This building is FULL of old cars 🤯 ...and for sale!!!

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I locked this up you know like we got all these keys and everything and then we discovered that I would have thought it was lo I should have showed that off camera H something fell down here tell me something is this thing quick it is it is there quick yeah 46 um 460 Cube you mean I think it's a 4 4.6 I think I don't know they're like uh what are they um they're small Cubes but the trany makes up for it I think mhm I I had this all set up my daughter took it up country to cuz she was had a nursing job up there and uh and she didn't she's never driven or anything with that kind of horsepower she driving an echo usually there you go but uh yeah another place you're not messing around this thing has become quite famous this truck yeah has it not yeah she's a good one what are you running in this thing for power big it's a no it's a small what 350 okay yeah these are getting quite popular I say well no one's they might be popular but no one's you can't just find om no you know like this is on a 75 1 ton douly um chassis you know don't peek down there yet oh my God oh my God that's quite something else St over here help Jolene get over this barricade here come on Jolene step over here I'm going to go side and and uh use the little boy room yeah and uh what's that I'll be right back holy smokes that just blew my mind six MC 56 MC yeah yeah Hood's off a that's off my chop Mark over out in the garage there man you got a pile lers in that bad boy yeah jol is how to punch those yeah yeah that's done a little not too far off from the way you do them you know um but yeah so this is uh yeah this is my summer camper you know I seen the inside of it it's with it yeah you I don't know whether you want to take any pictures of it's kind of dark again too but who who painted the the thing I did that Ross I didn't know you were an artist I know I come back from White Horse and I had that on my mind and and uh so I painted it you know what is it I it's um what kind of bird is it called a dodo bird dodo bir but the funny part about it was I didn't have any yellowy so I thought you know God the only yellow I got around here is in a spray can and the Bloody sprayer is no good I can't spray it what the hell I'll just take a screwdriver and just pop that thing did it get all over you oh it sprayed all up the car all you can still see some up here all underneath here is all yellow all the frame and everything all me I was covered and so I had to you know spend the rest of the day wiping it down I like that that's nice yeah what's that that's cool just the painting like oh the painting Jolene well you come back well we can roll that up you can put it in your suitcase you know there you go yeah so anyways yeah this is it inside here you've seen that before so yeah and then we uh did you see it inside yeah can you want to open the door for her there yeah yeah she's not for hire and you've driven this thing many miles have you not yeah I we we' driving around you know up um uh taking it camping and whatnot you know and you've had your race car on top of it yeah yeah this is never coming off though no no not anymore not anymore I know it's on there for good and then in the back here we kind of uh we got the lounge area take a look at this this is so cool us have a light he's he's quite a decorator I like his furniture and the whole bit like the you around the corner they're drawing like around the yeah go ahead it's pretty cold so cool got good taste in Furniture ain't he yeah yeah well that's another story of that their Co shirt for plny one saw that on Marketplace too was inside the road no that one was we had to go and snowing is just starting I'll tell you that story when the camera's off this is one of the old ones is I'm going to give this thing away because we need the room and we don't use it as an office anymore you're going to give it away yeah I got it for free so pass it on well there you go Ross there's there'll be people all over you're trying to get R get that bad boy you think so yeah you're going to have to tell them though if they take it for free they're not to sell it for nothing huh yeah you know you know let's face it there's the car right there that I remember seeing you post and I wanted it so bad oh yeah yeah that's a nice car I want that so bad yeah that's a nice little old and then this is a kind of goes with it it was the same period the these um like a little like a trailer right yeah it is a trailer and actually this tailgate goes down and then you had a canvas around there you actually slept in there um are you serious seriously yeah the tailgate locks you know it's got some straps on it it's uh what do they call it but this is the real deal they only made them for 2 years you know and uh different outfits made them and the only difference was they put their different wheels on them you're a bad man Ross huh that's that's a 30 what what year is this forward