Desoldering Made Easy - Amazing Trick || Soldering Tutorial

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[Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for tuning in now in this particular video I'm going to show you a great method for dropping into components out just with literally a piece of copper wire now I've showed a few of these sort of types of videos into some other postings I'm going to stretch the method sort of a little bit further in this one I'm going to finish up with a really difficult component I'm going to sort of show you how you can drop sort that out without a hot air gun so it's great if you poop I haven't got one we're going to start the video we're going to sort of drop this simple four-way header out with uh with this great method and like I say we'll work for a few other components we'll end up with a really difficult one and yeah it's a few different sort of twists on methods throughout this video hopefully you stick with it till the end and hopefully you can sort of learn something from it so now what we do we'll get sort of started on this four-way header and yeah hope you enjoyed the video right so coming on to the first component Within These videos got this simple straight four-way header that's quite an easy one to start with like I said earlier we're going to progress through from this just sort of difficult components in the second half of the videos hopefully you enjoyed this one and hopefully this method and somebody others can help you out in the future so what we're going to do get the board turned over and we get sort of started straight away on this one right so as you can see I've basically laid a piece of copper wire along all the four joints this is just the center piece of wire at the center of an earth cable use tin copper wire I can even use an off-cut through-hole resistor leg any kind of why it's going to do the same job and they'll just literally taped it down up here to sort of hold it in place so I'm going to do I'm just going to quickly add some sort of rework flux to the to the joints it's not something you don't really need this but it's just for the video it's just going to Aid it slightly it's able to do add a little bit of revert flux along all four it's just going to Aid the solder melting don't need too much of that so I'm going to use quite a small iron tip to secure the pins to the wire I'm using leaded solder so I've got my iron set to about 340 degrees Celsius I'll probably do all the videos in there within this sort of longer video with leaded so be the same temperature we do then just get the all the pins secured to the wire since you go along one at a time just getting more tack to that wire let's do the last one there all right so as you can see I've got all four all four pins nicely joined to that copper wire I'm actually going to bring a larger soldering iron tip in now normally I'd do that last stage with a larger tip because when you're sort of doing all these four together with the wire as well we probably need a fairly large iron tip so as you can see got the body of the header down the side hopefully you see that drop down in a minute when I sort of hold the iron on the uh on The Wire we'll do is bring the other the other iron in with a larger tip hold it on there you should see that connected drop down see it moving about you might just have to hide it with tweezers just knock it down there you go out just like that really easy so if it doesn't fall out of his own accord just to help it out with tweezers all you've got to do then push that wire just get the wire pushed away from the sort of pins from the pads then get the uh get the holes cleaned up so just literally tweak it away from the there you go you've got four nice clean pads just gotta get the solder out of barrels now I'm not going to clean the barrels on this one but what we'll do throughout the other videos I'll show you how sort of use them solder braid and uh how you can really sort of get a great result with solder braid I'm going to sort of clean some of the holes out in other videos and you will see the methods to get these holes cleaned out really cleanly so anyway what I'm going to do is move on to the next component and uh yeah we'll get that one dropped out of a different method right so moving on to the next component Within These videos we come to this 10 way right angled header now it's quite a distance between this pin this pin up this end but again I'm going to show you sort of the great way this sort of wire method can help you drop these out really really easily going some people would probably argue why don't you sort of try and get all the cell removed from the pins first around the down the barrel but this wire trick makes it so much easier drop the component out and like I always keep saying it's a lot easier to sort of clear the holes once there's no pins in there so what we do we turn the board sort of straight over and here we'll show you how you can drop these out really easily right so as you can see we've sort of turned the board over I've made this shaped copper wire going along the pins but I've sort of looped it around both ends so I don't need to sort of hold this for with my tweezers is it just going to sort of starting position on its own accord all I've used is a piece of copper wire it's just one of the inner sort of wires inner strands this piece of Earth cable it's basically got it running along all 10 pins all I'm going to do is get this get this wire sort of solder tool them pins hold me iron in the center and basically the sort of header should sort of ease out I'm just going to hold the header to guide this one out because because it's right angle sometimes don't want to fall out in a straight line it can be quite a difficult if it is a struts or straight header it would just drop out so what we do get this sort of get some rework flaps add in get all the pins like I say attached to this copper wire and then yeah hopefully we can drop this out with a relative ease so we move on to that part now all right so let's start getting this sort of soldered up so basically I'm just going to add some rework fluxes on the joints it's