This DIY mmWave Presence Sensor Changed Everything - LD1125H

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we've all been there doing your deed watching your favorite YouTube videos yeah then the lights go out because you're sitting too damn still so we're going to show you how to fix this with your own inexpensive DIY ESP home sensor to move the rugs so you don't bust your butt on the floor okay and you're trying to come back and forth now run back and forth try to run in and run out go fast you did it anyway [Music] okay try to do it without falling as much run when I come back it still gets you huh pretty damn quick for mm wave no additional PIR sensor needed and it's a freaking 10 damn sensor well then you gotta add the ESP but that's not expensive at all pretty awesome and you can see my sexy legs I haven't been this excited about a damn sensor quite some time especially a ten dollar sense or two and you can build it yourself and then say I built that so for part two of the awkwardness of this video laying in the tub here yes I am fully clothed so no need to report the video we wear clothes then the other part as well but if you see the movement I can hold my breath and get it to go to clear but then when I breathe again it goes to detected showing movement but you know the occupancy stays triggered but pretty cool little thing you can do just off of a sensor in the ceiling that's pretty badass how did I come to wanting to do my own without you know buying something built you know ready to go well I'd like to do in my bathroom I like to have motion if you've been around the channel you've seen some of my little bathroom sensors that I've done I put up in the ceiling that have a PIR which is that passive infrared and then you know you do have the temperature humidity and that way the humidity gets too high that you can turn on the vent and that way you don't have all that moisture build up which is bad for your bathroom and it's fully automated because you know your other guests they don't turn the bathroom vents on and their only problem with that of course is uh if you sit very still for some pirs then of course the light turns off and if you're doing your deed and everything and whatnot and yes half I'm going to say what not for you quite a lot and whatnot but especially if the wife is taking a bath and just soaking and you have the lights go off yeah that's not a very good uh Waf this one was the one I built a while back and all I was doing was just taking a like Decor face plate I know not everybody's in the US but I could basically take just a blank face plate whatever your wiring standard is and then I have it in a box up in my ceiling and I'm able to run low voltage to it and then I just have an ESP chip this is the esp8266 on the bottom and I just have Dupont connectors and if you're not sure you've never seen duponts they're pretty damn simple see these little jumpers these are already pre-made there's no soldering there's no white weird wiring you know you just plugging and playing and following a couple things of like Hey where's the positive go where's the negative go so these just pop on and pop off and that's pretty much that simple now the only problem is if you do it a lot you pull them on and off the little spring will wear out but hey you can take your um glue gun yeah this is a wonderful little invention and throw just a little dab of hot glue on it and it will stay there until the next time you have to pull it down and want to maybe change it like we're doing here now I have tried a lot of different damn mm wave sensors and if you're not really familiar with mm wave just think of it as a radar sensor that detects if a person is breathing or making those little minute movements that a human you know would typically make that would be alive and it picks up and you know you set your sensitivity now if you don't want to be you can't set it too sensitive and then say some ceiling fans and everything but once you kind of get things tweaked it works damn awesome the ld1125 is around 10 to 12 U.S and it's a pretty small size I mean look the comparison of the ESP chip it's smaller than it now the only thing that's going to be weird about it is the pins on the back you need the smaller I think they're two millimeter but I probably don't need to correct if I don't get the size right there's some smaller Dupont jumper ends and they do make these you can made up already but you can see the different size you can see the size is a lot different between the two different sizes of DuPont jumpers but just make sure you get the right jumpers for these versus you know the regular style Dupont jumper but you got to have them on either side you get what I'm saying so that way you can plug it straight up to the esp8266 or I went with esp32 because there really isn't a reason to do 8266 unless you just have them around I prefer to go esp32 and these are pretty damn cool I found these on Amazon I'm sure they're on AliExpress and whatever I'll probably link them around it's your regular little old school micro USB this is pretty cool because this is the whole wire you can take and it is if you can see the stuff here probably look pretty close you just gonna see the positive and negative that way you could run whatever wire over to it and you're like a low voltage wire into that box and then you could come up with your wire here and plug it in and go just like that now I did mention humidity how the hell are you going to get humidity Travis well that's like this there's some other sensors there's the keep want to say the sht the 31 but these little I squared C sensors they just plug into some other pins on the ESP chip and there's a I like the BME the BME 280 works really well for humidity but there's also the aht 21 that I've tested and of course that sht31 and I'll leave all that below some of them you can get them pre-soldered but some of them do not come with the pin headers soldered on so just be aware that when you're purchasing them this is what it looks like from you know the it's I have it in the ceiling and I probably will show a picture here and this one I just have the BME 280 in there and I just drill a small hole as you can see there and that's the only thing I have exposed is the sensor of that