here that's a 3 34 actually it's got a nice looking Chop on it yeah looks good looks good was you going to fix this one I don't know Brian pervis uh chopped that um he he's a real you know like he he Nails it he he's from Catan right red ver sukatan and uh he made that out of just like it was Crush top and like he he works with nothing eh you know he bring it back he brought her back yeah then it didn't I just had the body yeah then I picked up the rolling chassis for it then I got fenders for it hard to find here rolling chassis for something like that it is those 33 34 frames are to come by mhm is it like when you when you say this stuff for sale is this for sale yeah it's for sale yeah there you go people I got I got to jump the fence over here yeah I got to jump the fence okay I'll jump the fence too there's my little sweetheart right up there am I I'm allowed to walk up on that one yeah okay J you're good y Ross I must say I never expected this you didn't no no no I did not I did not this is the hood off my good one at home yes just sitting out here hopefully that that's not going to hurt anything getting dirty yeah hopefully I see you shaved it and I got it shaved and yeah um this one's all clipped got airbags in the front this a 49 Merc um yeah project but there it is I mean let's face it someone would love to have that underway and this is a this is the 36 all the upholstery everything here I've never even unpacked this car since I I you know I really would like to get this out and wash it up and and uh put it bolt it together you know see what I got really this is like it it it I like four-door I mean again just to drop the axles some big and Littles I know you want to chop it and everything and make a two door out of it but guys do make TW doors out of these things they pull they they I don't know pull yeah but they what they do is they they uh F they take this up move it up to here and then make the whole swoop yeah you know I wouldn't but but yeah you could make this into a good a good car you know I got it off a guy that in his lady it pride and joy to be honest with you like I really like the four-d door part about it you know I mean like I do like the four door part about it well they make sense I I I generally let the car tell me what it needs generally like if it's like I'm tempted because I got that rolling CH the 35 to 44 frames are all the same yeah so I got that all finished with dropped axle and a nice little Flathead and a 39 yeah like I could just as easy put this body on top as that 40 body you know but I can't you know I don't know no I think your 40 body is right where it needs to be yeah here's the running boards so what is this is four model got it that he say something got your interior no yeah that's kind of a night that's kind of a crossover um gear for the 32 and uh and the and the model A yeah I think it's a 31 but the different see the similarities they don't have this uh if you chop this it would be almost like a 32 you know but yeah man you so what what chass what kind of chass you got going on over there that's um that's a 40 Willies wow 4 Willies and there's another 34 CH chassis over on the other side there and behind all that there's another 34 chassis in there now that's what do you get an LS motor here that's an LS yeah wouldn't expect that but you got [Music] it this is the hood off the Purple People eader is that what the car was called yeah purple people eer that looks like the Louver I sort of have in my press it sort of looks like it's square off small small Lou yeah this car is good a shape as it looks like like it is it's an honest car yeah yeah is that what you call them honest yeah I call the ones honest with the floors of them you can tell remember they then then you know what you got to do yeah but you know it's too bad that the guy painted this metallic because inside you could see it was that green you know I always wanted to kind of strip this off of it back to the green but uh this I don't know if those are the right fenders for it I just got a bunch of fenders and we picked the best ones so you got the you got all the fenders for this yeah yeah Grill everything's everything's there for it you know hey yeah just give it a hug you come out here and and slap a motor in it and drive it home I wonder what that I wonder that be fun you know that be fun yeah bring Nate and Doug with me then bring them with you and we got campers here everybody could take a special you know take your pick in summertime man but you know the next time you know if you don't make it out here again the next time you should come is dece days de days yeah which is um next year 2025 in uh July are these fenders off of Merc yeah aren't them some nice yeah wow and they're for this car yeah wow nice well they didn't come off that car but I just kind of they're nice I mean they all fit yeah nice I have a Freddy at home a what a Freddy oh yeah yeah the dead guy yeah yeah and then we got these 46 Chevys you know um there's more mod we be easier