just starting to solder sort of melting quicker it's a smaller amount and that sort of fail along the joints now let's start the soldering process so again I've got quite a large soldering iron tip for this one sometimes you get ground plane in your boards you will need a bit more heat so you might fit a fairly large iron tip now there will be a few fumes sort of during this so yeah if you've got some kind of extraction that's a that's a good idea I suppose what I do first let's get a small amount added on the m1s let's get into sort of soldered onto the wire now I can sort of go along under do the eight Central ones so we've got to do just run it along just feeding the solder in getting all them tacked on why it's all 10 pins are now connected to the or copper wire now we've got D I'm going to hold just guide this one out between users like I said earlier so I'm just going to hold my iron onto the center of the wire and hopefully this tool should drop out fairly easily let's wait for the heat to run along joints are melted just got like I say these can be a bit difficult the right angled ones and just push the wire off and that's how easy it is to remove so if it's a straight header that would have dropped straight out because it was right angled can be a little bit more sort of challenging so yeah Perry tweezers just guide it out that's how easy it is now you can sort of clear the holes with a lot more ease than if that opinion them so what we do I'm just going to quickly show you how to basically sort of how you use my braid and uh how you can add flux to your shoulder braid and sort of make it so much better so I'll just sort of show that now right so what I've done I've quickly cleaned sort of General flux off using a fluid cooled ultrasolve I've sort of done a few videos sort of mentioning that basically what I'm going to do I'm just going to show you sort of a couple of holes and how I sort of you solder braid to clear the holes out you can use a solder sucker but I actually prefer solder braid I actually always add flux to my shoulder braid it just makes it way way better makes the solder travel like the braid really easily hopefully you'll see this in this demonstration it's basically so I say I've added flux to me braid and you should see the soldiers just traveling speedily up that braid once it sort of stops traveling pull your braid away slowly and that hole is totally clear so now if you've got a large hole um to clear you can still do it to a slightly different method and what you can do if you can place your braid slightly different position you get sort of double the distance of travel the solder basically if you add it about there hold the iron in there so we can travel both ways and that will basically give you double the distance of sort of yeah double the distance where they sold it can travel up the braid so that's what I like to do if you've got a large hole sort of do that method and you can clear out a lot more solder at any one time so yeah hopefully we've seen a quick tip there and always use flux on your shoulder braid okay what I'll do I'll get this cleaned up and as always put photos up later now uh what I'm going to do is move on to the next component and uh yeah see how that one goes all right so moving on from the 10 way right angled header come to this different type of 10 Way header this is a straight pinned one so we're going to do get the ball turned over and I've got a slight Twist on the methods I've showed so far there's basically two rows of five and I'll show you how to drop this one out of a neat little trick so we get the ball turned over and uh yeah so we'll get started with the removal process right so we've turned the board over and as you can see you've got your two rows of five joints all I've done here pieces of copper wire came from sort of piece of Earth Cable One of the strands of that basically I've doubled it up and it perfectly fills the gap between both rows and pins so it'd be pretty easy to attach all 10 pins to this wire you can get quite quite creative when you uh do this sort of methods you can do a shape any shape you want like that you can hook it around both ends but it's this great thing about these sort of wire methods whether the pin layout on your board there's always a sort of way you can get them joined together to know what we do we'll get this one sort of soldered up and then uh try and drop the header out to gain a bit of rework flux so run that along the whole area it's just eight it slightly so I'm going to do basically let it solder again so I've got the iron set to at 340 degrees Celsius I'm going to use quite a large sort of iron tips I've got a double row of copper here all right sir this getting pins joined up so it might take a short while because obviously the soldiers got a sort of heat through the barrel and to get a hole sort of area sort of hot and before it drops out so we do just fill that Center Bar up first and getting them pins attached to it right along the line so successful front five done pretty quick so basically fill the sort bar up first and then just run along sort of doing it like this it's a little bit difficult rather back just for the camera ring I'll try the iron at a different angle right some 10 pins joined up as you can see all we've got to do now put the iron on the top hopefully the header should drop straight out sometimes you can get pins fairly tight in the barrels so mine is a slight Aid anyway just to try to drop this out especially just run the right along the top there you go straight out that's how quick it is these are pads perfectly there just bring the header in just get that wire out of the way I'm just going to put the header in can you feel there so probably the pins are probably all right on there as you can see here no damage at all perfectly yeah good slight scuff marks on this header but that's not from what I've just done so anyway that's how quick it is to uh to remove it really easy method anyway what we do I'll just show you quickly how to clean some of the barrels out again like I've done in other methods and uh yeah let's move on to that part all right so after removing that header