four to pick up that humidity now this is going to look like ass but hey I'm the only one that's going to see it well I guess everyone out there as well but hot glue gun is your friend and yes you may laugh I put had hot glue gun stuff from different wall plates from like capacitive touch buttons and everything and stuff in the ceiling they've been up through the Louisiana heat in the Attic cooking for years and perfectly fine and the other great thing about it it's so easy to get one of these at the hobby store or whatever and then you can just glue the hell out of it and it seals the chip right up so you won't get any moisture on it or whatever this one you can see I just glued down the BME 280. I threw a little glue on the little on the DuPont jumpers that way they won't come off and one thing you'll notice I did if you can get on the camera is I angled I threw a little glue underneath because this is the chip here and so these targets face down and that's what you know all you're seeing is this here and the back of it well I threw a little glue because I wanted the chip to be at an angle if I'm trying to get to my angles right so I wanted to be at an angle because I actually had an issue when I first put it up that if we put your arm on the back of the couch that was on that adjacent wall well then it would set the light off well so I angled it a little bit and turned down some of the sensitivity and was able to tweak it and you know it works great I'm the only one that sees it so I did throw a glue all along the back of it to seal it and then because in case the ESP chip came down which is kind of impossible for it to do that then it wouldn't you know touch on it or whatnot and there it is Dick for you again Heff it just seals everything up and then I took some I just put a dab of Super Glue on on the DuPont jumpers on the board that way it won't you know come off but that's all up to you and how you want to build it if you want to build something that goes in the wall you want to build something in a different 3D printed case or whatever type of thing because you know the mm wave think about it you don't have to really see it like you did a PIR sensor you could hide it in something as long as it's not metal because metal of course going to stop that 24 gigahertz really well which is not a bad thing if you're trying to hide it from some ceiling fans you can actually use some different metal pieces and things to uh you know direct the signal from being able to see a constant moving device such as a computer fan or ceiling fan or whatever else may be moving in the room now the software we're going to put on the ESP chips well of course that is ESP home if you're running home assistant a h a Os or Docker or however you're running this thing you can run ESP home there's tons of different ways to install it add-ons Docker do the whole deal it's pretty much gonna all look and work the same check out ESP home dot IO and you can go show how to get started with it or whatever now once you do get that and come back and see my boring ass talk you should have this dashboard of ESP home and that would be like in your add-ons or whatever it's the web GUI 2 where you manage all the stuff and there's still no dark mode um yeah now we're just gonna make a new device we're going to copy everything into it no big deal let's just go through here and we'll say continue and we'll call it esp32 radar video whatever you want to call it I'm gonna delete mine later this is going to be esp32 I just hit skip because you don't want to install it right now and it should be somewhere in your list I got a bunch of junk um so they should just hit edit and you should get the everything in here now we're just going to copy and paste things over all this so I have all this I'll leave the link down it'll come from our website if you really just want to copy and paste it you want to download it or whatever now the code where this comes from I didn't make it all just tweaked a few things it came from the great kingpatrick 3399 he has a bunch of these different models all on his GitHub and he has all the the yaml files and everything and the manuals and how if you want to wire it or whatever or the configuration the settings pretty simple stuff uh but I'll take the ones that I have tweaked and I'll have them ready to go on my website where you can just copy and paste those if you like there's no dark mode here of course and just after my eye surgery I'm still kind of sensitive to light so I'm just going to use notepad plus plus to go over some of his code go ahead and set your name now the update time I have that for my humidity sensor I just just have it wanting to check the humidity temperature every 30 seconds I don't need it more than that I added down here the I squared C you can change those to whatever you want as long as they're valid pins um everything else I left the same here API if you want to throw an encryption key in you're more than welcome to I use these locally I didn't need an encryption key nor the password you can put those in there my Wi-Fi I do have this set using my secrets because I need static IPS for make mine work that well if you don't need yours you can just leave it back as default which was this here it's just three lines you know Wi-Fi SSID and password I didn't need the fallback access point mode because it is just a ESP chip and I can get to it fairly easy but if you want to leave it in there and put in their captive portal more than welcome to see here's the RX pin and TX pin and I'm using those for uart2 it's recommended otherwise you will have issues that's that tx2 and rx2 on the esp32 then I added the BME 280 right here for temperature pressure and humidity where they don't really need temperature so I I just don't add it to the card in home assistant and I did use the over sampling 2x I only needed it to take two samples and then jump out I didn't need I think the default's like five or six and something crazy I didn't need that does is it moist or not and then the uart text I Le if you set this internal as true you won't see this it's more of a debug but it's also more for the chip to sin every time there's movement and that could make things a little slower and that's pretty much it the rest of it's all Patrick's