I think to come go back out this way and then up and [Music] along I would say this would be somebody's Dream Collection really it's your Dream Collection isn't it yeah man I'm telling you yeah it's crazy love it and then this is uh well you could stay in this one this one was not a bad camper is it a real McCoy like this was actually cut no yeah it was cut and made into a camper but it's it's got stickers it went everywhere and it was all together till a friend of mine that retired said you know let me just that's you know I'd like to take on that project and uh you know restore it you know restore the wood so he started ripping it apart and everything then we got to this point here this here piece of wood here all along here this see this here yeah I said well you got to replace all oh no no he says you don't have to replace that he says I got I got some wood treatment that'll just you put that on it'll be back like no I say no you got to replace that you can't no I'm not replacing it well we had a big blowout and and then I amended with the trailer everything all ripped apart you know that's kind of sad that's too bad yeah she look at all this he said we could just use that wood treatment there and this will be all good as new look at it you know in what lifetime so you know it's too bad can I see the inside can you oh yeah yeah it had some neat features you see this here this here whole mud flap thing here it folds out and that's your picnic table and then uh in the front here the seat jolian I don't know if you got to get on this side it's pretty crazy um the seats they were bucket seats but they come right out and you use those to sit on they just sit like four pegs you know four Holes in the Floor so you pull them out to sit on man and then the roof would come off so you could stand up in there you know the roof would come off somebody locked the door wonder how you do that there we go okay yeah um wow yeah it's a little bit dis shoveled here but uh we're where did Chad go head distracted but but yeah it was kind of cool you know like bit bit like a boat you know there's a seating in the back along here you know different times yeah you know think but it you know you look at these stickers here this is uh oh we're in the chicken City or C crocken City oh there's all I I I'd have to get up there and look at them close but uh there's all kinds of you know down the state stickers that they went you know yeah different times yeah to take and cut a car and put a camper on the back yeah huh you think you want to do that sweetheart want to do it with Honda or you want to do with an escort yeah Mercedes there's a Mercedes over there yeah well we got Mercedes they're both pretty good that one had a Collector Plate on it that was a pretty nice still a nice car uh just keep going we got long but that's what he told me not to go over there I think it's a Cadillac I think is that a Cadillac yeah we'll do that on the return on the way back that's what that LS was for there gotcha and then you know these are all Merc L parts cars all those uh you know you really took stock in the Lincoln didn't you well uh the mercues you mean yeah you took stock yeah yeah well because back you couldn't buy parts for them yeah so you had to buy the cars you know bo bo but you know they're hot and they're cold I mean now people aren't uh you know everybody wants one done basically yeah and the reason because it cost so much to have them done you know so uh yeah and then this is the other this goes with that other one that's chopped out at the barn yeah this is got all the glass and everything you know anything stain anything you're missing goes this way goes with it I always thought the headlights on these were odd different but well they kind of yeah so you have that there for skin kind of look Jesus never thought of that well you're looking for a headlight for your forward there you go you know my forkin been cut off through away but I did like the straight across bumpers on these yeah you know and the rear bumpers were kind of neat too the way they I like them better than the 56 you know and the tail lights were really custom like the toenails eh like these right you know I've got a few extra sets of those which they go good on the 51 Marks yeah you just got to you know put them on the extend the fenders then then they got the bullets in the upside down uh overrider yeah on these which is kind of neat yeah these look nice on marks I like those yeah they look nice on the ass into that yeah man you come in by here buy a Merc go for it mhm anybody wants a Merc get a hold of Ross Ross yeah and then this was my uh company truck I used to uh run people around do insulation and stuff yeah this is come on over here Jo but in the back this has got a sleeper in it eh see back here I I'll uh this would be a perfect traveling machine here you see in the back here like this and this thing moved this is a like you couldn't afford to drive this nowadays 460 you know but she used to get up and go what's