find a good friend of mine was watching the movie The Matrix I know a lot of our great person loved it well it's excited that on the radio show a lot I love it as well it's one that I have by the TV and when I'm writing into the wee hours of the morning there's two movies I don't watch them all the way through but I want act in matrix you know how'd you know that because it's the same with me I don't watch them all the way through but I like the part where they solve the codes because I think there's a lot to that and we know where does that come from anyway so my friend said you think it's science fiction he said matrix is actually a documentary about us yeah and and the way things work in the world so it may be that by working backward through the code we do arrive that at the doorstep of an architect that it's if you could get an answer to one question what would that question be I think it's a question we're asking right now why us why here why now there's another branch of work that that this follows up on and it is the study of whether or not we are living in a simulation or virtual reality and there is a a degree course in one of the large turn universities in philosophy that you can take and in the title of the courses are we living a simulation and to make a long story very brief what they do is they took a very complex computer algorithm plugged in all kinds of variables about human population and trajectories and economies and families and religious beliefs all you know all about life in the bottom line is there's over a 93 percent chance that we are living a simulation now if you step into a simulation the virtual environment and Disneyland you can do that today and not even really know that that's where you are and we've only had computers about 60 years if you take the archeology that's showing the existence of advanced technological civilizations thousands of years where would we be if we had thousands of years of computer science to build that kind of our key are that kind of simulation and the question comes why would we do this in the the answer for me is that every simulation is built to help the people in the simulation become very well adapted to somewhere that they're going to be when the simulation no longer exists the simulation is a safe place to make mistakes and learn that power if we are in fact on earth living a simulation and and are our most cherished traditions tell us that we're on our way somewhere else this isn't it this is an illusion this is temporary that you know in general they say that then I think we have to look at what those traditions are telling us and they're teaching us about our relationship to reality to to quantum reality to emotions and emotions of the heart to create and heal in our bodies and the world around us and if we master those maybe that's what this simulation is all about God eternal within the body may be the architect that has helped to create this simulations ever get frustrated that we don't have the answers I don't George I don't because what it tells me is when what I've come to understand is that when we are truly ready for that information it's right there sometimes this is a perfect example this this has been around you know for two hundred thousand years it's only when only to be discovered though by those who look or win our technology reaches the point that it gives us the tools sure we'll take a peek it's almost like that code we sent out on one of the Viking craft right yeah which Stephen Hawking said don't do because he's afraid that they'll come here and he's not so sure they're very benevolent yeah that it was interesting I actually talked about that code in the book the god good what is it that we said who did we write it to and how it finds it and how would it be interpreted in hell so it makes perfect sense to me if we are the product of the intentional an intentional creation that the creator who or whatever that is would somehow leave a mark letting us know when we have the ability to define that that is brilliant and I can't think of a more honoring way to honor who or what that creator is then to take that code read it and maybe communicate back the other way and I think we we are on our way to doing this I think so Greg thanks for being on no George thank you for you so enlightening you really are you doing this from a different perspective to just about everything we've talked about over the years I appreciate I appreciate you thank you today you know as we've talked to do we get that answer who are we why are we here sometimes I wonder you know maybe we won't get that answer but we'll continue striving for it and I think that'll make us a better person I'm George Noory and this is beyond belief [Music] we need to give people the information [Music]
Channel: Gregg Braden Official
Views: 1,727,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inspirational, motivational, cutting edge science, transformation, quantum physics, self empowerment, human potential, the power of the human mind, spirituality, self healing, power of beliefs, science based techniques, intuition, philosophies, intuition philosophies wisdom, real-world solutions, wisdom, modern science, pioneer, educator
Id: V_Y1wCLITu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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