code from his GitHub so definitely thanks to that for him figuring all this crap out with this sensor because it's really awesome that you can tweak everything right in home assistant in real time if you jump over here to home assistant you're not sure how to install on an esp32 chip in ESP home if you look in the home assistant side ESP home I have the full procedure with screenshots on how to create your little sensor like we just did and then how to flash it install it most people get worried about the word flash but it's just writing it to the chip it's installing it so we'll hit the install button now the first time you do this you do need to manually do it so I'm gonna hit manual download now you want to use modern format now it will take some time to build depending on what you're building this on just go do something else and just come back and check on him now if you change some other things a little bit later a lot of times it will just change that small pieces and cache what it built and it'll build a lot faster so once it's done compiling it will automatically download to the computer so don't delete that file but if you head over and probably the easiest one that's non-geeky is the web installer for ESP home and if you just look at you can go here it says install ESP Home factory bin via web browser that's on my website again we're just going to go here now at this point do plug in point over here like you can see but you can see I've got my USB cable plugged in and I do need to plug that into the computer should not but sometimes some of the esp32s you do need to hold down the boot Button while applying power for a few seconds but most of them they you don't have to do that so we'll go ahead and try it with this one we'll go here and oh look this works with dark mode but it looks really really funky whatever we're going to hit connect and there it is this is that cp2102 I think that's another cable I probably have that come 30 so we'll hit connect and we're going to say install and we will choose the file that's gonna be the file that just downloaded to your local computer and that's gonna be that master bath one I have built and hit install and if everything went correct and your thing is hooked up you should get the erasing message and don't browse away I know it's tempted to go browse to your favorite YouTube websites and whatever else just let it do the install and we'll come right back it doesn't take that long and I can actually see the blue light the status LED blinking on me so it's probably booting up by the time I get done running my mouth if you come back and jump into the ESP home dashboard we should see a master bath potentially there it is goes online now the logs I think I have it turned down where it doesn't spew out tons of data because I found that that was you know just bogging down that chip too much but you can go turn on all those debug and everything if you do have issues but I can already see it found my I squared C that's that BME 280 so I should be good now let's go add it into home assistant now a lot of times you'll get a notification when you pull up home assistant it'll Auto Discovery boom it's great pretty awesome but I have to go in and put mine manually you have to do that I'm going into Integrations and adding ESP home and I'm putting in that IP address and hit submit there we go esp32 master bath and we'll go ahead and we'll call it in the area the master bathroom will be good at doing that and hit finish we should see it down here there's a device give it a little bit sometimes I have seen this page take a little bit to load and then we'll go ahead and we'll say add to dashboard and you can see everything's working got humidity you got the temperature and the distance the way this is laid out you can see now this is my one that I have working and tweaked and everything and you really what's the cool thing about this is you can go ahead and install this and you can go sit there with your phone and play with these little sliders and just walk away let it re reset it re-triggers come back in you can all do it in real time unlike say some of those other sensors this is pretty badass where you can do all this now the MTH mth2 mth3 that's the different I guess the other one I call it Gates but that's the distance for sensitivity MTH 1 is 0 to 2.8 and then 2.8 to 8 and then eight and I do believe the sensitivity the higher you slide the slider is the less sensitive it is see on this particular one in this bathroom I got a small bat front bathroom I didn't need like eight meters of distance and I didn't want it reading eight meters because then that's going to go well beyond that room and Trigger so I set them all the way like don't be sensitive at all and then I even said this is the max distance I even set the max distance to 1.9 that's kind of I where I needed it to be so I could catch the tub and it has worked out well now you're gonna play around with all with yours there's also the movement clearance time and then I think that's the direction let me go back on let me see what that is yeah move occupied to clearance waiting time and then move to occupied waiting time and really you just got to go in and go play around with these and watch the sensors but it's not that crazy to do because there's not a whole lot of stuff to mess with really so it's pretty simple to mess around with and then you can drive all your automation straight from it and I love this damn thing so it's go build one dude it's it's badass trust me it has changed stuff and it's not that expensive to do all right dude so we turned the blind all right dude so we turn the clearance time and the movement time way down now I want you to go trick the light like you did the last one go in there and try to sit still you can't do it can you it stays triggered huh come out stop come back right here it's cool and stuff
Channel: digiblurDIY
Views: 18,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digiblur, digiblurDIY, home automation,, hassos, tasmota, esp32, esp8266, arduino, esphome, diy, smart home, electronics, cameras, zigbee, wifi, hlk-ld1125h, ld2410, mmwave presence, esphome person detection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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