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it is so good to see you today where are we we're at Rock now why we've come to rock It's not far from padto overlooks an absolutely stunning estery now loads of you and I mean loads of you said Gary you've got to give Paul aworth restaurant a try now Paul anworth has got a Mitchell in St restaurant in padto it's called number six we're not going there where are we going we're going to the Mariners wow take one look at this place it's just been recently refurbed now what I really like is owned by Paul answorth and his wife and you know I really like Paul answorth he started off right at the very bottom there and uh he went to catering College in Southampton then he worked under Gordon Ramsey and then Marcus wearing so he's worked all his way up to the top he's been on quite a few uh TV cookery shows yeah a guy I really admire cuz he's a nice guy as always and I am really looking forward to this let's give it a go let's not get knocked over yep [Music] [Music] [Music] here we are inside just a little bit Blown Away to be honest because you got a beautiful seating area up here now as you look out here you can Overlook the bay all open plan there you walk through I got to say greeted service absolutely top come up here sir no problem at all um now naturally we do reviews where they don't know what we're doing so it's not a question we've come in here and oh we better give them a nice table and all the rest of it no we've also come in here nice and early as well so it's not particularly busy which thumbs up because it makes doing the review far easier so I've got the menu in front of me they have some small plates uh' got pie then they've got large plates from the grill salads and sandwiches sides and custard um now again just looking on the small plates if you're into your squid um sausages real good range however now I'm actually going to go for the St olal Bay muscles that comes with uh coconut lemongrass chili spring onion red peppers basil and a miso broth and some mopping bread yes um now that's £450 for it's a smaller portion if you actually fancy a large portion that's £ 2050 and you know what I'm going to have with that I'm going to have a scallop as well they're grilled hand dive Cornish scallop with CAF de Perry butter they're £10 each or three for £29 I'm just going to get one cuz I want to sort of give it a try now the other thing which I really like the lookout was their pie Cornish shephers pie which is slow cooked lamb shoulder and seaweed Ragu basil and mint Sal of Verde that sounds rather interesting all in all oh if you turn the menu over got wines GLA white red sparkling cocktails Rosé dessert wines Spirits cast condition alss yeah whole thing now I've just taking a look here as well uh they've got some Mariners special which is half pint of crisp King prawns now I was actually interested in doing that that's £14 you've got Cornish lamb there asparagus carrot cake everything okay I'll see you when the muscles arrive and the scallop going tell you this menu is not for the fainthearted because it is a little bit on the pr side so for example my um sheers pie which I didn't say was £ 22 it is up there pricewise but again it's about the quality it's about the location I mean take a look at the location is it's top draw the one thing I was going to order on the menu the dogs poock that would have been different wouldn't it a crisp pup hot dog pickled cucumber triple mustard dill and Parmesan with skinny fries £22 I actually did like the look of that however I can't have fish fish and more fish can I that's reason why I went for the pie okay see you when the starter [Music] arrives here's the muscles and here's my scallop going to say presentation of that scallop bear in mind I only ordered one so it's there on a bed of seaweed nice bit of lemon I'm going to try that one first and I'll come to the uh muscles [Music] afterwards get a little bit of lemon in there SPO oh now that buttery sauce no I'm not actually going to put all that in at once now I am going to have to put it all in at once because it's going to be too messy to cut it all up let's put it in and saver quite sad he's gone it's done it was buttery cooked exactly as I like it buttery it was a taste of the sea in your mouth so soft the muscle I I can't scallop I cannot tell you how good that scallop was oh my dear so smooth in your mouth I wish I really wish I'd order three of them that was incredible that was probably the best scallop I've ever eaten in my life I feel quite sad really took my time took all the flavors it was like the sea was in your mouth then we had the Citrus flavor from the lemon coming through that gave it another little twang oh dear me well I feel quite sad however not too sad because now it's on to the muscles do like that presentation I think that's really clever so couple of slices of bread here dip into the broth now what should I do with that I'm going to pop them there just for a second and take a close up in there so you got your chilies in there obviously mels of uh muscles onions red peppers Basel and this miso broth underneath I'm going to just dive into one of the muscles so let's pull that open get on I scall oh the scallet the scallet was outrageously good yeah that was fantastic thank you very much see I mean the surface is great here let pull the M out there it's get all the flavor do you know what I really like is that lemongrass pop that there quick WIP my fingers have the lemongrass then you have a bit of a Zing with the the chili and then that miso broth I'm actually going to get down here and just try some of that miso broth anyway describing that it's got how can I say it tastes like Thai a Thai food it's yeah it's definitely got that that tie feeling um there me that is so good no I'm going to you you tried to make an escape there and the muscles the muscles are plump they're juicy and again a nice little sweetness coming through and you know again as a combination yeah muscles are fast becoming one of my favorite foods they're not they're not too filling they're in the nicest possible way quite easy to cook but the essential thing is what the sauce that you have with it that's got to work and here yeah the chili It's a real light chili it's not overpowering it kind of brings a a tiny little kick and it isn't massive it's a tiny little kick there again because the muscles are sweet the chili and then the lemongrass brings the uh brings it down because obviously the lemongrass got Citrus flavor in there so you have the sweetness you have