this a 69 or 70 th this is um no this is 72 72 this thing here came from Phoenix and underneath this thing is uh a sec turn my light off here what the heck nice on well you know as a body man underneath these doors and all this yeah like brand new and underneath this color underneath here is shinier than the top it's still baby blue all right you know door shut nice I did this to it hit it with a fork my front forks on my the fork left yeah the one you got the house buried on yeah that's why you buried it you're done smashing your hairs at least you got good metal in it yeah but you know who's going to fix up one of these well I don't know me and Jo might someday we're thinking about yeah we we we get a chance or we know a person that does have a couple Lincoln and uh we have that one even blew like it ran really good you know like uh but um I went to buy the fender off of it end up buying the car [Laughter] yeah seems cheaper that way doesn't it look yeah like new you know getting back here is just you know this is a lot of just you know part yeah this car here I bought pretty new like about it was a couple years old when I bought it it's too bad you know it's uh what What's too bad that it's here sitting here yeah you know I should get it uh get on it again you know it had brand like it I went down to California and this thing and everything and you know but uh this is a Cadillac yeah it had the um you know there at that stage when they had the you see all the just the plastic just falling off of it just sitting here I don't even know where it went just disintegrated it disintegrated yeah but um that would have to be made in metal yeah no biggie no no but yeah it would clean up real nice too oh here's this piece here this come off the door but uh anyways that's that and uh yeah we're getting to the end here these these Cadillacs those ones there they're the same wheelbase as a mer okay and uh those were the last of the rear wheel drives and they had the LT1 engines in them like they get up and go you know I thought there might have been a method to your Madness yeah so it's got an LT1 in it yeah and it's rear wheel drive yeah oh the sun's coming out by the look of it this is all 56 55 Merc stuff Fender in good shape around the hood the stuff good shape yeah this is cool yeah and then we got another one of these this is cool you know got a little bit of room here to swing around look at that you got a tornado yeah yeah neat car what possessed you to have something like take a look at I always like them you know am i s be here I want to go and take a look at that yeah that's hard to get over there yeah it is we have to go back and around is it Rusty no no it isn't it's pretty much the way you want to find them pretty much the way you want to find him he said here I think we can cut yeah right through there you can come uh maybe the next one no we can get through here how far down you going oh there you [Laughter] are I just want to look at that tornado sorry [Music] Jolene got a flat tire yeah jeez Ross H did you run this thing at all I haven't it'll fire right up you know put a battery in it but you know it's an honest car too I mean look at it put your light in there I mean it I haven't got no light Jo got light but that's fine I'll put my light in yeah it looks good you know yeah it's not bad no not at all they were kind of they had lots of horsepower they they were putting out like 400 horse or some BL thing you know this thing is cool yeah they got a good look to them never knew you had it no I I traded uh a one ton douly for it you know which this car is very desirable to a lot or I think it is anyway yeah they a lot of people just don't appreciate them though you know well I mean let's face it I mean it is what it is front-wheel drive yeah got the original hub caps on her yeah yeah yeah everything's there underneath the the engine was supposedly rebuilt and it's not rotted out is it no no no no wow I like that okay we'll put your name on that one yeah there's probably a few you could put my name I just don't know if I ever be back or maybe you'll have to come back now yeah you got to come back yeah I would say yeah I I want to do another trip with or I think I'd like to do another trip me and Jolene do another trip instead of doing Ontario maybe come out a little further yeah there's a car and um there's a guy in Alberta that give us a 1934 airflow oh yeah and we did it on the TV show when we did TV we use that car because it was no free yeah we made it into that the cider truck all right yeah uh but I see on the internet he has a car for sale um a 34 Ford foror oh yeah yeah they're nice and it says he's well it says it's it's I think it's the same guy he says it's never been painted oral paint on it it's been touched up a few times other words 23,000 30 that's still good and it has original interior and like it looks really good like yeah um I'm not sure you might want to negotiate a little bit with them maybe but no that's a right that's a good price I