really easily we left with 10 filled up barrels for the solder so I'm going to do quickly show you again how we're using solder braid probably show that two or three times throughout these videos and basically the top tip here always flush your shoulder braid there's two ways you can do this basically put it right on the end straight away you see now solar travel rapidly along that braid and then slowly pull you tip away and braid away from the hole and you gotta yeah left with a nice clear pile basically no damage at all so basically yeah if you've got a lot of solder there's enough way you can do this I've sort of shot two or three times throughout the video just want to get this message across to everyone that the this is a great tip use your flux basically if you've got a lot of say if you've got a lot of solder on the holes get double the distance of travel as you can see it's gone both ways it will just sort of braid up drag it away let's put another clean perfectly clean hole now whenever you sort of get sold onto your solder braid always trim that off so you always start with a fresh bit of solder braid so that's another sort of top tip don't try and overload your braids it won't take any more anyway that concludes the first part of these videos I'll put a few photos up and then yeah we're join you in second half for some some more difficult components so uh yeah I'll see you soon [Music] thank you [Music] right so move on now to quite a large Transformer now this actual device got two sets of pins about three or four pins along this side another three or four along this side the pins are quite spaced out so there's no way you sort of uh try and join them together like you see some people try and Chase the solder try and blob them all together some people probably say why don't use a hot air gun on this device but I don't really like doing some sort of devices right on the edge of a board with a plastic body as well we'd be pumping a lot of sort of excess heat into it so the way I'm going to drop this out I'm going to use two pieces of separate copper wire one attached to each set of joints we're going to get the sort of pins soldered to the wire and then yeah try and drop it out with two soldering irons now like I said before it's always worth if you can guess sort of second iron just a cheap spare one it's a canker I'm really handy so I'm gonna do this with leaded solder so it's gonna be about 340 degrees so anyway what we do get a ball turned over and uh yeah we're sort of start showing you this method right so what we've done here basically got the two pieces of copper wire in place one running along them joints and one run along new Two Joints basically put a little loop around the end to sort of try and hold it in position better I've capped and taped sort of this end down so it should hold it down so we now got to do is sort of solder each pin to the wire both sides and then get the irons on each side and yeah try and drop it out so we can almost sold them in process now it's coming to the soldering stage so I'm going to basically use ladies holder so basically just get these sort of solder attached from the each pin to the wire there will be a few fumes during this because I've got some external flux added so if you've got any kind of extraction that's a good yeah it's a good thing to have so let's just get the last one tacked on so as you can see I've got all six pins nicely sort of tacked onto the outer wire so we do now we'll get the both irons on each row of the joints and Jesse we can drop the device out so I'm just going to add a little bit of sort of small amount of solid some of each iron and tip let me just get them placed on the wire and uh hopefully the device should drop out fairly shortly just hold it there there you go hopefully you see the saw that come down below an SL easy it is what I do I quickly sort of so there you go that's the sort of device that's come out all the pins on it are still here looking pretty good so you probably use that again so that's how easy it is we've got to do then is just push the wire away from sort of yeah basically just push the wire off the pads clean the pads up with braid we'll solder Wick or solder sucker and uh yeah good to fit a new component so anyway what I'll do now I'll quickly move on to the sort of showing you how I clear the holes out and then the board will be ready for a new device right I'm just going to quickly show you how I just sort of get this sold out of the holes I'm just going to do just these two just going to use solder braid so when I use solder braid so I'll keep saying if I always add flux to it hopefully you should see the uh the sole to travel up the braid you can so we'll do it about there so you could double distance with this I'm just going to do this as an example so you should see the solder going up the braid with the flux so you can see it traveling up braid let's just drag it there's a lot of solder is I'll probably have to do this one twice probably need to do that one more time just get our last amount of solder out from the barrel yeah hopefully you saw the solder traveling up the brake there that's that's the benefit of adding flux hopefully I should get this one cleared out now just add a little bit of solder to my iron place it back on the end and hopefully we should get this one clear so you can see the soldiers going up the braid again hold it there for a second pull it away now you've got a clean hole you should be able to see the sort of green board through the hull that's basically how you do it so yeah I probably probably won't do another one just stick to that one but that's literally they say I'll just go around clean all them so yeah like I add some flux to your braid and you just get so much more solder going up the braid really easy so basically hopefully you've sort of seen a good method there how to drop these sort of devices out and get what I'm going to do now I'm going to move on to quite a large sort of relay and uh we're going to finish the videos off for that one that's sort of twice the link for this so yeah should be a should be a good test so we'll move on to that one now all right so