the um if you like the little bit of heat as well well what I'm going to do sorry I can't let these guys go cold I'm going to dive in and have some fun w let's try some of this bread let's dive into the broth again loads of broth on there some of the best muscles I've ever had and I do like the way the bread's toasted as well on The Griddle oh well okay I'm going crack on see you guys shortly tell I'm enjoying this these are quality this is what it's all about is this broth the flavor it's so good and I tell you the the the herbs in there gives it a real freshness and as I said earlier on the lemongrass a bit of a Zing again the chili but I can have that just the broth just sit here definitely definitely A Taste of Thailand in there by the way I've never been to Thailand so I'm talking about Thai food [Music] here's my shepherd's pip shoulder of lamb I've got basil and mint here yeah I love the presentation it's if you like that's actually quite a big deep bowl there now let's go into it see see all the steam coming out that's interesting because you can see the shoulder of lamb and there it's proper pieces so it's not all minc stuff I do like my lamp and what I do like is that shoulder of lamb in there as I said earlier it's not minced it's there it's big chunky pieces of lamp the potato is creamy got a real richness to it you have some cheese in there as well all adding to the flavor and I'm telling you that is now you got these little bits on top they adding a fantastic crunch I'm interested in trying this Basel and mint got always to have mint sauce with your lamb don't you that is piping hot you know I've never combined basil and mint and lo loads of your chefs out there I'm sure one or two of you have but the basil and mint that goes together incredibly well I've never had that before that is a fantastic combination which goes perfectly that that's genius is it one of the best shepher pies I've ever had I'm trying to think of a better one yeah it's definitely pricey sometimes you got to pay for the quality yeah that's probably the best shephers pie I've ever tasted full as well it's full of lamb I mean I can't show you that as you dig down there so much lamb in there you see there look so portion wise there's no skimping on the on the Lam shoulder none whatsoever flavors they're all in there oh wow it's the Basel that's got me I'm absolutely perplexed with the basil I've never never thought of having um mint and basil combined ever ever um but I'm going to have it from now on you know that would actually work perfectly on a Lego lamb putting it on Lego lamb before you actually put it into the oven and then all the juices into the gravy that's what I'm going to do next okay oh me it's very awkward because the pric is um is this worth the money it's the best I've tasted okay I'm going to tuck in see you short okay so I've got the bill and I've paid the bill uh what I'm going to do I'm going to go outside and give my final thoughts outside it's actually got very busy in here um by the way two guys here next to me Chris and John they watch the channel so just saying hello to them as well um my thoughts that's some of the best food I've ever had it's an awkward one because it's one it's also very pricey as well but it's quality real quality well Mark would you give it I'll see you outside okay so here we are outside my first impressions of the pub beautiful that is one fantastically designed Pub really well appointed I really like the fact that all the tables are quite nicely spaced out so you won't sitting on top of each other in the summer you got a front area that you can set out in and then you got the balcony area there as well so yeah service service was A1 absolutely superb yeah I really like the pub brilliant design now it's about the food scallops or scallop yes that was so good I had it in my mouth oh just savored that flavor it's fresh creamy I i' I've said it all oh that was one of that was probably the best scallop I've ever had then on to the muscles love them it was the broth that made that the muscles so good everything about that they were the best muscles I've ever had then onto the shepherd's pie that was different because I you know I'm used to shepherd's pie not shoulder a lamb nice big chunks of lamb very cleverly done um the basil going there with the mint I've never thought of doing that and that s I'm going to try again and again all around three of the best meals three of the best dishes I've actually had three of the best individually so Paul asworth and Mrs asworth really well done really well done now on to the bill and this is the the frightening bit because uh if you like my scallop was £10 small muscles £450 and the shepherd's pie £22 no service charge and I did leave a tip because the service was A1 as I said earlier on £ 4650 £ 4650 now if I had a blind testing there I've actually said all three of them as I've said to you three are the best I've ever had them three Edition is so then it comes down to price doesn't it but again you got to look at location you got to look at the Quality the service the presentation the flavors got to take that all into account you know this isn't just runof-the-mill this is top end other I could have had I could had a dessert but it was too much for me huge range of desserts there so what marks what marks I tell you what I'm not interested in the bill I'm interested in the quality of the food I'm interested in that view out there would I come here again oh God yeah I'd come here again in a heartbeat it's a 10 it's a 10 all day long you're ever down in this area okay forget pad sto for the time being get down here to the rock you got to try the Mariners Paul louth very well done very well done love to hear your comments guys really would like to hear what you thought of that food if you like And subscribe to the channel you know I always appreciate that and until next time just take a look at that view that's what it's all about no running our way today I'm going to sit here for a while just enjoy it
Channel: Gary Eats
Views: 137,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul ainsworth, paul ainsworth chef, paul ainsworth chef review, paul ainsworth fish and chips, paul ainsworth gordon ramsay, paul ainsworth the mariners, the mariners, masterchef, the mariners rock, the mariners pub review, mussels review, mussels, shepards pie review, best pie in cornwall, gary eats, gary eats paul ainsworth, gary eats food review
Id: ZUi6UhESxRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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