don't I don't mind a four-door and and you know if you did want to even real good chop they look good they're just a bunch of parts so you have a what's what's that that's a 4 Ford okay yeah two door twoo door yeah just anybody wanted a project right just yeah that was a deluxe too that came from Manitoba you know you tow her home no I didn't someone else did and then someone phoned me and said I should have it and uh and then that rest was history when I go to look at something I usually end up with it you know so if I could keep from going and I get does does that have a chassis underneath of it yeah yeah it's got the motor in it still wow yeah yeah and the and everything yeah what do you think bab you think we build a car and drive it home huh well maybe bring a uh or buy a truck in a trailer and Then trailer at home you know get something Square bu that sounds that sounds like an easy way to do it yeah like this this here old girl this old beater it still runs like a top put a battery in it you could buy this put a trailer on it and the way you go you know and they're freaking old Plastics eh and you know what they do with these you know they take uh like the front wheeel drive this whole you must have seen this before but they take the front wheel drive back to cuz there's no the traning and everything's up here and then the rails go back here and they tie it to a dual wheel trailer like I got out front yeah and then you can put any cab or anything you want on top of it you can put and then you you know you got a flat trailer you know tied up there's your toe vehicle right there all kinds of torque 500 Cube 500 foot BNS torque that's what I did with the with my car called The Green Goblin yeah I took the front end and put it in the back and then made my front end steering and I locked the steering in that which give me a uh the rear wheel drive and yeah cuz it's front wheeel drive is not tor yeah yeah the only issue had doing that was the torsion Bears was a bit of an issue but we got her after a while dog yeah you figure it out what is this thing in this is a Ile it it's got 394 in it but it runs like a top there's a steering wheel I like it there you go there it is and you got to when you get these you got to get the whole column you know take that take that you know I get the engine out of it and the rest of the parts these are the must be the fenders for the 36 right here yeah yeah well look at that now would you yeah there's the hood and everything here all primed up ready to rock and roll well some of them are better like my buddy that's Rick again he kind of put them on he must have assessed them as far as body work which he thought was the best ones you know yeah there's probably the original one had a little bit of stuff going on but yeah they're they're hard to find good uh good sheet metal for yeah very hard yeah 36 is probably one of my I guess one of my faves I guess this is a front bumper for 50 MC you know how hard they are to find well this one's kind of been that been beat up no but you know because they usually put a hook to it to pull it right you know never thought of that yeah what if you got a Dodge that's lowered yeah this is on airbags this thing's a monster you know like that's been all the motor's been all souped up and everything what possess you to buy this oh I like these Dodge diesels you know they uh they're the answer there for pulling or wow economy the diesel you know if you're going to yeah go camping or something you know like before this I was always into these these like this car here or truck I've had this for about 30 years 454 like this thing's mint you know if I washed it up but I used to run these and this one's unprop pain so it wasn't too bad but um the Diesels are you know they're indestructible that's bagged out yeah that runs and dries everything oh yeah yeah that thing I mean that that's cool that rolls coal I tell you you didn't even know this rolls coold and Nate's always saying that when he takes off yeah look at this thing here now would you this is a rare Beast yeah I have quarter panels for this you know that I do too but the replacement ones yeah yeah I got I got a Rusty ones out back in my little junkard you see that little thing right there but I don't have the rear section I don't think I think I got the front wheel well I've got the you can make it for as wow this would be a nice one yes done new rims on hasn't it or the rims paint it these rims were actually on the uh t- bird somebody needs to buy this yeah sure do I always post one that's gray primer that's sitting down in the back and it's got skirts on it and you know like 58 Chevys are like they're like especially with this with this double like a they're they're expensive like a real nice one eh but it needs the floors and everything there' be nothing for you it needs a restoration it needs a you know I don't to say restoration but you know I I used to have a 58 Sedan Delivery meteor yeah and we had more fun in that we used to go on trips and go