This Calf is in TROUBLE!

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hi guys good morning and welcome back to the daily vlog we're on day two and we're on our way out to check on a cow that's having a calf way way way down there so i was out feeding the cows this morning and managed to get a look over the hill looked back there saw a cow off by herself she's a good probably at least three quarters of a mile away from the rest of the herd which is a very good indication that uh that she's gonna have a couch so we're gonna head out there it's pretty nice day it's about 40 degrees this morning a little bit of a breeze maybe 10 miles an hour or something like that so not too bad of a day to have a cow let's see how she's doing [Music] let's see what we're dealing with here the calf is alive um we can see it breathing and but it should it shouldn't be laying like this this is not uh this is not normal so it's there's something going on here there's something wrong i gotta i gotta take your calf kiddo okay so do not run me over i'm taking your calf okay this is what i hate about having the dang four-wheeler my my goal here is gonna be to get between her and the calf [Music] oh she's walking away now so she's going to let me grab it see how she's kind of stepping away from the calf there but i still want to put the four-wheeler between her and the calf so that i can grab this calf ah she's not gonna let me get [Music] hey back up i should have brought some cake [Applause] [Music] okay now we've got a calf here with us fun fun ah what a pain all right you can come with us if you want to mom or you can just stay here all right we're gonna have to go slow here so here's the this calf is premature very small um we're gonna get it back to the shop and uh and start working on it hey hey hey hey hey you're okay bud you're okay a little turd okay okay so first thing we're gonna do i'm gonna lay it down here in the warmer you're okay hey settle down it's a girl the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna get her temperature hey at least she's got energy that's a good thing [Music] first thing is that uh that premature calves have trouble regulating their temperature uh her temperature about 95 degrees which is definitely lower than we want it to be you're okay kiddo okay so we're gonna turn on the calf warmer we're gonna start getting temperature up to where we need it let's weigh her really quick and just see how much she weighs [Music] um she weighs 50 pounds oh careful kiddo and what we're going to do is since she's flopping around and stuff we're going to go ahead and close the warmer here what i want to do is get her up to 101 degrees where she's supposed to be it'll take depending on how how cold she's been and for how long um maybe an hour maybe an hour and a half to get her up to that temperature maybe a little longer we're going to get her up to the temperature that she needs to be and then we're going to start giving her some medications and working on getting her fed but we don't want her bang her head around all day we're gonna go ahead and close this up so that she is a little bit safer off in here you're okay and she's gonna be a lot more calm uh closed up in there all right i need to uh go finish feeding and then we'll come back and and get a look at her and and see how she's doing i'll be back okay you just hang out here get nice and warm okay [Music] okay [Music] all right it's been about an hour or so um drinking madeira california never even been there okay it's been about an hour uh hour and a half or so since we put the calf in so we're gonna take a look we're gonna see how she's doing check her temperature and see what we're gonna do from there plenty warm in here kiddo you okay how you doing hey how you doing i know i know it's a rough life it's rough it's so hard i know i gotta take your temperature and not the fun way okay okay lay your head back down relax hi hi okay no just relax hey you're okay it's good you're trying yeah you try to get up you're doing good so we're up to 97.3 we're aiming for that 101 mark and also like i said uh she's about 50 pounds average calf at this point would be about 75 pounds so she's pretty light but she's talkative which is really good what we're going to do is we're going to close her back up because she's trying to get up which is a great sign this is good we're doing good okay but i want your temperature a little higher i'm gonna close you up for a second then i'm gonna tell my friends what we're gonna do okay okay you just relax just relax [Music] kids right okay so uh the biggest thing is that i want to get her temperature up to about 101 degrees 102 degrees before i do anything else with her we give her food we give her any medications and the main reason behind that is that we don't want to put her into shock if you uh if you give them a different temperature of milk or even electrolytes or anything like that we can put her into shock so we want to make sure we get our temperature up to about that 101 degree mark the biggest trick with her i think is going to be letting her maintain that temperature so she may end up staying in the hotbox which is this is a calf warmer for quite a while which is totally okay i can stay in there and keep nice and warm so i'm gonna leave her alone for a little while longer and uh and see um see what she looks like in an hour or so i actually have to go to town aaron and i have to sign our taxes yay oh my gosh you're so dusty [Music] okay how you doing hey kiddo hi oh oh it's so slippery careful we're trying to stand up but you can't quite stand up yet huh can't quite do it you're doing good though look at how great you are oh we're at 100 101 oh we're doing good okay we got suck reflex which is really good but the problem is can you stand up oh whoa whoa whoa where are you going baby where are you going okay let's see we're gonna get you standing come here no come on you can do it you can do it look at you look how big you are oh no no come on stand up look at you yeah look at you little creamy baby [Music] oh oh those legs are hard to work they're tricky okay okay you're doing good [Music] should we make you some food you want a little bit of food in your belly because we're not quite sure if this calf had