finally move on to the last device in these videos got this rather large relay now this one's probably about an inch and a half long as you can see sort of down the front you've got these sock 23s 0805 resistor so if you can sort of gauge sort of the spacing of them the oval length of this probably about an inch and a half like I say end to end so um yeah basically a lot of people would say why not just sort of suck the solder from around the pins and drop the device but it's pretty hard sometimes to get all the solder from around the pins it's a lot easier to get all the solder out when there's no pins in the hole so I like to drop the device out and then clear the holes out that's all we'll do is turn the board over and then I'll show the uh the method to drop these out and uh he hopefully sort of enjoy this one right so as you can see I've quickly turned the board over you can see the 14 pins of the device so you've got seven this side or seven over this side about an inch and a half to two inches like previously said from this pin up to this pin there's quite a large device this is probably the sort of largest type I'd try with this method the copper wire method so yeah anything sort of a sort of smaller than this with sort of similar pin layouts even tighter pins it's a good method to use it's what I've done off camera I've quickly made a copper wire frame as in some of the other methods so get that dropped in position all you got to do then like it's like a sort of previously shown just join all the pins up to this wire all 14 positions and what I'm going to do here I'm going to use two soldering irons it's always worth getting yourself a cheap second iron definitely will be times and you can do with two irons it's basically what we do then we hold one eye on this side one eye on this side the heat should travel right around the wire melt the solder all at the same time the device should drop out now it's a lot easier to clean the holes out when there's no pins in them so the pins against the edge of the barrel it's hard to get all that solder out so that's why I like to drop the device out and then clean the holes after so anyway what I'll do it off camera like I said I'll just quickly get these all joined up then I'll rejoin you so when we're ready to uh drop the device out as you can see I've joined all 14 pins up to the uh the outer copper wire so I'm going to bring the two soldering irons in now under yeah try and drop this device out Victory I've added some flux you will see a few fumes they just gotta go up and down the wire carefully the heat should travel right along if I should fall out just give it a little while it's got the Heat's got to go through the barrels there goes the device it's gone out already that's how easy it is hopefully you heard the noise of the device falling that's what I do I'll just bring the device in actually so you can see it'd be no damage to it just get this frame out of the way just leave it there you see so the device comes in hopefully I can sort of zoom into that and get that so as you can see you've got no damage at all on the device you could probably reuse that there's no damage at all to any of that so that's how easy this method is that's all I do I'll clean these sort of pads up so soon and uh yeah we'll basically put some photos up in the other side the sort of board so you can see there's no damage but that's our what sort of great method it is so I'll say this is probably the largest type of device I'd use this method on so anyway I hope you enjoyed the videos a few different methods there like I say I'll clean this one out put some photos up this one and the others and here I'll see you in the near future for uh yeah another solding video so anyway thanks for tuning in hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you soon take care well yeah just basically before I do guys just wanted to add this uh just a quick sort of shot of clearing some of the holes out when I sort of took it off basically I couldn't sort of flick the frame off because the frame was basically stuck with flux so you can see this sort of a outer sort of image of the flux there it's basically I've already cleaned these two holes out but I just thought I'd show you how I sort of quickly clean out basically that's that black stuff's just burnt flux in there so no board damage at all so there's just quite a bit of burnt flux or laying around so what I do I'm gonna just quickly show you how to sort of clean your uh clean your holes out of a wick basically what you want to do when you you sold a braid add some flux to it basically it helps the uh solder travel up the braid makes it so much sort of better it's basically you can sort of add the braid there to get sort of double the distance with these holes are quite small so I'm just going to basically lay it on the end you should see the solar travel at the braid slowly pull it away and you clear your holes out so yeah always dip your braiding flux and definitely age you just do one more so yeah basically all that sort of burnt stuff on is just flux there's nothing to worry about just do the hole next to it again I've added some flux to the braid you see the solder travel up the braid gently pull your braid away got another clear hole so we've got to repeat that for all 14 on this device clean the board up I use ultra sole cleaning fluid to sort of clean my boards easily available so you know this is a finely well do say goodbye so uh what I do enjoy the photos and I definitely will see you again soon thanks again and uh yeah like I said take care [Music] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr SolderFix
Views: 142,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to desolder components, desoldering components, desoldering, desoldering tutorial, how to remove components, soldering tutorial, how to remove headers, how to remove connectors, PCB header removal, removing PCB relays, removing PCB headers, removing PCB connectors, desoldering PCB headers, desoldering PCB connectors, desoldering Made easy
Id: Vou2xlJkuoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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