down to VI Tor and whatnot and we had a curtain behind the rear seat and you could just foam mattress you could sleep in the back right downtown no one even knew you're in there you know but uh nice yeah yeah these are uh the stainless for the bottom that' be hard to get yeah yeah yeah Mercedes here for you Jolene this is uh like this had a Collector Plate on it it so it's pretty nice shape it's diesel fourspeed you know so cheap to run you cease to amaze me really je standard yeah yeah what year is it yeah what year I don't know I have to keep looking it up I don't know they're so two 70 72 yeah something like that 8 I don't know looks good though don't it yeah I'd have to look at the Reggie at the Reggie yeah that's bad boy here now yeah this is a nice one how small the trunk lead on that yeah you never cross another one of these say you won't no they're they're pretty you know it's a Donette 47 I got to come up front and take a look at it CET sanet sanet puler is passable you know look at that now would you she's all there yeah I've got a 331 I could put in this or uh 331 caddy with the hydromatic or or that LS I think the 331 would probably be more period I mean cuz that's what they did they went from the old Flathead which this has got in it the next one had the I have a flathead V8 do you I do caddy caddy really good one see this one looks like it's really good but I put a bunch of money you know I did an oil change and everything oh seed I don't know what's going on with the Flathead I bought um it only had a few miles on didn't it like it was the car that was in it was quite something else I don't know I forget how this opens don't break it yeah I better not mess with it right now but um I think it's this I don't think they had it under the hood and that could probably break cuz I think I remember fadeaways yeah yeah that's nice the first start would be get the hood open so anyways yeah this is parts for that uh the old um purple Eater Purple People Eater yeah I got this whole rare section here all rust free you know which is all gone on the purple people eader yeah you know and uh which is right here 56 Packer tail lights Baris did this all this work eh oh was that right yeah Baris and uh he he chopped it put the tail lights in it did this kind of work on the side Carson did the top so the the the Carson like yeah after the Carson top yeah yeah oh wow so basically uh Dave if you're watching here's a bear's custom right here yeah yeah but when I was a kid like 14 15 when I first seen this car oh man it just that was the best looking car I ever seen in my life and uh like I had it at home I was going on it and then I kind of stopped and I got to get it back home you know cuz I don't get much done down here you know no you'd have to have it at your house yeah and you know now um the floors I but floors aren't too bad but I think I would just buy new floors new rockers you know and just go at it like that e and then I got the trunk um all that section there you know and uh so where where would you have seen this car first I saw it at the Pacific national uh exhibition down in uh in Vancouver okay like where the p& is they used to have a car show every around this time of year every year and uh yeah this was the the cat me out oh this was the you know as far as uh customs and and uh you know just the look and everything it was just unbelievable you know that's cool how they got that in there that shape in there to match on the I wouldn't mess with any of that that's nice I like that yeah how they got that in there like that that's nice got both shapes on both Sid one there one there matches like I wouldn't even dig into that you know like I would strip it but I wouldn't dig into the whatever they used CU it isn't really bubbling or anything you know that that's a good lesson for a lot of people that get into Old cares yeah if it's not busted out don't dig in yeah if you want if you want hours and hours and hours of Labor and time yeah go for it but if you're if you're looking to fix something fix what's visible that needs to be fixed and then go from there because we all know or should know by now that fixing old car is a big undertak see there's l LED skirt you know and uh would that be on it from fact when you not Factory but when You' seen it yeah yeah okay but it was missing one but I did find another skirt yeah this one here but I'd have to get it Lou day yeah you know but uh they have a different bolt pattern in these things eh what does mercury these ones 55 50 big bolt pattern they no they're not they're oddb they're they're uh well there's this goofy looking wheel here where is it that goofy looking thing this thing is this no this one no that yeah this one here like that goofy both pattern I mean you can't tell by that but it's an oddball it's not it's not the big Merc pattern uh but I got wheels for it now but I didn't uh I didn't at the first it just had those goofy rims on it eh but yeah this is I got to get this thing at least started going in the