colostrum um we're gonna give it some colostrum replacer now there is a difference now there's supplements and there's replacers and what you're looking at at least according to a vet that told me was this number which is the globulin protein the higher that number is the more that it's going to act more like real colostrum which is the first milk that a calf gets it has all kinds of good stuff in it that makes them feel better okay enough talking cap is hungry let's get this made sure you can come over [Music] all right it'll be easier in here it'll be easier okay you ready you were trying to suck on my finger so i'm guessing you'll suck on the bottle [Music] and get some power to you you getting full drank almost half a [Music] bottle still hungry [Music] so now that she got a little bit of a drink she can't she has trouble standing up on the concrete so we're gonna take her to our yard and uh let her run around in there hopefully she can get up and move around and we can check and see if she's going to maintain her body temperature for us oh hi bean we brought you a friend hey kiddo how you doing how you doing hey oh you're not hungry no more huh okay all right so she's been out here for about a half an hour or so uh we're gonna go get the thermometer and uh check her temperature and see if she's regulating temperature at all uh she should still be about that 100 degree mark if she's not then she'll go back in the warmer but we'll know in just a second be right back [Music] alrighty kiddo your favorite part here all right she's doing pretty good 10102 um that's actually really good she's holding temperature so what are we gonna do here you wanna stay out here in the sun you like it out here okay i'm gonna go grab a couple uh medications we're gonna give her a couple shots and uh then uh we're gonna figure out what we're gonna do next all right we're back okay so i've got three shots here um one is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that's gonna help her out just in case uh she has any uh immune issues we also have a steroid and the reason we're gonna give her a steroid is because being premature her lungs might not quite be developed so a steroid is going to help out with that this is actually a two day thing so we're gonna have to give her another one tomorrow and then we have this this is a b12 shot a little bit of a stimulant kind of gets her up and moving and a little bit of a vitamin boost for her too so these three shots very simple these are subcutaneous shots um so they're just going to go right underneath the skin in the neck here very simple [Music] so i've kind of learned over the years that i think i might be wrong but after moving so many cows into the barn after their calves i think that the cows kind of figure it out eventually that i'm actually trying to help them i'm not doing anything bad i'm just trying to get them back to their calves and i think that that the reason that we can do that is because we're just we're just walking there's no there's no heavy pushing there's no there's no rodeo going on it's just a nice little walk back to see her calf [Applause] [Music] so with mom now in the corral over there we're gonna bring the calf over to mom here in just a minute there's a cat in the yard there it is oh look at the cute little calf hi lincoln how was school good school was good all right you guys want to help me yeah okay so we're gonna move the calf from the yard here into the barn and then we're going to bring mom into the barn to see the calf how'd you come up with the idea so fast i've been working on this all day trust me she's so tiny she is tiny she weighs 50 pounds can i lift that up i weigh more than her you can try lifting her you want to try lifting her up okay so you put one arm around the butt and then the other arm around the front like that she's heavy yeah we dropped her okay you ready are you okay is her baby well she doesn't have a name lincoln should we give her a name [Music] we already peanut juice all right you guys ready yeah okay open up the gate there [Music] no her mom's in the corral here okay you can stand right there all right you guys want to spend any time with him before we hit him for her sorry her yeah should we go get her mommy yeah where's her mom i'll show you i love her she needs name comments a name for the cat who's pooping well we know that part works a little baby girl common to name cool so this is the the one room apartment that mom and the baby you're going to live in we're going to turn on the heat this little switch up here turns on our heat which then turns on that thing we have grace look at this we have food here for mom what do we have in there cake cake mom's going to be happy right okay everybody out of the stall here there she is so there's mom right back there in the corral see her oh yeah see her she looks mad 41. oh turn okay mama go in the barn hey go in the barn there you go go up in the barn there you go good girl so mommy and baby are back together mom's gonna eat some of her cake though first okay are you going to take care of your baby all right i tell you what let's leave these guys alone to get to know each other because they really haven't had that much time together okay and we'll keep an eye on them okay [Music] right [Music] well she'll figure it out eventually that pretty much does it for us today a huge win uh if you ask me i i honestly saw that calf laying out in the field this morning and i thought it was a goner i thought you know there's no way and being able to do something like that even though it did take up most of the day is a huge uh morale builders we continue in the 30 and 30. uh little little girl doesn't have a name yet like mackenzie said comment below and uh let us know what you think the calf's name should be so that's it for today the second in 30 vlogs is done and i'll see you tomorrow right here on our wyoming life you
Channel: Our Wyoming Life
Views: 48,702
Rating: 4.9775548 out of 5
Keywords: Ranch, cow, cows, horses, cowboy, gardening, farmers market, Wyoming, our Wyoming life, animals, animal videos, peacock, farming, planting, cattle, ranching, RANCH VLOG
Id: PKxfZcriDEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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