Pulling a Breech Calf

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all right guys uh we have a problem um out here checking cows this morning well it's now afternoon and i found this cow right over here number 182 we're gonna see if we can catch up to her but it looks like she might have a breech calf going on we gotta bring her in [Music] all righty guys uh this is not really how i expected to wrap up the 30 and 30. this is the last video of our uh 30 and 30 throughout the month of april 24 hour live stream on the way starting tomorrow but uh right now we are heading back out towards that cow with a breech calf is what it looks like we have going on i was hoping to wrap up the 30 and 30 with some nice stats about how many people had watched and how many hours of watch time and our most popular videos and some bloopers and all that kind of good stuff not sure if that's going to happen i might be able to squeeze some of that in on the end here we'll see how well uh this whole thing goes down we're heading back out to number 182 she's out here looks like she's having a breech calf we're gonna swing in behind her she's now laying down and it doesn't really look like she's working too hard at this whole process so we're gonna kind of try to come in behind her and see if we can help her at all in the field all right here she is right here [Music] she's gonna is she gonna stay down that's kind of an iffy thing for us i didn't bring any gloves so oh she's gonna get up all right so if you see those those hooves on the back they're backwards she's got a breech calf we're gonna move her towards the corrals and home where we can get her in a shoot and uh hopefully be able to help her out here so let's uh let's get her moving in that direction come on gurley you gotta turn around you gotta go home gotta go home come on [Music] luckily we're not too far from the corrals so the hope is we can get her in and and get her taken care of and get that calf out for her but we've got a walker the half a mile or so home now we don't want a runner uh that could cause more damage than we're willing to sustain at this point we have no way of knowing if the calf is alive the hope is always that it is breech calves are relatively rare we probably have we maybe one maybe one a year uh that we have to deal with um it's been a while we had one last year but before that uh it's been a while since we've had a breech calf and had to deal with that so we're going to keep on moving her slowly towards home and once we get there i think i'll give erin a call and see if she can come out and give us a hand with getting this calf out of her come on mom don't get me stuck either i'm gonna be annoyed if you get me stuck come on [Music] i know it's not the most appetizing view for me either we have experience with bridge cavs obviously we've been through this before goliath last year was a breech calf and what we learned from him was that moms that go through this it's it's not fun it's horrible and the biggest problem we've had over the years and every single breech birth that we've had to deal with is trying to get the mom to take the calf it's hard uh moms just don't they're just you know i think they go through so much having the calf that when it's time to actually take the calf uh if the calf is born alive um that there's just there's just problems there and and there's i don't know if it's trust issues or what it is but the mom just really doesn't want much to do with that calf so usually these breech calves end up becoming bottle calves the big trick is that we want to make sure that the calf uh gets colostrum and i think we missed that last year with goliath which caused a lot of his problems and eventually he passed away from some of his gastrointestinal issues so this one if this one is alive we want to make sure that we get colostrum for mom that means milking a black angus cow which is no fun whatsoever if we can't get the the calf to to bond with mom and take over so we finally hit highway one which is uh the main road right into the corrals if we can keep her on this track we should be good to go we're moving slow but in this instance like i said slow is better too much movement too much jostling around we could actually lose the calf if it is alive it's very hard to tell if it is we won't know until we get that calf out so we're heading towards the corral slowly but [Music] surely [Music] [Music] so [Music] why is there a pig out [Music] okay [Music] hey whoa whoa [Music] come on mama go that way go up there come on come on move your [Music] butt come on mom come on mom turn around go come on go up there can you toss me one of those rattle paddles that's laying over there [Music] come on i know this sucks come on no turn the corner come on come on mom come on there you go good girl [Music] i'm coming around are you on the head gate got her you got her okay isn't this how last night they're like 182 never needs anything yeah i think you actually i think kenzie actually said that the biggest pain in the butt okey-dokey i might end up needing the ratchet it's in the it's in the bar next to the other chute i think last one we used it on was goliath [Music] that's how we got him out remember yep let's see what we got here first you need to stay standing up i know it hurts let's see if we can get it out but i kind of doubt it and i think it's i don't know i'm gonna need this door open up behind me too so i can get some room to move [Music] oh my gosh stuck stuck stuck [Music] ah [Music] come on mama push oh gosh come on mama i need your help a little bit of help from you would be nice there you go i know it hurts come on mama [Music] i'd rather be able to push with her and feel it [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you [Music] so [Music] um [Music] ugh i know baby girl [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] oh it's alive yeah here just throw that down get rid of it i know i'm working on it you go here okay um ready okay let her out but don't let her all the way out because we want to if something happens i want to be able to get milk from her okay all right mama look at you guys where are you hey the boy of course