right direction you know so what did like I must get a picture of it some must had it must have come back quite yeah yeah and you see well you know it had the rear quarter windows in it stock yeah they're gone but you see they rounded the corners of the glass here you know and this you know and then you know the flaps would come down from the top and uh yeah all the convertible stuff is out of it looks to me like weld yeah like that' be quite something to start a AR weld or when you're doing a car you know what I mean like yeah but I think they've done if you see any Carson tops they're usually like this you know so they've done it a few times you know well he he was the king at it wasn't he yeah yeah basically and you know when I got this car when I first seen it my buddy had it and it had an intact window in it there wasn't cracked or nothing and then I come back you know I check on it every once in a while I trying to get it off of them and then a bloody tree had fallen on it and broke the window ah so anyways you know like that's why I was always talking with you how did you cut that glass yeah you know how is like I'm going looking everywhere how cuz that's like you know a big problem if you to cut the glass you know anyways a 56 um the this with the hard top 56 Ford I happened to get one and uh it had a spare windshield with it and uh I had the old one it's though both of them are sitting back there on a roack and I measured the old one and I measured the 56 and they're exactly the same Mercury and Ford well yeah Mercury and Ford but well the Cho one is the same as the that 56 for one oh yeah I could show you like right now it's so so they chopped it to the 56 forward with in yeah that makes sense yeah so you know it's uh a perfect fit so that that solved a lot of problems you know wow that's that's big time actually yeah that's big time to get that it is Big Time Yeah to get a window I mean every time you break one I don't know how much you're going to pay for $1,000 oh God yeah yeah so anyways we got that and then here's another 40 Merk convertible [Laughter] jolene's even going wow right here I don't know how this got W mer convertible okay wow that's big time too isn't it that's big time yeah yeah if somebody wants something like that to me I think it is anyways yeah that's that's quite something else that's an easy one that one but I got like two of them man and I want to chop it like s bares okay but I I kind of always feel guilty about it like but I wouldn't feel guilty about chopping that other one out of the garage you know but this one here I might you know I wouldn't feel guilty it's your car no you wouldn't I'm talking to the wrong person here so yeah that's that's about where we're at here well that's a cool car too look at that got little flames on it that's cool yeah that one even has Reggie you call them registration Reggie right yeah yeah that one there that solves the problem with the one that I got that's flame got the real flame job this is just a painted one it's hard to get that other one you know for the effect awesome wow well Ross have to thank thank you for that yeah so that kind of concludes it's a bit of a mess I apologize to the viewers but uh they stop we we don't apologize to them we bring them along with us and they just say thank you for watching and seeing what you got to see to be honest with you well it's the night shift not doing their jobs you know and if you think you seen something that you got to have we'll we'll put maybe some information you hold a Ross yeah some information there and let's be honest with you I don't imagine Ross is going to get them allall done so if someone wanted to do one or finish one I think Ross would be glad to hand it off to them yeah well to the right some of them have uh you know it's got to go to the the you know like you want it to go in the right hands you know to F carry on you know it's uh I understand what you're saying you know what I'm saying and I think everybody else understands you well okay awesome I think that pretty much concludes on this I probably could come back and do another week of it but yeah and I'm sure I'd missed something there's enough stuff there's enough Parts there to build something you know imagine so how long has it been since you you picked up this uh for truck uh September so you buy one he'll go buy another [Laughter] one all right everybody thanks a lot for coming back we really appreciate it um we're going to take off and go for a drive back to Ross's place um come back tomorrow and we will be here
Channel: Bad Chad
Views: 499,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car, antique car, hot rods, old car, parts, auto repair, cars, automobile repair shops, metal working, metal fabrication, running gear, engine, car collection, barn find, barn finds, classic cars, project cars, bad chad, bad chad customs, ross galitzky, ford
Id: I79hYFPzdj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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