boys are always problems i don't know he's pretty tired we need the sweat go grab this well okay i'll go get the sled i got it i got it it's cool there's a pig out hey kiddo no it should be okay there you go buddy oh yeah you're having a tough time okay let's get you in to your mama for a few yeah he's here she comes come on get over that calf get to your calf get in there there you go let's we'll leave we'll leave them alone for a little bit and we'll go put a pig in with us it's always funny when you have to put in a pig take care of that baby where's your piggy glad i opened the gate for you oh you don't want to crawl through the hole [Applause] go big go go go go go fatty go get a drink go get a drink that's definitely not how i saw my day going hopefully she takes that calf though that's kind of that's why i wanted to get close to the chute there if i had to grab it i could without her trying to kill me look at that little baby trying to stand up i don't even have my cowboy hat on just came out in a ball cap to check cows and this is where we end up oh man this is actually a perfect example of why sometimes we just act we do we don't really try to put too much thought into it we know we have to get mom in we get her in and she can have her calf a live calf got that what a great way to end the 30 and 30. guys this is awesome and this whole month has been amazing uh not only for me and aaron but uh for jeff and loretta who are here with us on the ranch and helping us out and everybody involved uh people that i managed to get the video to before it went out to you guys every single day matt and tammy and jake along with will in new jersey they got a little sneak preview but really what they were doing was watching the video and make sure that uh while i was half asleep in the middle of the night editing it um that it came out correct for you guys so thank you to them as well for uh kind of being our little uh copy readers or proof proof readers or whatever you want to call it proof viewers i guess they would be thank you guys for for helping me out there i promised you a few stats uh as we as we wrap things up here and uh we do have some behind the scenes and some blooper stuff on the way so make sure you stick around for that but i've got my notes here to so i can keep keep track of what i'm talking about over the last month our wyoming life the 30 and 30 has had 1.1 million views over 300 000 unique viewers that's amazing to me i wish everybody subscribed but that's okay only about 50 percent of our of our viewers subscribe over that time we had 200 000 hours of watch time that's almost 23 years of continuous watching in fact you could watch titanic 57 the movie titanic 57 000 times also got some more stuff here our most popular video unless this one overtakes it was the uh the wet snow brings a hard day to calving that was only 10 days ago if you can believe that 10 days ago we were in a blizzard and having calves left and right and and trying to deal with that the most commented video of course was cole's video where we actually gave him his name we had well over 1500 submissions for names for for coal you're going to get up kiddo oh you're almost there keep trying we'll get you there we've also had viewers from all over the world in fact some of the fastest growing countries on our wyoming life as far as subscribers go australia the netherlands ireland and get this barbados guys no banana hammocks on our wyoming life also during the last month i have recorded one terabyte of footage or about 150 hours of video that was whittled down to 12 hours of video that actually made it out to you guys over the last month which means that there's tons of stuff that you guys didn't even get to see and that's what i'm going to share with you right now enjoy it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful day for a neighbor how you doing you feel okay i probably shouldn't put my gloves near your mouth [Music] oh yeah i know [Music] it's the same way i feel about it kid you're okay when all the cows look at you like hey yeah you forgot the food i'll bring food [Music] crazy [Music] ah stupid four wheeler there's a cat go go go go go go go here comes a mom running back what are you doing to my baby they're fine he crashed into us you're stuck hold on let me see if i can back away without running you over you should put this bloopers what's that you should put that bloopers okay go back and get the camera [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so you know i gotta say that is something pretty dang special healthy mom beautiful calf and everybody doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing including us taking care of every single cow here on the ranch guys this is it the end of the 30 and 30. and there's one person that i forgot to thank and that's you for sticking with us for subscribing make sure you subscribe lots of people don't subscribe and follow along as we continue to explore the ranch life and escape the ordinary it's a great life to have and it's a great one to to share with you guys also stick around we still have more on the way if you subscribe hit the little bell so you get the notifications because the 24 hour live stream is just around the corner starts at 7 00 am tomorrow morning we will be live here on the ranch for 24 hours straight we have projects planned we have ways for you to vote and decide what we're going to do different teams games going on interviews with folks around the ranch it's going to be a ton of fun and i can't wait to start it seven a.m tomorrow morning you better be here report get ready for work because it's all coming up so guys that's it the end of the 30 and 30. and the beginning of a life that wouldn't be here if it weren't for us thanks guys take it easy i'll see you tomorrow morning right here on our wyoming [Music]
Channel: Our Wyoming Life
Views: 69,210
Rating: 4.9725676 out of 5
Keywords: Ranch, cow, cows, horses, cowboy, gardening, farmers market, Wyoming, our Wyoming life, animals, animal videos, peacock, farming, planting, cattle, ranching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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